Bowers & Wilkins CM9: инструкция

Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Микрофон

Инструкция к Микрофону Bowers & Wilkins CM9

II11078 Issue 1

CM Series



Owner’s Manual

Kevlar is a registered trademark of DuPont.

B&W Group (UK Sales)

B&W Group Ltd

Nautilus is a trademark of B&W Group Ltd.

T +44 1903 221 500

Dale Road

Copyright © B&W Group Ltd. E&OE


Worthing West Sussex

Printed in China.

BN11 2BH England

B&W Group North America

T +1 978 664 2870

T +44 (0) 1903 221 800


F +44 (0) 1903 221 801

B&W Group Asia Ltd

T +852 2 869 9916


CM7_9 OM Cover ISS1.indd 1-3 6/6/08 15:40:21

II11078 Issue 1

CM Series



Owners Manual

Kevlar is a registered trademark of DuPont.

B&W Group (UK Sales)

B&W Group Ltd

Nautilus is a trademark of B&W Group Ltd.

T +44 1903 221 500

Dale Road

Copyright © B&W Group Ltd. E&OE


Worthing West Sussex

Printed in China.

BN11 2BH England

B&W Group North America

T +1 978 664 2870

T +44 (0) 1903 221 800


F +44 (0) 1903 221 801

B&W Group Asia Ltd

T +852 2 869 9916


CM7_9 OM Cover ISS1.indd 1-3 6/6/08 15:40:21


Owner details

Title, first name, surname


Town, postcode, country

e-mail address

Product details


Serial number

Date of purchase

Dealer details

Dealer name


Town, postcode, country

e-mail address

Dealer stamp

CM7_9 OM Cover ISS1.indd 4-6 6/6/08 15:40:23




Owner’s Manual............2

Руководство по

Limited Warranty...........3

эксплуатации ............24




Manuel d’utilisation.......4

Garantie limitée.............6


Návod k pouãití..........27


Záruka .......................28


Garantie .......................9


Használati útmutató ...29


Korlátozott garancia ..31

Manual de

instrucciones ..............10


Garantía limitada.........12


uÃytkownika ...............32


Gwarancja .................34

Manual do utilizador....13

Garantia limitada.........15




Manuale di istruzioni ...16

Garanzia limitata .........17




Handleiding ................18

Garantie .....................20

EU Declaration of



Οδηγίεσ Χρήσεωσ ....21




Specifications .............44

6965 CM7 OM Inside iss5.qxd 9/4/08 11:36 Page 1

overall sound quality and the stereo image are likely to


be compromised.

Conventional Stereo Systems

Owner’s manual

To begin with, the speakers should be positioned

Dear Customer,

between 1.5m and 3m apart at two corners of an

equilateral triangle completed by the listening area at

Thank you for choosing B&W. Please read this manual

the third corner. The speakers should be

fully before unpacking and installing the product. It will

approximately 0.5m away from the back wall, and at

help you to optimise its performance. B&W maintains

least 0.5m away from any side walls. Figure 1a

a network of dedicated distributors in over 60 countries

illustrates this arrangement.

who will be able to help you should you have any

problems your dealer cannot resolve.

Home Theatre Systems

If the speakers are to be used for the front channels in

Environmental Information

a home theatre system, they should be placed closer

All B&W products are designed to comply

together than for 2-channel audio, because the

with international directives on the

surround channels tend to widen the image.

Restriction of Hazardous Substances

Positioning the speakers within approximately 0.5m of

(RoHS) in electrical and electronic equipment and the

the sides of the screen will also help keep the sound

disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

image in scale with the visual image. As with

(WEEE). These symbols indicate compliance and that

conventional stereo positioning, the speakers should

the products must be appropriately recycled or

ideally be approximately 0.5m away from the back

processed in accordance with these directives. Consult

wall, and at least 0.5m away from any side walls.

your local waste disposal authority for guidance.

Stray Magnetic Fields

Carton Contents

The speaker drive units create stray magnetic fields

Check in the carton for:

that extend beyond the boundaries of the cabinet. We

1 Foam plug

recommend you keep magnetically sensitive articles

1 Accessory pack containing:

(CRT television and computer screens, computer

4 M6 spike feet

discs, audio and video tapes, swipe cards and the

4 Rubber feet

like) at least 0.5m from the speaker. LCD and plasma

4 Lock nuts (10mm across flats)

screens are not affected by magnetic fields.

Speaker Installation


The speakers are intended to be floor mounted only. It

All connections should be made with the equipment

is important to ensure that the speakers stand firmly

switched off.

on the floor using the spike feet supplied whenever

There are 2 linked pairs of terminals on the back of the

possible. The spike feet are designed to pierce carpet

speaker. For conventional connection, the terminal

and rest on the floor surface. Initially, screw the lock

links should remain in place (as delivered) and just one

nuts onto the spikes enough to leave the nuts floating

pair of terminals connected to the amplifier. For bi-wire

just above the carpet when the spikes are resting on

connection, the terminal links should be removed and

the floor beneath. Screw the spikes fully into the

each pair of terminals connected to the amplifier

threaded inserts in the base of the cabinet. If the

independently. Bi-wiring can improve the resolution of

cabinet rocks when placed on the floor, unscrew the

low-level detail. Figures 2a and 2b illustrate

two spikes that do not touch the floor until the cabinet

conventional and bi-wire connection.

rests firmly without rocking. Finally, lock the nuts

against the cabinet. It may be more convenient to fit

Ensure that the positive terminals on the speaker

and adjust the spike feet after speaker positioning has

(marked + and coloured red) are connected to the

been optimised.

positive output terminal on the amplifier and the

negative terminals on the speaker (marked – and

If there is no carpet and you wish to avoid scratching

coloured black) are connected to the negative output

the floor surface, use either a protective metal disc (a

terminal on the amplifier. Incorrect connection can

coin perhaps) between the spike and the floor, or use

result in poor imaging and loss of bass.

the supplied rubber feet. Fit the rubber feet and level

the cabinet in the same manner as with the spike feet.

Ask your dealer for advice when selecting speaker

cable. Keep its total impedance below the maximum

Speaker Positioning

recommended in the speaker specification and use a

Adjustment of speaker position following initial

low inductance cable to avoid attenuation of high

installation will probably further improve the sound


quality and is usually worthwhile.

Fine Tuning

In either stereo or home theatre installations, try to

Before fine tuning, make sure that all the connections

ensure that the immediate surroundings of each

in the installation are correct and secure.

speaker are similar in acoustic character. For example,

if one speaker is adjacent to bare walls while the other

Moving the speakers further from the walls will

is adjacent to soft furnishings and curtains, both the

generally reduce the volume of bass. Space behind


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