Melitta Caffeo CI: 1 Information about these operating instructions
1 Information about these operating instructions: Melitta Caffeo CI

1 Information about these operating instructions
For a clearer overview, unfold the fold-out pages on the front and back of these
operating instructions.
1.1 Symbols in the text of these operating instructions
The symbols in these operating instructions indicate specific hazards associated
with operating your Melitta
, or provide you with useful tips.
Sections with this symbol contain information for your safety and indicate
possible accident and injury hazards.
Sections with this symbol contain information about incorrect operation that
should be avoided and indicate possible material damage hazards.
Sections with this symbol contain valuable additional information for operating
your Melitta

1.2 Intended use
The Melitta
is intended exclusively for the preparation of coffee and
speciality coffees, for heating water and for heating milk.
Proper use means
that you carefully read, understand, and comply with the operating
that you especially comply with the safety instructions.
that you use the Melitta
within the operating conditions
specified in these operating instructions.
1.3 Non-intended use
Non-intended use is defined as using the Melitta
in a manner that
differs from the use described in these operating instructions.
Non-intended use can cause injury or scalding with hot water or steam.
The manufacturer bears no liability for damage that is attributed to non-
intended use.
- Dear Customer,
- Table of contents
- 1 Information about these operating instructions
- 2 General safety instructions
- 3 Appliance description
- Cappuccino 110 ml 060 ml
- 4 Starting up
- 5 Switching on and off
- 6 Preparing beverages, adjusting settings immediately before dispensing
- 7 My Coffee button: Preparing beverages with personal settings
- 8 Overview and operation of menus
- 9 Care and maintenance
- 10 Inserting, changing and removing the water filter
- 11 Transport and disposal
- 12 Troubleshooting
- Уважаемый покупатель!
- Содержание
- 1 Указания по данному руководству поэксплуатации
- 2 Общие указания по технике безопасности
- 3 Описание аппарата
- КAПУЧИНО 110 ml 060 ml
- 4 Начало эксплуатации
- 5 Включение и выключение
- 6 Приготовление напитков с настройками во время подачи
- 7 Кнопка «Мой кофе»: приготовлениенапитков с индивидуальными настройками
- 8 Обзор и использование меню
- 9 Уход и обслуживание
- 10 Установка, замена, извлечение водяногофильтра
- 11 Транспортировка и утилизация
- 12 Устранение неисправностей
- Drodzy Klienci!
- Spis treści
- 1 Wskazówki dotyczące instrukcji obsługi
- 2 Ogólne zasady bezpieczeństwa
- 3 Opis urządzenia
- Cappuccino 110 ml 060 ml
- 4 Uruchamianie
- 5 Włączanie i wyłączanie
- 6 Przyrządzanie napojów z ustawieniamibezpośrednio przy pobieraniu
- 7 Przycisk My Coffee: przyrządzanie napojów z indywidualnymi ustawieniami
- 8 Przegląd i obsługa menu
- 9 Konserwacja
- 10 Wkładanie, wymiana, wyjmowanie filtra wody
- 11 Transport i utylizacja
- 12 Usuwanie usterek
- Vážená zákaznice, vážený zákazníku,
- Obsah
- 1 Upozornění k tomuto návodu k použití
- 2 Všeobecné bezpečnostní pokyny
- 3 Popis přístroje
- Cappuccino 110 ml 060 ml
- 4 Uvedení do provozu
- 5 Zapnutí a vypnutí
- 6 Příprava nápojů s nastavením přímo přiodběru
- 7 Tlačítko My Coffee: Příprava nápojů s osobním nastavením
- 8 Přehled a ovládání nabídky
- 9 Péče a údržba
- 10 Vsazení, výměna, vyjmutí vodního filtru
- 11 Přeprava a likvidace
- 12 Odstranění poruch
- Sevgili müşterimiz!
- İçindekiler
- 1 Bu kullanma kılavuzu ile ilgili bilgiler
- 2 Genel güvenlik bilgileri
- 3 Cihazın tanımı
- Cappuccino 110 ml 060 ml
- 4 İşletime alma
- 5 Açma ve kapama
- 6 İçeceklerin alım esnasında doğrudan ayarlarile hazırlanması
- 7 My-Coffee (Benim Kahvem) tuşu: Kişisel ayarlarınızla içecek hazırlama
- 8 Menülere genel bakış ve menülerin kullanımı
- 9 Bakım
- 10 Su filtresinin yerleştirilmesi, değiştirilmesi,çıkartılması
- 11 Nakliye ve bertaraf
- 12 Arızaların giderilmesi