Dell Latitude XT2: About Tab
About Tab : Dell Latitude XT2
About Tab
The About tab is used to find information such as the driver version and firmware revision numbers. The firmware revision number can also be obtained by
hovering your pointer over the N-trig Tablet Settings icon in the system tray.
- Dell™Latitude™XT2ServiceManual
- System BIOS
- Diagnostics
- Digitizer Options Tab
- Tablet-PC Features
- Interaction Options Tab
- Application Matrix
- Multi-Touch Gestures Feature
- About Tab
- Adding and Replacing Parts
- Tablet-PC Pen
- Specifications
- Tablet-PC Buttons
- Tablet-PC Interface
- Table-PC User Modes
- Tablet-PC Settings
- Memory and Mini-Card Cover
- Main Battery
- Battery Latch
- BIOS Chip
- Internal Card With Bluetooth®Wireless Technology
- Coin-Cell Battery
- Grip Cover
- Hard Drive
- Heat Sink and Fan Assembly
- Keyboard
- Display Assembly
- Hinge Cover
- Memory
- Palm Rest
- Speaker
- System Board
- Mini-Card
- Tablet-PC Modes
- Working on Your Tablet-PC
Топ 10 инструкций
Gefest 6100-0399.85
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