HP Deskjet 9000s-Druckerserie: инструкция

Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Принтер

Инструкция к Принтеру HP Deskjet 9000s-Druckerserie

Index Page

1. English (GB) HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s Air Purifier System 3

2. German (D) HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s Luft-Reinigungssystem 29

3. Spanish (E) Sistema de purificación de aire 55

HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s

4. Portuguese (P) Sistema de Purificação de Ar 81

HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s

5. French (F) HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s 107

Système de nettoyage d'air

6. Italian (I) Sistema di depurazione dell'aria 133

HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s

7. Turkish (TR)

HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s 159

Hava Temizleme Sistemi

8. Polish (PL) System oczyszczania powietrza 185

HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s

9. Hungarian (H) HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s Légtisztító rendszer 211

10. Greek (GR)

Óýóôçìá ÊÊáèáñéóìïý ÁÁÝñá


HP DDesignjet 88000s // 99000s/10000s

11. Czech (CZ) Cistic vzduchu HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s 263

12. Russian (RUS) HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s 289

Система очистки воздуха

13. Korean (ROK)HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s 315

14. Chinese (VRC) HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s 341

15. Taiwanese(RC) HP Designjet 8000s / 9000s/10000s 367


2 User´s Guide

HP DDesignjet 99000s/10000s AAir PPurifier SSystem

HP DDesignjet 88000s AAir PPurifier SSystem

User´s GGuide


I Introduction

This User's Guide is an essential help for the successful and safe operation of the HP Designjet

9000s/10000s Air Purifier System and HP Designjet 8000s Air Purifier System - referred to in

this document as APS.

The operating instructions contain important information for operating the APS safely, properly

and economically. Following these instructions can help to avoid dangerous situations, repair

costs and reduce downtimes and improve the reliability and extend the useful life of the APS.

The operating instructions must at all times be kept available near the APS.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not

limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular


Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequenti-

al damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. No part of

this document may be photocopied or translated to another language without the prior written

consent of Hewlett-Packard Company.

4 User´s Guide

II Product ddescription

HP DDesignjet 88000s AAir PPurifier SSystem

HP DDesignjet 99000s/10000s AAir PPurifier SSystem

Transparent display, membrane


2 Casing cover


3 Filter casing 4 Service flap on the filter housing

5 Fan housing 6 Fan & electronics cover

7 Sound absorption module 8 Castor with brake

9 Castor 10 Intake stub

HP Designjet APS 8000s /


12 Filter lifting mechanism

9000s/10000s Filter

13 Exhaust grid

5HP Air Purifier System

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