Xylem e-NSCC: 5 Commissioning, Startup,

5 Commissioning, Startup,: Xylem e-NSCC

en - Translation of the original instructions

If the motor is used with full load, then set the value to the

1. Locate the arrows on the adaptor or the motor fan cover to deter-

nominal current value of electric pump (data plate)

mine the correct rotation direction.

If the motor is used with partial load, then set the value to

2. Start the motor.

the operating current (for example measured with a current

3. Quickly check the direction of rotation through the coupling guard


or through the motor fan cover.

If the pump has a star-delta starting system, then adjust the

thermal relay to 58% of the nominal current or operating cur-

4. Stop the motor.

rent (only for three-phase motors).

5. If the rotation direction is incorrect, then do as follows:

a) Disconnect the power supply.

b) In the terminal board of the motor or in the electric control

5 Commissioning, Startup,

panel, exchange the position of two of the three wires of the

supply cable.

Operation, and Shutdown

For the wiring diagrams, see Figure 24 .

c) Check the direction of rotation again.


5.3 Start the pump


The responsibility for checking the correct flow and the temperature of

Make sure that the drained liquid does not cause dam-

the pumped liquid rests with the installer or owner.

age or injuries.

The motor protectors can cause the motor to restart un-

Before starting the pump, make sure that:

expectedly. This could result in serious injury.

The pump is correctly connected to the power supply.

Never operate the pump without the coupling guard

The pump is correctly filled according to instructions in Fill the

correctly installed.

pump (chapter 5).

The on-off valve located downstream from the pump is closed.


1. Start the motor.

The outer surfaces of the pump and motor can exceed

2. Gradually open the on-off valve on the discharge side of the

40ºC (104ºF) during operation. Do not touch with any


part of the body without protective gear.

Do not put any combustible material near the pump.

At the expected operating conditions, the pump must run smooth-

ly and quietly. If not, refer to Troubleshooting.


Never operate the pump below the minimum rated flow, when dry,

or without prime.

6 Maintenance

Never operate the pump with the delivery ON-OFF valve closed

for longer than a few seconds.


Never operate the pump with the suction ON-OFF valve closed.

Do not expose an idle pump to freezing conditions. Drain all liquid

Electrical Hazard:

that is inside the pump. Failure to do so can cause liquid to freeze

Disconnect and lock out electrical power before installing or

and damage the pump.

servicing the unit.

The sum of the pressure on the suction side (mains, gravity tank)

and the maximum pressure that is delivered by the pump must


not exceed the maximum working pressure that is allowed (nomi-

nal pressure PN) for the pump.

Maintenance and service must be performed by skilled

Do not use the pump if cavitation occurs. Cavitation can damage

and qualified personnel only.

the internal components.

Observe accident prevention regulations in force.

Use suitable equipment and protection.

Make sure that the drained liquid does not cause dam-

Noise level

age or injuries.

For information about noise levels of pump alone and pump equipped

with standard supplied motor, see Table 10.

6.1 Service

5.1 Fill the pump

If the user wishes to schedule regular maintenance deadlines, they are

dependent on the type of pumped liquid and on the operating condi-

For information about Additional pump connections, see Figure 25 .

tions of the pump.

Installations with liquid level above the pump (suction head)

Contact the local sales and service representative for any requests or

information regarding routine maintenance or service.

For an illustration that shows the pump parts, see Figure 26 .

Extraordinary maintenance may be necessary to clean the liquid end

1. Close the on-off valve located downstream from the pump.

and/or replace worn parts.

2. Remove the fill (3)or gauge plug (1) and open the on/off valve up-

stream until the water flows out of the hole.

Bearing types

Lubrication and lubricant change of rolling element bearings

a) Close the fill (3) or gauge plug (1).

Grease-lubricated bearings

Installations with liquid level below the pump (suction lift)

Grease-lubricated bearings have been packed with grease

at the factory. See the bearing size and lubrication type in ta-

For an illustration that shows the pump parts, see Figure 27 .

ble 6.

1. All pipe system empty:

Pumps with greased for life bearings

a) Open the on-off valve located upstream from the pump and

close the

Pumps with greased for life bearings do not require any scheduled rou-

b) Remove the fill plug (3) and the gauge plug (1) use a funnel

tine maintenance.

to fill the pump through the fill plug (3) until water flows out of

this hole.

Pumps with re-greaseable bearings

c) Tighten the fill plug (3) and the gauge plug (1).

Regrease at 4000 operating hours, but at least once per year.

2. Filled discharge pipe system:

Clean lubrication nipples (SN) first.

Use NLGI Grade 2 grease or equivalent.

a) Open the on-off valve located upstream from the pump and

For approximate quantities of grease, see table 6.

close the on-off valve downstream.

b) Remove the gauge plug (1) until water flows out of this hole.

6.2 Torque values

c) Tighten the gauge plug (1).

For information about torque values, pump data see Figure 28 , base-

5.2 Check the rotation direction (three-phase motor)

plate data Table 29 .

Follow this procedure before start-up.

18 e-NSC Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual