level with the temperature regulator (3). Wait for some time

(about 10 minutes) so that the appliance reaches the neces-

sary temperature level.

5. Place the products to be baked on the mini pans (8), cover

these products with cheese and put the pans on the platform

for the mini pans (5) under the heating element of the appli-


Note: do not insert empty trays into the running appliance.

6. Turn the appliance on.

7. While cooking, occasionally turn the product over using the

wooden spatula.

8. After use turn the appliance off and unplug it from the power



1. Before cleaning always unplug the appliance

from the electric power socket.

2. After the appliance gets completely cool,

wash all the adjustable parts in warm water

with neutral detergent. Do not use abrasive


Note: before washing the granite stone (7)

make sure that it is completely cool as it stays hot for a

long time.

3. Before using or storing the appliance, let it dry completely.


Raclette en famille with champignons

and bacon

1.5-1.8 kg cheese,

600 g champignons,

40 g butter,

300 g smoke-dried bacon (with meat),

1 tablespoon of chopped parsley,

some pressed garlic, salt, pepper,

12 slices of bread for toasts.

Slice champignons thinly and cut the bacon into cubes. Fry the

bacon, then add champignons and fry these together. Add some

salt, pepper and dust with parsley. Place this mixture on the mini

pans, put a slice of cheese above and bake. Serve this dish with


Raclette with shrimps

1.5-1.8 kg cheese,

400 g shelled shrimps,

1 can of asparagus,

2 kg potatoes

Boil the potatoes in their skin and try to keep them warm

afterwards. Place a slice of cheese and shrimps on each mini pan


and melt the cheese for 5-6 minutes. Cut the potatoes into thin

slices, put asparagus and melted cheese with shrimps over them.

Raclette with tomatoes and eggs

1.5-1.8 kg cheese,

12 hard-boiled eggs,

12 tomatoes, 40 g butter,

salt, pepper,

12 slices of bread for toasts

Slice eggs and tomatoes into circles. Put some butter and a

circle of tomato on the mini pan, let it fry for some time. Add some

salt and pepper, put a circle of egg, a slice of cheese and bake.

Serve this dish with toasts.


Raclette with greens

1.5-1.8 kg cheese,

1 coffeespoon of fresh herbs

1 coffeespoon of dried herbs, onion,

1 clove of chopped garlic, salt,

pepper, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 2 kg potatoes

Boil the potatoes in their skin and try to keep them warm

afterwards. Mix greens with 40 g butter, smother them with onion

and garlic, spread this mixture over the mini pans, put a slice of

cheese above. Add some salt and pepper and bake. Serve this

dish with sliced potatoes and pickled cucumbers.

Raclette with raisins and walnuts

1.5-1.8 kg cheese,

50 g walnuts (almond nuts or hazelnuts),

50 g raisins, 2 tablespoons of gin, 40 g butter

Soak raisins in gin. Chop the nuts not too finely and fry them on

the mini pans with butter. Add raisins, put a slice of cheese and

bake. Serve this dish with brown bread.

Marinade sauce for meat (for 1 kg meat)

3/4 l dry red wine,

1 onion sliced into thin circles,

2 carrots sliced into thin circles,

1 bay leaf, 1 celery stalk,

parsley, thyme, rosemary,

black pepper peas

Chop finely parsley and celery, mix them with another ingre-

dients and pour meat with this mixture. Marinade in the fridge for

12 hours, occasionally turning the pieces of meat over.

Beef schnitzel

For 1 serving: 1 piece of beef about 100 g,

mustard, 2 thin slices of uncooked smoked ham,

butter, ground green pepper,

1 sweet bell pepper, tomatoes, rosemary or estragon

Spread mustard over the meat and fry it with butter on the grill

or the granite stone for 6-8 minutes. Add some pepper. Brown

ham, tomatoes and sliced sweet bell pepper and serve it with the

meat. Dust with rosemary or estragon.