Villaware FPVLFPSL01: storing
storing: Villaware FPVLFPSL01

parts should be washed immediately after each use.
problems and solutions
Food processor will not work
after switching on
into position.
are assembled properly.
any residues blocking the unit.
Food Processor makes loud
noise or starts vibrating
are assembled properly.
Performance of disc is reduced
•If the holes are blocked, use a brush and clean
the disc in hot water or wash the disc in the
Motor stops after continued
heavy use
against overheating. Turn the food processor off
“ ” and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
After the food processor has cooled, plug the
food processor into the electrical outlet and
resume normal use.
- important safeguards
- power cord instructions
- for u.k. and ireland only
- description of the appliance
- instructions for use
- operating instructions
- after using your food processor
- storing
- tips and suggestions
- recipes
- recipes (continued)
- europe guarantee
- importantes mesures de précaution
- instructionspourleld’alimentation
- descriptiondel’appareil
- moded’emploi
- instructionsd’utilisation
- aprèsutilisationdevotrerobotculinaire
- rangement
- conseils et suggestions
- recettes
- recettes (suite)
- garantie européenne
- precauciones importantes
- instruccionesparaelcabledealimentación
- descripcióndelelectrodoméstico
- instrucciones de uso
- instrucciones de funcionamiento
- después de usar el procesador de alimentos
- almacenamiento
- consejosysugerencias
- recetas
- recetas (continuación)
- garantía para europa
- wichtige sicherheitshinweise
- netzkabelhinweise
- gerätbeschreibung
- vor der verwendung
- bedienhinweise
- nach der nerwendung ihres küchenmaschine
- aufbewahrung
- tipps und empfehlungen
- rezepte
- rezepte (forts.)
- europa-garantie
- важные меры предосторожности
- инструкции к шнуру питания
- описание устройства
- инструкции по использованию
- после использования комбайна
- хранение
- советы и рекомендации
- рецепты
- рецепты (продолжение)
- европейская гарантия
- viktiga säkerhetsråd
- instruktioner om strömsladden
- beskrivning av apparaten
- användningsinstruktioner
- instruktioner för användning
- efter användning av matberedaren
- förvaring
- tips och rekommendationer
- recept
- recept (fortsättning)
- europagaranti