Karcher WPC 5000 BW: Control elements Safety instructions
Control elements Safety instructions: Karcher WPC 5000 BW

Please read and comply with
Control elements Safety instructions
these instructions prior to the
initial operation of your appliance. Retain
1 RO filter unit
these operating instructions for future refer-
2 Control board
ence or for subsequent possessors.
3 Operating field
Drinking water
4 Operating type switch
– Drinking water quality can only be en-
5 Sockets for dosing stations (4x)
sured if the plant is monitored at regular
Control elements 13
6 Sockets for media and active carbon fil-
intervals. Please conduct the checks
Safety instructions 13
given in this operating instructions man-
ual according to the schedule.
Proper use 14
7 Main switch
– Please get the drinking water quality
Environmental protection 14
8 Manometer to check input pressure for
checked at regular intervals.
RO filter unit
Start up 14
– Follow the drinking water regulations.
9 Pump regulation valve
Operation 14
10 Manometre for pump pressure
Maintenance and care 14
11 Pressure regulation valve
– Please wear safety gloves and safety
Consumables 17
12 Manometer for concentrate pressure
goggles while handling acid-resistant
Faults 18
13 Concentrate regulation valve
Technical specifications 19
– Store the chemicals in a cool and dry
14 Fine filter
CE declaration 19
place and at temperatures above 5°C.
15 Manometer for inlet pressure of fine fil-
– Store chemicals away from the reaqch
Warranty 19
of children.
Spare parts 19
16 Manometer for output pressure of fine
– Ensure proper ventilation in the room
while handling chemicals.
17 Media filter/ active carbon filter
– There must be a washing room close-
18 Manometer input pressure
19 Control media filter/ active carbon filter
– Keep an eye-washing liquid bottle
20 Manometer output pressure
– Please follow the safety instructions on
the EC data sheet and the accident
sheet of the concerned chemicals.
English 13
- Bedienelemente Sicherheitshinweise
- Inbetriebnahme
- Verbrauchsmaterial
- Störungen
- Technische Daten
- Rückseite. Bleibt leer, damit das Blatt herausgetrennt werden kann
- Control elements Safety instructions
- Maintenance and care
- Consumables
- Faults
- Technical specifications
- Rear side. Is kept blank so that the sheet can be separated
- Eléments de commande
- Consignes de sécurité Utilisation conforme Fonctionnement
- Matériel de consommation
- Caractéristiques techniques
- Déclaration CE Garantie
- Verso. Reste vide, afin que la feuille peut être retirer.
- Dispositivi di comando Norme di sicurezza
- Messa in funzione
- Materiale di consumo
- Dati tecnici
- Dichiarazione CE Garanzia
- Tergo. Resta vuoto in modo da poter separare il foglio
- Bedieningselementen Veiligheidsinstructies
- Inbedrijfstelling
- Verbruiksmateriaal
- Storingen
- Technische gegevens
- Achterkant. Blijft leeg zodat de pagina eruit gehaald kan worden
- Elementos de mando Indicaciones de seguridad
- Puesta en marcha
- Material de uso
- Averías
- Datos técnicos
- Parte posterior. En blanco para separar la hoja
- Στοιχεία χειρισμού Υποδείξεις ασφαλείας
- Έναρξη λειτουργίας
- Αναλώσιμα υλικά
- Βλάβες
- Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά
- Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης CE Εγγύηση
- Οπισθόφυλλο Παραμένει κενό για να αποκοπεί το φύλλο
- Kumanda elemanları Güvenlik uyarıları
- İşletime alma
- Tüketim malzemesi
- Arızalar
- Teknik Bilgiler
- Arka sayfa. Sayfanın ayrılabilmesi için boş kalır
- Элементы управления
- Защита окружающей
- Расходный материал
- Неполадки
- Технические данные
- Заявление о соответствии
- Оборотная сторона.ь Остается пустой, чтобы можно было отделить лист