Melitta Caffeo CI: 10 Inserting, changing and removing the water filter
10 Inserting, changing and removing the water filter: Melitta Caffeo CI

16 Remove the tube from the drip tray.
17 Empty the drip tray and the coffee grounds container and then reinsert
The integrated descaling programme has finished. The appliance is ready
for operation.
10 Inserting, changing and removing the water filter
A Melitta
water filter is supplied with the appliance for filtering out limescale
and other contaminants. Using the filter helps to reduce the required frequency of
descaling. The service life of your appliance will be extended thanks to the reliable
protection from limescale. The water filter should be changed regularly, however;
at the latest, when the appliance prompts you to do so. When the water filter is
inserted, changed or removed, this must be confirmed in the
sub-menu. Once
the water filter is inserted or changed, the appliance resets the water filter cycle to
zero and is able to prompt you to change the water filter again at the right time.
Inserting the water filter
Put the water filter in a glass with fresh tap water for several minutes
you insert it.
Select the
Turn the rotary switch until
is highlighted
and press it to confirm the selection.
Turn the rotary switch until
Insert filter
highlighted and press it to confirm the selection.
Turn the rotary switch until
is highlighted
and press it to confirm the selection.
Lift the lid of the water tank (Fig.
, No.
) and
pull the water tank up and out of the appliance.
Insert filter
Change filter

Carefully screw the Melitta
water filter into the thread on the
base of the water tank using the screw-in aid at the bottom end of the
coffee scoop provided.
Fill the water tank to the max. mark with fresh tap water and reinsert it.
Press the rotary switch.
Place a vessel with an approximate capacity of 0.5 l under the outlet
and press the rotary switch to confirm.
The appliance rinses and then returns to standby mode.
The water hardness is automatically set to
Changing the water filter
Change the water filter when a prompt to do so appears on the graphic display.
Select the
Turn the rotary switch until
is highlighted
and press it to confirm the selection.
Turn the rotary switch until
Change filter
highlighted and press it to confirm the selection.
Turn the rotary switch until
is highlighted
and press it to confirm the selection.
Lift the lid of the water tank (Fig.
, No.
) and
pull the water tank up and out of the appliance.
• Unscrew the water filter from the thread on the base of the water filter.
Carefully screw the new Melitta
water filter into the thread on
the base of the water tank using the screw-in aid at the bottom end of
the coffee scoop provided.
Fill the water tank to the max. mark with fresh tap water and reinsert it.
Press the rotary switch.
Place a vessel with an approximate capacity of 0.5 l under the outlet
and press the rotary switch to confirm.
The appliance rinses and then returns to standby mode.
Insert filter
Change filter

Removing the water filter
Lift the lid of the water tank (Fig.
, No.
) and pull the water tank up
and out of the appliance.
• Unscrew the water filter from the thread on the base of the water filter.
Reinsert the water tank.
Select the
Remove filter
menu option from the sub-menu.
Turn the rotary switch until
is highlighted and press it to confirm
the selection.
The prompt
Filter has been removed, set water hardness
is shown.
Press the rotary switch.
Turn the rotary switch until the water hardness level you require is
highlighted, e.g.
Very hard
, and press it to save the selection.
The appliance returns to the main menu.
The Melitta
water filter should not remain dry over an extended period
of time. We therefore recommend storing the Melitta
water filter in
a glass of water in the refrigerator if the appliance will not be used for an
extended period.
- Dear Customer,
- Table of contents
- 1 Information about these operating instructions
- 2 General safety instructions
- 3 Appliance description
- Cappuccino 110 ml 060 ml
- 4 Starting up
- 5 Switching on and off
- 6 Preparing beverages, adjusting settings immediately before dispensing
- 7 My Coffee button: Preparing beverages with personal settings
- 8 Overview and operation of menus
- 9 Care and maintenance
- 10 Inserting, changing and removing the water filter
- 11 Transport and disposal
- 12 Troubleshooting
- Уважаемый покупатель!
- Содержание
- 1 Указания по данному руководству поэксплуатации
- 2 Общие указания по технике безопасности
- 3 Описание аппарата
- КAПУЧИНО 110 ml 060 ml
- 4 Начало эксплуатации
- 5 Включение и выключение
- 6 Приготовление напитков с настройками во время подачи
- 7 Кнопка «Мой кофе»: приготовлениенапитков с индивидуальными настройками
- 8 Обзор и использование меню
- 9 Уход и обслуживание
- 10 Установка, замена, извлечение водяногофильтра
- 11 Транспортировка и утилизация
- 12 Устранение неисправностей
- Drodzy Klienci!
- Spis treści
- 1 Wskazówki dotyczące instrukcji obsługi
- 2 Ogólne zasady bezpieczeństwa
- 3 Opis urządzenia
- Cappuccino 110 ml 060 ml
- 4 Uruchamianie
- 5 Włączanie i wyłączanie
- 6 Przyrządzanie napojów z ustawieniamibezpośrednio przy pobieraniu
- 7 Przycisk My Coffee: przyrządzanie napojów z indywidualnymi ustawieniami
- 8 Przegląd i obsługa menu
- 9 Konserwacja
- 10 Wkładanie, wymiana, wyjmowanie filtra wody
- 11 Transport i utylizacja
- 12 Usuwanie usterek
- Vážená zákaznice, vážený zákazníku,
- Obsah
- 1 Upozornění k tomuto návodu k použití
- 2 Všeobecné bezpečnostní pokyny
- 3 Popis přístroje
- Cappuccino 110 ml 060 ml
- 4 Uvedení do provozu
- 5 Zapnutí a vypnutí
- 6 Příprava nápojů s nastavením přímo přiodběru
- 7 Tlačítko My Coffee: Příprava nápojů s osobním nastavením
- 8 Přehled a ovládání nabídky
- 9 Péče a údržba
- 10 Vsazení, výměna, vyjmutí vodního filtru
- 11 Přeprava a likvidace
- 12 Odstranění poruch
- Sevgili müşterimiz!
- İçindekiler
- 1 Bu kullanma kılavuzu ile ilgili bilgiler
- 2 Genel güvenlik bilgileri
- 3 Cihazın tanımı
- Cappuccino 110 ml 060 ml
- 4 İşletime alma
- 5 Açma ve kapama
- 6 İçeceklerin alım esnasında doğrudan ayarlarile hazırlanması
- 7 My-Coffee (Benim Kahvem) tuşu: Kişisel ayarlarınızla içecek hazırlama
- 8 Menülere genel bakış ve menülerin kullanımı
- 9 Bakım
- 10 Su filtresinin yerleştirilmesi, değiştirilmesi,çıkartılması
- 11 Nakliye ve bertaraf
- 12 Arızaların giderilmesi