Karcher WPC 5000 BW: Maintenance and care
Maintenance and care: Karcher WPC 5000 BW

Electrical system
Before Commissioning
Maintenance and care
– The electrical connections must be
Î Check the connection of the plant to
done by an electrician according to
the raw water source.
IEC 60364-1.
Health hazard on account of poor quality
Î Ensure uninterrupted flow of the gen-
– Never touch damaged or ripped mains
of drinking water. . The control tasks out-
erated drinking water into a tank or a
cables. If required, pull out the plug
lined in this maintenance plan are to be
suitable user-side facility.
from the socket immediately.
carried out according to the schedule in
– Never operate the unit with damaged
order to ensure the quality of drinking wa-
ter. If the deviations in the target values
The driking water must be able to flow out
cannot be corrected by taking the pre-
without any counter-pressure. The height
scribed measures, then stop production of
The following symbols are used in this op-
difference must not be more than 3 m.
drinking water and inform Kärcher Cus-
erating manual:
tomer Service immediately.
Filling up the dosing station
Indicates an immediate threat of danger.
Failure to observe the instruction may re-
If the plant is fitted with one or more dos-
sult in death or serious injuries.
ing stations, then it needs to be ensured
that this has been connected properly and
몇 Warning
filled up.
Indicates a possibly dangerous situation.
Î Fill up dosing station (refer chapter
Failure to observe the instruction may re-
"Maintenance and Care/ Maintenance
sult in light injuries or damage to property.
Indicates useful tips and important infor-
mation about the product.
Switching on the plant
Proper use
Î Check whether the mains plug of the
The plant is used for treating surface wa-
dosing pumps of the dosing stations is
ter, water from natural springs and river
connected to the sockets of the plant.
Î Check the position of the operating
Due to the modular structure, turbid sub-
stances, hardeners, salts, bacteria and
"Automatic“ position: the plant is
water can be separated depending on the
controlled by an external floater switch
quality of raw water.
in the drinking water tank.
Environmental protection
"Manual" position: the plant is man-
ually switched on and off using the
main switch.
The packaging material can be
Î Turn the main switch to position "1";
recycled. Please do not throw
drinking water production will start.
the packaging material into
Monitoring elements
household waste; please send
it for recycling.
Display media and active carbon filters
Old appliances contain valuable
–Display time
materials that can be recycled;
Display of the operating panel
these should be sent for recy-
Alternating display of:
cling.. Batteries, oil, and similar
– Plant/ version number and operating
substances must not enter the
environment. Please dispose of
– Drinking water temperature and con-
your old appliances using ap-
propriate collection systems.
– Operating hours (_ _ _ _ _h_ _min).
Start up
Switching off the plant
몇 Warning
Risk of injury if the plant is not installed
Risk of damage. If the plant is to be shut
properly. Risk to health on account of
down for more than 14 days, then Kärcher
poorly treated drinking water. The plant
Customer Service must carry out some
may be put into operation only when set-
preservative tasks.
up, installed and prepared for operation by
Î Turn main switch to "0"; the plant will
skilled and authorized personnel.
stop production of drinking water.
Do not switch off the plant overnight! The
media filter is automatically cleaned dur-
ing the night. There is a risk of damage to
the plant if you do not do this cleaning.
14 Deutsch

Maintenance schedule
Time Check / Activity Target value In case of deviation
daily Filling level of dosing container adequate filling refill
Air bubbles in the dosing pipes no air bubbles Bleed dosing pump.
Drinking water flow based on the startup value Lowered by less than 10% Fine regulation
Drinking water guide value based on the start-
Increase within 10% Fine regulation
up value
Pressure difference between pump and con-
maximum 15% above startup difference Kärcher Customer
centrate pressure
Counter/meter for media and active carbon fil-
Reflushing has taken place in the last 24 hours Kärcher Customer
Pressure difference fine filter maximum 0.08 MPa (0.8 bar) Replace fine filter
Visual inspection of the plant no leaks Kärcher Customer
weekly Fill up operations log
monthly Clean and rinse dosing container
Visual inspection of raw water pump No damage/ leaks can be detected Kärcher Customer
Float switch in drinking water tank no functional disruption can be detected Kärcher Customer
Î Set the dosing pump to the original dos-
Maintenance Works
Bleed dosing pump.
ing frequency.
The dosing pump must be dearated if the
Check media and active carbon filters
pump has sucked in air (for e.g. if the dos-
ing container has been completely emp-
– The unit will stop; the display shows the
interruption "Motor protection".
This errror message is displayed independ-
ent of which dosing container has been
1 Return key
1 Display
Î Accept the interruption message on the
operating panel by pressing the Return
During operations, the current time is
key; the unit will start.
shown in the display.
Î Press ADVANCE key for 5 to 6 sec-
Replace fine filter
onds. The display will show the first sta-
Î Check the pressure difference between
tus display from the list shown beloe.
the two manometers. Change filter inlay
Î To go to the next display, press once
if value is more that 0.08 MPa (0.8 bar):
1 Dosing frequency button
again the ADVANCE key briefly.
Î Turn the main switch to position "0"
2 Screw connections
Î Interrupt raw water inflow.
3 Dosing pump
Display Significance
Î Open the raw water testing tap to de-
pressurise the filter.
2000 Not important
Î Refill dosing station (refer chapter on
0000 Not important
Î Loosen screws on the dosing pump.
D–07 Number of days until the
Î Read and note the dosing frequency
next reflushing
that has been set at the LEDs of the
dosing pump.
–001 Number of reflushing that
Î Set the dosing frequency to 100% by re-
have been conducted
peatedly pressing the dosing frequency
0–01 days - hours since the last
button and waiting until there are no
more bubbles in the suction pipe (ap-
prox. 1 minute). Absorb the oozing dos-
If you do not press the ADVACE key for
ing liquid with a piece of cloth.
some time, the display goes back to show-
Î Tighten the screws.
ing the time.
English 15

WPC 2500 BW-AM:
Î Place the spring caps on the filter can-
the two flow meters of the concentrate
and the drinking water.
Î Replace the screw plate and fix the
Î Readjust both the valves if required.
Î Replace the lid and fasten the clamping
Inform Kärcher Customer Service if this fine
regulation does not lead to any changes to
Î Close raw water testing tap.
the drinking water flow.
Î Restart the raw water flow.
Î Set main switch to “1”.
(2) Conductivity of drinking water has in-
creased from _____µS/cm to _____µS/cm
Fine regulation of the operating pres-
몇 Warning
Small increases in the conductivity of drink-
ing water does not affect the quality of the
Danger of damage to the plant. The follow-
drinking water.
ing values should not be exceeded when
you make changes to the plant settings:
1 Filter key
– Max. pump pressure 2.1 MPa (21 bar)
2 Filter casing
– Maximum drinking water volume:
3Filter pot
4 Filter inlay
WPC 2500 BW-AM 2,500 l/h
Î Unscrew the filter pot using the filter
WPC 5000 BW-AM 5,000 l/h
WPC 10000 BW-AM 10,000 l/h
Î Take out the filter inlay.
Î Clean filter casing and filter pot if re-
– The concentrate quantity should not fall
below the value at the time of startup.
1 Flow meter for drinking water
Î Insert new filter inlay into filter pot.
– Do not change the setting of the pump
regulation valve.
2 Concentrate regulation valve
Î Install and tighten filter pot.
3 Pressure regulation valve
Î Close raw water testing tap.
4 Display
Î Restart the raw water flow.
There is a time delay before the plant reacts
5 Manometer for membrane input pres-
Î Set main switch to “1”.
to the changes done to the regulating
valves. Hence do the settings at the pres-
WPC 5000/10000 BW-AM:
sure regulation valve and the concentrate
regulation valve in small steps and wait for
Î Read the current conductivity value on
the respective effect.
the display of the operating panel and
compare it to the value at the time of
start-up (see start-up report). If the
(1) Drinking water flow has fallen from
drinking water conductivity has in-
_______ l/h to _______ l/h
creased to _____µS/cm, then you need
to rinse the membrane of the RO filter
Î Open the concentrate regulation valve
in small step by turning it in the anti-
clockwise direction until the conductivity
has reached the target value.
Î Close the pressure regulation valve in
small steps in the clock-wise direction
until the flow meter of the drinking water
1 Manometer
has reached the target value.
2 Manometer
몇 Warning
3 Raw water testing tap
1 Flow meter for drinking water
Danger of damage to the RO membrane.
2 Flow meter for concentrate
While closing the pressure regulation valve,
5 Clamp ring
3 Concentrate regulation valve
ensure that the membrane input pressure
6 Screw plate
4 Pressure regulation valve
does not exceed 2.1 MPa (21 bar).
7 Spring cap
5 Flow meter for concentrate backflow
8 Filter candle
The purpose of this setting procedure is to
Î Read the quantity of drinking water at
9 Filter casing
increase the concentrate quantity.
the flow meter for drinking water and
Î Repeat these setting steps if required.
compare it to the value when the plant
A WPC 5000 BW-AM
Eventually, the original drinking water
was started (see start-up report). If the
quantity will no longer be reached.
B WPC 10000 BW-AM
drinking water flow ahs fallen to ______
l/h, then do the following fine regulation:
Î Loosen the clamp ring.
Î Close the pressure regulation valve in a
Î Remove the lid.
clock-wise direction until the flow meter
Î Unscrew the screw plate.
for the concentrate backflow has almost
Î Remove spring cap.
achieved the target value.
Î Take out the filter candle.
Î Close the concentrate regulation valve
Î Clean the filter casing.
slowly in the clock-wise direction until
Î Insert new filter candle.
the required target value is reached for
16 English
- Bedienelemente Sicherheitshinweise
- Inbetriebnahme
- Verbrauchsmaterial
- Störungen
- Technische Daten
- Rückseite. Bleibt leer, damit das Blatt herausgetrennt werden kann
- Control elements Safety instructions
- Maintenance and care
- Consumables
- Faults
- Technical specifications
- Rear side. Is kept blank so that the sheet can be separated
- Eléments de commande
- Consignes de sécurité Utilisation conforme Fonctionnement
- Matériel de consommation
- Caractéristiques techniques
- Déclaration CE Garantie
- Verso. Reste vide, afin que la feuille peut être retirer.
- Dispositivi di comando Norme di sicurezza
- Messa in funzione
- Materiale di consumo
- Dati tecnici
- Dichiarazione CE Garanzia
- Tergo. Resta vuoto in modo da poter separare il foglio
- Bedieningselementen Veiligheidsinstructies
- Inbedrijfstelling
- Verbruiksmateriaal
- Storingen
- Technische gegevens
- Achterkant. Blijft leeg zodat de pagina eruit gehaald kan worden
- Elementos de mando Indicaciones de seguridad
- Puesta en marcha
- Material de uso
- Averías
- Datos técnicos
- Parte posterior. En blanco para separar la hoja
- Στοιχεία χειρισμού Υποδείξεις ασφαλείας
- Έναρξη λειτουργίας
- Αναλώσιμα υλικά
- Βλάβες
- Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά
- Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης CE Εγγύηση
- Οπισθόφυλλο Παραμένει κενό για να αποκοπεί το φύλλο
- Kumanda elemanları Güvenlik uyarıları
- İşletime alma
- Tüketim malzemesi
- Arızalar
- Teknik Bilgiler
- Arka sayfa. Sayfanın ayrılabilmesi için boş kalır
- Элементы управления
- Защита окружающей
- Расходный материал
- Неполадки
- Технические данные
- Заявление о соответствии
- Оборотная сторона.ь Остается пустой, чтобы можно было отделить лист