Epson L555: C F
C F: Epson L555

Basic Guide
Paper and Media Handling
Slide the edge guide to the left.
Flip the feeder guard back.
Load paper with the printable side up, against the
right side of the rear paper feed.
For instructions on loading media other than plain
paper, see the PDF User’s Guide.
❏ Fan and align the edges of the paper before loading.
Placing Originals
❏ The printable side is often whiter or brighter than the
other side.
❏ Always load paper into the rear paper feed short edge
Automatic Document Feeder
first, even when you are printing landscape
-oriented pictures.
❏ You can use the following sizes of paper with binding
You can load your original documents in the Automatic
holes: A4, A5, A6, Legal, Letter. Load only 1 sheet of
Document Feeder (ADF) to copy, scan, or fax multiple
paper at a time.
pages quickly. You can use the following originals in the
Slide the edge guide against the left edge of the
paper, but not too tightly.
Size A4/Letter/Legal
Type Plain paper
64 g/m
to 95 g/m
Capacity Total thickness of 3 mm, up to about 30 sheets
(Letter, A4) 10 sheets (Legal)
To prevent paper jams, avoid the following
documents. For these types, use the scanner glass.
❏ Documents held together with paper clips,
staples, etc.
❏ Documents that have tape or paper stuck to
For plain paper, do not load paper above the H arrow
mark inside the edge guide.
For Epson special media, make sure the number of sheets
❏ Photos, OHPs, or thermal transfer paper.
is less than the limit specified for the media.
❏ Paper that is torn, wrinkled, or has holes.
- Introduction
- Control Panel Overview
- A Paper and Media Handling
- C F
- A
- D Copying
- A
- F
- G
- Refilling Ink
- A
- F
- E Transporting the
- H
- !
- A
- E
- Where To Get Help
- ! Введение
- Важные инструкции
- Обзор панели управления
- B Обращение с
- E
- B
- B Сканирование
- Отправление
- A
- C
- A
- C
- F
- C
- Устранение основных неполадок
- !
- C
- G
- Служба поддержки
- ! Вступ
- Опис панелі керування
- Робота з папером та
- B
- F
- Сканування Факсимільний зв'язок
- B
- E
- F
- C
- D
- E
- H
- !
- B
- Джерела довідкової
- ! DzȭȘȭșȗȍ
- ұȈțȭȗșȭȏȌȭȒ
- B
- F
- D
- F
- ǹȒȈȕȍȘȓȍț ǼȈȒș ȎȭȉȍȘț
- A
- C
- B
- C
- ǹȐȧȕȣ ȚȖȓȚȣȘț
- C
- F
- C
- F
- ǵȍȋȭȏȋȭ ȈҲȈțȓȈȘȌȣ ȎȖȦ
- !
- B
- G
- ǨȕȣҲȚȈȔȈ Ȉȓț ȒӄȏȌȍȘȭ