8. The size of bread is There is no yeast or the Check up on quantity and

small and the bread quantity of yeast is in- quality of yeast.

does not rise. sufficiently. Yeast can

be inactive, if the tem-

perature of water is too

high (more than 50°C).

9. There is a lot of Too much liquid and Reduce the quantity of liquid

dough and it is has yeast. and yeast.

overflowed the


edges of the pan.

10. Indentations in the 1. The flour does not 1. Use only flour intended for

middle of the form enough dough. bread making.

bread. 2. Speed of the yeast 2. Ingredients should always

is too great, or the tem- be at room temperature.

perature of yeast is

too high.

3. Too much water 3. Check up, that the quantity

makes the dough rough, of water coincides with what is

crude and too soft. recommended in the recipe.

11. Bread is too big 1. Too much flour is 1. Reduce the quantity of flour

and the structure used but not enough and increase the quantity of

is very dense. water. water.

2. There is too much 2. Reduce the quantity of the

fruit or too much whole corresponding components.

grain flour.

12. The middle slice 1. There is surplus of 1. Check up on the tempera-

of bread is crumb- water and shortage ture, quantity of water and the

led and forms of salt. quantity of salt.

a hollow. 2. The water tempe- 2. Check the water tempera-

rature is too high. ture.

13. Dry flour has stuck 1. There are too many 1. Manually extract any un-

to the surface of components contai- necessary ingredients then

the bread ning gluten, for exa- make the dough.

mple oil, bananas, etc.

2. The dough is badly 2. Check the quantity of water

stirred. and if the dough blade is fitted

correctly. If necessary take to

the service center.

14. When bread that Different recipes or If during preparation of such

includes a lot of ingredients have a bread, the loaf becomes very

sugar is baked, a big influence on the dark, press «Start/stop» to

crust too thick and finished product. In switch off the bread maker for

its color too dark. this case, bread has 5-10 minutes. Take out the

darkened because of bread after the loaf has had

too much sugar. 20 minutes inside during heat-

ing mode with closed lid.


1. Unplug the machine and allow it to cool


2. Wipe the inside of the machine gently

with a damp cloth. Do not use abrasive

sponges or abrasive detergents as they

may damage the smooth surface of the

machine. Never submerge the body

of the machine in water.

3. Wash the inside of the bread pan (6), using nonabrasive de-

tergents. Dry carefully.

4. Rinse the dough-kneading blade (7) with running water, using

nonabrasive detergents, and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.