Karcher WPC 5000 BW: Consumables
Consumables: Karcher WPC 5000 BW

(3) Difference between pump and con-
Î Determine the refill quantity; for that de-
centrate pressure has increased by
duct the filling level that you have read
more than ___ MPa
from 200 l. In the example: 200 l – 50 l =
150 l.
Î From the dosing table, ascertain the re-
quired quantity of the corresponding
chemicals. In the example: 15 x the
quantity for 10 l water.
Î Measure the ascertained quantity of the
corresponding chemical and fill it into
the dosing container.
1 Cover
Î Fill up the dosing container up to the
2 Mixing rod
"200 l" mark with chlorine-free drinking
3 Dosing pump
1 Manometre for pump pressure
4 Dosing container
Î Close the cover of the dosing station.
2 Manometer for concentrate pressure
Î Pull out the mixing rod from the dosing
Î Wear safety gloves and safety goggles.
container until the stop and push it back
Î Read the value on the manometer for
Î Remove the can from the dosing sta-
into the container.
the pump pressure and the concentrate
Repeat this process for approx. 5 min-
pressure and determine the differential
utes until the chemicals are fully mixed.
Risk of injury on account of chemical reac-
Î Compare the ascertained differential
tion. The dosing stations should not get in-
value with the value set at the time of
With the WPC 2500 BW-AM system, the
terchanged and be filled up with the wrong
startup (see startup report).
dosing container holds 100 l. Please set
100 l here instead of 200 l and proceed as
Î The membrane filter unit must be
몇 Warning
indicated above.
blocked if the differential pressure has
Risk of flocculation or other undesirable
increased by more than ______ MPa;
chemical reactions. Only use chlorine-free
no further adjustments are possible.
drinking water from the drinking water test-
Stop production of drinking water and
ing tap to mix the chemicals.
inform Kärcher Customer Service.
Description Order No.
Mixing the chemicals
RM 852 Sterilisation agent
RM 5000 Hardness stabi-
Risk of burns injury on account of chemi-
cals. Please wear safety gloves and safety
goggles while handling acid-resistant
RM 5001 Flocking agent
Filter inlay for fine filter,
5 µm for WPC 2500...
The values for dosing the different chemi-
Filter inlay for fine filter,
cals are based on the raw water analysis
5 µm for WPC 5000...,
and the plant output. Kärcher Customer
WPC 10000...
Service will enter the dosing quantities re-
1 Drinking water testing tap
quired for your plant in the following table at
the time of startup.
The dosing depends on the filling level in
the dosing container.
Dosing table
Fully emptied dosing container.
Chemical Dosing per 10 l
Î Fill 20 l drinking water in the dosing can.
of dosing solu-
Î Use the measuring beaker to measure
tion [ml]
20 times the quantity (WPC 5000...) or
RM 852 Steri-
10 times the quantity (WPC 2500...) in-
lisation agent
dicated in the dosing table and fill it into
the dosing container.
Î Fill up the dosing container up to the
RM 5001
"200 l" mark (WPC 5000...) or to the
"100 l" mark (WPC 2500..) with chlo-
rine-free drinking water.
RM 5000
Î Close the cover of the dosing station.
Hardness sta-
Î Pull out the mixing rod from the dosing
container until the stop and push it back
into the container.
RM 852 Steri-
Repeat this process for approx. 2 min-
lisation agent
utes until the chemicals are fully mixed.
Î Deaerate the dosing pump according to
the instructions in the chapter "Mainte-
nance and Care".
Partially emptied dosing container:
Î Read the filling level of the dosing con-
tainer on the scale, for e.g. 50 l.
English 17
- Bedienelemente Sicherheitshinweise
- Inbetriebnahme
- Verbrauchsmaterial
- Störungen
- Technische Daten
- Rückseite. Bleibt leer, damit das Blatt herausgetrennt werden kann
- Control elements Safety instructions
- Maintenance and care
- Consumables
- Faults
- Technical specifications
- Rear side. Is kept blank so that the sheet can be separated
- Eléments de commande
- Consignes de sécurité Utilisation conforme Fonctionnement
- Matériel de consommation
- Caractéristiques techniques
- Déclaration CE Garantie
- Verso. Reste vide, afin que la feuille peut être retirer.
- Dispositivi di comando Norme di sicurezza
- Messa in funzione
- Materiale di consumo
- Dati tecnici
- Dichiarazione CE Garanzia
- Tergo. Resta vuoto in modo da poter separare il foglio
- Bedieningselementen Veiligheidsinstructies
- Inbedrijfstelling
- Verbruiksmateriaal
- Storingen
- Technische gegevens
- Achterkant. Blijft leeg zodat de pagina eruit gehaald kan worden
- Elementos de mando Indicaciones de seguridad
- Puesta en marcha
- Material de uso
- Averías
- Datos técnicos
- Parte posterior. En blanco para separar la hoja
- Στοιχεία χειρισμού Υποδείξεις ασφαλείας
- Έναρξη λειτουργίας
- Αναλώσιμα υλικά
- Βλάβες
- Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά
- Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης CE Εγγύηση
- Οπισθόφυλλο Παραμένει κενό για να αποκοπεί το φύλλο
- Kumanda elemanları Güvenlik uyarıları
- İşletime alma
- Tüketim malzemesi
- Arızalar
- Teknik Bilgiler
- Arka sayfa. Sayfanın ayrılabilmesi için boş kalır
- Элементы управления
- Защита окружающей
- Расходный материал
- Неполадки
- Технические данные
- Заявление о соответствии
- Оборотная сторона.ь Остается пустой, чтобы можно было отделить лист