Karcher KMR 1250 B: Symbols on the machine
Symbols on the machine: Karcher KMR 1250 B

Please read and comply with these
Appliances with combustion engine
Symbols on the machine
original instructions prior to the ini-
tial operation of your appliance and store them
Risk of burns on ac-
Risk of injury!
for later use or subsequent owners.
count of hot surfaces!
– Do not close the exhaust.
Before first start-up it is definitely neces-
Allow the exhaust to
– Do not bend over the exhaust or touch
sary to read the safety indications Nr.
cool down sufficiently
it (risk of burns).
before starting work on
– Do not touch the drive motor (risk of burns).
the machine.
– Exhaust gases are poisonous and haz-
ardous to health, do not inhale them.
Environmental protection EN - 1
Safety instructions
– The engine requires approx. 3-4 sec-
Symbols in the operating in-
EN - 1
onds to come to a standstill once it has
General notes
been switched off. During this time, stay
Symbols on the machine EN - 1
Your sales outlet should be informed about
well clear of the working area.
Safety instructions EN - 1
any transit damage noted when unpacking
Accessories and Spare Parts
the product.
Function EN - 1
– Only use accessories and spare parts
– Warning and information plates on the
Proper use EN - 2
which have been approved by the man-
machine provide important directions
Device elements EN - 3
for safe operation.
ufacturer. The exclusive use of original
Before Startup EN - 5
– In addition to the information contained
accessories and original spare parts
in the operating instructions, all statuto-
ensures that the appliance can be oper-
Operation EN - 5
ry safety and accident prevention regu-
ated safely and trouble free.
Transport EN - 7
lations must be observed.
– At the end of the operating instructions
Storing the device EN - 7
Drive mode
you will find a selected list of spare
Shutdown EN - 7
parts that are often required.
Maintenance and care EN - 7
– For additional information about spare
Risk of injury!
parts, please go to the Service section
Troubleshooting EN - 11
Danger of tipping if gradient is too high.
at www.kaercher.com.
Specifications EN - 12
– The gradient in the direction of travel
should not exceed 18%.
Warranty EN - 13
Danger of tipping when driving round
CE Declaration EN - 13
bends at high speed.
– Drive slowly when cornering.
Environmental protection
Danger of tipping on unstable ground.
– Only use the machine on sound surfaces.
The packaging material can be
recycled. Please do not throw
Danger of tipping with excessive sideways tilt.
– The gradient perpendicular to the direc-
the packaging material into
tion of travel should not exceed 10%.
household waste; please send it
– It is important to follow all safety instruc-
for recycling.
tions, rules and regulations applicable
Old appliances contain valuable
for driving motor vehicles.
materials that can be recycled;
– The operator must use the appliance
these should be sent for recy-
The sweeper operates using the overthrow
properly. He must consider the local
cling. Batteries, oil, and similar
conditions and must pay attention to
substances must not enter the
third parties, in particular children, when
– The side brushes (3) clean the corners
environment. Please dispose of
working with the appliance.
and edges of the surface, moving dirt
your old appliances using ap-
– The appliance may only be used by per-
and debris into the path of the roller
propriate collection systems.
sons who have been instructed in han-
dling the appliance or have proven
– The rotating roller brush (4) moves the
Notes about the ingredients (REACH)
qualification and expertise in operating
dirt and debris directly into the waste
You will find current information about the
the appliance or have been explicitly
container (5).
ingredients at:
assigned the task of handling the appli-
– The dust raised in the container is sep-
arated by the dust filter (2) and the fil-
– The appliance must not be operated by
tered clean air is drawn off by the
children, young persons or persons
Symbols in the operating
who have not been instructed accord-
suction fan (1).
– It is strictly prohibited to take co-pas-
Immediate danger that can cause severe
– Ride-on appliances may only be started
after the operator has occupied the driv-
injury or even death.
er's seat.
몇 Warning
Î Please remove the ignition key, when
Possible hazardous situation that could
not in use, to avoid unauthorised use of
lead to severe injury or even death.
the appliance.
Î Never leave the machine unattended
so long as the engine is running. The
Possible hazardous situation that could
operator may leave the appliance only
lead to mild injury to persons or damage to
when the engine has come to a stand-
still, the appliance has been protected
against accidental movement, if neces-
sary, by applying the immobilization
brake and the ignition key has been re-
16 EN
- 1
- Symbole auf dem Gerät
- Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung
- Geräteelemente
- Vor Inbetriebnahme
- Transport
- Hilfe bei Störungen
- Technische Daten
- Garantie CE-Erklärung
- Symbols on the machine
- Proper use
- Device elements
- Before Startup
- Transport Maintenance and care
- Troubleshooting
- Specifications
- Warranty CE Declaration
- Symboles sur l'appareil
- Utilisation conforme
- Éléments de l'appareil
- Avant la mise en service
- Transport
- Assistance en cas de panne
- Données techniques
- Garantie
- Símbolos del manual de
- Función Uso previsto
- Elementos del aparato
- Antes de la puesta en marcha
- Manejo
- Parada
- Ayuda en caso de avería
- Datos técnicos
- Garantía Declaración CE
- Σύμβολα στο εγχειρίδιο
- Λειτουργία Χρήση σύμφωνα με τους
- Στοιχεία συσκευής
- Πριν τη θέση σε λειτουργία
- Χειρισμός
- Αποθήκευση της συσκευής
- Φροντίδα και συντήρηση
- Αντιμετώπιση βλαβών
- Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά
- Εγγύηση Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης CE
- Символы в руководстве по
- Использование по
- Элементы прибора
- Перед началом работы
- Транспортировка
- Помощь в случае неполадок
- Технические данные
- Гарантия Заявление о соответствии требованиям CE
- Simboli na napravi
- Namenska uporaba
- Elementi naprave
- Pred zagonom
- Transport
- Shranjevanje stroja
- Pomoč pri motnjah
- Tehnični podatki
- Garancija CE izjava
- Symboly na prístroji
- Používanie výrobku v súlade s jeho určením
- Prvky prístroja
- Pred uvedením do prevádzky
- Odstavenie
- Pomoc pri poruchách
- Technické údaje
- Záruka Vyhlásenie CE
- Simboli na uređaju
- Namjensko korištenje
- Sastavni dijelovi uređaja
- Prije prve uporabe
- Transport Njega i održavanje
- Otklanjanje smetnji
- Tehnički podaci
- Jamstvo CE izjava
- Символи в Упътването за
- Функция Употреба по
- Елементи на уреда
- Преди пускане в
- Обслужване
- Спиране от експлоатация
- Помощ при неизправности
- Технически данни
- Гаранция СЕ – декларация