Bowers & Wilkins ASW CM: инструкция

Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Акустика

Инструкция к Акустику Bowers & Wilkins ASW CM


Owner’s Manual

Figure 1

ASW CM Owners manual

English ...............................1


Deutsch ..............................9

Español ............................13

Português ..........................17

Italiano .............................21

Nederlands .......................25

Ελληνικά .........................29


Figure 2




Svenska ............................47


Figure 3


100-230V~ 50/60Hz 100W














Figure 4

Figure 5


















Power Amplifier





















Power Amplifier




unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet,

result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill


try reversing the plug. If the plug should still

liquid of any kind on the product. Do not

fail to fit, contact your electrician to replace

place any object containing liquid on top of


your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety

the product.

purpose of the polarised plug. When using

15 Cleaning – Unplug the product from the


an extension power-supply cord or a power-

wall outlet before cleaning. The cabinet of

supply cord other than that supplied with the

the subwoofer may be cleaned by dusting


appliance, it should be fitted with the

with a dry cloth. If you wish to use an

appropriate moulded-on plugs and carry


aerosol cleaning spray, do not spray directly


safety approval appropriate to the country of

on the cabinet; spray onto the cloth. Remove


the grille first so that the cloth does not



Power Cord Protection – Power-supply

become stained, but be careful not to disturb

cords should be routed so that they are not

the drive unit. The grille itself may be

To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not

likely to be walked on or pinched by items

cleaned using a soft brush.

remove the back panel and do not expose the

placed on or against them, paying particular

apparatus to rain or moisture. No user-

16 Attachments – Do not use attachments not

attention to cords at plugs, convenience

serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to

recommended by the product manufacturer,

receptacles and the point where they exit

qualified personnel.

as they may cause hazards.

from the appliance.

Explanation of Graphical Symbols:

17 Accessories – Do not place this product

9 Overloading – Do not overload wall

on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket or

The lightning flash within an

outlets, extension cords or integral

table. The product may fall, causing serious

equilateral triangle is intended to

convenience receptacles, as this can result in

injury to a child or adult, and serious

alert you to the presence of

a risk of fire or electric shock.

damage to the product. Use only with a

uninsulated “dangerous voltage”

10 Ventilation The amplifier panel at the

cart, stand, tripod, bracket or table

within the product’s enclosure that

rear of the product forms part of the cooling

recommended by the manufacturer or sold

may be of sufficient magnitude to

mechanism and must not be obscured by

with the product. Any mounting of the

constitute an electric shock to

placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or

product should follow the manufacturer’s


other similar surface. Do not cover the

instructions and should use a mounting

The exclamation point within an

amplifier panel with any items such as

accessory recommended by the

equilateral triangle is intended to

tablecloths, newspapers, etc. Ensure the heat


alert you to the presence of

sink fins are aligned vertically to ensure

18 Moving the appliance – A product and

important operating and

proper cooling. There should be a clear gap

cart combination should be moved with

maintenance (servicing) instructions

of at least 50mm (2-in) between the back of

care. Quick stops, excessive

in the literature accompanying the

the product and any wall or partition. If the

force and uneven surfaces may


product is placed in a built-in installation,

cause the product and cart

such as a rack, bookcase or cabinet, proper


combination to overturn. Check

provision for air to circulate must be


that there are no cables under

1 Read Instructions – All the safety and

provided, either by a) 12mm (



-in) clear

the carpet that may be damaged by the

operating instructions should be read before

gap round the top, sides and bottom of the

spike feet. Do not walk the product on the

the appliance is operated.

product venting into the room or b) two ducts

spike feet as this may cause them to become

of 150 sq cm (24 sq in) minimum cross

2 Retain Instructions – The safety and

detached from the cabinet and cause

section from the room leading to slots

operating instructions should be retained for

damage. Take care not to impale yourself

300mm (12-in) wide x 50mm (2-in) deep at

future reference.

with the spike feet.

top and bottom of the compartment, in line

3 Heed Warnings All warnings on the

with the gap behind the product.

19 Non-use Periods – The power cord of

appliance and in the operating instructions

the appliance should be unplugged from the

11 Heat – The product should be situated

should be adhered to.

outlet during lightning storms or when the

away from heat sources such as radiators,

apparatus is left unused for a long period of

4 Follow Instructions – All operating and

heat registers, stoves, or other products


use instructions should be followed.

(including amplifiers) that produce heat. No

naked flame sources, such as lighted

20 Servicing Do not attempt to service this

5 Installation – Install in accordance with

candles, should be placed on the apparatus.

product yourself, as opening or removing

the manufacturer's instructions.

covers may expose you to dangerous

12 Wall or Ceiling Mounting The


Power Sources – This product should be

voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing

product should be mounted to a wall or

operated only from the type of power source

to qualified service personnel.

ceiling only as recommended by the

indicated by the marking situated on the rear


21 Damage Requiring Service Unplug

panel. If you are not sure of the type of

this product from the wall outlet and refer

power supply to your home, consult your

13 Water and Moisture To reduce the risk

servicing to qualified personnel under the

product dealer or local power company.

of fire or electric shock, do not expose the

following conditions:

product to rain or excessive moisture such as


Grounding or Polarisation The

in a sauna or bathroom. Do not use this

a When the power-supply cord or plug has

appliance is not required to be grounded.

product near water for example, near a

been damaged.

Ensure the plug is fully inserted into the wall

bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry

outlet or extension cord receptacle to prevent

b If liquid has been spilled or objects have

tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming

blade or pin exposure. Some versions of the

fallen into the appliance.

pool and the like.

product are equipped with a power cord

c If the product has been exposed to rain or

fitted with a polarised alternating line plug (a

14 Object and Liquid Entry Never push


plug having one blade wider than the other).

objects of any kind into this product through

This plug will fit onto the power outlet only

openings, as they may touch dangerous

d If the product does not operate normally

one way. This is a safety feature. If you are

voltage points or short out parts that could

by following the operating instructions.


Adjust only those controls that are covered

improves the midrange clarity by reducing the

Positioning the subwoofer

by the operating instructions, as an

low-frequency demands on your existing speakers.

Because the subwoofer produces only low-

improper adjustment of other controls may

Please read through this manual fully before

frequency sounds, positioning is less critical in

result in damage and will often require

using the subwoofer. All sound installations

some respects compared to full-range speakers.

extensive work by a qualified technician to

require some planning and experimentation if

Directional information is much less precise and

restore the product to its normal operation.

you are to get the best out of the products used

you have more choice where to place the

e If the product has been dropped, or

and this manual will guide you in this process.

speakers to good effect. This said, best results

damaged in any way.

are obtained if the subwoofer is placed between

As the subwoofer is connected to the electricity

the satellite speakers or in the vicinity of one of

f When the product exhibits a distinct

power supply, it is important that you familiarise

them. If you use two subwoofers, it is best to put

change in performance this indicates a

yourself with the safety instructions and heed all

one near each satellite speaker.

need for service.


Placing the subwoofer behind the listeners, even


Replacement Parts When replacement

Keep this manual in a safe place for future

in surround sound installations, generally gives

parts are required, be sure the service


inferior imaging, but may be an acceptable

technician has used replacement parts

B&W products are distributed to over

compromise if domestic considerations dictate.

specified by the manufacturer or have the

60 countries worldwide and we maintain an

same characteristics as the original part.

As with all speakers, the proximity of room

international network of carefully chosen and

Unauthorised substitutions may result in fire,

boundaries affects the sound. Bass is generally

dedicated distributors. If you have a problem,

electric shock or other hazards.

increased as more surfaces come into close

which your dealer cannot resolve, our distributors

proximity with the speakers. Unlike full-range

will be more than willing to assist you.

speakers, however, you can always restore the

correct overall system balance by adjusting the

volume level of the subwoofer. The more boost


you get from the room, the less hard the speaker

(figure 1)

23 Mains Fuses – For continued protection

has to work; but there is a down side. Corner

against fire hazard, use fuses only of the

The easiest way to unpack the subwoofer and

positions often excite more low-frequency room

correct type and rating. The amplifier is

avoid damage is as follows:

resonances, making the bass more uneven with

designed to operate with nominal mains

frequency. There is no substitute for experiment

Open the carton flaps right back and invert

supplies in the range 100V to 230V AC, but

as all rooms behave differently, so try the

the carton and contents.

different types of fuse are used, dependent

subwoofer in a variety of positions before

on the mains voltage. The correct fuse

Lift the carton away from the product.

making a final decision. A piece of music with a

specification for each voltage range is

bass line ascending or descending the musical

We recommend that you retain the packaging

marked on the product.

scale is useful for assessing the smoothness of

for future use.

the bass response. Listen for exaggerated or

24 Safety Check – Upon completion of any

In addition to this manual, the carton should

quiet notes. Having a separate subwoofer does

service or repairs to this product, ask the


enable you to optimise for room resonances

service technician to perform safety checks

independently from siting the satellite speakers

to determine that the product is in proper

1 Subwoofer

for best imaging.

operating condition.

1 Accessory pack containing:

If the subwoofer is to be used in a confined

25 Magnetic Fields – the product creates a

4 Rubber feet

space (eg in custom furniture), the space must be

stray static magnetic field. Do not place any

ventilated to allow sufficient air to circulate and

object that may be damaged by this

4 Spike feet

cool the unit. Ask your dealer for advice.

magnetic field (eg cathode ray tube

4 Lock nuts

televisions or computer monitors, audio and

The subwoofer is supplied with four spike feet.

video tapes and swipe cards) within 0.5m

1 International warranty document

The spikes pierce through carpet pile, giving a

(2 feet) of the appliance. The appliance may

firm support directly to the floor surface without

cause distortion of cathode ray tube images

crushing the pile.

beyond this distance.

A tour of the subwoofer

If the unit is to be placed on a vulnerable

(figure 2)

surface, such as a wooden floor, either place a

1 Power/Standby indicator

protective disc under each spike or fit the four


rubber feet in place of the spikes.

2 VOLUME control

Thank you for purchasing a B&W ASW Active

When fitting either the rubber feet or the spike



feet, first screw the lock nuts fully onto the thread

Since its foundation in 1966, the continuing

4 MODE On/Auto/Standby switch

and then screw the feet fully onto the threaded

philosophy of B&W has been the quest for

inserts in the base of the cabinet. If the unit

5 Equalisation switch

perfect sound reproduction. Inspired by the

rocks, loosen the relevant two opposing feet until

company’s founder, the late John Bowers, this

6 LOW-PASS FILTER defeat switch

the support is firm, then re-tighten the lock nuts to

quest has entailed not only high investment in

the inserts.

7 Phase switch

audio technology and innovation but also an

Check that there are no cables under the carpet

abiding appreciation of music and the demands


that may be damaged by the spike feet.

of film sound to ensure that the technology is put


to maximum effect.

Do not walk the product on the spike feet as this


may cause them to become detached from the

This subwoofer has been designed for Home

cabinet and cause damage.

Theatre installations and to augment the bass

11 Fuse holder

performance of full-range speakers in 2-channel

Take care not to impale yourself with the spike

12 Power input socket

audio use. Adding the subwoofer to your system

feet when moving the product.

not only extends the bass to lower frequencies, it

13 POWER on/off switch


Electrical connections

Double-check the connections

The LOW-PASS FILTER switch (5)

Disconnect all sound system equipment from the

Before auditioning the sound quality of your new

The EQ (equalisation) switch (4)

power supply until the signal connections have

installation and fine-tuning it, double-check the

The optimum settings depend on the other

been made and checked. This avoids the risk of

connections. All too often, users complain that

equipment used with the subwoofer. If using

damage whilst connections are made or broken.

they cannot get a decent sound however they set

more than one subwoofer, ensure the controls on

the controls, only to discover something has been

The function of the subwoofer is to receive

each one are set the same.

wrongly connected. Make sure that:

signals from the amplification chain and, where

Use with home theatre decoders

necessary for 2-channel audio, split the signal

The phasing is correct there should be no


into low bass and higher frequencies and feed

positive to negative connections to the

The B&W ASW Active Subwoofer is not a THX

the latter back out to the satellite speakers. Left

satellite speakers. If something is out of

licensed component, but may be used with a

and right channel inputs may be combined into

phase you may get a fuzzy sound with an



controller if desired.

a single mono low bass feed to the subwoofer

imprecise and floating image, a lack of bass

Set the VOLUME control to the half way

drive unit if required.

or a combination of the two.

(12 o’clock) position.

The subwoofer will input and output line-level

There are no left to right mix-ups – this can

The setting of the LOW-PASS FREQUENCY

signals via the RCA Phono sockets located on

result, for example, in the orchestra being the

control is irrelevant.

the back panel.

wrong way round or, more disastrously,

sounds on your Home Theatre going in the

Set the PHASE switch initially to 0˚.

Use the following table to select the correct

opposite direction to the action on the

wiring method for your installation:

Set the LOW-PASS FILTER switch to OUT.


Application: Home Theatre

Set the EQ switch initially to position A.

The subwoofer may be used with any decoder

See also the section “Fine tuning”.

Switching on and off

that has a line-level subwoofer output (normally

If you have a THX


controller, ensure that the

from an RCA Phono socket). Most decoders with

We recommend that you switch the subwoofer

subwoofer function is enabled. When so

integral power amplifiers still output the

on before any power amplifiers receiving signals

configured it incorporates all the filtering and

subwoofer or Low-Frequency Effects (LFE) signal

from the subwoofer. Similarly, when switching

level setting required for the subwoofer in all

at line level.

off, switch the subwoofer off last.

modes. For level calibration, the internal test


Decoder with one or more subwoofers

The MODE standby/auto/on switch (3) at the

noise and channel level controls in the THX

fig. 3

top left of the amplifier panel does not isolate

controller should be used. In all cases the levels

the amplifier completely from the power supply. It

should be set to obtain 75dB SPL (C-weighted)

Application: 2-channel audio

maintains a low-power input to an auxiliary

at the listening position from the controller’s

Separate pre- & power amplifiers:

sensing circuit.

internal noise test signal.

a One or more subwoofers with output

The switch (3) operates as follows:

With other decoders, configure the front and

combined into a single mono signal fig. 4

surround speakers to “large” or “small” as


appropriate before setting the levels. Use the

b Two subwoofers with separate left and right

With the switch in this position, the amplifier

internal noise test signal and volume controls of

signal – fig. 5

remains permanently on, and the light glows

the decoder to set the levels of all the speakers.


The subwoofer is not suitable for use with

Only change the VOLUME control on the

2-channel integrated pre/power amplifiers.


subwoofer if there is not enough range in the

On first switching the subwoofer to Auto, the

decoder to achieve the correct levels.

amplifier becomes fully active and the light (10)

Inexpensive sound level meters are readily

Using more than one subwoofer

above the on/auto/standby switch glows green.

available from electronics stores and should be

After a period of about 5 minutes without an

Using more than one unit in a single installation

used to calibrate the levels. Refer to your

input signal, the amplifier automatically reverts to

can improve performance in the following ways:

decoder manual for further details on how to set

standby mode, and the light glows red. When

the levels.

Maintain stereo separation to the lowest

an input signal is detected, the amplifier


automatically becomes fully active and the light

Use for 2-channel audio

glows green.

Cope with larger listening rooms.

Set the VOLUME control initially to the half


way (12 o’clock) position.

Enable greater maximum sound output

In this position, the amplifier is in permanent

often useful for effectively reproducing

Set the LOW-PASS FREQUENCY initially to

standby, and the light glows red.

special effects in Home Theatre applications.


If the subwoofer is to be out of use for an

Smooth out the effects of low-frequency room

Set the LOW-PASS FILTER switch to IN.

extended period of time, we recommend you


isolate it from the power supply, either by using

Set the EQ switch initially to position B.

If you are using two subwoofers for 2-channel

the POWER switch (10) or by removing the plug

Set the PHASE switch initially to 0˚.

audio, separation is improved if each channel

from the power socket.

has its own subwoofer, providing each one is

See also the section “Fine tuning”.

placed close to the relevant satellite speaker.

Only use the mono connection of figure 4 if you

Setting the controls

cannot place each subwoofer close to its satellite


There are 5 controls to consider:


There are two settings of the EQ switch. Position

The VOLUME control (1)

A is optimised to allow the subwoofer to provide

The LOW-PASS FREQUENCY control (2)

the highest listening levels, while position B gives

greater bass extension coupled with a tighter

The PHASE switch (6)



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