Beurer DS 61: ENGLISH
ENGLISH: Beurer DS 61

2. Safety information
1. Getting to know your instrument ...................... 14
Keep these instructions carefully and also make them
2. Safety information ............................................ 14
accessible to other users.
3. Instrument Description ..................................... 15
4. Start-up ............................................................ 15
5. Operation .......................................................... 15
Please note that you must not take any medica-
6. Programming your own food codes ................. 16
tion (e.g. administration of insulin) based solely on
7. Replacing the batteries .................................... 16
the nutritional information of the nutritional analy-
8. Storage and care .............................................. 16
sis scale. Check the nutritional information against
9. In the event of problems .................................. 17
a second source before administering medication
10. Technical details ............................................... 17
(e.g. literature on the subject, nutritional courses).
11. Food codes ...................................................... 17
A plausibility check is particularly important in view
of possible operating errors (e.g. typing errors when
entering information) as well as possible deviations
Scope of supply
of nutritional food values from the approximate val-
Diet kitchen scales
ues stored in the nutritional analysis scale. In seri-
3 x AAA batteries
ous cases, this could lead to errors in administering
These instructions for use
medication, for which we cannot assume liability.
1. Getting to know your instrument
Instrument functions
The values stored in the scale for finished prod-
This digital nutritional analysis scale can be used to
ucts and mixtures (e.g. Black Forest gateau) may
weigh foods or to monitor nutrition. Weight is dis-
be subject to relatively great deviations depending
played in 1 g graduations. The scales are designed
on the manufacturer or preparation. With finished
for private use. The following functions can thus be
products, we therefore recommend comparing the
performed quickly and easily:
values with the information given by the manufac-
measuring the weight of foodstuffs up to 5000 g
turer on the packaging and, with mixtures, we rec-
(weighing mode),
ommend calculating the nutritional value by addi-
determining various nutritional values (protein
tion of the separate ingredients.
content, fat content, cholesterol, carbohydrate
The stored nutritional values for the individual food
content) of 950 foodstuffs,
items are programmed into the scale in good faith
determining the energy value of 950 foodstuffs in
and in accordance with the applicable data at the
kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ),
time of printing the instructions for use.
calculating the carbohydrate content in bread units
If foods have no information (display:
), do
not add these to the sum function. The end result
storing foodstuffs which have been weighed over
could be incorrect.
a specific period and displaying the totals (storage
The scale is not intended to be used to weigh
medication or unauthorised substances.
The product is for private use only and is not
Moreover, the nutritional analysis kitchen scale also
intended for medical or commercial use.
includes the following additional functions:
50 individually allocable memory spaces for foods,
Additional weighing function (tare function) for
Batteries can be fatal if swallowed. You should
weighing foodstuffs directly one after the other in
store the batteries where they are inaccessible to
one bowl,
small children. If a battery has been swallowed,
Possibility to switch between grams and ounces,
medical assistance must be obtained immediately.
Automatic switch-off function after 180 seconds,
Never throw batteries into the fire. Danger of
Automatic warning function when the upper
weighing range limit of 5000 g is exceeded,
Batteries should not be charged or reactivated
‚Change battery‘ display when batteries are low.
with any other means, nor should they be taken
apart or shortcircuited.
Remove the batteries if the instrument is not going
to be used for a longer period. This prevents any
damage as a result of leakage.

4. Start-up
Never open or repair the instrument, otherwise
Changing the weight unit
perfect functioning is no longer guaranteed. If
The scales can display values in the weight units
these instructions are not heeded, the warranty
g (grams) or oz (ounces). The default setting is in
becomes null and void.
grams. You can adjust the unit using the unit button.
In the event of repairs, please contact customer
service or an authorised dealer.
Positioning scales
Place the scales on a firm, even surface. A firm base
3. Instrument Description
is essential to correct measurement.
Nutritional analysis scale
5. Operation
5.1 Weighing
Switching on scales
The display shows the weight of the item to be
weighed. Press the
Weighing additional items (tare)
To weigh additional quantities you can reset the
scales to 0 g.
To do this, press tara.
Entering the foodstuffs code
From the food list (page 17 onwards), find the
3-digit code for the material you want to weigh
and enter this number using the digit buttons.
If you have entered the wrong number, fill in the code
7.1 7.2 7.3
with any numbers up to three digits. Then reenter the
code again.
The display now shows all nutritional and energy val-
Please note that, due to natural fluctuations in the
nutritional and energy values of foodstuffs only
approximate data is possible.
Switching off scales
The scales switch off automatically 180 seconds
1 On/off button
after the last weighing change.
2 M+ To store measurement
Press the
button to switch off manually.
3 MR To display sum values
4 MC To clear memory
5.2 Saving weighed items
5 Switch to change the weight units (g/oz) unit
You can save the weight, nutritional and energy val-
6 Tare button tara
ues of the foodstuff currently being measured. The
7 Display
scales automatically add up the values of each meas-
7.1 Kilocalories display
urement stored. You can view the total weight, total
7.2 Kilojoules display
nutritional values and total energy values at any time.
7.3 Displaying the carbohydrate content
The saved data is retained even if the scales are
7.4 Displaying the cholesterol content
switched on and off or if the battery is changed.
7.5 Fat content display
Saving the first measurement
7.6 Displaying the code
You have previously done a measurement and
7.7 Weight display
entered the foodstuffs code.
7.8 Displaying the number of memory spaces
Press the memory button M+.
7.9 Protein content display
7.10 Bread units display
The display shows the summation symbol ΣM, the
Digital buttons 0 – 9 for entering the foodstuffs code
memory space (e.g. 01) and the total weight.
9 Battery compartment (back)
Saving other measurements
Substitute the item to be weighed and repeat step 1.
Displaying added measured values

To retrieve the saved values, e.g. on a daily basis:
nutritional or energy value (see “Displaying added
Press the memory button MR.
Please check that the entered value is plausible.
The display shows the summation symbol ΣM, the
number of memory spaces (e.g. 02) and the total
7. Replacing the batteries
stored weight as well as the total nutritional and
The scale requires 3x AAA batteries. If the replace
energy values.
battery symbol
appears, it means that the bat-
Clear memory
teries are almost empty. Insert the batteries into the
Clear the memory regularly, e.g. on a daily basis.
battery compartment on the underside of the scale.
Press the memory button MC.
Make sure that the batteries are inserted the correct
way round.
The symbol M clears. The memory has been cleared.
6. Programming your own food codes
The appliance has stored nutritional and energy val-
When the batteries are changed, the stored results
ues for 950 foods (memory locations 000 – 949).
are retained.When the batteries are changed, the
You can program a further 50 memory locations
stored results are retained.
(950 – 999) with your own types of food and enter
Do not use rechargeable batteries.
these in the blank lines of the table in the section on
You should preferably use batteries with are free of
“Food codes”. To this purpose you have to know the
heavy metal. You can recognise
nutritional and energy values of these foods.
batteries containing heavy metal by
the following symbols: Pb = Battery
contains lead, Cd = Battery contains
cadmium, Hg = Battery contains
The nutritional and energy values to be entered relate
to a weight of 100 g of the specific type of food.
Please proceed as follows in order to program the
additional types of food:
Follow local regulations regarding disposal of mate-
Turn the appliance on. In order to do this, press
Used batteries do not belong in domestic waste.
the button
Dispose of them through your electrical dealer or
Press the buttons tara and MR simultaneously
your local recycling point. You have a legal
for approximately three seconds. The appliance
obligation to do this.
changes to the programming mode. The display
The appliance should be disposed of accord-
for the food code shows the value 950. The last
ing to Regulation 2002/96/ECWEEE (Waste
two figures flash.
Electrical and Electronic Equipment). In case
Enter the desired food code (figures 50 – 99) and
of queries, please contact the municipal authori-
confirm the input by pressing the button MR.
ties responsible for waste disposal in your area.
Then the energy value of the food is requested.
Use the number buttons to enter the energy value
8. Storage and care
of the food (in 1 kcal graduations) and confirm the
You can clean the scale with a damp cloth, using a
input by pressing the button MR.
little washing-up liquid if necessary.
Next the values for the cholesterol content (in 1 mg
Clean the weigh plate surface regularly.
graduations), the carbohydrate content (in 0.1 g
Accuracy of readings and the instrument‘s service
graduations), the fat content (in 0.01 g graduations)
life depend on careful handling.
and the protein content (in 0.01 g graduations) are
requested. After you have entered the appropriate
value, press the button MR in order to move to the
next requested value. After you have entered the
Make sure that no liquid comes onto the scales.
last value (for the protein content) and pressed the
Never immerse the scales in water. Never rinse
button MR, the appliance switches to the weighing
them off under running water.
Do not clean the scales in the dishwasher!
Note: If you do not know a requested value of the
Do not place any objects on the scales when not
food, please leave the value on “0” and press the
in use.
button MR in order to enter the next value. Please
Protect the scales from impact, moisture, dust,
note that in your diet control the value that has
chemicals, major temperature fluctuations and
been left as “0” is not included in the addition of a
keep away from heat sources (ovens, radiators).

Do not expose the scales to high temperatures
11. Food codes
or strong electromagnetic fields (e.g. mobile tel-
o.a. on average
i.d.m. in dry matter (e.g. when indicating
9. In the event of problems
fat content of cheese)
Display Cause Remedy
vol. % alcohol percent alcohol content by volume
The weighing range
Remove the item to
of 5000 g has been
be weighed from the
weigh plate.
ready to eat
purchasable raw goods minus
The maximum memory
Clear the memory with
of at least one of the
memory button MC.
dried product
powder is weighed. That is to say
nutritional or energy
before it is prepared. Unless it is
values has been
described in more detail or worded
exceeded, e.g. over
differently, e.g. ‘made with dried
99999 kJ.
products’ or ‘ready to eat’.
There is no nutritional
or energy value for this
All data refers to portions that are ready to eat. Unless
foodstuff that has been
it is described in more detail or worded differently.
0 is added in memory
We take no responsibility for the information on the
accuracy of foods lists.
M is
The maximum memory
Clear the memory with
of at least one of the
memory button MC.
nutritional or energy
Some of the foods listed are not available in certain
values has been
exceeded, e.g. over
countries. If a food that is important to you is not
99999 kJ.
listed, you can set it up in the freely programmable
The battery is almost
Replace the battery in
memory locations (950 – 999).
the scale (see Chapter
Dairy Products
7. Replacing the bat-
teries, page 16).
000 Ayran
The item to be weighed
Press the
001 Buttermilk
value (-)
was placed on the
002 Crème fraîche, 30 % fat
scales before they
were switched on.
003 Crème fraîche, 40 % fat
No dis-
The battery is com-
Insert a new bat-
004 Soured milk, low-fat
pletely flat.
tery (see Chapter
005 Soured milk, full-fat
7. Replacing the bat-
006 Fruit yoghurt, low-fat
teries, page 16).
007 Fruit yoghurt, low-fat
008 Fruit yoghurt, full-fat
10. Technical details
009 Fruit quark, 20 % fat i. d. m.
Database 950 foodstuffs with the following nutri-
tional and energy values:
010 Semolina pudding, cherry
Protein in g (oz)
011 Yoghurt, low-fat, 1.5 % fat
Fat in g (oz)
012 Yoghurt, low-fat
Cholesterol in mg (oz)
013 Cocoa drink made of skimmed milk
Carbohydrates in g (oz) and BU
014 Kefir
Energy in kcal or kJ
015 Kefir, with fruits
Protein: 0.1 g (0.01 oz)
016 Condensed milk, 10 % fat
of nutritional
Fat: 0.1 g (0.01 oz)
017 Condensed milk, 4 % fat
and energy
Cholesterol: 0.1 mg (0.0028 g)
Carbohydrates: 0.1 g (0.01 oz)
018 Condensed milk, 7.5 % fat
BU: 0.01
019 Cow‘s milk (low-fat), 1.5 %
Energy: 1 kcal/kJ
020 Cow‘s milk (full-fat), 3.5 %
021 Skimmed milk
022 Milk pudding
023 Rice pudding, chocolate
024 Milkshake

025 Whey, sweet
067 Leerdamer, 45 % fat i. d. m.
108 Butter, medium fat
026 Whey powder, dry product
068 Limburger, 20 % fat i. d. m.
109 Clarified butter
027 Raw milk, certified milk
069 Maasdamer, 45 % fat i. d. m.
110 Safflower oil, refined
028 Raw milk, farm-gate milk
070 Maaslander, 50 % fat i. d. m.
111 Peanut oil, refined
029 Cream (coffee cream), 10 % fat
071 Mascarpone
112 Cocoa butter
030 Cream, sour (sour cream)
072 Morbier, 40 % fat i. d. m.
113 Coconut oil, refined
031 Whipped cream, 30 % fat
073 Mozzarella cheese
114 Pumpkin seed oil
032 Heavy sour cream, 24 % fat
074 Münster cheese
115 Cod liver oil
033 Farmer‘s cheese with cream,
075 Palmarello, 50 % fat i. d. m.
116 Linseed oil
40 % fat i. d. m.
076 Parmesan, 36 % fat i. d. m.
117 Maize germ oil (corn oil), refined
Farmer‘s cheese, 20 % fat i. d. m.
077 Provolone
118 Margarine (diet margarine)
035 Farmer‘s cheese, low-fat
Pyrenean cheese, 50 % fat i. d. m.
119 Margarine (standard margarine)
036 Goat‘s milk
Raclette cheese, 48 % fat i. d. m.
120 Mayonnaise, high-fat
080 Smoked ham cheese,
121 Half-fat butter
037 Appenzeller, 50 % fat i. d. m.
45 % fat i. d. m.
122 Olive oil
038 Baking Camembert,
081 Grating cheese, 45 % fat i. d. m.
123 Rapeseed oil (colza oil)
45 % fat i. d. m.
Romadur cheese, 20 % fat i. d. m.
124 Suet
039 Bavaria Blue, 70 % fat i. d. m.
083 Roquefort cheese
125 Salad mayonnaise (50 % fat)
040 Bel Paese
084 Rottaler, 45 % fat i. d. m.
126 Lard
041 Alpine cheese, 45 % fat i. d. m.
085 Rubiola, 75 % fat i. d. m.
127 Sesame seed oil
042 Blue mould cheese (blue-veined
086 Sour milk cheese (Harzer,
128 Soya bean oil, refined
cheese), 50 % fat i. d. m.
Mainzer), 10 % fat i. d. m.
129 Sunflower oil, refined
043 Brie, 50 % fat i. d. m.
087 Sbrinz, 48 % fat i. d. m.
130 Walnut oil
044 Mild, full-fat cheese,
088 Mixed cream cheese and cot-
30 % fat i. d. m.
131 Wheat germ oil
tage cheese, 10 % fat i. d. m.
045 Mild, full-fat cheese,
089 Processed cheese,
50 % fat i. d. m.
20 % fat i. d. m.
132 Air-dried meat
046 Cambozola, 70 % fat i. d. m.
090 Low-fat hard cheese,
133 Meat extract
047 Camembert, 30 % fat i. d. m.
45 % fat i. d. m.
134 Luncheon meat
048 Camembert, 45 % fat i. d. m.
091 Tête de Moine, 50 % fat i. d. m.
135 Minced meat (half beef and half
049 Camembert, 60 % fat i. d. m.
092 Tilsit, 30 % fat i. d. m.
050 Camembert, baked
093 Tilsit, 45 % fat i. d. m.
136 Mutton, breast
051 Cheddar
Trappista cheese, 45 % fat i. d. m.
137 Mutton, leg
052 Chester, 50 % fat i. d. m.
095 Soft cheese with nuts,
138 Mutton, loin
70 % fat i. d. m.
053 Edam, 30 % fat i. d. m.
139 Mutton (fillet)
Vineyard cheese, 60 % fat i. d. m.
054 Edam, 40 % fat i. d. m.
140 Mutton (chop)
097 Weisslacker, 50 % fat. i. d. m.
055 Blue-veined cheese,
141 Sheep liver
60 % fat i. d. m.
098 Westberg, 45 % fat i. d. m.
142 Veal (blade, shoulder)
056 Emmental, 45 % fat i. d. m.
099 Goat‘s cheese, semi-hard
143 Veal (fillet)
cheese, 48 % fat i. d. m.
057 Feta (sheep cheese),
144 Veal (neck with bones)
45 % fat i. d. m.
100 Goat‘s cheese, soft cheese,
45 % fat i. d. m.
145 Veal (knuckle with bones)
058 Cream cheese, granular
Eggs and Egg Dishes
146 Veal (leg, with bones)
059 Cream cheese prepared with
herbs, 20 % fat i. d. m.
101 Hen‘s egg, complete (100 g)
147 Veal (pure muscle)
060 Gorgonzola, 55 % fat i. d. m.
102 Hen‘s egg yolk (liquid yolk)
148 Veal (loin eye muscle with bones)
061 Gouda, 45 % fat i. d. m.
103 Hen‘s egg, clear (liquid yolk)
149 Veal sweetbread
062 Gruyère, 45 % fat i. d. m.
104 Scrambled egg
150 Breast of veal
063 Hardanger, 45 % fat i. d. m.
105 Fried egg
151 Veal chop
064 Cottage cheese, 20 % fat i. d. m.
Oils and Fats
152 Calf‘s liver
065 Jarlsberg, 45 % fat i. d. m.
106 Cottonseed oil
153 Calf‘s kidney
066 Cheese pie with walnuts,
107 Butter (sweet and sour cream
154 Escalope of veal
50 % fat i. d. m.
155 Smoked pork chop

156 Lamb (pure muscle meat)
203 Turkey, leg, without skin and
248 Perch
157 Oxtail
249 Blue ling
204 Turkey, with skin, o. a.
158 Horsemeat o. a.
250 Bream
205 Quail
159 Beef / minced meat (tartate)
251 Kipper
206 Wild boar
160 Ground beef
252 Dogfish
Sausage, pâté & meat products
161 Leg of beef (Schlegel)
253 Whitefish (vendace)
207 Farmer‘s sausage
162 Beef liver
254 Fish fillet
208 Ham sausage
163 Ox tongue
255 Flounder
209 Beer sausage
164 Beef (fillet)
256 Trout (river trout, rainbow trout)
210 Bockwurst (large Frankfurter)
165 Beef (prime rib, roast joint, riblet)
257 Shrimp, prawn
211 Bratwurst (fried pork sausage)
166 Beef (hip, silverside)
258 Grenadier
212 Cabanossi
167 Beef (crest, neck)
259 Hake
213 Cervelat sausage
168 Beef (top round)
260 Halibut, black (Greenland halibut)
214 Corned beef
169 Beef (pure muscle meat)
261 Halibut, white
215 Canned sausage
170 Beef (roast beef, loin)
262 Herring (Atlantic)
216 Meatloaf
171 Back bacon
263 Herring (Baltic)
217 Pork sausage
172 Blade of pork (shoulder)
264 Lobster
218 Frankfurter sausages
173 Pork (belly)
265 Cod
219 Rissole, raw
174 Pork (fillet)
266 Scallop
220 Goose liver pâté
175 Smoked pork chop
267 Carp
221 Poultry sausage, low-fat
176 Pork (chop with bones)
268 Catfish (wolf fish)
222 Pork and veal sausage
177 Pork (pure muscle meat)
269 Prawns
(brain sausage)
178 Pork (schnitzel meat, top round)
270 Crab (crayfish)
223 Chasseur sausage
179 Pork, hind hock (hind knuckle)
271 Krill (Antarctic)
224 Veal sausage
180 Minced pork
272 Salmon
225 Calf liver pâté
181 Pig‘s kidney
273 Spiny lobster
226 Knackwurst
182 Ribs of pork, braised
274 Ling
227 Smoked, rolled fillet of ham
183 Ham, boiled
275 Mackerel
228 Landjäger sausage
184 Leg of pork (gammon)
276 Mussels
229 Liver pâté
185 Goat‘s meat o. a.
277 Rosefish, redfish
230 Liver sausage, low-fat
186 Tongue of pork
278 Anchovy
231 Ring Bologna
Poultry and Game
279 Sardine
232 Smoked pork / beef sausage
187 Duck o. a.
280 Haddock
(Braunschweiger Mettwurst)
188 Pheasant o. a.
281 Tench
233 Mortadella
189 Goose o. a.
282 Plaice
234 Blood sausage (black pudding)
190 Hare o. a.
283 European hake
235 Salami (German)
191 Venison o. a.
284 Pollock (Alaska pollock)
236 Ham (boiled ham)
192 Chicken (roast chicken) o. a.
285 Monkfish (angler fish)
Ham (smoked, rolled fillet of ham)
193 Chicken (boiling fowl) o. a.
286 Sole
238 Ham, smoked (bacon)
194 Chicken, roast chicken, leg,
287 Sprat
239 Ham sausage, fine
with skin
288 Turbot
240 Brawn (head cheese, red)
195 Chicken, breast with skin
289 Smelt
241 Pork belly, smoked
196 Chicken‘s livers
290 Tuna
242 Bacon, streaky
197 Rabbit meat o. a.
291 Octopus (sepia)
243 Aspic
198 Partridge
292 Edible snail
244 Bavarian veal sausage
199 Venison, leg
293 Zander
245 Wiener
200 Saddle of venison
Fish Products
Fish, crustaceans and molluscs
201 Pigeon
294 Eel, smoked
246 Eel
202 Turkey, breast, without skin
295 Kipper, smoked
247 Oyster

296 Herring, fried herring
342 Fruit loaf
389 Rye, wholegrain
297 Herring, marinated
343 Fruitcake, English
390 Rye bread
(pickled herring)
344 Fruit muesli, without sugar
391 Rye flour, type 1800
298 Herring, young herring
345 Pearl barley
392 Rye flour, type 815
299 Herring fillet in tomato sauce
346 Spice cake (long-life bakery
393 Rye-wheat bread
300 Caviar, genuine (sturgeon caviar)
394 Rye wholemeal bread and
301 Mock caviar (German caviar)
347 Gingerbread
wholemeal bread
302 Prawns in tins
348 Glass noodles, boiled
395 Rye wholegrain bread
303 Crabmeat in tins
349 Graham bread
396 Cake mixture
304 Salmon, smoked, in tins
350 Semolina, grain
397 Russian bread
305 Mackerel, smoked
351 Semolina slices
398 Sacher torte
306 Sardines in oil
352 Unripe spelt grain meal
399 Cream gateau
307 Rosefish, smoked
353 Spelt grain rissoles
400 Chocolate muesli
308 Salted herring
354 Oats, Instant
401 Black Forest gateau
309 Haddock, smoked
355 Raised pastry, single
402 Shortbread
310 Strips of smoked rock salmon
356 Yeast dough (mixture)
403 Spaetzle
311 Pollock, smoked
357 Plaited yeast bun
404 Edible bran
312 Dried cod
358 Millet, grain
405 Bread for toasting
313 Tuna in oil
359 Cheesecake
406 Tortellini, ready-to-eat
Cereals and Cereal Products
360 Bran flakes, oats
407 Flan case
314 Amaranth
361 Small baked items, mixed
408 Triticale
315 Apple pie, covered
362 Crispbread
409 Wholemeal bread with sunflower
316 Apple strudel
363 Soft pretzel / pretzel-style rolls
410 Wholemeal pita bread
317 Apple turnover
364 Maize, wholegrain
411 Wholemeal biscuit
318 Bagel
365 Maize breakfast flakes,
412 Wholemeal noodles, raw
319 Baguette
366 Cornmeal
413 Wholemeal rusks (zwieback)
320 Berlin pancake
367 Almond macaroons
414 Waffle mixture
321 Sponge cake (sponge fingers)
368 Marble cake
415 Christmas stollen, Saxon
322 Puff pastry
369 Flour, wholemeal rye
416 White bread
323 Rolls (buns)
370 Multigrain bread
417 Wheat, wholegrain
324 Brownies
371 Poppy-seed cake
418 Wheat semolina
325 Buckwheat groats
372 Poppy-seed roll
419 Wheat germs
326 Buckwheat flour, wholemeal
373 Mocha cream torte
420 Wheat bran
327 Shortbread
374 Muffin, blueberry
421 Wheat flour, type 405
328 Butter cake
375 Muesli biscuit
422 Wheat-rye bread
329 Cereals, with fruit aroma
376 Muesli mixture, dry product
423 Wheat starch
330 Cereal bar (with chocolate)
377 Nut cake (baking mixture)
424 Wheat bread for toasting
331 Cookies, butter
Nut cake (pastry / long-life bakery
425 Wholemeal wheat bread
332 Corn Flakes
426 Wild rice, raw
333 Corn Flakes, with nut + honey
379 Flan, yeast dough
427 Lemon cake
334 Corn Flakes, wholemeal
380 Fruit flan base, ready-to-eat
428 Zwieback (rusk)
335 Couscous, boiled
381 Breadcrumbs
429 Onion cake
336 Couscous, raw
382 Pizza dough
Potatoes and Potato Products
337 Diabetic pastries
383 Popcorn
430 Roast potatoes, ready-to-eat
338 Spelt flour, wholemeal
384 Pumpernickel
431 Potato, boiled (with peel)
339 Doughnut
385 rice, polished, boiled, drained
432 Potato dumplings, dry product /
340 Egg-based pasta (noodles),
386 rice, polished, raw
powder form
boiled /drained
387 rice, polished
433 Potato dumplings, half and half,
341 Egg-based pasta (noodles,
macaroni, spaghetti), raw
388 Rice flour

434 Potato croquettes, dry product /
478 Baby corn
527 Champignon
powder form
(cultivated mushrooms)
479 Swiss chard
435 Potatoes, baked (with peel)
528 Champignons in tins
480 Matie salad
436 Potatoes, with peel (raw)
529 Honey coloured agaric
481 Horseradish
Potato fritters (potato / pancakes),
530 Morel (common morel)
482 Carrots
dry product / powder form
531 Chanterelle
483 Carrots, in tins
438 Potato fritters (potato pancakes),
532 Chanterelle, dried
484 Mung bean sprouts
deep-frozen / ready-to-eat
533 Red cap
485 Noodle salad, Italian
439 Mashed potatoes
534 Edible boletus
486 Okra
440 Mashed potatoes, dry product /
535 Edible boletus, dried
powder form
487 Paprika fruits (pepper)
536 Truffles
441 Potato starch
488 Parsnip
442 Potato soup, dry product /
489 Parsley, (leaf)
powder form
537 Acerola
490 Leek
443 Unpeeled potatoes, boiled
538 Pineapple
491 Purslane
444 Chips, ready-to-eat, unsalted
539 Pineapple in tins
492 Radicchio
445 Fried grated potatoes,
540 Apple
493 Small radish
541 Apple, dried (sulphurated)
494 Radish
Vegetables and Salads
542 Apple sauce
495 Rhubarb
446 Artichoke
543 Orange
496 Sprouts
447 Artichokes in oil
544 Apricot
497 Beetroot
448 Aubergine
545 Apricot, dried
498 Red cabbage
449 Bamboo sprouts
546 Apricots in tins
499 Rocket
450 Batata, sweet potato
547 Avocado
500 Sorrel
451 Blanched celery
548 Banana
501 Sauerkraut, drained
452 Cauliflower
549 Banana, dried
502 Chives
453 Beans, green
550 Tree tomato
503 Black salsify
454 Beans, green, in tins
551 Pear
504 Celeriac
455 Broccoli
552 Pears in tins
505 Soya bean sprouts
456 Watercress
553 Blackberry
506 Asparagus
457 Chicory
554 Bread-fruit
507 Spinach
458 Chinese cabbage
555 Carissa
508 Spinach, deep-frozen
459 Iceberg lettuce
556 Chayote
509 Swede
460 Endive
557 Cherimoya (anone)
510 Bouquet garni
461 Farmer salad
558 Date, dried
511 Tomato
462 Field salad, lamb‘s lettuce
559 Strawberry
512 Tomatoes in tins
463 Fennel, leaf (Florence fennel)
560 Strawberry, deep-frozen
513 Jerusalem artichoke
464 Cooked meat salad, home-made
561 Fig
514 Tzatziki
465 Spring onion
562 Fig, dried
515 Waldorf salad
466 Garden cress
563 Pomegranate
516 Plantain (greater)
467 Gherkins
564 Grapefruit
517 Turnip
468 Green cabbage (curly kale)
565 Guava
518 White cabbage
469 Cucumber
566 Rose hip
519 White cabbage salad
470 Herring salad
567 Bilberry (blueberry)
520 Savoy cabbage
471 Ginger
568 Bilberry (blueberry), deep-frozen,
521 Zucchini
472 Potato salad
522 Sweet corn
473 Garlic, raw
569 Raspberry
523 Sweet corn, in tins
474 Kohlrabi
570 Elderberry, black
524 Onion
475 Kopf salad
571 Honey melon
476 Pumpkin
572 Jackfruit
525 Oyster mushroom
477 Dandelion
573 Japanese medlar
526 Slippery Jack

574 Redcurrants
623 Macadamia nut (Australian nut)
669 Elderberry juice
575 Blackcurrants
624 Almond, sweet
670 Blackcurrant nectar
576 Kaki
625 Poppy, seeds (dry)
671 Coffee
577 Prickly pears
626 Brazil nut
Coffee extract powder (instant
coffee), dry product / powder form
578 Carambola, star fruit
627 Pecan nut
673 Coconut milk
579 Cherry, sweet
628 Pine nuts
674 Latte Macchiato
580 Cherries in a jar
629 Pistachio (green almond)
675 Lemonade, Cola Mix
581 Kiwi
630 Sesame, seeds (dry)
676 Mandarin juice, freshly squeezed
582 Kumquat, raw
631 Sunflower seeds (dry)
677 Carrot juice
583 Lime, sweet lime
632 Walnut
678 Multi-vitamin juice
584 Litchi
Pulses and Seeds
679 Orangeade
585 Longan
633 Bean, seeds, white, dry
680 Orange juice, freshly squeezed
586 Mandarin
634 Pea, seeds, dry
681 Orange juice, commercially
587 Mango
635 Pea, pod + seeds, green
588 Mulberry
636 Peas, green, in tins
682 Beetroot juice
589 Mirabelle
637 Peas, green, deep-frozen, seeds
683 Sea buckthorn berry juice
590 Cranberry
638 Capers, pickled
684 Sour cherry juice
591 Nectarine
639 Chickpea, seeds, dry
685 Soya drink, fruity
592 Olive, green, marinated
640 Chickpea, sprouts, fresh
686 Tee, black
593 Olive, black, marinated
641 Kidney beans, in tins
687 Tomato juice
594 Papaya
642 Cow pea (black-eyed pea), raw
688 Grape juice,
595 Passion fruit
643 Linseed, flax
commercially available
596 Peach
644 Lima bean, raw
689 Lemon juice, freshly squeezed
597 Peach, dried
645 Lentil, seeds, boiled
Alcoholic Drinks
598 Peach, in tins
646 Lentil, seeds, dry
690 Alcohol-free beer, German
599 Plum
647 Poppy, seeds, dry
691 Top-fermented dark beer
600 Cape gooseberry
648 Sesame, seeds, dry
(5 vol. % alcohol)
601 Cranberries
649 Soya beans, seeds, dry
692 Amaretto (28 vol. % alcohol)
602 Quince
650 Soy meat
693 Apple wine (cider)
603 Rambutan
651 Soy milk
694 Beer, Koelsch (beer from
604 Greengage
652 Soya bean sprouts
695 Beer, Pils, lager, normal beer,
605 Sea buckthorn berry
653 Soy sausage o. a.
606 Persimmon
654 Sunflower seed
696 Bock beer, light, bottom-
607 Gooseberry
655 Pigeon pea, raw
fermented (7 vol. % alcohol)
608 Sultans, dried
Non-alcoholic Drinks
697 Punch, strawberry
609 Tamarind
656 Pineapple juice
698 Cuba Libre
610 Watermelon
657 Apple juice
699 Curacao (35 vol. % alcohol)
611 Grapes, dried (raisins)
658 Apple juice,
700 Dessert wines
commercially available
(16 –18 vol. % alcohol)
612 Grapes
659 Apple juice spritzer
701 Double bock beer, dark
613 Lemon
(8 vol. % alcohol)
660 Apricot nectar
614 Sugar melon, honey melon
702 Advocaat
661 Beer, non-alcoholic, international
703 Export beer, light
662 Cappuccino
615 Cashew nut
(5 vol. % alcohol)
663 Coke
616 Sweet chestnut
704 Fruit wine (8 –10 vol. % alcohol)
664 Coke, light
617 Peanut
705 Gin
665 Iced cafe
618 Peanut, roasted and shelled
706 Mulled wine
666 Iced tea, peach
619 Hazelnut
707 Clear Korn (32 vol. % alcohol)
667 Grapefruit juice,
620 Coconut
708 Lager (full-strength beer),
commercially available
621 Coconut flakes
light (5 vol. % alcohol)
668 Raspberry syrup
622 Pumpkin seeds

709 Light, bottom-fermented
750 Fruit ice cream
790 Cinnamon biscuit
(2.5 – 3.0 vol. % alcohol)
751 Fruit chews
791 Lemon cake
710 Liqueurs (30 vol. % alcohol)
752 Ambrosia, jelly, made of dry
792 Sugar (cane sugar, beet sugar)
711 Maize beer
product, ready-to-eat with water
Sauces and Dressings
(wheat beer, top-fermented)
753 Gelatine dessert (“jelly”),
793 Barbecue sauce
712 Malt beer, malt drink
ready-made product
794 Béchamel sauce
(0.04 – 0.6 vol. % alcohol)
754 Ring cake
795 Gravy
713 Fruit brandy
755 Jelly babies
(40 – 45 vol. % alcohol)
796 Gravy, light
756 Honey (blossom honey)
714 Ouzo (38 vol. % alcohol)
797 Curry sauce
757 Sugared pancake with raisins
715 Pina Colada
798 French dressing
758 Cocoa powder, slightly de-oiled
716 Port
799 Instant broth
759 Licorice
717 Red wine, heavy
800 Light sauce, thickened
760 Marzipan
718 Rum
801 Italian dressing
761 Milk chocolate
719 Sangria
802 Hunter‘s sauce
762 Ice cream, at least 70 % milk
720 Sparkling wine, orange
803 Ketchup
763 Chocolate marshmallow
721 Sparkling wine, white
804 Herbal butter sauce
764 Mousse au Chocolat
(German sparkling wine)
805 Maggi seasoning sauce
765 Nougat
722 Brandy (Cognac)
806 Mango chutney
766 Nut cake with icing
723 White wine
807 Mayonnaise dressing
767 Nut nougat crème
724 Full wheat beer, yeast-free
808 Horseradish (tube)
(5 vol. % alcohol)
768 Plum pudding
809 Pepper cream sauce
725 Full wheat beer, yeast-containing
769 Cane sugar made from sugar
(5 vol. % alcohol)
810 Cream sauce
beets (brown sugar)
726 Vermouth
811 Salad mayonnaise
770 Red fruit compote, made of dry
product, ready-to-eat with water
727 Whisky
812 Sauce hollandaise
771 Russian chocolate cheesecake
728 Vodka
813 Sweet and sour sauce
772 Chocolate / peanut bar
Sweet Items
814 Sauce for gyros meat,
dry product / powder form
773 Chocolate / caramel bar
729 Maple syrup,
815 Sauce for paprika goulash,
774 Chocolate / coconut bar
730 Meringue
dry product / powder form
775 Chocolate-coated marshmallow
731 Bonbons, hard caramels
816 Sauce for marinated beef,
776 Chocolate, milk-free,
732 Dessert sauce, fruit, ready-to-eat
dry product / powder form
at least 40 % cocoa
733 Dessert sauce, chocolate,
817 Mustard
777 Chocolate, white
818 Soy sauce
778 Chocolate crème, made of dry
734 Diabetic chocolates
819 Thousand island dressing
product, ready-to-eat
735 Diabetic chocolate, full-fat
820 Tomato puree
779 Chocolate buttons
736 Diabetic chocolate, plain
821 Tomato sauce,
780 Chocolate pudding, made of dry
737 Diabetic sweetener
traditional basic sauce
product, ready-to-eat with milk
738 Diet ice cream
822 Tomato sauce, Italian
781 Soft Ice cream
739 Dominostein
823 Vinaigrette
782 Almond biscuit
(German chocolate cake)
824 Zingara sauce
783 Tiramisu
740 Dresden Stollen, with marzipan
825 Onion sauce
784 Vanilla, cream pudding, made
741 Ice cream
of dry product, ready-to-eat
742 Ice cream, Neapolitan-type
with milk
826 Apple jelly
743 Ice cream, chocolate
785 Vanilla crème, made of dry
827 Orange jam
product, ready-to-eat
744 Ice cream, vanilla
828 Apricot jam
786 Vanilla sauce / custard, made of
745 Gingerbread cake
dry product, ready-to-eat with
829 Blackberry jam
746 Peanut butter (puree)
830 Diabetic jam, with fructose jam
747 Fondant
787 Full-milk chocolate
831 Diabetic jam, with sweetener /
748 Frankfurt Crown Cake
788 Full-milk chocolate with
fructose jam
749 Fruit custard, made of dry
832 Strawberry jam
product, ready-to-eat
789 Wine gums o. a.
833 Raspberry jam

834 Redcurrant jelly
876 Döner kebab
914 Pan-cooked vegetables, Italian,
835 Cherry jam
877 Egg salad
915 Pan-cooked vegetables,
836 Plum jam, (damson)
878 Peas and carrots, deep-frozen
Mexican, deep-frozen
837 Plum puree
879 Fish fillet in herbal sauce,
916 Pancake
838 Quince jelly
917 Pizza Hawaii, deep-frozen
880 Fish fillet, bordelaise,
839 Quince jam
918 Pizza Margherita, deep-frozen
Soups and Stews
881 Fish fingers
919 Pizza salami, deep-frozen
Cauliflower-broccoli soup,
882 Tarte flambée, deep-frozen
920 Pizza Ham, deep-frozen
low-fat, dry product / powder form
883 Meat salad, ready-made product
921 Quiche Lorraine, deep-frozen
841 Bean stew, white
884 Spring roll, deep-frozen
922 Ravioli with tomato sauce
842 Cream of mushroom soup
885 Poultry salad, with cream
923 Roll of beef
843 Chilli con carne
886 Vegetable lasagne, dry product /
924 Risotto
844 Chinese noodle soup
powder form
925 Fillet of plaice, in breadcrumbs,
845 Pea stew with sausage
887 Vegetable mix, deep-frozen
846 Pancake soup
888 Yeast dumplings filled with plum
926 Bread dumplings, ready-to-eat
847 Cream of unripe spelt grain soup
sauce, deep-frozen
927 Spaghetti alla carbonara,
848 Vegetable broth
889 Meat cut into strips, Zurich style,
dry product / powder form
849 Vegetable soup, Italian
dry product / powder form
928 Spaghetti Bolognese
850 Semolina dumpling soup
890 Goulash, Hungarian
929 Spaghetti funghi, dry product /
851 Goulash soup
891 Sweet and sour chicken,
powder form
852 Chicken broth, clear
930 Spaghetti with tomato sauce
892 Hamburger
853 Chicken soup with noodles,
931 Spare ribs, baked, deep-frozen
dry product / powder form
893 Roast venison in cream sauce,
932 Spinach, deep-frozen
854 Potato soup with sausage
933 Prime boiled beef
894 Chicken fricassee
855 Cream of leek soup
934 Waldorf salad with Mayonnaise
Chicken noodle pot, dry product /
856 Lentil stew with bacon,
935 White cabbage salad with oil
powder form
dry product / powder form
936 Sausage and cheese salad
896 “Rhenish” mashed potatoes,
857 Lentil soup
dry product / powder form
937 Plum dumplings, deep-frozen
858 Noodle soup
897 Potato gratin
938 Onion rings, fried
859 Oxtail soup
898 Potato dumplings (half and half)
860 Bavarian meat stew
899 Potato salad with mayonnaise
939 Baker‘s yeast, pressed
861 Rice pot with meatballs
900 Cheese spaetzle
940 Brewer‘s yeast, dried
862 Beef soup
901 Stuffed cabbage leaf with
941 Peanut Flips
863 Cream of asparagus soup
minced meat filling
942 Gelatine (edible)
864 Cream of cep mushroom soup
902 Stuffed cabbage leaves,
943 Potato crisps, salted, oil roasted
oven-ready, deep-frozen
865 Cream of tomato soup
944 Potato sticks, salted, oil roasted
903 Meatballs in a white sauce with
866 Tomato soup with rice,
945 Crackers
dry product / powder form
904 Fillet of salmon in puff pastry,
946 Blancmange / custard powder,
867 Onion soup
dry product / powder form
Ready-to-Eat Products
905 Lasagne
947 Salt sticks
868 Baguettes, salami, deep-frozen
906 Leipzig vegetable medley,
948 Tofu
869 Pickled Bavarian cabbage,
949 Tortilla chips
907 Lentil stew with sausage
870 Bruschetta, tomato, basil,
908 Pasta squares, boiled
For your own entries
909 Nasi goreng, deep-frozen
871 Cannelloni
910 Noodle salad with mayonnaise
872 Cevapcici
911 Noodle pot with beef dumplings,
873 Cheeseburger
dry product / powder form
874 China pan, dry product /
912 Pepper, filled
powder form
913 Pan-cooked vegetables, French,
875 Cordon bleu