Nokia 6260: 3. Calls
3. Calls: Nokia 6260

When the device or keypad is locked, calls may be possible
Keypad lock
to the official emergency number programmed into your
To lock the keypad to prevent accidental keypresses,
select Menu, and press * within 3.5 seconds.
To unlock the keypad, select Unlock, and press * within
Functions without a SIM card
1.5 seconds. If requested, enter the lock code.
Some functions of your phone may be used without
To answer a call when the keypad is locked, press the call
inserting a SIM card, such as Organiser functions and
key. When you end or reject the call, the keypad locks
games. Some functions appear dimmed in the menus and
cannot be used.
Further features are automatic keyguard and security
See "Phone", p. 33.
3. Calls
You can make and receive phone calls using a mobile
● To access the call log, press the call key once in the
network or a wireless local area network (WLAN). WLAN
home screen mode. Select a number or name, and
is used for voice calls over the internet.
See "Internet calls
press the call key.
(VoIP)", p. 28.
● Search for a name or phone number that you saved in
the contacts list.
See "Manage contacts", p. 24.
Make a voice call
To adjust the volume in a call, press the volume key up or
You can make a call in several ways:
You may also use internet telephony.
See "Internet calls
● Enter the phone number, including the area code, and
(VoIP)", p. 28.
press the call key.
For international calls, press * twice for the
international prefix (the + character replaces the
Make a video call
international access code), enter the country code, the
In a video call, the video recorded with the front camera
area code without the leading 0, if necessary, and the
on your phone is shown to the video call recipient. To
phone number.
make a video call, you must have a USIM card and be
connected to a WCDMA network. For availability and
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subscription to video call services, contact your service
Use a dialling shortcut to make a call in one of the
provider. The video call can be made to a compatible
following ways:
phone or an ISDN client between two parties. Video calls
● Press a number key, then the call key.
cannot be made while another voice, video, or data call is
● If Menu > Settings > Call > Speed dialling > On
is selected, press and hold a number key.
1. To start a video call, enter the phone number,
including the area code.
Voice dialling
2. Press and hold the call key, or select Options > Video
Make a phone call by saying the name that is saved in
3. To end the call, press the end key.
As voice commands are language-dependent, before
During extended operation such as an active video call and
voice dialling, you must select Menu > Settings >
high speed data connection, the device may feel warm. In
Phone > Language settings > Phone language and
most cases, this condition is normal. If you suspect the
your language.
device is not working properly, take it to the nearest
authorised service facility.
Note: Using voice tags may be difficult in a noisy
environment or during an emergency, so you should not
Answer and end a voice call
rely solely upon voice dialling in all circumstances.
To answer an incoming call, press the call key, or open the
1. In the home screen mode, press and hold the right
slide. To end the call, press the end key, or close the slide.
selection key.A short tone sounds, and Speak after
To reject an incoming call, press the end key. To mute the
the tone is displayed.
ringing tone, select Silence.
2. Say the name of the contact you want to dial. If the
To answer a call just by opening the slide, select Menu >
voice recognition is successful, a list with matches is
Settings > Call > Slide call handling > Open slide to
shown. The phone plays the voice command of the first
answer > On.
match on the list. If it is not the correct command,
scroll to another entry.
Dialling shortcuts
Assign a phone number to one of the number keys,
See "Assign dialling shortcuts", p. 26.
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