Hotpoint-Ariston ARL 105: Personalisation
Personalisation: Hotpoint-Ariston ARL 105

Setting the temperature
Turn the TEMPERATURE knob to set the wash temperature (see Table of wash cycles).
The temperature may be lowered, or even set to a cold wash (
The washing machine will automatically prevent you from selecting a temperature which is higher than the
maximum value set for each wash cycle.
Setting the spin speed
Turn the SPIN SPEED knob to set the spin speed for the selected wash cycle.
The maximum spin speeds available for each wash cycle are as follows:
Wash cycles Maximum spin speed
Cottons 1000 rpm
Synthetics 800 rpm
Wool 600 rpm
Silk drain only
The spin speed may be lowered, or the spin cycle can be excluded altogether by selecting the symbol
The washing machine will automatically prevent you from selecting a spin speed which is higher than the
maximum speed set for each wash cycle.
The various wash functions available with this washing machine will help to achieve the desired results, every time.
To activate the functions:
1. Press the button corresponding to the desired function;
2. the function is enabled when the corresponding indicator light is illuminated.
Note: If the indicator light flashes rapidly, this signals that this particular function may not be selected in
conjunction with the selected wash cycle.
Delay timer
This timer delays the start time of the wash cycle by up to 12 hours.
Press the button repeatedly until the indicator light corresponding to the desired delay time switches on. The fifth time
the button is pressed, the function will be disabled.
N.B. Once you have pressed the START/PAUSE button, the delay time may only be decreased if you wish to modify it.
This option is enabled with all programmes.
Easy iron
By selecting this function, the wash and spin cycles will be modified in order to reduce the formation of creases. At
the end of the cycle the washing machine will perform slow rotations of the drum; the EASY IRON and START/
PAUSE indicator lights will flash (orange) and the
phase will remain lit in a fixed manner. To end the cycle, press
the START/PAUSE button or the EASY IRON button.
For the Silk wash cycle, the machine will end the cycle while the laundry is soaking, the EASY IRON and START/
PAUSE indicator lights will flash (orange) and the RINSE phase will remain lit in a fixed manner. To drain the water
so that the laundry may be removed, press the START/PAUSE button or the EASY IRON button.
This function may not be used in conjunction with wash cycles 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, B, C, D.
Extra rinse
By selecting this function, the efficiency of the rinse is increased and optimal detergent removal is guaranteed. It is
particularly useful for sensitive skin.
This function may not be used in conjunction with wash cycles 5, 6, C, B, C, D.
Super Wash
Because a greater quantity of water is used in the initial phase of the cycle, and because of the increased cycle
duration, this function offers a high-performance wash.
This function may not be used in conjunction with wash cycles 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, A, B, C, D.
- Instructions for use
- Installation
- Description of the washing machine and starting a wash cycle
- Wash cycles
- Personalisation
- Detergents and laundry
- Precautions and tips
- Care and maintenance
- Troubleshooting
- Service
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- Instruções para utilização
- Instalação
- Descrição da máquina de lavar roupa e como iniciar um programa
- Programas
- Personalizações
- Detergentes e roupa
- Precauções e conselhos
- Manutenção e cuidados
- Anomalias e soluções
- Assistência
- Ïäçãßåò ÷ñÞóçò
- ÅãêáôÜóôáóç
- ÐåñéãñáöÞ ôïõ ðëõíôçñßïõ êáé åêêßíçóç åíüò ðñïãñÜììáôïò
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- Áíùìáëßåò êáé ëýóåéò
- ÕðïóôÞñéîç
- Használati utasítás
- Üzembe helyezés
- A mosógép leírása és program elindítása
- Programok
- Egyéni beállítások
- Mosószerek és mosandók
- Óvintézkedések és tanácsok
- Karbantartás és ápolás
- Rendellenességek és elhárításuk
- Szerviz