Hotpoint-Ariston AVTL 104: Precautions and advice
Precautions and advice: Hotpoint-Ariston AVTL 104

Precautions and advice
The washing machine was designed and built in
in order to optimise the recovery and recycling of
compliance with the applicable international safety
the materials they contain and reduce the impact on
regulations. The following information is provided for
human health and the environment.
your safety and should consequently be read carefully.
The crossed out "wheeled bin" symbol on the
product reminds you of your obligation, that when
General safety
you dispose of the appliance it must be separately
This appliance has been designed for non-
Consumers should contact their local authority or
professional, household use and its functions must
retailer for information concerning the correct
not be changed.
disposal of their old appliance.
This washing machine should only be used by
Disposing of an old washing machine:
adults and in accordance with the instructions
before scrapping your appliance, cut the power
provided in this manual.
supply cable and remove the appliance door.
Never touch the washing machine when barefoot
Saving energy and respecting the
or with wet or damp hands or feet.
Do not pull on the power supply cable to unplug
Environmentally-friendly technology
the appliance from the electricity socket. Pull the
If you only see a little water through your appliance
plug out yourself.
door, this is because thanks to the latest technology,
your washing machine only needs less than half the
Do not open the detergent dispenser while the
amount of water to get the best results: an objective
appliance is in operation.
reached to respect the environment.
Do not touch the drain water as it could reach
Saving on detergent, water,
very high temperatures.
energy and time
To avoid wasting resources, the washing machine
Never force the washing machine door: this could
should be used with a full load. A full load instead
damage the safety lock mechanism designed to
of two half loads allows you to save up to 50% on
prevent any accidental openings.
The pre-wash cycle is only necessary on
In the event of a malfunction, do not under any
extremely soiled garments. Avoiding it will save on
circumstances touch internal parts in order to
detergent, time, water and between 5 and 15%
attempt repairs.
Always keep children well away from the
Treating stains with a stain remover or leaving
appliance while in operation.
them to soak before washing will cut down the
need to wash them at high temperatures. A
The appliance door tends to get quite hot during
programme at 60°C instead of 90°C or one at
the wash cycle.
40°C instead of 60°C will save up to 50% on
Should it have to be moved, proceed with the
Use the correct quantity of detergent depending
help of two or three people and handle it with the
on the water hardness, how soiled the garments
utmost care. Never try to do this alone, because
are and the amount of laundry you have, to avoid
the appliance is very heavy.
wastage and to protect the environment: despite
being biodegradable, detergents do contain
Before loading your laundry into the washing
ingredients that alter the natural balance of the
machine, make sure the drum is empty.
environment. In addition, avoid using fabric
softener as much as possible.
Disposing of the packaging material: observe local
If you use your washing machine from late in the
regulations, so the packaging can be re-used.
afternoon until the early hours of the morning, you
will help reduce the electricity board's peak load.
Disposal of old electrical appliances
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
If your laundry has to be dried in a tumble dryer,
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), requires
select a high spin speed. Having the least water
that old household electrical appliances must not be
possible in your laundry will save you time and
disposed of in the normal unsorted municipal waste
energy in the drying process.
stream. Old appliances must be collected separately
- Instructions for use
- Installation
- Washing machine description
- Starting and Programmes
- Personalisations
- Detergents and laundry
- Precautions and advice
- Care and maintenance
- Troubleshooting
- Service
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- Használati utasítás
- Üzembehelyezés
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- Indítás és Programok
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- Mosószerek és mosandók
- Óvintézkedések és tanácsok
- Karbantartás és törõdés
- Rendellenességek és elhárírásuk
- Szerviz
- Návod k pouití
- Instalace
- Popis praèky
- Uvedení do chodu a programy
- Nastavení èinnosti dle potøeb uivatele
- Prací prostøedky a prádlo
- Opatøení a rady
- Údrba a péèe
- Poruchy a zpùsob jejich odstranìní
- Servisní sluba