Bowers & Wilkins DS3: инструкция

Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Акустика

Инструкция к Акустику Bowers & Wilkins DS3

Home Theatre

Surround Speakers


Owner’s Manual






 


























 



















DS3 OM Inner Iss2.qxd 23/3/07 3:36 pm Page 1




Owner’s Manual............2

Руководство по

Limited Warranty...........3

эксплуатации ............26




Manuel d’utilisation.......4

Garantie limitée.............6


Návod k pouãití..........29


Záruka .......................31


Garantie .......................9


Használati útmutató ...32


Korlátozott garancia ..34

Manual de

instrucciones ..............10


Garantía limitada.........12


uÃytkownika ...............35


Gwarancja .................37

Manual do utilizador....13

Garantia limitada.........15




Manuale di istruzioni ...16

Garanzia limitata .........18




Handleiding ................19

Garantie .....................21

EU Declaration of



Οδηγίεσ Χρήσεωσ ....22




Specifications .............44

DS3 OM Inner Iss2.qxd 23/3/07 3:36 pm Page 2


owever, they do have the advantage of making it


easier to balance the system for a larger listening area.


ou may well receive conflicting advice from different

Owner’s manual


ources on the best type of surround speaker to use.

The truth is that there is no one perfect solution for all

Dear customer,


ituations and the final choice for any given application

Thank you for choosing Bowers & Wilkins.


ill be influenced by several criteria, some of which

may have a degree of conflict. The DS3 has the

We are confident that you will enjoy many years of


dvantage of offering a choice of both monopole and


istening pleasure from your speakers, but please read

dipole operation via a switch located on the front

this manual fully before installing them. It will help you

baffle, behind the removable grille. You may therefore

optimise their performance.


hoose whichever type of operation best suits the

B&W maintains a network of dedicated distributors in

conditions of the listening room, the size of audience

over 60 countries who will be able to help you should

and the type of programme being played. Indeed, you

you have any problems your dealer cannot resolve.

may even change the characteristic for diff

erent types


f programme and, as the total energy into the room is

Environmental Information

the same in both modes, no recalibration of the

All B&W products are designed to

installation is necessary when switching between them.

comply with international directives on

In monopole mode, only the two drive units on the

the Restriction of Hazardous

front face operate. In dipole mode, the front tweeter is

Substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic

disconnected; the two side firing drivers are brought

equipment and the disposal of Waste Electrical and

into operation and the crossover frequency to the bass

Electronic Equipment (WEEE). These symbols indicate

unit is lowered. The side units are connected out of

compliance and that the products must be

phase with one another, which creates a wedge-

appropriately recycled or processed in accordance

shaped null zone at right angles to the wall. If the

with these directives. Consult your local waste

listeners sit within this zone, they become less aware of

disposal authority for guidance.

the location of the speakers and hear more reflected

Unpacking (figure 1)

sound; hence the diffuse nature of the sound field.

Fold the carton flaps right back and invert the


carton and contents.

Ascertain the optimum position for the speakers

Lift the carton clear of the contents and remove

before permanently fixing them in place.

the inner packaging from the speakers.

In order to successfully enable both modes of

We suggest you retain the packing for future use.

operation, the speakers should be placed so that the

listeners sit within the null zone of dipole operation.


The DS3 is specifically designed as an on-wall

5.1 format (figure 2)

surround speaker for multi-channel audio and home

Place each of the speakers to the side and slightly

theatre installations.

behind the centre of the listening area.

Surround speakers generally fall into two main types –

6.1 and 7.1 formats (figure 3)

those that one might describe as 'normal' speakers –

We recommend the use of 4 surround speakers, even

so-called monopoles, where the sound comes from a

when using a 6.1 format.

set of drive units mounted on the front of the

enclosure – and those that give a more diffuse sound

Place the side speakers in line with the centre of the

field, such as dipoles. Each type has its advantages.

listening area.

Most multi-channel music is recorded with home

Place the rear speakers behind the listening area

entertainment in mind and is monitored using monopole

within the angle limits shown in the diagram.

surround speakers, whatever the multi-channel recording

All formats

format. This enables better location of side and rear

images, although the formation of such images is never

The surround speakers will normally be placed

quite as pr

ecise as it is between the fr

ont speakers.

approximately 60cm (2 ft) above ear height. (figure 4)

Higher positions may be used if necessary.

Most films are originally balanced for cinemas, where a

large number of speakers spread around the

Although the speaker can theoretically be fitted to the

auditorium ar

e used to cr

eate the surr

ound sound

ceiling, it is not r

ecommended unless pr

ecautions ar


field. In that case there are more surround speakers

taken to prevent the speaker sliding off its mounting.

than there are discrete channels of information and a

B&W cannot accept any responsibility should the

less precise image is created that gives an all-

speaker fall fr

om a ceiling mount. If the ceiling has a

enveloping effect. Dipoles and similar diffuse speakers

cavity construction, the in-wall version CDS3 is a


e better at recreating this type of sound field in the

better solution.

home, but using fewer speakers to do it. Image

The speakers are handed in terms of which side the

positioning with these types of speaker is never as

positive and negative dipole lobes ar

e pr



ecise as it can be with monopoles.

Indication is via an arrow on the label at the back of


Аннотация для Акустика Bowers & Wilkins DS3 в формате PDF