Dell Latitude XT2: Tablet-PC Modes
Tablet-PC Modes : Dell Latitude XT2
Tablet-PC Modes
Tablet-PC Interface
- Dell™Latitude™XT2ServiceManual
- System BIOS
- Diagnostics
- Digitizer Options Tab
- Tablet-PC Features
- Interaction Options Tab
- Application Matrix
- Multi-Touch Gestures Feature
- About Tab
- Adding and Replacing Parts
- Tablet-PC Pen
- Specifications
- Tablet-PC Buttons
- Tablet-PC Interface
- Table-PC User Modes
- Tablet-PC Settings
- Memory and Mini-Card Cover
- Main Battery
- Battery Latch
- BIOS Chip
- Internal Card With Bluetooth®Wireless Technology
- Coin-Cell Battery
- Grip Cover
- Hard Drive
- Heat Sink and Fan Assembly
- Keyboard
- Display Assembly
- Hinge Cover
- Memory
- Palm Rest
- Speaker
- System Board
- Mini-Card
- Tablet-PC Modes
- Working on Your Tablet-PC
Топ 10 инструкций
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