
X Install the bread pan (6) inside the ma-

chine at a slight angle so that the fasten-

ing element (3) enters into the bread

pan base (9). Twist the bread pan (6)

clockwise until it stops (Figure C).

X Mount the dough-kneading blade (7) onto the driving shaft


Charging the Ingredients

1. Grease the internal surface of the bread pan (6). Grease thor-

oughly the slits between the dough-kneading blade (7) and the

drive shaft (8). This will allow easy removal of the dough-knead-

ing blade (7).

2. Place the ingredients into the bread pan (6). Use the measuring

cup (12) and the measuring spoon (11) to place the correct

amount. Always follow the recipe directions and add the ingredi-

ents in the sequence specified. Usually, liquids are placed into the

bread pan first, and after that sugar, salt and flour are added. It is

recommended to sift the flour before adding it to the bread pan, in

order to expose the flour to oxygen, which is required for a better

rise of the dough. Yeast and baking powder are added last so as

to avoid their contact with liquids. To do this, make a small hole in

the flour and put the yeast or baking powder in.

3. Close the lid (1) and plug into a wall outlet.

Note: As soon as the bread maker is connected to the

power supply, a beep will sound. The indicator

(MENU) (4a) will indicate BASIC (Main)

program. This is the default setting.

4. To select the program you need, press the MENU pad (4a) 1 to 5

times. Each time this pad is pressed, programs will change in se-

quence, the indicator light will move accordingly and a short beep

will sound. To select the desired program, use the tips on the body

of the machine and in this table.

Tips on


Time Process description

the device

Main Basic 3:00 Dough, fermentation, baking.

Whole wheat Whole wheat 3:40 Dough, fermentation, baking of white

bread wheat bread. This program has pro-

longed heating time which allows the

grains to become impregnated with

water and to increase in volume.

Quick Quick 1:40 Dough, fermentation, baking of the

preparation loaf with baking soda or baking pow-

der. Bread baked with this program,

has a smaller size and dense structure.

Dough Dough 1:30 Dough, fermentation without baking.

Bake Bake 1:00 Only baking, without dough and fer-

mentation. It can be used after termi-

nation of another program if you wish

to increase baking time.


5. To activate the program, press START/STOP pad (4b).

Attention: After the program is activated, only START/

STOP pad (4b) will be operable.

6. To stop the operating program and/or to select some other pro-

gram, press and hold START/STOP pad (4b) for 2 or 3 seconds

until you hear a beep which will confirm that the program is



7. If you are using BASIC (Main) program, the kneading process will

stop after 40 minutes from the start of the program, and a long

beep will sound. This is so that you can add additional ingredients.

Open the lid (1), add the extra ingredients (raisins, figs, dried apri-

cots, nuts), and close the lid (1).

8. At the end of the baking process, you will hear 10 beeps. Press

START/STOP pad (4b). The bread can be removed in 3-5 sec-

onds. If you do not press START/STOP pad (4b) at the end of

operation, the machine will automatically proceed to keep the

bread warm for 1 hour. After that, the machine will stop.

Note: During the baking process, steam may escape

through vents in the lid (1). This is normal.

9. To remove the bread, open the lid (1) and grasp the handle of the

bread pan (6) firmly, using oven gloves. Twist the bread pan (6)

counter-clockwise and remove it from the bread maker.

10.To release the bread, turn the bread pan (6) upside down and

shake it several times carefully.

Attention: The bread pan and the bread may be very hot.

Be careful and use oven gloves.

11.If the dough-kneading blade (7) comes out with the bread, re-

move it by using the hook (10). Insert the thin end of the hook (10)

into the hole in the blade (7), grip and remove the blade (7) care-

fully from the bread. Allow the bread to cool for about 15 to 20

minutes in order to prevent it from crumbling and from sticking to

the knife when slicing.

12.Unplug the machine if the use is over.

About the QUICK Program

(Quick Preparation)

“Quick” bread is made by using baking powder and soda which

activate when wet and heated. To make good bread, it is necessary to

place all the liquids at the bottom of the bread pan and to put dry

ingredients on top. During initial kneading, dry ingredients may accu-

mulate in the corners of the bread pan. If this happens, open the lid

(1) of the bread maker, collect these unmixed ingredients together

with a wooden or plastic spoon and add them to the dough.

Memory Function

If the power fails during the baking process, the memory function

will save the selected program and will store it for up to 15 minutes.

Then, after the power is restored, the machine will continue operating

according to the program set earlier. If the interruption in the

power supply exceeds 15 minutes, you will have to restart the



Room Temperature

The bread maker operates well at different temperatures. How-

ever, the loaves baked in a very warm room and in a very cold

room may differ in size. We recommend that a temperature be-

tween 15°C and 34°C should be maintained in the room where the

machine is installed.

List of possible problems

# Problem Cause Solution

1. The five LED lights The temperature in Press «Start/stop» and discon-

under the “Menu” the bread maker is too nect the bread maker, then

button are twink- high to make bread. take out the ingredients, and

ling, while the buz- leave the cover opened. Allow

zer keeps beep. the oven to cool down. If the

problem does not disappear,

take it to the service center.

2. Smoke is coming Ingredients from the Disconnect from the power

from the air vents pan have got inside the supply, allow it to cool down

during baking. device body and have and wipe the heating element

stuck to the heating with a soft cloth. Be cautious,

element or near to it. because the internal surface of

the device can be very hot.

3. Indentations in the At the end of the pro- Take the bread out immedia-

middle or bottom of gram, you leave the tely after preparation.

the bread and the bread in the pan too

crust is very thick. long and a lot of mois-

ture is lost.

4. It is difficult to take The dough has stuck to After you have taken out the

the bread out of the shaft of the bread bread, pour hot water inside

the pan. maker the device. After 10 minutes

pour it out, and wash the de-

vice. When using next time, do

not forget to grease the shaft,

blade for dough and the bot-

tom of the pan with oil.

5. Does not knead 1. Selected program 1. Select appropriate program.

the ingredients not suitable.

uniformly, bakes 2. After switching on, 2. Knead components and re-

unevenly. have pressed button peat the process.

«Start/stop», and the

program has stopped.

3. After switching on, 3. Do not open the lid at last

opened the lid and stages of kneading. Use the in-

bread has turned out spection hole.

dry, without a brown


4. The blade does not 4. Check the blade for knead-

turn properly. ing the dough, and try the ma-

chine without it. If the bread

maker works badly, take it to

the service center.

6. The sound of the The pan for bread is Check up if the pan is correctly

motor is heard, but incorrectly fixed, or it fitted and if the dough is made

the dough does has too much dough according to the recipe and

not get mixed. to mix. check that the ingredients are

correctly measured.

7. There is too much There is too much Check up on all the listed fac-

dough, it is impos- yeast or flour. Pro- tors, and eliminate the problem.

sible to close bably, the room tem-

the cover. perature is too high.