Bowers & Wilkins 4: инструкция

Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Акустика

Инструкция к Акустику Bowers & Wilkins 4

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3



Figure 4


Figure 7a

FPM 4, 5, 6

Figure 5 Figure 6

Figure 7b


Figure 8

Figure 9


FPM 4, 5, 6

Figure 10




Limited Warranty...........2


Owner’s Manual............2


Οδηγίες Χρήσεως ....17


Garantie limitée.............3


Manuel d’utilisation.......4




Руководство по

Garantie .......................5

эксплуатации ............19




Záruka .......................22

Garantía limitada...........7

Návod k pouãití..........22

Manual de

instrucciones ................8


Gwarancja .................23



Garantia limitada...........9

uÃytkownika ...............24

Manual do utilizador....10



Korlátozott garancia ..25

Garanzia limitata .........11

Használati útmutató ...26

Manuale di istruzioni ...12



Beperkte garantie .......13


Handleiding ................14



Begränsad garanti ......15


Bruksanvisning ...........16


advise where the equipment can be

Multi-channel audio/video


serviced. You can call B&W in the UK

Stray magnetic fields

or visit our web site to get the contact

The speaker drive units create stray

details of your local distributor.

Limited Warranty

magnetic fields that extend beyond the

To validate your warranty, you will need to

boundaries of the cabinet. We recommend

Dear customer,

produce this warranty booklet completed

you keep magnetically sensitive articles

and stamped by your dealer on the date of

(CRT television and computer screens,

Welcome to B&W.

purchase. Alternatively, you will need the

computer discs, audio and video tapes,

This product has been designed and

original sales invoice or other proof of

swipe cards and the like) at least 0.5m

manufactured to the highest quality

ownership and date of purchase.

(20 in) from the speaker.

standards. However, if something does go

Plasma and LCD screens are not affected

wrong with this product, B&W

by these stray magnetic fields.

Loudspeakers and its national distributors

warrant free of charge labour (exclusion

Owner’s manual

Front (figure 3)

may apply) and replacement parts in any

left and right

country served by an official B&W

The angle between the speakers should



normally be less than for 2-channel audio –

This limited warranty is valid for a period of

Thank you for choosing Bowers & Wilkins.

nearer 40º than 60º. If using a screen, it

five years from the date of purchase or two

may be desirable to place the speakers

We are confident that you will enjoy many

years for electronics including amplified

closer to the screen for aesthetic reasons,

years of listening pleasure from your


but be aware that the apparent size of the

speakers, but please read this manual fully

acoustic image is related to the left and

Terms and Conditions

before installing them. It will help you

right speaker spacing and ideally you

optimise their performance.

1 The warranty is limited to the repair of

should try to balance this with the picture.

the equipment. Neither transportation,

B&W maintains a network of dedicated

When used with a screen, the mounting

nor any other costs, nor any risk for

distributors in over 60 countries who will be

height of the speakers should be matched

removal, transportation and installation

able to help you should you have any

to the screen. In an audio-only installation,

of products is covered by this warranty.

problems your dealer cannot resolve.

set the height so the tweeters at the centre

2 This warranty is only valid for the

of the speaker are approximately at ear level.


original owner. It is not transferable.

Centre channel

We suggest you retain the packing for

3 This warranty will not be applicable in

future use.

When used with a screen, orient the

cases other than defects in materials

speaker horizontally and place it close to

and/or workmanship at the time of

Check in the carton for:

the top or bottom of the screen, whichever

purchase and will not be applicable:

wall plate

is nearest ear level. In an audio-only

a. for damages caused by incorrect

installation, orient the speaker vertically and

2x M6 screws

installation, connection or packing,

in line with the left and right front speakers.

mounting template

b. for damages caused by any use other


than correct use described in the user

rear support leg (FPM2 only)

Surround speakers are normally placed

manual, negligence, modifications, or

2x clear self-adhesive rubber pads

around 60cm (2 ft) above ear level. It is not

use of parts that are not made or

(FPM2 only)

always necessary or desirable to point

authorised by B&W,

surround speakers directly at the listening

c. for damages caused by faulty or


area. Doing so can often attract undue

unsuitable ancillary equipment,

attention to them, especially when your

FPM speakers are balanced for their backs

head is turned from looking directly to the

d. for damages caused by accidents,

being placed against a wall. However, we

front, so experiment before investing in

lightning, water, fire heat, war, public

recommend you keep them at least 0.5m

special brackets.

disturbances or any other cause

(20 in) from a side wall, otherwise the bass

beyond the reasonable control of B&W

may be too heavy.

5.1 systems (figure 4)

and its appointed distributors,

If you intend to attach the speakers to a

Place the speakers approximately 120º

e. for products whose serial number has

wall, first ascertain the optimum position

round from front centre. This will determine

been altered, deleted, removed or

before permanently fixing them in place.

whether they are placed on the side or rear

made illegible,


Unless using the speakers for home theatre

f. if repairs or modifications have been

centre channel, we recommend you mount

6.1 systems with one rear speaker

executed by an unauthorised person.

them in vertical orientation. The spring-

(figure 5)

loaded logo badge on the grille may be

4 This guarantee complements any

Place the side speakers in line with the

rotated after pulling it slightly away from the

national/regional law obligations of

centre of the listening area and one


dealers or national distributors and

speaker centrally on the rear wall.

does not affect your statutory rights as

2-channel audio

7.1 systems and 6.1 systems with two

a customer.

As an initial guide (figure 1):

rear speakers (figure 6)

How to claim repairs under

Position the speakers and the centre of

Place the side speakers in line with the


the listening area approximately at the

centre of the listening area. Place two

Should service be required, please follow

corners of an equilateral triangle.

speakers along the rear wall to make an

the following procedure:

angle of approximately 40º to the centre of

Keep the speakers at least 1.5m apart to

the listening area.

1 If the equipment is being used in the

maintain left-right separation.

country of purchase, you should

If the central image is poor, try moving the

Connections (figure 7)

contact the B&W authorised dealer

speakers closer together or, if they are not

from whom the equipment was

All connections should be made with the

fixed to the wall using the supplied wall


equipment switched off.

plate, toeing them in so they point at or just

2 If the equipment is being used outside

in front of the listeners (figure 2).

Ensure the positive terminal on the speaker

the country of purchase, you should

(marked +) is connected to the positive

contact the B&W national distributor in

output terminal of the amplifier and

the country of residence who will

negative (marked –) to negative.


Аннотация для Акустика Bowers & Wilkins 4 в формате PDF