Bowers & Wilkins HTM62: инструкция

Раздел: Авто, мото оборудование и транспорт

Тип: Автомобильная Колонка

Инструкция к Автомобильной Колонке Bowers & Wilkins HTM62

600 Series



Owner’s Manual

HTM6x OM Inner Iss5.qxd 19/2/07 2:58 pm Page 1




Owner’s Manual............2

Руководство по

Limited Warranty...........3

эксплуатации ............22




Manuel d’utilisation.......4

Garantie limitée.............5


Návod k pouãití..........25


Záruka .......................26


Garantie .......................8


Használati útmutató ...27


Korlátozott garancia ..29

Manual de

instrucciones ................9


Garantía limitada.........11


uÃytkownika ...............30


Gwarancja .................31

Manual do utilizador....12

Garantia limitada.........13




Manuale di istruzioni ...14

Garanzia limitata .........16




Handleiding ................17

Garantie .....................18

EU Declaration of



Οδηγίεσ Χρήσεωσ ....19





HTM6x OM Inner Iss5.qxd 19/2/07 2:58 pm Page 2


ecause of the higher magnetic field in front of the


speakers, magnetically sensitive articles (computer


iscs, audio and video tapes, swipe cards, etc) should

Owner’s manual

be kept at least 0.2m (8 in) from the speaker.


Dear customer,


ll connections should be made with the equipment

Thank you for choosing B&W. Please read this manual

switched off.


ully before unpacking and installing the product. It will

help you to optimise its performance. B&W maintains

There are 2 linked pairs of terminals on the back of the

a network of dedicated distributors in over 60 countries


peaker. For conventional connection the terminal links


ho will be able to help you should you have any

should remain in place (as delivered) and just one pair

problems your dealer cannot resolve.

of terminals connected to the amplifier. For bi-wire


onnection the terminal links should be removed and

Environmental Information


ach pair of terminals connected to the amplifier

B&W pro

ducts are designed to comply with

independently. Bi-wiring can improve the resolution of

international directives on the Restriction of

low-frequency detail. Figures 1a and 1b illustrate


azardous Substances (RoHS) in electrical and

conventional and bi-wire connection.

electronic equipment and the disposal of Waste

Ensure that positive terminals on the speaker (marked

Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The

+ and coloured red) are connected to the positive

crossed wheelie bin symbol indicates compliance and

output terminal on the amplifier and that negative

that the products must be appropriately recycled or

terminals on the speaker (marked – and coloured

processed in accordance with these directives.

black) are connected to the negative output terminal

on the amplifier. Incorrect connection can result in

Carton Contents

poor imaging and loss of bass.

Check in the carton for:

Ask your dealer for advice when selecting speaker

1 Foam plug.

cable. Keep its total impedance below the maximum

4 Self-adhesive rubber pads.

recommended in the speaker specification and use a


low inductance cable to avoid attenuation of high


If using a projection television with an acoustically

transparent screen, place the speaker behind the

Fine Tuning

centre of the screen. Otherwise position it directly

Before fine tuning, make sure that all the connections

above or below the screen, whichever is closest to ear

in the installation are correct and secure.

level. Align the front of the speaker approximately level

with the screen. The speaker is best used mounted on

For greatest realism in home theatre installations it is

a rigid shelf or wall bracket or on a rigid floor stand. If

important to balance the speakers and adjust the

the speaker is to be placed either directly on top of a

acoustic image to match the size of the screen. With

television or in a rack shared with other AV equipment

smaller screens it may be more realistic to have the

fix the 4 self-adhesive pads to the base of the speaker.

left and right speakers closer together than you might

They provide a degree of vibration isolation. The flat

for audio alone.

area on top of the television may be smaller than the

Adjust the levels of the three front speakers to get a

base of the speaker, so position the feet accordingly.

smooth transition of sounds as they pan across the

screen. Adjust the level of the surround speakers so

Stray Magnetic Fields

that, except for special effects, your attention is not

The speaker drive units are magnetically shielded such

unduly attracted to them. Listen from a variety of

that the stray magnetic field strength outside the

probable listening positions when deciding on the

boundaries of the cabinet, except the front, is too low

optimum levels.

to cause distortion of CRT television pictures in the

vast majority of cases. LCD and plasma screens are

Moving the speaker further from the wall will generally

not affected by magnetic fields.

reduce the volume of bass. Conversely, moving the

speaker closer to the walls will increase the volume of


e are, however, some extremely sensitive CRT

bass. If you want to reduce the volume of bass

televisions – some that even have to be adjusted

without moving the speaker further from the wall, fit

according to their alignment with the earth’s magnetic

the foam plug in the port tube as illustrated in

field. If you have a pr

oblem, first de-magnetise the

Figure 2.

television set with the speaker in place. Some have a

button especially for this purpose. If such feature is not

If the bass seems uneven with fr

equency this will most

fitted, switch of

f the set at the mains for 15 minutes and

probably be due to resonance modes in the listening

switch on again – again with the speaker in place. Merely


oom. Even small changes in the position of the

putting the set into standby mode will not be sufficient.

speakers or the listening position can have a pr


effect on how these resonances affect the sound. Try

If you still have a problem, try moving the speaker

moving the listening position a little backwar

ds or

either forwards or backwards a little to get a more

forwards. The presence and position of large pieces of

favourable alignment, or space the speaker further

furniture can also influence resonance modes.

from the CRT television until the distortion disappears.


Аннотация для Автомобильной Колонки Bowers & Wilkins HTM62 в формате PDF