Karcher KMR 1250 B: Transport Maintenance and care

Transport Maintenance and care: Karcher KMR 1250 B

Maintenance by Customer Service


Maintenance and care

Maintenance to be carried out after 8 oper-


General notes

ating hours:

Risk of injury and damage! Observe the weight

Î Carry out initial inspection.

Maintenance work may only be carried

of the appliance when you transport it.

Maintenance to be carried out every 100

out by approved customer service out-

When transporting in vehicles, secure the

operating hours

lets or experts in this field who are famil-

appliance according to the guidelines from

Maintenance to be carried out every 200

iar with the respective safety

slipping and tipping over.

operating hours



Maintenance to be carried out every 300

Mobile appliances used for commercial

operating hours

The appliance must be secured against

purposes are subject to safety inspec-

slippage during transport.


tions according to VDE 0701.

Î Turn ignition key to "0" and remove it.

In order to safeguard warranty claims, all

Î Lock parking brake.


service and maintenance work during the

Î Secure the appliance at the transport eye-

warranty period must be carried out by the


lets using tension belts, ropes or chains.

authorised Kärcher Customer Service in

Risk of damage! Do not clean the appliance

Î Secure the wheels of the machine with

accordance with the maintenance booklet.

wheel chocks.

with a water hose or high-pressure water jet

(danger of short circuits or other damage).

Maintenance Works

Cleaning the inside of the machine



Î Park the sweeper on an even surface.

Risk of injury! Wear dust mask and protec-

Î Turn ignition key to "0" and remove it.

tive goggles.

Î Lock parking brake.

Î Open the device hood.

General notes on safety

Î Clean machine with a cloth.

Î Clamp off the minus pole of the battery

Î Blow through machine with com-

to avoid formation of sparks and pre-

pressed air.

vent the device from starting.

Î Close cover.



External cleaning of the appliance

Risk of injury! Always apply the safety bar

Observe markings for fixing points on base

Î Clean the machine with a damp cloth

when the waste container is raised.

frame (chain symbols). When loading or

which has been soaked in mild detergent.

unloading the machine, it may only be op-


erated on gradients of max. 18%.

Do not use aggressive cleaning agents.

Storing the device

Maintenance intervals



Risk of injury and damage! Note the weight

The elapsed-time counter shows the timing

of the appliance in case of storage.

of the maintenance intervals.

This appliance must only be stored in inte-

Maintenance by the customer

rior rooms.

Daily maintenance:


Î Use the safety bar for emptying from a

Î Check engine oil level.


Î Check air filter.

If the sweeper is going to be out of service

Î Check tyre pressure.


for a longer time period, observe the follow-

Î Check the sweeping roller and the side

ing points:

Risk of injury due to engine overrun. Once

brush for wear and wrapped belts.

Î Park the sweeper on an even surface.

the engine has been switched off, wait for 5

Î Check dust filter.

Î Raise the roller brush and the side-

seconds. Stay well clear of the working

brushes to prevent the bristles from be-

Î Check function of all operator control el-

area for this time.

ing damaged.


Allow the machine sufficient time to cool

Î Turn ignition key to "0" and remove it.

Weekly maintenance:

down before carrying out any mainte-

Î Check leakage and functioning of all hy-

Î Lock parking brake.

nance and repair work.

draulic components.

Î Lock the sweeper to ensure that it does

Do not touch any hot parts, such as the

Î Check for smooth running of the Bow-

not roll off.

drive motor and exhaust system.

den cables and the moveable parts

Î Fill fuel tank and close fuel cock.

Maintenance following wear:

Please do not release engine

Î Change engine oil.

Î Replace sealing strips.

oil, fuel oil, diesel and petrol

Î Unscrew spark plugs and pour approx.

3 cm


Î Replace roller brush.

of oil into the spark plug holes.

into the environment Protect

Î Replace side brush.

Crank the engine several times before

the ground and dispose of used

replacing the spark plug. Screw in the


oil in an environmentally-clean

spark plug.

For description, see section on Mainte-


Î Clean the inside and outside of the

nance work.


Follow the instructions in Maintenance

Î Park the machine in a safe and dry

Manual 5.950-533!



Î Disconnect battery.

Where maintenance is carried out by the

Î Charge battery approx. every 2 months.

customer, all service and maintenance

Close fuel cock

work must be undertaken by a qualified

Î Open the device hood.

specialist. If required, a specialised Kärch-

Î Push lever in "OFF" direction.

er dealer may be contacted at any time.

Î Close cover.

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Safety notes regarding the batteries

Installing and connecting the battery

Check the tyre pressure

Please observe the following warning notes

Î Open the device hood.

Î Park the sweeper on an even surface.

when handling batteries:

Î Insert battery in battery mount.

Î Connect air pressure testing device to

tyre valve.

Observe the directions on the

Î Screw on mounts on battery base.

battery, in the instructions for

Î Connect pole terminal (red cable) to

Î Check air pressure and adjust if re-

use and in the vehicle operat-

positive pole (+).


ing instructions!

Î Connect pole terminal to negative pole

Î Set air pressure for the front and rear


tyres at 6 bar.

Wear an eye shield!


Manually clean the dust filter

Before removing the battery, make sure

The filter can also be cleaned manually in

that the negative pole lead is disconnected.

addition to the automatic interval.

Keep away children from acid

Check that the battery pole and pole termi-


and batteries!

nals are adequately protected with pole

During operations, the dust filter should be


shaken and cleaned every 15-30 minutes

Charging battery

depending on the amount of collected dust.

Risk of explosion!


Î Stop the machine.

Risk of injury! Comply with safety regula-

Î Set the lever to "wet" sweeping operations.

tions on the handling of batteries. Observe

Î Briefly press the dust filter cleaning switch.

the directions provided by the manufacturer

The dust filter is cleaned for approx. 10 sec-

Fire, sparks, open light, and

of the charger.


smoking not allowed!


Î Set the lever to "dry" sweeping operations.

Charge the battery only with an appropriate

Check engine oil level and top up, if re-



Danger of causticization!

Î Disconnect battery.


Î Unscrew all cell caps.

Risk of burns!

Î Connect positive terminal cable from

Î Allow engine to cool down.

the charger to the positive pole connec-

First aid!

Î Wait for at least 5 minutes after switch-

tion on the battery.

ing off the engine before checking the

Î Connect negative terminal cable from

engine oil fill level.

the charger to the negative pole con-

Î Open the device hood.

nection on the battery.

Warning note!

Î Plug in mains connector and switch on


Î Charge battery using lowest possible

level of charging current.


Î Screw in cell caps.


When the battery is charged, first remove

Do not throw the battery in the

the charger from the mains and then dis-


connect it from the battery.

Check fluid level in the battery and ad-

Î Pull out oil dipstick.

just if required

Î Wipe off oil dipstick and insert.


Î Pull out oil dipstick.


Regularly check the fluid level in acid-filled

Î Read the value of the oil level.

Risk of explosion! Do not put tools or similar


The oil level must lie between “MIN“

on the battery, i.e. on the terminal poles

The acid in a fully charged battery has a

and “MAX“ marking.

and cell connectors.

specific weight of 1.28 kg/l at a temper-

Add motor oil if the oil level is below the


ature of 20 °C.

"MIN" marking.

Risk of injury! Ensure that wounds never come

The acid in a partially discharged bat-

Do not fill oil above the "MAX" marking.

into contact with lead. Always clean your hands

tery has a specific weight between 1.00

Î Fill engine oil in the opening of the oil

after having worked with batteries.

and 1.28 kg/l.

dip stick.


The specific weight of the acid must be

Oil grade: see Technical Data

Risk of fire and explosion!

uniform in all cells.

Î Insert the oil dip again.

Smoking and naked flames are strictly

Î Unscrew all cell caps.

Î Wait at least 5 minutes.


Î Take a sample from each cell using the acid

Î Check engine oil level.

Rooms where batteries are charged


must have good ventilation because

Change the engine oil

Î Put the acid sample back into the same cell.

highly explosive gas is emitted during


Î Where fluid level is too low, top up cells to


Risk of burns due to hot oil!

the mark provided with distilled water.


Î Ready a catch bin for appr. 1.5 litre oil.

Î Charge battery.

Danger of causticization!

Î Allow engine to cool down.

Î Screw in cell caps.

Rinse thoroughly with lots of clear water

Î Open the device hood.

if acid gets into the eye or comes in con-

tact with the skin.

Then consult a doctor immediately.

Wash off the acid If it comes in contact

with the clothes.

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Clean fuel filter cup


Risk of fire and explosion!

Smoking and naked flames are strictly


Î Remove the oil drain hose from the

Î Open right side-flap (1).


Î Loosen the safety bolts at the lower end of

Î Unscrew oil drain plug.

the fork (2) and tilt the drawbar to the rear.

Î Pull out oil dipstick.

Î Loosen knurled-head screw (3).

Î Drain off oil.

Î Screw in the oil drain screw along with

Î Set fuel valve to “OFF” (1).

the new washer.

Î Add O-ring to the fuel filter cup (2).

Î Insert the oil drain hose in the holder.

Î Do not wash the fuel cup with non-in-

Î Fill engine oil in the opening of the oil

flammable or flame-retarding solvents.

dip stick.

Let dry thoroughly.

Oil grade: see Technical Data

Î Insert fuel filter cup and tighten.

Î Insert the oil dip again.

Î Set fuel valve to “ON”.

Î Wait at least 5 minutes.

Î Check for leaks.

Î Check engine oil level.

Check hydraulic unit

Î Remove roller brush arm (4).

Cleaning and replacing the fuel filter

Î Do visual inspection. Infom oil loss to

Î Open roller brush flap (rotating lock) (5).


hydraulic unit, cylinder or hoses to

Î Draw out the roller brush (6).

Never use petrol or cleaning solutions with low

Kärcher Customer Service.

Î Turn in the adjustment screw of the roller

infllamation point to clean the filter inserts.

Replacing side brush

brush in clockwise direction (-) up to the

Î Open the device hood.

Î Park the sweeper on an even surface.


Î The side-brushes lift up.

Î Assemble it back in the reverse sequence.

Î Turn ignition key to "0" and remove it.

Î Unscrew wing nut.

Î Remove the paper inlay and the foam

Installation position of roller brush in direc-

inlay and check them.

Î Loosen the fastening screws.

tion of travel

Î Insert cleaned or new inlays.

Î Remove the wiper blade.


Î Screw on wing nut.

Î Fix in the new wiper blade.

When installing the new roller brush, en-

Paper inlay (1)

Checking roller brush

sure correct positioning of the bristle as-

Î Clean paper inlay or replace if too dirty.

Î Park the sweeper on an even surface.


Cleaning: Blow out the paper inlay from

the inside using compressed air or

Î Raise roller brush.


knock it on a hard surface. Do not brush

Î Turn ignition key to "0" and remove it.

Once the new roller brush has been in-

it off because the dirt will get pressed

Î Secure the machine with wheel chock(s) to

stalled, the sweeping track must be read-

into the fiber.

prevent it from rolling away.


Foam insert (2)

Î Lock parking brake.

Check and adjust roller brush sweeping

Î Clean foam insert.

Î Remove belts or cords from roller brush.


Cleaning: Wash the foam insert in a so-

Î Check tyre pressure.

Replacing roller brush

lution made of household detergent and

Î Switch off dust suction; set the lever to

Replacement is due if a visible deteriora-

warm water. Rinse the accessories and

"wet" sweeping operations.

tion in sweeping performance caused by

let dry thoroughly. Then dip the insert in


Raise roller brush.

bristle wear is evident.

clean engine oil and press out excess

Î The side-brushes lift up.

Î Park the sweeper on an even surface.

oil. If there is too much oil in the insert,

Î Drive sweeper on to a smooth, even

Î Lower roller brush.

the motor will let out smoke during first

surface covered with a visible layer of

Î Turn ignition key to "0" and remove it.

dust or chalk.


Î Secure the machine with wheel

Î Lower roller brush (central position) and

chock(s) to prevent it from rolling away.

allow it to briefly rotate.

Î Lock parking brake.

Î Raise roller brush.

Î Open bulk waste flap.

Î Drive machine backwards.

Î Check sweeping mirror.

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Î Set the ground clearance of the sealing

Replacing electric bulb

strip to 1-5 mm.

Î Stop the machine.

Î Screw on new sealing strip.

Î Turn ignition key to "0" and remove it.

Side sealing strips

Î Unscrew the fasteners of the sealing


Î Remove sealing strips.

Î Insert new sealing strips.

Î Adjust sealing strips.

Î Set the ground clearance of the sealing

The sweeping track should have an even

strip to 1-3 mm.

rectangular shape which is between 30 and

Î Screw on new sealing strips.

50 mm wide.

Replacing dust filter



Î Loosen the fasteners of the columns.

The shape of the sweeping track must not

Empty waste container before replacing

Î Remove column (1).

be trapezoidal. If so, consult Customer

dust filter. Wear a dust mask when working

Î Loosen the screw between the struts of


around the dust filter. Observe safety regu-

the lamp holder of the defective head-

Adjust sweeping track:

lations on the handling of fine particulate




Î Turn the diffusing lens of the defective

Only for "Fine tuning" mode.

headlamp in the anti-clockwise direc-


Î Open the device hood.

tion by approx. 1/4 rotation (2) and take

A clear deposit of dust at the air exit of the

out the reflector housing (3).

blower is an indicator that the dust filter has

Î Take out the bulb.

not been inserted correctly or is defective.

Î Insert new bulb.

Î Insert the reflector housing from the bottom

into the column and fasten it by turning ap-

prox. 1/4 rotation in the clockwise direction.

Ensure that it has locked in properly; the let-

ters HALOGEN must be clearly legible on

the headlights glass in a horizontal manner


Enlarging sweeping track:

Î Turn in the screw between the struts of

Î Turn the adjustment screw in an anti-

the lamp holder.

clockwise direction (+).

Î Fasten the column.

Î Raise waste container up to the half (1).

Reducing sweeping track:

Replacing fuses

Î Turn the adjustment screw in a clock-

Î Open catches (2).

wise direction (-).

Î Tilt the filter box towards the front and


Adjusting and replacing sealing strips

remove it (3).

Only use fuses with identical safety ratings.


Replace damaged or worn out sealing

strips immediately.

Î Park the sweeper on an even surface.

Î Raise roller brush.

Î Turn ignition key to "0" and remove it.

Î Secure the machine with wheel

chock(s) to prevent it from rolling away.

Î Lock parking brake.

Î Fold up the handle (4), pull it out and

Î Open the device hood.

turn it by 90° (lock).

Î Replace defective fuses.

Î Remove filter cartridge (5).


Î Insert new filter cartridge; bolts must

Multiple defect of the same fuse indicates a

have been inserted into the holes (6).

technical defect in the electrical system. In-

Î Reset handle in the starting position

form Kärcher Customer Service.

and lock it. Check correct position of

the filter.

Î Insert filter box and lock it.

Front sealing strip

Î Unscrew fasteners of sealing strip.

Î Remove the sealing strip.

Î Screw on new sealing strip.


The front sealing strip cannot be adjusted.

Rear sealing strip

Î Unscrew fasteners of sealing strip.

Î Remove the sealing strip.

Î Screw on the new sealing strip.

Î Adjust sealing strip.

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