Karcher WPC 5000 BW: Technical specifications
Technical specifications: Karcher WPC 5000 BW

Technical specifications
WPC 2500 BW-AM WPC 5000 BW-AM WPC 10000 BW-AM
Ambient temperature °C +1...+50 +1...+50 +1...+50
Storage temperature, min. °C up to -10 up to -10 up to -10
Humidity, max. % rel. 100 100 100
Supply voltage, plant V/Hz 400/3~50 400/3~50 400/3~50
Control media/ active carbon filter V/Hz prim.: 230/1~50 prim.: 230/1~50 prim.: 230/1~50
Dosing module V/Hz 230/1~50/60 230/1~50/60 230/1~50/60
Electrical fuses A 25 25 40
Electrical connection value kW 7,5 7,5 15
Raw water temperature °C +5...+35 +5...+35 +5...+35
Reference temperature °C +15 +15 +15
pH value fo raw water 6...9,5 6...9,5 6...9,5
pH value of detergent for cleaning the plant 3...11 3...11 3...11
Inlet pressure of raw water MPa 0,2...0,6 0,2...0,6 0,2...0,6
Output range l/day 60 000±15% 120 000±15% 240 000±15%
Drinking water output, max. l/h 2500 5000 10000
Dimensions (h x b x d)
WPC 2500/5000/10000 BW mm 2000 x 2800 x 750 2000 x 2800 x 750 2000 x 3800 x 750
Active carbon filter mm 2045 x 1300 x 610 2450 x 1870 x1050 2450 x 2300 x 1300
Media filter mm 2045 x 1300 x 610 2450 x 1870 x 1050 2450 x 2300 x 1300
Weight in delivery state
WPC 2500/5000/10000 BW kg 300 700 1100
Active carbon filter without filling kg 150 250 400
Filling active carbon filter kg 300 675 1000
Media filter without filling kg 150 250 400
Filling media filter kg 550 1600 2300
Design base for salt content in raw water (at 15 °C) ppm 5000 5000 5000
Appropriate internal measures have been
CE declaration Warranty
taken to ensure that the series appliances
We hereby declare that the machine de-
always comply with the requirements of the
The warranty terms published by our com-
scribed below complies with the relevant
currently valid EU Directives and the ap-
petent sales company are applicable in
basic safety and health requirements of the
plied standards. The undersigned act on
each country. We will repair potential fail-
EU Directives, both in its basic design and
behalf and under the power of attorney of
ures of your appliance within the warranty
construction as well as in the version put
the company management.
period free of charge, provided that such
into circulation by us. This declaration shall
5.957-716 (06/05)
failure is caused by faulty material or de-
cease to be valid if the machine is modified
Alfred Kärcher Kommanditgesellschaft. Lo-
fects in fabrication. In the event of a warran-
without our prior approval.
cation: Winnenden. Registration Court:
ty claim please contact your dealer or the
PRODUCT: Plant for preparing drinking
Waiblingen, HRA 169.
nearest authorized Customer Service cent-
Individually liable associate. Kärcher Reini-
er. Please submit the proof of purchase.
TYPE: 1.024-xxx
gungstechnik GmbH. Head office: Win-
Spare parts
Relevant EU Directives:
nenden, 2404 Register court: Waiblingen,
– Only use accessories and spare parts
Executive directors: Dr. Bernhard Graf,
which have been approved by the man-
89/336/EEC (+91/263/EEC, 92/31/EEC,
Hartmut Jenner, Georg Metz
ufacturer. The exclusive use of original
accessories and original spare parts en-
Applied harmonized standards:
Alfred Kärcher GmbH Co. KG
sures that the appliance can be operat-
DIN EN ISO 14971
Cleaning Systems
ed safely and troublefree.
DIN EN 50178
Alfred-Kärcher-Str. 28-40
– For additional information about spare
DIN EN 60,204 -1:
P.O. Box 160
parts, please go to the Service section
DIN EN 55 011: 1998
D -71349 Winnenden
at www.kaercher.com.
DIN EN 55,014 -1: 2000 + A1: 2001 + A2:
Tel.:++49 7195 14-0
Fax :++49 7195 14-2212
DIN EN 55,014 -2: 1997 + A1: 2001
DIN EN 61,000 -3 -2: 2000
DIN EN 61,000 -3 -3: 1995 + A1: 2001
Applied national standards:
DIN 1988
English 19

Operations log WPC
(A) Startup date with transfer log
Plant type: 1.024- Plant number:
Startup date: Installation site:
Type of raw water source: Customer:
Operating hours display [h] Raw water hardness [°dH]
Flow rate of raw water [µS/cm] pH value fo raw water [pH]
Raw water temperature [°C]
Media filter of inlet pressure during plant running
Media filter of inlet pressure during return rinsing [MPa]
Active carbon filter of inlet pressure during plant run-
Active carbon filter of inlet pressure during return rinsing
ning [MPa]
Inlet pressure of fine filter [MPa] Outlet pressure of fine filter [MPa]
Pump pressure [MPa] Concentrate pressure [MPa]
Membrane input pressure [MPa]
Drinking water quantity [l/h] Concentrate quantity [l/h]
Yield [%] Drinking water flow rate [µS/cm]
Dosing pump flocking stroke/ frequency [%] Dosing pump pre-chlorination stroke/ frequency [%]
Dosing pump anti-scalant stroke/ frequency [%] Dosing pump post-chlorination stroke/ frequency [%]
Confirmation: The plant was started up and handed over in a fully functioning condition. It has been explicitly brought to the notice of
the customer that the watre produced by the plant must be checked according to the local standards by an approved testing agency
before releasing it as drinking water. Further, it has also been brought to the notice of the customer that the operations log is to be
maintained; the customer has also been informed about the risks involved in handling chemicals and the hazards on account of inter-
changing the chemicals.
Place, Date, Signature (Customer) Place, Date, Signature (Kärcher Service)
20 English

Operations log WPC
(B) Log report of operations data
Plant type: 1.024- Plant number:
Installation site: Page number:
Type of raw water source:
Raw water Operations data Drinking wa-
Temperature [°C]
Operating hours [h]
Pressure befor fine filter [MPa]
Pump pressure [MPa]
Membrane input pressure [MPa]
Concentrate pressure [MPa]
1Pr 06
Concentrate quantity [l/h]
Concentrate backflow [l/h]
Number of backflows
Media filter
Number of backflows
Active carbon filter
Flow [l/h]
Flow rate [µS/cm]
Log page____ (Please make copies of this sheet after filling the header data for maintaining additional reports)
English 21
- Bedienelemente Sicherheitshinweise
- Inbetriebnahme
- Verbrauchsmaterial
- Störungen
- Technische Daten
- Rückseite. Bleibt leer, damit das Blatt herausgetrennt werden kann
- Control elements Safety instructions
- Maintenance and care
- Consumables
- Faults
- Technical specifications
- Rear side. Is kept blank so that the sheet can be separated
- Eléments de commande
- Consignes de sécurité Utilisation conforme Fonctionnement
- Matériel de consommation
- Caractéristiques techniques
- Déclaration CE Garantie
- Verso. Reste vide, afin que la feuille peut être retirer.
- Dispositivi di comando Norme di sicurezza
- Messa in funzione
- Materiale di consumo
- Dati tecnici
- Dichiarazione CE Garanzia
- Tergo. Resta vuoto in modo da poter separare il foglio
- Bedieningselementen Veiligheidsinstructies
- Inbedrijfstelling
- Verbruiksmateriaal
- Storingen
- Technische gegevens
- Achterkant. Blijft leeg zodat de pagina eruit gehaald kan worden
- Elementos de mando Indicaciones de seguridad
- Puesta en marcha
- Material de uso
- Averías
- Datos técnicos
- Parte posterior. En blanco para separar la hoja
- Στοιχεία χειρισμού Υποδείξεις ασφαλείας
- Έναρξη λειτουργίας
- Αναλώσιμα υλικά
- Βλάβες
- Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά
- Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης CE Εγγύηση
- Οπισθόφυλλο Παραμένει κενό για να αποκοπεί το φύλλο
- Kumanda elemanları Güvenlik uyarıları
- İşletime alma
- Tüketim malzemesi
- Arızalar
- Teknik Bilgiler
- Arka sayfa. Sayfanın ayrılabilmesi için boş kalır
- Элементы управления
- Защита окружающей
- Расходный материал
- Неполадки
- Технические данные
- Заявление о соответствии
- Оборотная сторона.ь Остается пустой, чтобы можно было отделить лист