Zelmer 28Z021 – страница 5
Инструкция к Утюгу Zelmer 28Z021

How to ll the water
Disconnect the iron from mains supply outlet. –
Move the – Steam Control Knob (7)
This function can be used any time –
to position.
and is not affect any setting.
Release the – water inlet cover (5)
Fill the water tank as described in –
and ll water through the water inlet
How to Fill Water.
Aim the – nozzle (6) to the garment.
Fill up to the „ – MAX” level marked on
Press the – Spray Button (10).
the side of water tank.
It may be necessary to press the spray button a few times to start this –
Close the – water inlet cover (5).
Dry ironing – Always follow the garment manufacturer’s ironing
For best result, it is advisable to use demineralised water or distilled
instructions mentioned at the garment label.
water. Do not use chemically descaled water or any other liquids.
Unwind and straighten the – power cord (13).
Preparation for operation – rst ironing
Move the – Steam Control Knob (7) to position.
Remove any protective lms or sticker from the – soleplate (1) and the
Connect the iron to a suitable mains supply outlet. –
cabinet, if any.
Turn the – Temperature Dial (2) in clockwise direction to; set ●, ●● or
Unwind and straighten the – power cord (13).
●●● position.
Fill the iron as described in “How to ll water”. –
Control light (11) – glows, indicating that the iron is on.
Connect the iron to a suitable mains supply outlet. –
Control light goes off when the required temperature is reached. The –
Turn the – Temperature Dial (2) in clockwise direction to ●●● position
iron is now ready for use.
– control light (11) glows.
Move the – Temperature Dial (2) in anti-clockwise direction to „MIN”;
Control light goes off when the required temperature is reached. –
the iron is switched off.
Move the – Steam Control Knob (7) to position.
Disconnect the iron from mains supply outlet. –
Steam starts coming out from the holes in the sole plate after putting –
When the iron gets cool completely, store it vertically in a safe place. –
the iron in horizontal position and after pressing the Burst of Steam
Steam ironing – Always follow the garment manufacturer’s
Button (9).
ironing instructions mentioned at the garment label.
Begin rst time ironing with an old towel. –
The steam is not generated after the water tank is emptied. –
Unwind and straighten the – power cord (13).
The preparation work is completed. The iron is now ready for proper use. –
Fill the iron as described in “How to ll water”. –
Connect the iron to a suitable mains supply –
After operation
Move the – Temperature Dial (2) in anti-clockwise direction to „MIN”;
Turn the – Temperature Dial (2) in clockwise
the iron is switched off.
direction to ●●● position. (For optimum steam
Move the – Steam Control Knob (7) to position.
quality, do not use ● or ●● setting for steam
Disconnect the iron from mains supply outlet. –
When the iron gets cool completely, store it vertically in a safe place. –
Control light (11) – glows, indicating that the iron is on.

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Control light goes off when the required temperature is reached. The –
iron is now ready for use.
It may be necessary to press the burst of steam button a few times
Move the – Steam Control Knob (7) to selected position, in order to set
to start this function.
the amount of steam.
For optimum steam quality, do not operate the Burst Of Steam more
After nishing move the – Temperature Dial (2) in anti-clockwise
than three times after the pilot light goes off.
direction to „MIN”; the iron is switched off.
Move the – Steam Control Knob (7) to position.
Burst of steam in vertical position – Always follow the garment
Disconnect the iron from mains supply outlet. –
manufacturer’s ironing instructions mentioned at the garment label.
When the iron gets cool completely, store it vertically in a safe place. –
This function provides extra amount of steam to remove wrinkles
on delicate garments in hanging position, hanging curtains, or
Burst of steam – Always follow the garment manufacturer’s
other hanging fabrics.
ironing instructions mentioned at the garment label.
This function provides extra amount of steam which can be used for
Do not apply steam on any clothes or fabrics that are being worn by
ironing very wrinkled (crumpled) clothes.
human or pets. Temperature of steam is very high. Never direct the
Unwind and straighten the – power cord (13).
steam to human or pets.
Fill the water tank in as described under “How To Fill Water”. –
Fill the water tank in as described under “How To Fill Water”. –
Connect the iron to a suitable mains supply outlet. –
Connect the iron to a suitable mains supply outlet. –
Turn the – Temperature Dial (2) in clockwise
Turn the – Temperature Dial (2) to ●●●
direction to ●●● position. See preparation for
position. See „Preparation for operation“.
Control light (11) – glows, indicating that
Control light (11) – glows, indicating that the
the iron is on.
iron is on.
Control light goes off when the required –
Control light goes off when the required –
temperature is reached. The iron is now
temperature is reached. The iron is now
ready for use.
ready for use.
Hold the iron between 15 and 30 –
Press the – Burst of Steam Button (9) once
centimetres away from the garment.
– steam will shoot from the holes of the
Press the – Burst of Steam Button (9) once – steam will shoot from the
holes of the soleplate.
For stubborn wrinkles, wait a few seconds before pressing the Burst of –
For stubborn wrinkles, wait a few seconds before pressing the – Burst
Steam Button (9) again. Most wrinkles can be removed within three
of Steam Button (9) again. Most wrinkles can be removed within
three presses.
After nishing move the – Temperature Dial (2) in anti-clockwise
After operation turn the – temperature dial knob (2) in counter clockwise
direction to „MIN”; the iron is switched off.
direction to „MIN” position. The iron is switched off.
Move the – Steam Control Knob (7) to position.
Lock the iron with stand as described in “How to Use Iron Lock”. –
Disconnect the iron from mains supply outlet. –
Move the – Steam Control Knob (7) to position.
When the iron gets cool completely, store it vertically in a safe place. –
Disconnect the iron from mains supply outlet. –
When the iron gets cool completely, store it vertically in a safe place. –

It may be necessary to press the burst of steam button a few times
Gently move the iron back and forth until the water tank is empty. –
to start this function.
When Self-Cleaning is complete, release the Self-Cleaning Knob. –
For optimum steam quality, do not operate the Burst Of Steam more
Rest your iron at the stand and allow to fully cool down. –
than three times after the pilot light goes off.
Wipe the soleplate with a cold damp cloth. –
Hold the iron some centimetres away from delicate garments (arti-
cial, silk, velvet etc.), otherwise they can be damaged.
Keep skin/body away from the hot water.
Build-in anti-scale system
(concerning irons type 28Z020, 28Z021, 28Z022)
Anti-Drip System
The build-in anti-scale cartridge is designed to reduce the build-up of lime
The system, which is designed to prevent –
scale that occurs during steam ironing. This will prolong the working life of
automatically water escaping from the
your iron, although it does not stop the natural process of build-up of lime
sole-plate when the iron is too cold.
scale completely.
During use, the anti-drip system may –
emit a loud clicking sound, particularly
during heat-up or whilst cooling down.
This is per-fectly normal and indicates
This function removes the scales and minerals built up in the Steam
that the system is functioning correctly.
The iron will remain in the best condition if this function is performed at
Auto shut-off feature
least once a month or more regularly depending on the hardness of the
(Concerning iron 28Z021, 28Z022)
water used.
The Auto shut-off feature will operate automatically when the iron is un-
Fill the iron as described in “How to ll water”. –
attended and it is connected to a mains supply outlet.
Connect the iron to a suitable mains supply outlet. See „Preparation –
for operation”.
1. The iron will switch off automatically after approximately 30 seconds,
Turn the – Temperature Dial (2) in clockwise direction to „MAX“ position.
if it is immobile in the ironing position (horizontal).
Control light (11) – glows, indicating that the iron is on.
2. You can hear a sound signal. The auto switch-off pilot light (4), shall
Control light goes off when the required temperature is reached. –
ash indicating that the iron changed to auto switch –off mode.
The iron is now ready for use.
3. Simply moving the iron, it will back on and the auto switch-off function
Wait for one more cycle; pilot light glows and goes off. –
shall be wyzerowana. You will hear a sound signal, the pilot light shall
After nishing move the – Temperature Dial (2) in anti-clockwise
go off, whereas the pilot light indicating heater in operation shall
direction to „MIN”; the iron is switched off.
glow (11) – the iron shall reheat again.
Disconnect the iron from mains supply outlet. –
Hold the iron horizontally over a sink. –
Press and hold the – Self-Cleaning Knob (8).
1. The iron will switch off automatically after approximately 5-10 min-utes,
Steam and boiling hot water will drain from the holes on the soleplate –
if it is immobile in the rest position (vertical).
washing away the scales and minerals that have built up inside the
2. You can hear a sound signal. The auto switch-off pilot light (4), shall
Steam Chamber.
ash indicating that the iron changed to auto switch –off mode.

3. Simply moving the iron, it will back on and the auto switch-off func-tion
Ecology – Environment protection
shall be wyzerowana. You will hear a sound signal, the pilot light shall
Each user can protect the natural environment. It is neither
go off, whereas the pilot light indicating heater in operation shall
difcult nor expensive.
glow (11) – the iron shall reheat again.
In order to do it: put the cardboard packing into recycling
Attention: Each time usage – moving the iron shall bring it back to
paper container; put the polyethylene (PE) bags into
the previous setting. The iron will take about 60 seconds to reach its
container for plastic.
previous temperature setting.
When worn out, dispose the appliance to particular disposal
centre, because of the dangerous elements of this appliance,
Draining the water
which can be hazardous for natural environment.
Move the – Steam Control Knob (7) to
Do not dispose into the domestic waste disposal!!!
Disconnect the iron from mains supply –
Press the – Burst of Steam Button (9),
to release any trapped water when the
soleplate still hot.
Press the – Spray Buttons (10), to release
any trapped water.
Turn the iron upside down and gently shake –
it to remove the remaining water.
Before storage make sure that Steam
Control Knob (7) is in position.
Cleaning and maintenance
Disconnect the iron from mains supply outlet. –
The iron should get cool completely before cleaning. –
Use a damp cloth and gentle washing liquid for cleaning. –
Do not use aggressive detergents like cream, milk, paste etc. to –
clean the casing. They can remove graphic symbols such as: scales,
marking, caution signs, etc.
Never use sharp or rough objects to remove the deposits on the sole –
Never use any abrasive, vinegar or descaling agents to clean the iron. –
The manufacturer/importer does not accept any liability for any damages resulting
from unintended use or improper handling.
The manufacturer/importer reserves his rights to modify the product any time in
order to adjust it to law regulations, norms, directives, or due to construction, trade,
aesthetic or other reasons, without notifying in advance.
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