Hotpoint-Ariston LST 11477: инструкция
Характеристики, спецификации
Инструкция к Встраивающей Посудомоечной Машиной Hotpoint-Ariston LST 11477

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Моющее средство
Рекомендации по
(А) = ячейка А
мы с
выбору программы
(В) = ячейка В
Порошок Жидкое Таблетки
±10%) мин.
Очень загрязненная пос
уда и кастрюли (не испо
льзовать для деликатно
25 гр (А)
25 мл (А)
1 (А)
й посуды).
Нормально загрязненная
посуда и кастрюли.
21 гр (А)
21 мл (А)
Стандартный ежедневн
1 (А)
4 гр (В)
4 мл (В)
ый цикл.
Предварительная мойка
в ожидании полной
загрузки машины.
Экологическая мойка с н
изким расходом электро
энергии для посуды и ка
25 гр (А)
25 мл (А)
1 (А)
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Неисправности: Возможные причины / Методы устранения:
Посудомоечная машина не
• Штепсельная вилка машины плохо вставлена в сетевую розетку или в доме
отключилось электричество.
• Дверца машины плохо закрыта.
• Была задана функция Отложенный запуск (см. Включение и эксплуатация).
Посудомоечная машина не
• Программа еще не завершилась.
сливает воду.
• Сливной шланг согнут (см. Монтаж).
• Засорился слив в раковине.
• Фильтр засорен остатками пищи.
Шумная работа посудомоечной
• Посуда бьется друг о друга или о лопасти оросителей.
• Чрезмерное пенообразование: неправильная дозировка или непригодное моюще
е средство для посудомоечной машины. (см. Включение и эксплуатация).
На посуде и стаканах остается
• Отсутствует регенерирующая соль или регуляция ее расхода не соответствует
беловатый или известковый
степени жесткости воды (см. Ополаскиватель и соль).
• Крышка бачка соли плохо закрыта.
• Закончился ополаскиватель или неправильно настроена его дозировка.
• Посуда с тефлоновым покрытием.
На посуде и стаканах остаются
• Чрезмерная дозировка ополаскивателя.
голубоватые разводы или налеты.
Посуда плохо высушена.
• Была выбрана программа мойки без сушки.
• Закончился ополаскиватель или настроена недостаточная дозировка (см. Опола
скиватель и соль).
• Неправильно настроена дозировка ополаскивателя.
Посуда плохо вымыта.
• Корзины перегружены (см. Загрузка корзин).
• Посуда плохо расположена в корзинах.
• Посуда мешает вращению лопастей оросителей.
• Выбрана неэффективная программа мойки (см. Программы).
• Чрезмерное пенообразование: неправильная дозировка или непригодное моюще
е средство для посудомоечной машины. (см. Включение и эксплуатация).
• Крышка ополаскивателя плохо закрыта.
• Фильтр засорен (см. Техническое обслуживание и уход).
• Отсутствует регенерирующая соль (см. Ополаскиватель и соль).
Посудомоечная машина не
• В водопроводе нет воды.
заливает воду / Сигнализация
• Водопроводный шланг согнут (см. Монтаж).
закрытого крана
• Откройте водопроводный кран, и машина запустится через несколько минут.
(раздаются короткие звуковые
• Машина заблокировалась, так как после включения мигающих индикаторов не б
мигает индикатор 2° - 3°
ыло произведено никаких действий. Выключите машину при помощи кнопки ВКЛ./В
Предварительное ополаск
ЫКЛ., откройте водопроводный кран и через 20 секунд вновь включите машину при
помощи той же кнопки. Перепрограммируйте машину и вновь запустите цикл.
Сигнализация неисправности
• Выключите машину при помощи кнопки ВКЛ./ВЫКЛ. и вновь включите ее через о
электроклапана слива воды
дну минуту. Если сигнализация не гаснет, закройте водопроводный кран во избе
мигает индикатор 2°
жание затопления, отсоедините штепсельную вилку машины от сетевой розетки
и вызовите техника.
Сигнализация сливного шланга
• Выключите машину при помощи кнопки ВКЛ./ВЫКЛ. Закройте водопроводный кра
воды / Засорен фильтр подачи
н во избежание затопления, отсоедините штепсельную вилку машины от сетевой
розетки. Проверьте, не засорен ли фильтр подачи воды нечистотами. (смотрите
мигает индикатор 1° - 2° - 3°
раздел «Техническое обслуживание и уход»
Интенсивная, Нормальная
Предварительное ополаскивание).

Ñåðâèñ Òåõíè÷åñêîãî
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òåõíèêîé ïðîñòûì è ïðèÿòíûì.
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ïðîñòîãî, ýôôåêòèâíîãî è ëåãêîãî óõîäà çà Âàøåé áûòîâîé òåõíèêîé.
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Äðóãóþ ïîëåçíóþ èíôîðìàöèþ è íîâîñòè Âû ìîæåòå íàéòè íà ñàéòå â ðàçäåëå

Operating instructions
Installation, 14-15
Positioning and levelling
Connecting the water and electricity supplies
Advice regarding the first wash cycle
Technical data
Description of the appliance, 16
Overall view
Control panel
Loading the racks, 17
Lower rack
Cutlery basket
Upper rack
Start-up and use, 18
Starting the dishwasher
LST 11477
Measuring out the detergent
Wash options
Wash cycles, 19
Table of wash cycles
Rinse aid and refined salt, 20
Measuring out the rinse aid
Measuring out the refined salt
Care and maintenance, 21
Shutting off the water and electricity supplies
Cleaning the dishwasher
Preventing unpleasant odours
Cleaning the sprayer arms
Cleaning the water inlet filter
Cleaning the filters
Leaving the machine unused for extended periods
Precautions and advice, 22
General safety
Saving energy and respecting the environment
Troubleshooting, 23
Assistance, 24
Before calling for Assistance

Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for future
Connecting the water inlet hose
reference. If the appliance is sold, given away or moved,
please ensure the manual is kept with the machine, so that the
To a suitable cold water connection point: before attaching
new owner may benefit from the advice contained within it.
the hose, run the water until it is perfectly clear so that any
impurities that may be present in the water do not clog the
Please read this instruction manual carefully: it contains
appliance; after performing this operation, screw the inlet
important information regarding the safe installation, use and
hose tightly onto a tap with a ¾ gas threaded connection.
maintenance of the appliance.
If the appliance must be moved at any time, keep it in an
To a suitable hot water connection point: your dishwasher
upright position; if absolutely necessary, it may be tilted onto
may be supplied with hot water from the mains supply (if
its back.
you have a central heating system with radiators) provided
that it does not exceed a temperature of 60°C.
Positioning and levelling
Screw the hose to the tap as described for connection to a
cold water supply.
1. Remove the appliance from all packaging and check that it
has not been damaged during transportation.
If the inlet hose is not long enough, contact a specialist
If it has been damaged, contact the retailer and do not
store or an authorised technician (see Assistance).
proceed any further with the installation process.
2. Check the dishwasher by placing it so that its sides or back
The water pressure must be within the values indicated in
panel are in contact with the adjacent cabinets or even with the
the Technical data table (see adjacent information).
wall. This appliance can also be recessed under a single
* (see the Assembly instruction sheet).
The hose should not be bent or compressed.
3. Position the dishwasher on a level and sturdy floor. If the
Anti-flooding protection
floor is uneven, the front feet of the appliance may be adjusted
until it reaches a horizontal position. If the appliance is levelled
To ensure floods do not occur, the dishwasher:
correctly, it will be more stable and much less likely to move or
- is provided with a special system which blocks the water
cause vibrations and noise while it is operating.
supply in the event of anomalies or leaks from inside the
4. Adjust the height of the rear foot from the front of the
* on the central lower part of the dishwasher, turning
a hexagonal spanner (red color) with an opening of 8 mm in a
Some models are also equipped with the supplementary
clockwise direction to increase the height or in an
safety device New Acqua Stop
*, which guarantees anti-
anticlockwise direction to decrease the height.
flooding protection even in the event of a supply hose rupture.
Connecting the water and electricity
Under no circumstance should the water inlet hose be cut as it
Connection to the water and electricity supplies should
contains live electrical parts.
only be performed by a qualified technician.
The dishwasher should not stand on top of the water
hoses or the electricity supply cable.
The appliance must be connected to the water supply
network using new hoses.
Do not use old hoses.
The water inlet (A) and outlet (B) hoses and the electricity
supply cable may be positioned towards the right or the left in
order to achieve the best possible installation (see figure).
* Only available in selected models.

Connecting the water outlet hose
Anti-condensation strip*
After installing the dishwasher, open the door and stick the
Connect the outlet hose (without bending it) to a drain duct
adhesive transparent strip under the wooden shelf in order to
with a minimum diameter of 4 cm. Alternatively, rest it over a
protect it from any condensation which may form.
sink or tub; the free end of the hose should not remain
immersed in water.
Advice regarding the first wash cycle
After the appliance has been installed, immediately before
The special plastic elbow
running the first wash cycle, completely fill the salt dispenser
makes it easier to find the
with water and add only then approximately 1 kg of salt (see
best layout: fix the elbow to
chapter entitled Rinse aid and refined salt). The water may
the wall securely in order to
overflow: this is normal and is not a cause for concern. Select
prevent the outlet hose from
the water hardness value (see chapter entitled Rinse aid and
moving and spilling the dirty
refined salt).
- After the salt has been poured into the
machine, the LOW SALT indicator light
* switches off.
The part of the hose marked
with the letter A should be
If the salt container is not filled, the water softener and the
between 40 and 100 cm
heating element may be damaged as a result.
above the ground (see
We advise against the use of hose extensions.
Electrical connection
Technical data
Before inserting the plug into the electrical socket, make sure
width 44.5 cm
height 82 cm
depth 57 cm
The socket is earthed and complies with current
10 standard place-settings
The socket can withstand the maximum load of the
Water supply
0,05 ÷ 1MPa (0.5 ÷ 10 bar)
appliance, which is indicated on the data plate located on
7,25 – 145 psi
the inside of the door (see chapter entitled Description of
Power supply
the appliance).
See appliance data plate
The power supply voltage falls within the values indicated
on the data plate on the inside of the door.
Total absorbed
See appliance data plate
The socket is compatible with the plug of the appliance. If
this is not the case, ask an authorised technician to replace
See appliance data plate
the plug (see Assistance); do not use extension cables or
multiple sockets.
This dishwasher conforms to
the following European
Once the appliance has been installed, the power supply
Community Directives:
cable and the electrical socket should be easily accessible.
-2006/95/EEC dated
(Low Voltage) and subsequent
The cable should not be bent or compressed.
-89/336/EEC dated 03/05/89
If the power supply cable is damaged, it must be replaced
(Electromagnetic Compatibility)
by the manufacturer or its Technical Assistance Service in order
and subsequent modifications
to prevent all potential hazards. (See Assistance)
-97/17/EC (Labelling)
-2002/96/ CE (Waste Electrical
The Company shall not be held responsible for any
and Electronic Equipment
incidents that occur if these regulations are not observed.
* Only available in selected models.

Description of the
Overall view
1. Upper rack
2. Upper sprayer arm
3. Tip-up compartments
4. Rack height adjuster
5. Lower rack
6. Lower sprayer arm
7. Cutlery basket
8. Washing filter
9. Salt dispenser
10. Detergent and rinse aid dispensers
11. Data plate
12. Control Panel
Control panel
Select wash
cycle button
indicator light
Wash cycle indicator lights
***Only in completely built-in models.
* Only available in selected models.
The number and type of wash cycles and options may vary depending on the dishwasher model.

Loading the racks
Before loading the racks, remove all food residues from
Tilt A Tilt B Tilt C
the crockery and empty liquids from glasses and cups.
Arrange the crockery so that it is held in place firmly and
does not tip over.
After loading the appliance, check that the sprayer arms
can rotate freely.
Lower rack
-Lift the tip-up compartment, slide it gently and position it in the
The lower rack can hold pans, lids, plates, salad bowls, cutlery,
desired tilt angle.
etc. as seen in the Loading examples.
Adjusting the height of the upper rack
Plates and large covers should be placed at the sides of the
In order to make it easier to arrange the crockery, the upper
rack, ensuring that they do not block the rotation of the upper
rack may be moved to a higher or lower level.
sprayer arm.
The height of the upper rack should ideally be adjusted
Some dishwasher models are fitted
with tip-up sections*, which can be
used in a vertical position when
Never lift or lower the rack on one side only.
arranging plates or in a horizontal
Open the left and right guide rail stops
position when arranging pans and
and pull out the rack; position it higher or
salad bowls.
lower as required, slide it along the guide
rails until the front wheels are in place and
Cutlery basket
close the stops (see figure).
The type of cutlery basket may vary according to the
dishwasher model: The cutlery basket should be positioned at
If the rack is fitted with Dual Space
the front of the lower rack, by sliding it between the fixed
* (see figure), pull out the upper
inserts, or on the upper rack when the half load option has been
rack until it reaches its stop point, grip the
selected (in models featuring this option).
handles at the sides of the rack and
move it upwards or downwards, then
- It has a collapsible sliding
slowly let it fall back into place.
system which means the
Loading examples for the upper rack
cutlery can be arranged in
the best possible way.
Knives and other utensils with sharp edges must be
placed in the cutlery basket with the points facing downwards,
or they must be positioned horizontally in the tip-up
compartments on the upper rack.
Cutlery basket positioning examples
Loading examples for the upper rack
Upper rack
Load this rack with delicate and lightweight crockery: glasses,
tea and coffee cups, saucers, small salad bowls, saucepans
Items which should not be washed in the
and small saucepans which are not too soiled, using the
Loading examples as a guide.
Wooden items, objects with wooden or horn handles or
Mugs and cups, long sharp knives and serving utensils:
glued-on parts.
place these on the tip-up compartments
Items made from aluminium, copper, brass, pewter or tin.
Tip-up compartments with adjustable tilt*
Items made from plastic material which is not heat-resistant.
- The tilt feature can be used to increase the space in the upper
Antique or hand-painted porcelain.
rack, to position wine glasses with different stem lengths safely
Antique silver. Silver which is not antique may, however, be
and to improve drying performance.
washed in the dishwasher using a delicate wash cycle,
provided that it does not come into contact with other metals.
* Only available in selected models.
We recommend the use of crockery which is dishwasher
** The number and position may vary.

Start-up and use
Starting the dishwasher
Measuring out the detergent
1. Turn the water tap on.
A good wash result also depends on the correct
2. Open the door and press the ON/OFF button: you will
amount of detergent being used; exceeding the
hear a short beep and the ON/OFF and wash cycle
stated amount does not result in a more effective
indicator lights switch on for a few seconds.
wash and increases environmental pollution.
3. Measure out the detergent (see below).
Only use detergent which has been
4. Load the racks (see chapter entitled Loading the
specifically designed for dishwashers.
5. Select the wash cycle in accordance with the type of
DO NOT USE washing up liquid.
crockery and its soil level (see Table of wash cycles), by
Using excessive detergent may result in foam
pressing the P button; the indicator light corresponding
residue remaining in the machine after the cycle
to the selected wash cycle will switch on.
has ended.
7. Start the wash cycle by shutting the door: after a few
seconds have passed, a long beep signals the start of
The use of tablets is only recommended for
the wash cycle.
models which offer the MULTI-FUNCTIONAL
8. Two short beeps and one long one indicate the end of
TABLETS option.
the wash cycle and the indicator light corresponding to
To achieve the best results from each washing
the wash cycle flashes slowly. Open the door, switch off
and drying cycle, powder detergent, rinse aid
the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button, shut off
liquid and salt should be used.
the water tap and unplug the appliance from the
electricity socket.
Compartment A: Washing detergent
9. Wait for a few minutes before removing the crockery,
Compartment B: Pre-wash detergent
in order to avoid burns. Unload the racks, beginning with
1. Open cover C by pressing
the lower level.
button D.
2. Pour in the detergent after
- The machine will switch off automatically
consulting the Table of wash
during certain periods of inactivity, in order to
minimise electricity consumption.
For powder detergent use
compartments A and B.
Modifying a wash cycle in progress
For detergent in tablet form:
If a mistake was made during the wash cycle selection
when the cycle requires 1
process it is possible to change the cycle, provided that it
tablet, place it in compartment
has only just begun: open the door, taking care to avoid the
A and close the cover; when it requires 2, place the
escaping steam, and press and hold the ON/OFF button;
second tablet at the bottom of the appliance.
the machine will switch off with a long beep. Switch the
3. Remove detergent residues from the edges of the
machine back on using the ON/OFF button and select the
compartment and close the cover until it clicks.
new wash cycle using the P button; start the cycle by
closing the door.
Adding extra crockery
Without switching off the machine, open the door, taking
care to avoid the escaping steam, and place the
crockery inside the dishwasher. Close the door: the
cycle starts from the point at which it was interrupted.
Accidental interruptions
If the door is opened during the wash cycle, or if there is
a power cut, the cycle stops. It starts again from the point
at which it was interrupted once the door has been shut
or the electricity supply is restored.
* Only available in selected models.

Wash cycles
If the crockery is only lightly soiled or if it has been rinsed with water before being placed in the
dishwasher, reduce the amount of detergent used accordingly.
The number and type of wash cycles and options may vary depending on the dishwasher model.
Wash cycle
(A) = compartment A
Wash cycle selection
Wash cycle
(B) = compartment B
Powder Liquid Tablets
Hrs. Min.
Extremely soiled dishes
and pans (not to be used
25 g (A)
25 ml (A)
1 (A)
Yes 2:25’
for delicate items).
Normally soiled pans and
21 g (A)
21 ml (A)
dishes. Standard daily
1 (A)
Yes 1:50’
4 g (B)
4 ml (B)
wash cycle.
Preliminary wash cycle for
dishes while the load is
awaiting completion with
No No No No 0:08’
the dishes from the next
wash cycle with low
energy consumption
25 g (A)
25 ml (A)
1 (A)
Yes 2:35’
levels, suitable for pans
and dishes.
To make it easier to measure out the detergent, it is worth remembering that:
1 tablespoon = 15 grams of powder = approximately 15 ml of liquid - 1 teaspoon = 5 grams of powder = approximately 5
ml of liquid
* The Eco wash cycle adheres to the regulation EN-50242. Although it has a longer duration than other wash cycles it
uses less energy and is les harmful to the environment.
Note for Test Laboratories: for information relating to comparative EN testing conditions, please send an email to the
following address:

Rinse aid and refined salt
Only use products which have been
- Press the P button repeatedly until the desired hardness
specifically designed for dishwashers.
level has been reached (1-2-3-4-5
* see Water hardness
Do not use table salt or industrial salt, or
washing up liquid.
E.g. hardness 1 (indicator light 1 flashing)
hardness 2 (indicator light 1 illuminated, indicator light 2
Follow the instructions given on the packaging.
If using a multi-functional product it is not necessary to
hardness 3 (indicator lights 1 and 2 illuminated, indicator light 3
add rinse aid; however, we recommend that you add salt,
flashing and so on).
especially if you live in an area where the water is hard
- To exit the function, wait a few seconds or press one of the
or very hard. Follow the instructions given on the
option buttons
*, or switch off the machine using the ON/OFF
If you do not add salt or rinse aid, the LOW
Even if using multi-functional tablets, the salt dispenser should still
* and LOW RINSE AID* indicator lights
be filled.
remain lit.
Water Hardness Table
Measuring out the rinse aid
°dH °fH mmol/l level
Rinse aid makes it easier for the crockery to dry, as water
0 11 0 20 1.1 2 1
runs off surfaces more readily and therefore does not leave
12 17 21 30 2.1 3 2
streaks or marks.
17 34 31 60 3.1 6 3
The rinse aid dispenser should be filled:
34 50 61 90 6.1 9
* indicator light on the control
For values between 0°f and 10°f, we do not
panel is illuminated;
recommend the use of salt.
* this setting may cause a slight increase in the
1. Open the dispenser by turning the
duration of the cycle.
lid (G) in an anticlockwise direction.
2. Pour in the rinse aid, making sure it
(°dH = hardness measured in German degrees - °f = hardness
does not overflow from the
measured in French degrees - mmol/l = millimoles per litre)
dispenser. If this happens, clean the
spill immediately with a dry cloth.
Measuring out the refined salt
3. Screw the lid back on.
In order to achieve the best possible results using a wash
NEVER pour the rinse aid directly
cycle, make sure that the dispenser is never empty. Refined
into the appliance tub.
salt removes limescale from the water, thus avoiding the
formation of deposits on crockery.
Adjusting the amount of rinse aid
The salt dispenser is located in the lower part of the
If you are not completely satisfied with the drying results,
dishwasher (see Description) and should be filled:
you may adjust the quantity of rinse aid used. Use a
When the green float
* cannot be seen by simply looking at
screwdriver to turn the dosage adjuster (F) to one of the 6
the cap of the salt dispenser.
pre-set positions (the default position is set to 4):
When the LOW SALT
* indicator light on the control panel is
If there are streaks on the crockery, set the adjustment
device to a lower number (1-3).
1. Remove the lower rack and unscrew the
If drops of water remain on the crockery or if there are
container cap (anticlockwise).
limescale marks present after the cycle has finished, set
2. The first time you do this: fill the water tank
the adjuster to a higher number (4-6).
right up to its edge.
3. Position the funnel
* (see figure) and fill the
Setting the water hardness
salt container right up to its edge (this should hold
Every dishwasher is equipped with a water softener which, by
approximately 1 kg); it is not unusual for a little water to leak out.
using refined salt designed especially for this type of
4. Remove the funnel
* and wipe any salt residue away from the
appliance, supplies water without limescale which is then used
opening; rinse the cap under running water and then screw it
to wash the crockery.
on, the head facing downwards so as to let the water flow out of
This dishwasher offers a setting which helps to reduce
the four cracks which are arranged in a star shape on the lower
pollution and optimises washing performance in accordance
part of the cap. (Salt cap with green float
with the water hardness level in your area. This information can
It is advisable to perform this procedure every time you add
be obtained from the organisation which supplies your
salt to the container.
household with water.
Make sure the cap is screwed on tightly, so that no detergent
- Open the door and switch on the machine by pressing the
can get into the container during the wash cycle (this could
ON/OFF button.
damage the water softener beyond repair).
- Press the P button and hold for approximately 5 seconds;
When necessary, measure out the salt before a wash
two short beeps will sound and the indicator light
cycle so that any saline solution which has leaked out of the
corresponding to the set degree of hardness will flash
salt dispenser is removed.
slowly on the control panel (the water softening system is
set to number 2).
* Only available in selected models.

Care and maintenance
Shutting off the water and electricity
Clean the water inlet filter at the tap outlet regularly.
- Turn off the water tap.
Turn off the water tap after every wash cycle to avoid
- Unscrew the end of the water inlet hose, remove the filter and
clean it carefully under running water.
- Replace the filter and screw the water hose back into
Always unplug the appliance when cleaning it and
when performing maintenance work.
Cleaning the filters
Cleaning the dishwasher
The filter assembly consists of three filters which remove food
The external surfaces of the machine and the control
residues from the washing water and then recirculate the
panel may be cleaned using a non-abrasive cloth
water. They should be cleaned if you wish to achieve the best
which has been dampened with water. Do not use
results in every wash.
solvents or abrasive products.
Clean the filters regularly.
Any marks on the inside of the appliance may be
removed using a cloth dampened with water and a
The dishwasher should not be used without filters, or if the
little vinegar.
filter is loose.
After several washes, check the filter assembly and if
Preventing unpleasant odours
necessary clean it thoroughly under running water, using a
Always keep the door of the appliance ajar in order to
non-metallic brush and following the instructions below:
avoid moisture from forming and being trapped inside
1. Turn the cylindrical filter C in an anti-clockwise direction
and pull it out (fig. 1).
the machine.
2. Remove the cup filter B by exerting a slight pressure on the
Clean the seals around the door and detergent
side flaps (fig. 2).
dispensers regularly using a damp sponge. This will
3. Slide out the stainless steel plate filter A (fig. 3).
avoid food becoming trapped in the seals, which is
4. Inspect the trap and remove any food residue. NEVER
the main cause behind the formation of unpleasant
REMOVE the wash cycle pump (black detail) (fig. 4).
Cleaning the sprayer arms
Food residue may become encrusted onto the sprayer
arms and block the holes used to spray the water. It is
therefore recommended that the arms are checked from
time to time and cleaned with a small non-metallic
The two sprayer arms may both be removed.
To remove the upper sprayer
arm, rotate the locking ring in
an anti-clockwise direction.
The upper sprayer arm should
be replaced with the holes
facing upwards.
The lower sprayer arm can
be removed by pulling it
After cleaning the filters, replace the filter assembly and fix it in
position correctly; this is essential for maintaining the efficient
operation of the dishwasher.
Leaving the machine unused for extended
Disconnect the appliance from the electricity supply and
Cleaning the water inlet filter*
shut off the water tap.
If the water hoses are new or have not been used for an
extended period of time, let the water run to make sure it
Leave the door of the appliance ajar.
is clear and free of impurities before performing the
When you return, run a wash cycle when the dishwasher is
necessary connections. If this precaution is not taken,
the water inlet could become blocked and damage the
* Only available in selected models.

Precautions and advice
This appliance was designed and manufactured in
For further information relating to the correct disposal
compliance with current international safety standards.
of household appliances, owners may contact the
The following information has been provided for safety
relevant public authority or the local appliance
reasons and should therefore be read carefully.
General safety
Saving energy and respecting the
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory or
Saving water and energy
mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge,
Only begin a wash cycle when the dishwasher is full.
unless they have been given supervision or instruction
While waiting for the dishwasher to be filled, prevent
concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible
unpleasant odours using the Soak cycle (see Wash
for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not
play with the appliance.
Select a wash cycle which is suited to the type of
The appliance was designed for domestic use inside
crockery and to the soil level of the crockery using the
the home and is not intended for commercial or
Table of wash cycles:
industrial use.
- For dishes with a normal soil level, use the Eco wash
The appliance must be used by adults only, to wash
cycle, which guarantees low energy and water
domestic crockery in accordance with the
consumption levels.
instructions in this manual.
- If the load is smaller than usual activate the Half load
The appliance must not be installed outdoors, even in
* (see Start-up and use).
covered areas. It is extremely dangerous to leave the
If your electricity supply contract gives details of
machine exposed to rain and storms.
electricity saving time bands, run wash cycles during
Do not touch the appliance when barefoot.
the periods when a lower tariff is applied. The
When unplugging the appliance always pull the plug
Delayed start
* button (see Start-up and use) helps
from the mains socket, do not pull on the cable.
you organise the wash cycles accordingly.
The water supply tap must be shut off and the plug
should be removed from the electrical socket before
Phosphate-free and chlorine-free detergents
cleaning the appliance or carrying out any
containing enzymes
maintenance work.
If the appliance breaks down, do not under any
We strongly recommend that you use detergents that
circumstances touch the internal parts in an attempt
do not contain phosphates or chlorine, as these
to perform the repair work yourself.
products are harmful to the environment.
Never touch the heating element.
Enzymes provide a particularly effective action at
Do not lean or sit on the open door of the appliance:
temperatures around 50°C, and as a result detergents
this may cause the appliance to overturn.
containing enzymes can be used in conjunction with
The door should not be left open as it may create a
low-temperature wash cycles in order to achieve the
dangerous obstacle.
same results as a normal 65°C wash cycle.
Keep detergent and rinse aid out of reach of children.
To avoid wasting detergent, use the product in
The packaging material should not be used as a toy.
appropriate quantities based on the manufacturers
recommendations, the hardness of the water and the
soil level and quantity of crockery to be washed. Even
if they are biodegradable, detergents contain
Disposal of packaging materials: observe local
substances which may alter the balance of nature.
legislation so that the packaging may be reused.
The European Directive 2002/96/EC relating to Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) states
that household appliances should not be disposed of
using the normal solid urban waste cycle. Exhausted
appliances should be collected separately in order to
optimise the cost of re-using and recycling the
materials inside the machine, while preventing
potential damage to the atmosphere and to public
health. The crossed-out dustbin is marked on all
products to remind the owner of their obligations
regarding separated waste collection.
* Only available in selected models.

Whenever the appliance fails to work, check for a solution from the following list before calling for
Malfunction: Possible causes / Solutions:
• The plug has not been inserted into the electrical socket properly, or
The dishwasher does not start.
there is no power in the house.
• The dishwasher door has not been shut properly.
• A delayed start has been programmed (see Start-up and use).
• The dishwasher cycle has not yet finished.
No water drains out from the
• The water outlet hose is bent (see Installation).
• The drain duct is blocked.
• The filter is clogged up with food residues.
The dishwasher makes
• The dishes are rattling against each other or against the sprayer
excessive noise.
• An excessive amount of foam has been produced: the detergent has
not been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for use in
dishwashers (see Start-up and use).
The dishes and glasses are
• The level of the refined salt is low or the dosage setting is not
covered in a white film or
suited to the hardness of the water (see Rinse aid and salt).
limescale deposits.
• The lid on the salt dispenser is not closed properly.
• The rinse aid has been used up or the dosage is too low.
• The crockery is made from non-stick material.
The dishes and glasses are
streaked or have a bluish
• The rinse aid dosage is too high.
The crockery has not been dried
• The rinse aid has been used up or the dosage is too low (see Rinse
aid and salt).
• The rinse aid dispenser setting is not high enough.
• A wash cycle without a drying programme has been selected.
The dishes are not clean.
• The racks are overloaded (see Loading the racks).
• The crockery has not been arranged well.
• The sprayer arms cannot move freely.
• The wash cycle is too gentle (see Wash cycles).
• An excessive amount of foam has been produced: the detergent has
not been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for use in
dishwashers (see Start-up and use).
• The lid on the rinse aid compartment has not been shut correctly.
• The filter is dirty or blocked (see Care and maintenance).
• The refined salt level is low (see Rinse aid and salt).
No water enters the
• There is no water in the mains supply.
dishwasher/Shut off tap alarm.
• The water inlet hose is bent (see Installation).
(several short beeps are emitted)
• Turn on the tap and the appliance will start after a few minutes.
(the 2 (Normal) and 3 (Soak) WASH
• The appliance lock has been activated because no action was taken
CYCLES indicator lights flash).
when the beeps sounded. Switch off the machine, using the ON/OFF
button, turn on the tap and switch the machine back on after 20
seconds by pressing the same button. Re-programme the machine
and restart the wash cycle.
Water loading solenoid valve
• Switch off the machine by pressing the ON/OFF button and switch it
malfunction alarm
back on after a minute. If the alarm continues, turn off the water tap
(the 2 (Normal) WASH CYCLE
to reduce the risk of flooding, remove the plug from the electrical
indicator lights flash).
socket and call Assistance.
Water inlet hose alarm/Water inlet
• Switch off the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button. Shut off
filter blocked.
the water tap to eliminate the risk of flooding and remove the plug
(the 1 (Intensive), the 2 (Normal) and
from the electrical socket.
the 3 (Soak) WASH CYCLES
Make sure the water inlet filter has not become blocked by various
indicator lights flash).
impurities. (see “Care and maintenance” chapter).

02/2010 - Xerox Fabriano
We care about our consumers and we always try to provide the highest level of service. We keep
improving our products to make your contact with the appliance simple and pleasant.
Extend the life of your appliance and decrease the possibility of its breakdown.
Try out the Indesit Professional accessories range for an easy and effective care about your domestic
Indesit Professional accessories are made in Italy in accordance with European standards of quality, ecology
and safety, and in compliance with long-term experience of the producer.
Learn more on the website or in the shops in your town.
Authorized service centers
To be closer to our consumers we have created a wide service network with well-trained and honest service
professionals. Today it consists of about 350 service centers in Russia and CIS.
The contacts are available in your service certificate and on the website
If you need to call to the service center:
Att! Always ask for original spare parts for your repair.
NOTE FOR DESIGNERS: we keep the information that was here before:
Before contacting Assistance:
Check whether the problem can be resolved using the Troubleshooting guide (see Troubleshooting).
Restart the programme to check whether the problem has ceased to exist.
If the problem persists, contact the Authorised Technical Assistance Service.
Never use the services of unauthorised technicians.
Please have the following information to hand:
The type of malfunction.
The appliance model (Mod.).
The serial number (S/N).
This information can be found on the appliance data plate (see Description of the appliance).
Service news and other useful information you may find on