Karcher KMR 1250 B: Before Startup

19 AT1931

Before Startup: Karcher KMR 1250 B

Before Startup

Moving sweeper by engaging




Adjusting driver's seat

Î Lock parking brake.


Î Open the device hood.

Do not use a forklift truck to unload the ma-

Î Set the freewheel lever to ON.

chine as this may damage it.

The travel drive is now ready for operation.

To unload the machine, proceed as follows:

Î Close cover.

Î Loosen the wooden plank from the pal-

Î Release parking brake.

let and fit it with nails at the ends of the

The appliance can now be driven.

palette (front side of the device).

Start up

Î Remove the elastic tape fasteners at

the stop points.

General notes

Î Park the sweeper on an even surface.

Î Hang-out the rod for the leveling equipment.

Î Remove ignition key.

Î Loosen the 4 fastening screws.

Î Lock parking brake.

Î Bring the seat to the desired position.

Î Tighten the fastening screws and hang


in the frame again.


Starting the machine

Risk of explosion!

Only use the fuels specified in the Op-


erations Manual.

The machine is equipped with a seat con-

Î Knock off the locking blocks and use

Do not refuel the machine in enclosed

tact switch If the driver's seat is vacated,

them to support the wooden planks on


the machine is switched off.

the left and right.

Smoking and naked flames are strictly

Open fuel cock

Î Slide the machine over the prepared


Î Open the device hood.

ramp from the pallet.

Ensure that no fuel reaches the hot

Î Loosen the rope fastened at the side-

open surfaces.

brush frame for transportation.

Î Switch off engine.

The machine can be moved in 2 ways:

Î Open the device hood.

(1) By pushing it (see Moving sweeper

without engaging self-propulsion).

(2) By driving it (see Moving sweeper by

engaging self-propulsion).

Moving sweeper without engaging


Î Push lever in "ON" direction.


Î Close cover.

Risk of injury! Before engaging the free-

wheel operation, the machine must be se-

Turning on the Appliance

cured to prevent it rolling away.

Î Sit on the driver's seat.

Î Open fuel filler cap.

Î Lock parking brake.

Î Accelerator pedal in zero position.

Î Use "regular unleaded petrol".

Î Open the device hood.

Î Lock parking brake.

Î Fill tank to max. 1 cm below the lower

Î Bring the engine speed setting to central

edge of the filler nozzle.

position (operating speed).

Î Wipe off any spilt fuel and close fuel fill-

Î Pull out the choke.

er cap.

Î Insert the ignition key into the ignition lock.

Î Close cover.

Î Turn ignition key past position 1.


Î If the machine starts, release the igni-

The machine can be operated for a maxi-

tion key.

mum of 3 hours on a full tank.

Î Push in the choke again.

Inspection and maintenance work


Î Check engine oil level.

Never operate the starter motor for longer

Î Set the freewheel lever to OFF.

Î Check the hydraulic oil level.

than 10 seconds. Wait at least 10 seconds

This blocks the travel drive function.

Î Empty waste container.

before operating the starter motor again.

Î Close cover.

Î Check roller brush.

Î Release parking brake.

Î Check tyre pressure.

The machine can now be pushed.

Î Shake off dust filter.



Do not move the machine for long distanc-

For description, see section on Care and

es without engaging self-propulsion, a


speed of 10 km/h should not be exceeded.

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Drive the machine

When cleaning surfaces, only lower the

The container can only be tilted and emp-

Î Raise roller brush.

roller brush.

tied once a set minimum level has been

Î The side-brushes lift up.



Î Release parking brake.

Also lower side brush when cleaning along


Drive forward


A two-handed operation is required to carry

Î Press right accelerator pedal down

out the following steps.

Sweeping even surfaces


Lock the sweep roller to "Fine tuning" mode

Reverse drive

Î Lower the roller brush; for that bring the


lever in central position (lower roller

Î Raise waste container.

Risk of injury! While reversing, ensure that

brush wear and tear).

Once the required height has been

there is nobody in the way, ask them to

Sweeping uneven surfaces


move if somebody is around.

Lock the roller brush to "store in floating

Î Press left accelerator pedal down slowly.

mode" mode


Î Lower the roller brush; for that bring the

Driving method

lever in lower position (higher roller

Î Tip waste container out.

The accelerator pedal can be used to

brush wear and tear).

vary the driving speed infinitely.

Sweeping in larger objects

Avoid pressing the pedal suddenly as


this may damage the hydraulic system.

To sweep in larger objects such as beverage

In the event of power loss on inclined

cans or larger quantities of leaves, it is neces-

surfaces, slightly reduce the pressure

sary to briefly raise the bulk waste flap.

on the accelerator pedal.

Raising bulk waste flap:


Î Open the bulk waste flap manually.

Î Release the accelerator pedal, the ma-

Î Drive over large parts at low speed with

chine brakes automatically and stops.

opened bulk waste flap.

The waste container can be emptied in



the easiest way in the fully drawn-out

If the automatic braking effect is not ade-

An optimum cleaning result can only be


quate to bring the device to a standstill,

achieved if the bulk waste flap has been

If the switch for the tilting mechanism of

then either use the parking brakes or the re-

lowered completely.

the waste container is released, then

verse pedal.

Sweeping dry floors

the waste container automatically goes

Driving over obstacles

Î Lower the roller brush while cleaning

back to the starting position.

Driving over fixed obstacles which are 50


mm high or less:

Î Lower side brush when cleaning along

Î Drive forwards slowly and carefully.


Driving over fixed obstacles which are

Switch on dust suction while cleaning dusty

Î Tilt the waste container up to the end-

more than 50 mm high:



Î Only drive over these obstacles using a

Î Set the lever to "dry" sweeping opera-

Turn off the appliance.

suitable ramp.


Sweeping mode

Sweeping damp or wet floors

Î Release the accelerator pedal, the ma-

chine brakes automatically and stops.

Switch off the dust suction to protect the


dust filter against moisture.

Î Set the engine speed to minimum

Risk of injury! If the bulk waste flap is open,

Î Set the lever to "wet" sweeping operations.


stones or gravel may be flung forwards by

Î Lock parking brake.

Emptying waste container

the roller brush. Make sure that this does

Î Raise roller brush.

not endanger persons, animals or objects.


Î The side-brushes lift up.


Wait until the automatic filter shaking proc-

Î Turn ignition key to "0" and remove it.

Do not sweep up packing strips, wire or

ess is finished and the dust has settled be-


similar objects as this may damage the

fore you open or empty the waste

Once the machine has been switched off,

sweeping mechanism.


the dust filter is shaked automatically for



approx. 10 seconds.

To avoid damaging the floor, do not contin-

Risk of injury! When emptying the waste

ue to operate the sweeping machine in the

container, care should be taken to ensure

same position.

that no persons or animals are within its


swivelling range.

To achieve an optimum cleaning result, the


driving speed should be adjusted to take

Danger of crushing. Never reach into the

specific situations into account.

rod assembly for the drainage mechanism.


Stay away from the area under the raised

During operation, the waste container


should be emptied at regular intervals.



Danger of tipping. Place the machine on an

During operations, the dust filter should be

even surface during emptying.

shaken and cleaned every 15-30 minutes

Î Stop the machine.

depending on the amount of collected dust.

Î Raise roller brush.

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