Hach-Lange SENSION+ pH31: инструкция
Раздел: Техника
Инструкция к Hach-Lange SENSION+ pH31

+ pH31
03/2013, Edition 3
User Manual
Manuale dell'utente
Manuel d'utilisation
Manual del usuario
Manual do utilizador
Uživatelská příručka
Instrukcja obsługi
Käyttäjän käsikirja
Ръководство на потребителя
Használati útmutató
Manual de utilizare
Naudotojo vadovas
Руководство пользователя
Kullanım Kılavuzu
Návod na obsluhu
Navodila za uporabo
Korisnički priručnik
Εγχειρίδιο χρήσης

lietuvių kalba...................................................................................................................................................................................
Slovenský jazyk............................................................................................................................................................................308
eesti keel..........................................................................................................................................................................................377

Specification Details
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Display Liquid crystal, backlit, 128 x 64 dots
Specification Details
Keyboard PET with protective treatment
Dimensions 35 x 20 x 11 cm (13.78 x 7.87 x 4.33 in.)
Certification CE
Weight 1100 g (2.43 lb)
General information
Meter enclosure IP42
Revised editions are found on the manufacturer’s website.
Power requirements
100–240 V, 0.4 A, 47-63 Hz
Safety information
Meter protection class Class II
Storage temperature –15 to +65 °C (5 to +149 °F)
The manufacturer is not responsible for any damages due to misapplication or
Operating temperature 0 to 40 °C (41 to 104 °F)
misuse of this product including, without limitation, direct, incidental and
consequential damages, and disclaims such damages to the full extent permitted
Operating humidity < 80% (non-condensing)
under applicable law. The user is solely responsible to identify critical application
risks and install appropriate mechanisms to protect processes during a possible
Resolution pH: 0.1/0.01/0.001, ORP: 0.1/1 mV, temperature:
equipment malfunction.
0.1 ºC (0.18 ºF)
Please read this entire manual before unpacking, setting up or operating
Measuring error (± 1 digit) pH: ≤ 0.002, ORP: ≤ 0.2 mV, temperature: ≤ 0.2 ºC
this equipment. Pay attention to all danger and caution statements.
(≤ 0.36 ºF)
Failure to do so could result in serious injury to the operator or damage
Reproducibility (± 1 digit) pH: ± 0.001, ORP: ± 0.1 mV, temperature: ± 0.1 ºC
to the equipment.
(± 0.18 ºF)
Make sure that the protection provided by this equipment is not impaired.
Data storage 330 results and last 9 calibrations
Do not use or install this equipment in any manner other than that
specified in this manual.
Connections Combined or indicator probe: BNC connector (Imp.
Ω); Reference electrode: banana connector;
Use of hazard information
A.T.C. type Pt 1000: banana or telephonic
connector; magnetic stirrer: RCA connector
RS232C for printer or PC: telephonic connector;
external PC keyboard: mini DIN connector
Indicates a potentially or imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
Temperature correction Manual, Pt 1000 temperature probe (A.T.C.), NTC
10 kΩ probe
Isopotential pH programmable, standard value 7.00
Indicates a potentially or imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Measurement display lock Continuous measurement, by stability and by time
English 3

Figure 1 Meter components
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that may result in minor or moderate
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, may cause damage to the instrument.
Information that requires special emphasis.
Precautionary labels
Read all labels and tags attached to the instrument. Personal injury or
damage to the instrument could occur if not observed. A symbol, if noted
on the instrument, will be included with a danger or caution statement in
the manual.
This symbol, if noted on the instrument, references the instruction
manual for operation and/or safety information.
Electrical equipment marked with this symbol may not be disposed of
in European public disposal systems after 12 August of 2005. In
conformity with European local and national regulations (EU Directive
2002/98/EC), European electrical equipment users must now return
old or end-of-life equipment to the Producer for disposal at no charge
1 Electrolyte for the probe 5 Power supply
to the user.
2 Buffer solutions (pH 4.01, pH
6 Rod with o-ring
Note: For return for recycling, please contact the equipment producer or supplier
for instructions on how to return end-of-life equipment, producer-supplied
7.00 and pH 10.01)
electrical accessories, and all auxillary items for proper disposal.
3 Calibration beakers (with magnetic
7 Probe (included with kits only)
bar inside)
Product overview
4 Probe holder 8 Meter
The sensION
+ meters are used with probes to measure various
parameters in water.
The sensION
+ PH31 meter measures pH, ORP (mV) or temperature.
Measurement data can be stored and transferred to a printer or PC.
Assemble the probe holder
Follow the numbered steps to assemble the probe holder and to connect
Product components
the magnetic stirrer.
Refer to Figure 1 to make sure that all components have been received.
If any items are missing or damaged, contact the manufacturer or a
sales representative immediately.
4 English

1 2
3 4
English 5

Connect to AC power
Figure 2 Connector panel
Electrocution hazard. If this equipment is used outdoors or in
potentially wet locations, a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt (GFCI/GFI)
device must be used to connect the equipment to its main power
The meter can be powered by AC power with the universal power
1. Select the correct adapter plug for the power outlet from the adapter
2. Connect the universal power adapter to the meter (Figure 2).
3. Connect the universal power adapter to an AC receptacle (Figure 3).
4. Turn the meter on.
1 Reference electrode (separated
5 PC keyboard, mini DIN connector
electrodes) connector
2 Separated temperature probe
6 Temperature probe connector
3 RS-232 for printer or PC connector 7 Combined pH electrode (or
indicator) connector
4 Power supply 8 Magnetic stirrer connector
6 English

Figure 3 AC power connection
User interface and navigation
User interface
Keypad description
1 RETURN key: cancel or exit the
5 DOWN key: scroll to other options,
current menu screen to the
change a value
previous menu screen
2 MEASUREMENT key: confirm the
6 ON/OFF: turn on or turn off the
selected option
3 UP key: scroll to other options,
7 LEFT key: change the measuring
change a value
unit, enter numbers and letters
4 RIGHT key: change the measuring
unit, enter numbers and letters
Display description
The meter display shows the concentration, units, temperature,
calibration status, operator ID, sample ID, date and time.
English 7

Figure 4 Single screen display
Change the language
The display language is selected when the meter is powered on for the
first time.
1. Use the
or to select a language from a list.
2. Confirm with . The measurement screen shows DATA OUTPUT.
3. Select Deactivated if no printer or PC is connected and confirm.
Refer to Select the data output on page 11 for more information
1 Sample ID 4 Sample temperature (ºC or ºF)
about Data Output.
2 Measurement unit and value (pH,
5 Visual measurement timer
ORP (mV))
Standard operation
3 Measurement mode or time and
Chemical exposure hazard. Obey laboratory safety procedures and wear all of
Use the to return to the previous menu. Use the measure key to
the personal protective equipment appropriate to the chemicals that are handled.
take a sample measurement or to confirm options. Use the arrow keys
Refer to the current material safety data sheets (MSDS) for safety protocols.
to scroll to other options or to change a value. To change the
parameters use the arrow keys and . Refer to each task for specific
Calibration settings
The calibration settings contain Calibration type, Calibration frequency
and Display options.
1. From the main menu use the or to select CALIBRATION.
Turn the meter on and off
2. Use the to enter the calibration menu.
3. Use the or to select the following options:
Make sure that the probe is connected to the meter before the meter is turned on.
Option Description
Push to turn on or turn off the meter. If the meter does not turn on,
Stability C.: Criterion by stability—select Fast, Standard or Strict.
make sure that the AC power supply is properly connected to an
electrical outlet.
Calibration type Calibration type—select Technical buffers,
DIN19266 Buffers, User Buffers, To a X value, data
introduction or Theoretical calibration. Refer to
Calibration types for more information.
8 English

Option Description
Option Description
Cal. frequency Calibration reminder—can be set between 0–7 days
Data introduction Manual probe constant introduction.
(default daily). The display shows the remaining time to
the new calibration. Refer to Set the calibration reminder
Theoretical calibration The probe calibration data is replaced at 25 °C
on page 10 for more information.
(77 °F).
Display mV Display mV—select YES or NO to show mV.
Calibration procedure
Standard 220 mV Standard 220 mV—calibrate with a 220 mV standard
This procedure is for general use with liquid calibration solutions. Refer
to the documents that are included with each probe for additional
To a X value To a X value—use a specific standard solution. Adjust
the value during the calibration.
Note: Solutions should be stirred during calibration. For more information about the
stirring settings, refer to Change the stirring settings on page 12.
Data introduction Data introduction Compensation—enter the
compensation value
1. Pour the buffers or calibration solutions into the labeled calibration
Factory adjust Factory adjust—enter the compensation value
2. From the main menu use the or and and to select the
Calibration types
CALIBRATION parameter. Confirm.
Different calibration types can be selected.
3. If required select the Operator ID (1 to 10) and confirm.
4. Rinse the probe with deionized water and put the probe into the first
1. From the main menu use the or to select CALIBRATION.
calibration beaker. Be sure that there are no air bubbles in the
2. Use the to enter the calibration menu.
5. Push to Start calibration.
3. Use the or to select Calibration type.
6. Push to measure the first calibration solution.
The next calibration solution is shown.
Option Description
7. Rinse the probe with deionized water and put the probe into the
Technical buffers pH 2.00, 4.01, 7.00, 9.21 and 10.01 at 25 °C
second calibration beaker. Be sure that there are no air bubbles in
(77 °F)
the membrane.
DIN19266 Buffers pH 1.679, 4.006, 6.865, 7.000, 9.180, 10.012 and
8. Push to measure the second calibration solution.
The next calibration solution is shown.
User Buffers Selected when the technical or DIN19266 buffers
9. Rinse the probe with deionized water and put the probe into the third
are not used. Refer to Technical buffer solutions
calibration beaker. Be sure that there are no air bubbles in the
(DIN 19267) on page 18 for pH values of
specific buffer sets at varying temperatures.
10. Push to measure the third calibration solution.
Calibration to a X value To adjust manually any scale value of the
When the calibration is good, the display briefly shows Calibration
measured pH.
OK and then returns to the main menu.
Note: When a printer is connected the print menu opens and the result can be
English 9

View the calibration data
2. Use the to change the following settings. Confirm every entry.
Data from the most recent calibration can be shown.
Option Description
1. From the main menu use the or to select DATA LOGGER.
Resolution Select the resolution: 1, 0.1, 0.01 (default) or 0.001
Measure Stability—select By stability Criterion: Fast (variation <
2. Select Display data.
0.02 pH in 6 s), Standard (variation < 0.01 pH in 6 s) or Strict
(variation < 0.002 pH in 6 s). In continuous—enter the time
3. Select Calibration data and confirm with . The last calibration data
interval for the In continuous Acquis. interval (data storage or
is shown.
printing data). By time—enter the time interval for data storage
or printing data.
• pH-the slope and offset values are shown alternating with the
deviation (in %) and calibration temperature.
Display mV Display mV—select YES or NO to show mV.
ORP-the measured mV value and calibration temperature are
Limits Limits—select YES or NO. YES: Enter the upper and lower
limits. An acoustic warning appears when the measurement is
• Conductivity-the cell constant and calibration temperature for each
out of limit. The report output shows an A next to the
standard are shown.
measured value when the measurement was out of limit.
Isopotential Isopotential—change the Isopotential pH value in Data
Set the calibration reminder
introduction. Select Calculate to calibrate the probe again.
The calibration reminder can be set between 0 to 23 hours or 1-7 days
3. Push to start the measurement.
(default 1 day). The display shows the remaining time to the new
Note: If the measurement is not stabilizing after 120 seconds, the meter turns
Note: When 0 days is selected, the calibration reminder is turned off.
automatically into the continuous measurement mode.
1. From the main menu use the
or to select CALIBRATION.
Advanced operation
2. Use the to enter the calibration menu.
Use a sample ID
3. Use the or to select Cal. frequency and confirm.
The sample ID tag is used to associate readings with a particular sample
4. Use the and to advance to the next step and use the or to
location. If assigned, stored data will include this ID.
change a value. Confirm.
Push to start the calibration.
1. From the main menu use the or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
2. Use the or to select Sample ID and confirm.
Sample measurements
Each probe has specific preparation steps and procedures for taking
sample measurements.
1. From the main menu use the or and and to select
MEASURE. Confirm.
10 English

3. Use the or to select
Adjust the display contrast
Option Description
1. From the main menu use the or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
Automatic A consecutive number will be automatically assigned to every
2. Use the or to select Display contrast and confirm.
3. Use the and to adjust the contrast of the display and confirm.
Manual A keyboard or a barcode scanner is required to enter the
sample ID name before taking a measurement (maximum
15 characters).
Adjust the temperature
The temperature measurement can be adjusted at 25 °C (77 °F) and/or
Select the data output
85 °C (185 °F) to increase accuracy.
Data can be stored or transferred to a printer or to a PC.
1. Put the probe and a reference thermometer in a container of water at
approximately 25 °C and allow the temperature to stabilize.
1. From the main menu use the or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
2. Compare the temperature read by the meter with that of the
2. Use the or to select Data Output and confirm.
reference thermometer. The difference is the adjustment value for
3. Use the or to select
the meter.
Example: reference thermometer: 24.5 °C; meter: 24.3 °C.
Option Description
Adjustment value: 0.2 °C.
Deactivated Select Deactivated if no printer or PC is connected.
3. Enter the adjustment value for the 25 °C reading:
For Printer Select Dot matrix printer or Thermal printer.
a. From the main menu use the or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
For Computer Select Terminal, LabCom or LabCom Easy. The LabCom
b. Use the or to select Readjust temp. and confirm.
Software controls several modules, pH and conductivity
c. Use the or to select 25 °C and confirm.
meters, automatic burettes, Samplers and so on from a
computer. The LabCom Easy software gets pH and
d. Use the arrow keys to enter the adjustment value for 25 °C.
conductivity data from a PC.
4. Put the probe and a reference thermometer in a container of water at
approximately 85 °C and allow the temperature to stabilize.
Change the date and time
5. Compare the temperature from the meter with that of the reference
The date and time can be changed from the Date / Time menu.
thermometer. The difference is the adjustment value for the meter.
1. From the main menu use the or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
a. Use the or to select 85 °C and confirm.
2. Use the or to select Date / Time and confirm.
b. Use the arrow keys to enter the adjustment value for 85 °C.
3. Use the and to advance to the next step and use the or to
change a value. Confirm.
c. Select Save changes and confirm.
The current date and time will be shown on the display.
English 11

Change the stirring settings
4. Use the or to select
The magnetic stirrer can be turned on and the stirring speed can be
Option Description
changed in the Stirring menu.
Measurement data Measurement data—stores automatically each time a
sample is measured
1. From the main menu use the or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
Electrode report Electrode report—stores automatically the electrode
2. Use the or to select Stirring and confirm.
history and measurement conditions
3. To turn on/off the stirrer push .
Calibration data Calibration data—stores automatically the current
4. When the stirrer is turned on, use the or to change the stirring
speed in %.
Note: Use the or to change the stirring speed during calibration and
Delete data
during a measurement.
The entire measurement data or electrode report log can be deleted to
Change the temperature units
remove data that has already been sent to a printer or PC.
The temperature units can be changed to Celsius or Fahrenheit.
1. From the main menu use the or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
1. From the main menu use the or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
2. Use the or to select DATA LOGGER and confirm.
2. Use the or to select Temperature units and confirm.
3. Use the or to select Erase and confirm.
3. Use the or to select between Celsius or Fahrenheit and confirm.
4. Use the or to select Measurement data or Electrode report and
confirm. Confirm again to delete the data.
The entire log is deleted at once.
Data logger
Send data to a printer or to a computer
Display data
The Display data log contains Measurement data, Electrode report and
Calibration data. The stored data can be send to a printer or to a PC.
The data output (printer or PC) needs to be selected first, so that the Print menu
When the data log becomes full (400 data points), the oldest data point
is available (refer to Select the data output on page 11).
is deleted when a new data point is added.
Note: Refer to Report output on page
13 to select the report output type.
1. From the main menu use the or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
1. From the main menu use the
or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
2. Use the or to select DATA LOGGER and confirm.
2. Use the or to select DATA LOGGER and confirm.
3. Use the or to select Display data and confirm.
3. Use the or to select Print and confirm. Select one of the
following options and confirm with to print the data: Measurement
data, Electrode data, Calibration data, Calibration report or
Instrument condit.
12 English

Report output
The data output (printer or PC) needs to be selected first, so that the Type of
Multiple hazards. Do not disassemble the instrument for maintenance or service.
report menu is available (refer to Select the data output on page 11).
If the internal components must be cleaned or repaired, contact the
Different report output types can be selected when a printer or a PC is
Personal injury hazard. Only qualified personnel should conduct the tasks
1. From the main menu use the or to select SYSTEM. Confirm.
described in this section of the manual.
2. Use the or to select Type of report and confirm.
3. When a printer or a computer and Terminal is connected, use the
Clean the instrument
or to select
Option Description
Never use cleaning agents such as turpentine, acetone or similar products to
clean the instrument including the display and accessories.
Reduced Select Several or One sample as an output format
Standard Select Several or One sample as an output format. Select
Clean the exterior of the instrument with a moist cloth and a mild soap
several: Users: The user name appears on the printed report
(17 characters).
Header:The company name can be added as a
header (40 characters) and appears on the print report. Identify
Clean the probe
sensor:The sensor model and the sensor serial number can be
added and appears on the print report.
Clean the probe as needed. Refer to Troubleshooting on page 16 for
more information about cleaning. Refer to the probe documentation for
GLP Select Several or One sample as an output format. Select
information about the probe maintenance.
several: Users: The user name appears on the printed report
(17 characters). Header:The company name can be added as a
Use the cleaning agents listed in Table 1 for contaminations on the pH
header (40 characters) and appears on the print report. Identify
sensor:The sensor model and the sensor serial number can be
added and appears on the print report.
Table 1 Cleaning agents for the pH probe
4. When a computer is connected and LabCom Easy (refer to Select
Contamination Cleaning agent
the data output on page 11 for more information) is selected, use the
Proteins Pepsin cleaning solution
or to select
Grease, oils, fats Electrode cleaning solution
Option Description
Limescale 0.1 N HCl solution
Users The user name appears on the printed report
(17 characters).
Identify sensor The sensor model and the sensor serial number can be
added and appears on the print report.
English 13

Replace the magnetic stirrer
If the magnetic stirrer does not start, follow the numbered steps to
replace the magnetic stirrer.
14 English