Nokia 6260: Care and maintenance
Care and maintenance: Nokia 6260
Care and maintenance
2. When you angle the hologram
please do not use the battery. Take it to the nearest Nokia
left, right, down and up, you
authorised service centre or dealer for assistance. The use
should see 1, 2, 3 and 4 dots on
of a battery that is not approved by Nokia may be
each side respectively.
dangerous and may result in poor performance and
damage to your device and its accessories. It may also
invalidate any approval or warranty applying to the
To find out more about original Nokia batteries, see
What if your battery is not authentic?
If you cannot confirm that your Nokia battery with the
hologram on the label is an authentic Nokia battery,
Care and maintenance
Your device is a product of superior design and
● Do not store the device in cold areas. When the device
craftsmanship and should be treated with care. The
returns to its normal temperature, moisture can form
following suggestions will help you protect your warranty
inside the device and damage electronic circuit boards.
● Do not attempt to open the device other than as
● Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity, and all
instructed in this guide.
types of liquids or moisture can contain minerals that
● Do not drop, knock, or shake the device. Rough
will corrode electronic circuits. If your device does get
handling can break internal circuit boards and fine
wet, remove the battery, and allow the device to dry
completely before replacing it.
● Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or
● Do not use or store the device in dusty, dirty areas. Its
strong detergents to clean the device.
moving parts and electronic components can be
● Do not paint the device. Paint can clog the moving parts
and prevent proper operation.
● Do not store the device in hot areas. High temperatures
● Use a soft, clean, dry cloth to clean any lenses, such as
can shorten the life of electronic devices, damage
camera, proximity sensor, and light sensor lenses.
batteries, and warp or melt certain plastics.
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