Pioneer VSX-920-K: The Advanced MCACC menu


The Advanced MCACC menu: Pioneer VSX-920-K

The Advanced MCACC menu10

Chapter 10:

The Advanced MCACC menu


Advanced MCACC

’ from the

Making receiver settings from

Home Menu

, then press



the Advanced MCACC menu

The Advanced MCACC (Multi Channel

ACoustic Calibration) system was developed in

Pioneer’s laboratories with the aim of making it

possible for home users to perform

adjustments of the same level as in a studio

easily and with high precision. The acoustic

characteristics of the listening environment

are measured and the frequency response is

4 Select the setting you want to adjust.

calibrated accordingly to allow high precision,

automatic analysis and optimal calibration of

the sound field to bring it closer to a studio

environment than ever before. Furthermore,

while it was previously difficult to eliminate

standing waves, this receiver is equipped with

a standing wave control function using a

unique process to perform acoustic analysis

and reduce their influence.

Full Auto MCACC – See Automatically

This section describes how to calibrate the

conducting optimum sound tuning (Auto

sound field automatically and fine-adjust the

MCACC) on page 39 for a quick and

sound field data manually.

effective automatic surround setup.

1 Switch on the receiver and your TV.

Auto MCACC – See Automatic MCACC


Use RECEIVER to switch on.

(Expert) on page 87 for a more detailed

If headphones are connected to the

MCACC setup.

receiver, disconnect them.

Manual MCACC – Fine-tunes your speaker

settings and customizes the Acoustic

2 Press on the remote control,

Calibration EQ (see Manual MCACC setup

then press



on page 90).

A Graphical User Interface (GUI) screen

appears on your TV. Use /// and

Demo – No settings are saved and no

ENTER to navigate through the screens and

errors occur. When the speakers are

select menu items. Press RETURN to confirm

connected to this receiver, the test tone is

and exit the current menu.

output repeatedly. Press RETURN to

cancel the test tone.

Press HOME MENU at any time to exit the

Home Menu.




1 Make sure not to switch off the power when using the HOME MENU.




1. Advanced MCACC

2. MCACC Data Check

3. Data Management

4. System Setup

Exit Return

1.Advanced MCACC


a. Full Auto MCACC

b. Auto MCACC

c. Manual MCACC

d. Demo

Exit Return 86 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

The Advanced MCACC menu 10



Automatic MCACC (Expert)

If your setup requires more detailed settings

The test tones used in the Auto MCACC

than those provided in Automatically

Setup are output at high volume.

conducting optimum sound tuning (Auto

1 Select ‘


’ from the

MCACC) on page 39, you can customize your

Advanced MCACC

menu, then press




setup options below. You can calibrate your

If the Advanced MCACC screen is not

system differently for up to six different MCACC

displayed, refer to Making receiver settings



, which are useful if you have different

from the Advanced MCACC menu on page 86.

listening positions depending on the type of

source (for example, watching movies from a

2 Select the parameters you want to set.


sofa, or playing a video game close to the TV).

Use / to select the item, then use / to




Auto MCACC – The default is ALL

(recommended), but you can limit the

Make sure the microphone/speakers are

system calibration to only one setting (to

not moved during the Auto MCACC Setup.


save time) if you want.

The available

Using the Auto MCACC Setup will



options are ALL, Keep SP System,

overwrite any existing settings for the

Speaker Setting, Channel Level,


MCACC preset you select.

Speaker Distance and EQ Pro & S-Wave.

The screen saver will automatically appear

EQ Type (only available when the Auto

after five minutes of inactivity.

MCACC Menu above is EQ Pro & S-Wave)


– This determines how the frequency

balance is adjusted.




Note 87 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

1 These are stored in memory and referred to as MEMORY1 to MEMORY6 until you rename them in Data Management

on page 98.

2 You may also want to have separate calibration settings for the same listening position, depending on how you’re

using your system.

3 Except in cases where you are only adjusting one parameter (i.e. channel level) from the Auto MCACC menu (step 2).

4 • When data measurement is taken (after selecting ALL or Keep SP System), the reverb characteristics data (both

before- and after-calibration) that this receiver had been storing will be overwritten. If you want to save the reverb

characteristics data before measuring, connect a USB memory device to this receiver and transfer the data.

• When measurement is taken of data other than SYMMETRY (after selecting ALL or Keep SP System), the data are

not measured after the correction. If you will need to measure after correction data, take the measurement using the

EQ Professional menu in the Manual MCACC setup (page 93).

• The EQ Pro & S-Wave measurement is also taken when Keep SP System or EQ Pro & S-Wave is selected. See

Acoustic Calibration EQ Professional on page 93 for more on this.

• Either effect of Acoustic Calibration EQ Professional and Standing Wave can be switched on and off in the

respective MCACC preset. For details, see Setting the Audio options on page 68.

5The Keep SP System option allows you to calibrate your system while leaving your current speaker setting (page 102)


The Advanced MCACC menu10

After a single calibration is performed, each of

3 Connect the microphone to the


the following three correction curves can be


jack on the front panel.

stored separately in the MCACC memory.

Make sure there are no obstacles between the

SYMMETRY implements symmetric

speakers and the microphone.

correction for each pair of left and right

speakers to flatten the frequency-amplitude

characteristics. ALL CH ADJ is a ‘flat’ setting

where all the speakers are set individually so

no special weighting is given to any one


channel. FRONT ALIGN

sets all speakers in

accordance with the front speaker settings (no

equalization is applied to the front left and right


THX Speaker (only available when the

Auto MCACC Menu above is ALL or

Speaker Setting) – Select YES if you are

using THX speakers (set all speakers to

SMALL), otherwise leave it set to NO.


(only available when



Menu above is

EQ Pro &



– In addition to measurements at

If you have a tripod, use it to place the

the listening position, you can use two more

microphone so that it’s about ear level at your

reference points for which test tones will be

normal listening position. If you do not have a

analyzed for standing waves. This is useful if

tripod, use some other object to install the

you want to get a balanced ‘flat’ calibration



for several seating positions in your


listening area.

Place the microphone at the

4 When you’re finished setting the options,

reference point indicated on-screen and



then press



note that

the last microphone placement will

5 Follow the instructions on-screen.

be at your main listening position:

Make sure the microphone is connected.

If you’re using a subwoofer, it is

automatically detected every time you

switch on the system. Make sure it is on

and the volume is turned up.

See Problems when using the Auto MCACC

Setup on page 42 for notes regarding high

background noise levels and other possible





1 If you selected ALL or Keep SP System as your Auto MCACC menu, you can specify the MCACC preset where you

want to save the SYMMETRY, ALL CH ADJ and FRONT ALIGN settings.

2Switch the Multi-P setting NO if you only use one listening position.

1 2


2nd reference

3rd reference



Main listening


3 Install the microphone on a stable floor. Placing the microphone on any of the following surfaces may make accurate

measurement impossible:

• Sofas or other soft surfaces.

• High places such as tabletops and sofa tops.














Tripod 88 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

The Advanced MCACC menu 10

6 Wait for the Auto MCACC Setup to finish

•If Reverse Phase is displayed, the


outputting test tones.

speaker’s wiring (+ and –) may be


A progress report is displayed on-screen while

inverted. Check the speaker connections.

the receiver outputs test tones to determine the

If the connections were wrong, turn off

speakers present in your setup. Try to be as

the power, disconnect the power cord,


quiet as possible while it’s doing this.

then reconnect properly. After this,


With error messages (such as Too much

perform the Full Auto MCACC procedure

ambient noise! or Check microphone)


select RETRY after checking for ambient

– If the connections were right, select GO

noise (see Problems when using the Auto

NEXT and


MCACC Setup on page 42) and verifying the

8 Make sure ‘


’ is selected, then press

mic connection. If there doesn’t seem to be





a problem, you can simply select GO NEXT

A progress report is displayed on-screen while

and continue.

the receiver outputs more test tones to

7 If necessary, confirm the speaker

determine the optimum receiver settings for


configuration in the GUI screen.

channel level, speaker distance, and Acoustic

The configuration shown on-screen should

Calibration EQ.


reflect the actual speakers you have.

Again, try to be as quiet as possible while this

If no operations are performed for 10 seconds

is happening. It may take 3 to 7 minutes.

while the speaker configuration check screen

If you selected a STAND.WAVE Multi-P

is being displayed, the Auto MCACC Setup will

setup (in step 2), you will be asked to place

resume automatically. In this case, you don’t

the mic at the 2nd and 3rd reference


need to select ‘OK’ and press ENTER in step 8.

points before finally placing it at your main

If you see an ERR message (or the speaker

listening position.

configuration displayed isn’t correct), there

9 The Auto MCACC Setup procedure is

may be a problem with the speaker

completed and the

Advanced MCACC



reappears automatically.

If selecting RETRY doesn’t work, turn off


The settings made in the Auto MCACC Setup

the power and check the speaker

should give you excellent surround sound

connections. If there doesn’t seem to be a

from your system, but it is also possible to

problem, you can simply use / to select

adjust these settings manually using the

the speaker and / to change the

Manual MCACC setup menu (starting below)

setting and continue.

or Manual SP Setup menu (starting on


page 100).



Note 89 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

1 Do not adjust the volume during the test tones. This may result in incorrect speaker settings.

2 This screen is only shown if you selected ALL or Speaker Setting from the Auto MCACC menu.

3 If the speaker is not pointed to the microphone (listening position) or when using speakers that affect the phase

(dipole speakers, reflective speakers, etc.), Reverse Phase may be displayed even if the speakers are properly


4 Depending on the characteristics of your room, sometimes identical speakers with cone sizes of around 12 cm will

end up with different size settings. You can correct the setting manually using the Manual speaker setup on page 100.

• The subwoofer distance setting may be farther than the actual distance from the listening position. This setting

should be accurate (taking delay and room characteristics into account) and generally does not need to be changed.

• If Auto MCACC Setup measurement results are incorrect due to the interaction of the speakers and viewing

environment, we recommend adjusting the settings manually.

The Advanced MCACC menu10

You can also choose to view the settings by

selecting individual parameters from the

Manual MCACC setup

MCACC Data Check screen:

You can use the settings in the Manual

Speaker Setting – The size and number of

MCACC setup menu to make detailed

speakers you’ve connected (see page 102

adjustments when you’re more familiar with

for more on this)

the system. Before making these settings, you

should have already completed Automatically

Channel Level – The overall balance of

your speaker system (see page 91 or 103

conducting optimum sound tuning (Auto

for more on this)

MCACC) on page 39.

Speaker Distance – The distance of your

You only need to make these settings once

speakers from the listening position (see

(unless you change the placement of your


page 91 or 103 for more on this)

current speaker system or add new speakers).

Standing Wave – Filter settings to control

lower ‘boomy’ frequencies (see page 92 for


more on this)

The test tones used in the Manual MCACC

Acoustic Cal EQ – Adjustments to the

setup are output at high volume.

frequency balance of your speaker system

based on the acoustic characteristics of

your room (see page 93 for more on this)


Output MCACC data – MCACC data and

Press the MCACC button while the

parameters can be transferred from this

pertinent setup screens are displayed to

receiver to a USB device and the data

select MCACC presets.

imported into other devices using a special

For some of the settings below, you’ll have

application via a computer (see Output

to connect the setup microphone to the

MCACC data on page 97 for more on this).

front panel and place it about ear level at



after you have finished checking

your normal listening position. Press

each screen. When you’re finished, select

HOME MENU to display the Home Menu


to go back to the

Home Menu


before you connect the microphone to this

Be sure to disconnect the microphone from

receiver. If the microphone is connected

this receiver upon completion of the Auto

while the HOME MENU is not being

MCACC Setup.

displayed, the display will change to the

Full Auto MCACC under Advanced


See Problems when using the Auto MCACC

Setup on page 42 for notes regarding high

background noise levels and other possible


If you’re using a subwoofer, switch it on

and turn up the volume to the middle




Note 90 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

1 Since the distance measurements have been set according to the sound characteristics of your speakers, there are

cases where (for optimal surround sound) the actual distance may differ from the speaker distance setting. 91 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

The Advanced MCACC menu 10

1 Select ‘

Manual MCACC

’ from the

1 Select ‘

Fine Channel Level

’ from the


Advanced MCACC


Manual MCACC

setup menu.

See Making receiver settings from the Advanced

The volume increases to the 0.0 dB reference

MCACC menu on page 86 if you’re not already


at this screen.

2 Adjust the level of the left channel.

2 Select the setting you want to adjust.

This will be the reference speaker level, so you


If you’re doing this for the first time, you might

may want to keep the level around 0.0 dB so

want to make these settings in order.

that you’ll have plenty of room to adjust the

other speaker levels.

Fine Channel Level – Make fine

adjustments to the overall balance of your

After pressing ENTER, test tones will be

speaker system (see Fine Channel Level




3 Select each channel in turn and adjust

Fine SP Distance – Make precise delay

the levels (

+/–12.0 dB

) as necessary.

settings for your speaker system (see Fine

Use / to adjust the volume of the speaker

Speaker Distance below).

you selected to match the reference speaker.

Standing Wave – Control overly resonant

When it sounds like both tones are the same


low frequencies in your listening room (see

volume, press to confirm and continue to

Standing Wave on page 92).

the next channel.

The last two settings are specifically for

For comparison purposes, the reference

customizing the parameters explained in

speaker will change depending on which

Acoustic Calibration EQ Adjust on page 93:

speaker you select.


EQ Adjust – Manually adjust the frequency

If you want to go back and adjust a

balance of your speaker system while

channel, simply use / to select it.

listening to test tones (see Acoustic

4 When you’re finished, press



Calibration EQ Adjust on page 93).

You will return to the Manual MCACC setup

EQ Professional – Calibrate your system


based on the direct sound coming from the


speakers and make detailed settings

Fine Speaker Distance

according to your room’s reverb

•Default setting: 3.00m (all speakers)

characteristics (see Acoustic Calibration

For proper sound depth and separation with

EQ Professional on page 93).

your system, it is necessary to add a slight bit

of delay to some speakers so that all sounds

Fine Channel Level

will arrive at the listening position at the same

•Default setting: 0.0dB (all channels)

time. You can adjust the distance of each

You can achieve better surround sound by

speaker in 1 cm increments. The following

properly adjusting the overall balance of your

setting can help you make detailed

speaker system. You can adjust the Channel

adjustments that you may not achieve using

Level of each speaker in 0.5 dB increments. The

the Manual speaker setup on page 100.

following setting can help you make detailed

1 Select ‘

Fine SP Distance

’ from the

adjustments that you may not achieve using

Manual MCACC

setup menu.

the Manual speaker setup on page 100.

2 Adjust the distance of the left channel

from the listening position.



The Advanced MCACC menu10

3 Select each channel in turn and adjust the

Standing Wave

distance as necessary.


•Default setting: ON

/ATT 0.0dB (all filters)

Use / to adjust the delay of the speaker

Acoustic standing waves occur when, under

you selected to match the reference speaker.

certain conditions, sound waves from your

The delay is measured in terms of speaker

speaker system resonate mutually with sound

distance from 0.01m to 9.00m.

waves reflected off the walls in your listening

Listen to the reference speaker and use it to

area. This can have a negative effect on the

measure the target channel. From the listening

overall sound, especially at certain lower

position, face the two speakers with your arms

frequencies. Depending on speaker placement,

outstretched pointing at each speaker. Try to

your listening position, and ultimately the

make the two tones sound as if they are

shape of your room, it results in an overly

arriving simultaneously at a position slightly in

resonant (‘boomy’) sound. The Standing Wave


front of you and between your arm span.

Control uses filters to reduce the effect of overly

resonant sounds in your listening area. During

playback of a source, you can customize the

filters used for Standing Wave Control for each


of your MCACC presets.


Standing Wave

’ from the



setup menu.

When it sounds like the delay settings are

2 Adjust the parameters for the Standing

matched up, press to confirm and continue

Wave Control.

to the next channel.

Filter Channel – Select the channel to

For comparison purposes, the reference

which you will apply the filter(s): MAIN (all

speaker will change depending on which

except center channel and subwoofer),

speaker you select.

Center or SW (subwoofer).

If you want to go back and adjust a

TRIM (only available when the filter channel

channel, simply use / to select it.

above is SW) – Adjust the subwoofer

4 When you’re finished, press



channel level (to compensate for the

You will return to the Manual MCACC setup

difference in output post-filter).




Note 92 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

1 • If you can’t seem to achieve this by adjusting the distance setting, you may need to change the angle of your

speakers very slightly.

• For better audibility, the subwoofer emits a continuous test tone (oscillating pulses are heard from your other

speakers). Note that it may be difficult to compare this tone with the other speakers in your setup (depending on the

low frequency response of the reference speaker).

2 You can switch on or off the Standing Wave and Acoustic Calibration EQ feature in the AUDIO PARAMETER menu.

See Setting the Audio options on page 68 for more on this.

3 • Since they will be overwritten, you may want to save the standing wave settings made with the Auto MCACC Setup

to another MCACC preset.

• Standing Wave control filter settings cannot be changed during playback of sources using the HDMI connection.

• When Standing Wave is selected for an MCACC preset memory where STAND.WAVE is set to OFF in the AUDIO

PARAMETER, STAND.WAVE ON is automatically selected.

The Advanced MCACC menu 10

Freq / Q / ATT – These are the filter

•The OVER! indicator shows in the display


parameters where Freq represents the

if the frequency adjustment is too drastic

frequency you will be targeting and Q is the

and might distort. If this happens, bring

bandwidth (the higher the Q, the narrower

the level down until OVER! disappears

the bandwidth, or range) of the attenuation

from the display.

(ATT, the amount of reduction to the

targeted frequency).



3 When you’re finished, press



Changing the frequency curve of one

You will return to the Manual MCACC setup

channel too drastically will affect the


overall balance. If the speaker balance

seems uneven, you can raise or lower


Acoustic Calibration EQ Adjust

channel levels using test tones with the


•Default setting: ON

/0.0dB (all channels/

TRIM feature. Use / to select TRIM,


then use / to raise or lower the

Acoustic Calibration Equalization is a kind of

channel level for the current speaker.

room equalizer for your speakers (excluding

3 When you’re finished, press



the subwoofer). It works by measuring the


You will return to the Manual MCACC setup

acoustic characteristics of your room and


neutralizing the ambient characteristics that

can color the original source material

Acoustic Calibration EQ Professional

(providing a ‘flat’ equalization setting). If you’re

This setup minimizes the unwanted effects of

not satisfied with the adjustment provided in


room reverberation by allowing you to

Automatically conducting optimum sound

calibrate your system based on the direct

tuning (Auto MCACC) on page 39 or Automatic

sound coming from the speakers.

MCACC (Expert) on page 87, you can also

adjust these settings manually to get a

How to use Acoustic Calibration EQ

frequency balance that suits your tastes.


1 Select ‘

EQ Adjust

’ from the



If you find that lower frequencies seem overly


setup menu.

reverberant in your listening room (i.e. it

sounds ‘boomy’), or that different channels

2 Select the channel(s) you want and adjust

to your liking.

seem to exhibit different reverb characteristics

(when Type A or Type B shown on the

Use / to select the channel.

diagrams on the following applies), select EQ



to select the frequency and



Pro. & S-Wave (or ALL) for the Auto MCACC

boost or cut the EQ. When you’re finished, go

setting in Automatic MCACC (Expert) on

back to the top of the screen and press


page 87 to calibrate the room automatically.

return to


, then use


to select the




Note 93 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

1 When EQ Adjust is selected for an MCACC preset memory where EQ is set to OFF in the AUDIO PARAMETER, EQ

ON is automatically selected.

The Advanced MCACC menu10

Type A: Reverberance of high vs. low

Using Acoustic Calibration EQ Professional


1 Select ‘

EQ Professional

’, then press



2 Select an option and press



Reverb Measurement – Use this to

measure the reverb characteristics of your


Reverb View – You can check the reverb

measurements made for specified


frequency ranges in each channel.

Advanced EQ Setup – Use this to select

Type B: Reverb characteristics for

the time period that will be used for

different channels

frequency adjustment and calibration,

based on the reverb measurement of your

listening area. Note that customizing

system calibration using this setup will

alter the settings you made in

Automatically conducting optimum sound

tuning (Auto MCACC) on page 39 or

Automatic MCACC (Expert) on page 87 and

is not necessary if you’re satisfied with

these settings.

If the pattern is as shown above, select the 30-

3 If you selected ‘

Reverb Measurement


50ms setting. If not, this setting is not






, and then




The following options determine how the

reverb characteristics of your listening area are

displayed in Reverb View:

EQ OFF – You will see the reverb

characteristics of your listening area

without the equalization performed by this

receiver (before calibration).



Low frequencies


High frequencies

Conventional MCACC

EQ calibration range

Acoustic Cal. EQ Pro

calibration range



Time (in msec)

Front L


Front R

Conventional MCACC

EQ calibration range

Acoustic Cal. EQ Pro

calibration range



Time (in msec)

Note 94 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

1If the Reverb View procedure is performed after the Automatically conducting optimum sound tuning (Auto MCACC)

on page 39 or Reverb Measurement operation, depending on the standing wave control setting, differences may

appear on the reverb graph. With the Auto MCACC function, the reverberations are measured with the standing waves

controlled, so the reverb characteristics graph shows the characteristics with the effect of the standing waves

eliminated. By contrast, the Reverb Measurement function measures the reverberations without controlling the

standing waves, so the graph indicates the reverb characteristics including the effect of the standing waves. If you

wish to check the reverb characteristics of the room itself (with the standing waves as such), we recommend using

the Reverb Measurement function.

The Advanced MCACC menu 10

EQ ON – You will see the reverb


Advanced EQ Setup

’ is selected, select


characteristics of your listening area with

the MCACC memory to be stored, then enter

the equalization performed by this receiver

the desired time setting for calibration, and



(after calibration).

Note that the EQ

then select



response may not appear entirely flat due

Based on the reverb measurement above, you

to adjustments necessary for your listening

can choose the time period that will be used



for the final frequency adjustment and


calibration. Even though you can make this

When the reverb measurement is finished, you

setting without reverb measurement, it is best

can select Reverb View to see the results on-

to use the measurement results as a reference

screen. See Professional Calibration EQ

for your time setting. For an optimal system

graphical output on page 114 for

calibration based on the direct sound coming

troubleshooting information.


from the speakers, we recommend using the

4 If you selected ‘

Reverb View

’, you can

30-50ms setting.

check the reverb characteristics for each



to select the setting. Use



channel. Press


when you’re done.

switch between them.

The reverb characteristics are displayed when

Select the setting from the following time

the Full Auto MCACC or Reverb


periods (in milliseconds): 0-20ms, 10-30ms,

Measurement measurements are


20-40ms, 30-50ms, 40-60ms, 50-70ms and


60-80ms. This setting will be applied to all

Use / to select the channel, frequency

channels during calibration.

and calibration setting you want to check. Use

When you’re finished, select


. It will take

/ to go back and forth between the three.


about 2 to 4 minutes for the calibration to

The reverb characteristics graph before and


after EQ calibration can be displayed by


selecting Calibration : Before / After.


After the Acoustic Calibration Equalization is

that the markers on the vertical axis indicate

set, you are given the option to check the

decibels in 2 dB steps.

settings on-screen.




Note 95 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

1 The calibration corresponding to the currently selected MCACC preset will be used when EQ ON is selected. To use

another MCACC preset, press MCACC to select the MCACC memory you want to store.

2 After auto calibration with EQ Type : SYMMETRY (Full Auto MCACC, etc.), the graph for the inferred reverb

characteristics can be displayed by selecting Reverb View. To display the actually measured reverb characteristics

after EQ calibration, measure with EQ ON.

3The After display when measurements have been made using the Full Auto MCACC or Auto MCACC (ALL or KEEP

SP system) function shows the graph for the inferred reverb characteristics after EQ Type : SYMMETRY calibration.

4 The reverb characteristics graph is overwritten each time the reverberations are measured. No Data is displayed if

there is no reverb characteristic data, for example before measurements have been taken.

5 To specify the place where the MCACC memory is to be stored, press MCACC to select the MCACC memory you want

to store.

The Advanced MCACC menu10

4 Press


to go back to the


Checking MCACC Data

Data Check

menu, repeating steps 2 and 3 to

check other settings.

At the procedure of

Automatically conducting

optimum sound tuning (Auto MCACC)


5 When you’re finished, press



page 39, the procedure of

Automatic MCACC

You will return to the Home Menu.


on page 87 or after fine-adjusting at

Manual MCACC setup

on page 90, you can

Speaker Setting

check your calibrated settings using the GUI

Use this to display the speaker size and


The data can be transferred to a

number of speakers. See Speaker Setting on

computer using a USB device to check it on the

page 102 for more on this.

computer’s screen as well.


Speaker Setting

’ from the


1 Press , then press


Data Check




A Graphical User Interface (GUI) screen appears

2 Select the channel you want to check.

on your TV. Use





Use / to select the channel. The

navigate through the screens and select menu

corresponding channel on the layout diagram

items. Press


to confirm and exit the

is highlighted.

current menu.

Channel Level

2 Select ‘

MCACC Data Check

’ from the

Use this to display the level of the various

Home Menu


channels. See Channel Level on page 103 for

3 Select the setting you want to check.

more on this.

Speaker Setting

– Used to check the


Channel Level

’ from the


settings of the speaker systems. See

Data Check


Speaker Setting

below for more on this.

Channel Level – Used to check the output

2 When ‘


’ is highlighted, use


level of the different speakers. See Channel

to select the MCACC preset you want to

Level below for more on this.


The level of the various channels set at the

Speaker Distance – Used to check the

selected MCACC preset is displayed. ‘---’ is

distance to the different speakers. See

displayed for channels that are not connected.

Speaker Distance below for more on this.

Standing Wave – Used to check the

Speaker Distance

standing wave control filter settings. See

Use this to display the distance from the

Standing Wave on page 97 for more on this.

different channels to the listening position. See

Acoustic Cal EQ

Used to check the

Speaker Distance on page 103 for more on this.

calibration values of the listening

environment’s frequency response. See


Speaker Distance

’ from the

Acoustic Cal EQ on page 97

for more on

MCACC Data Check



2 When ‘


’ is highlighted, use


Output MCACC data – See Output

to select the MCACC preset you want to

MCACC data on page 97 for more on this.


The distance from the various channels set at

the selected MCACC preset is displayed. ‘---’ is

displayed for channels that are not connected.



RECEIVER 96 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

The Advanced MCACC menu 10

Standing Wave

Output MCACC data


Use this to display the standing wave related

Before continuing, make sure you have

adjustment values for the various MCACC

completed step 2 in Checking MCACC Data on

memories. See Standing Wave on page 92 for

page 96. The data measured with the

more on this.

Advanced MCACC function is transmitted to


the USB device.

The 3D graphs of the reverb

1 Select ‘

Standing Wave

’ from the



characteristics before and after calibration

Data Check


and the MCACC results (parameters) can be

2 When ‘

Filter Channel

’ is highlighted, use

checked on your computer.


to select the channel for which you

want to check standing wave control.

The standing wave related calibration value for


the selected channel stored at the selected

MCACC preset and its graph are displayed.

3 Press

to highlight


’, then use


to select the MCACC preset you want to



Acoustic Cal EQ

Use this to display the calibration values for the

frequency response of the various channels set

in the different MCACC presets. See Acoustic

1 Select ‘

Output MCACC data

’ from the


Calibration EQ Adjust on page 93 for more on

MCACC Data Check



When the receiver is ready for transmission,

“Please connect your USB memory for the

1 Select ‘

Acoustic Cal EQ

’ from the


MCACC data, then press OK to output

Data Check


them.” shows on the GUI screen.

2 When ‘


’ is highlighted, use




2 Connect your USB device to the USB

select the channel.

terminal on the front panel, then select “OK”.

The calibration value for the frequency response

“Please wait...” will be displayed on the

of the selected channel stored at the selected

screen and transmission of measurement

MCACC preset and its graph are displayed.

data to the USB device will begin.

3 Press

to highlight


’, then use

Transmission is complete when “Complete” is


to select the MCACC preset you want to






Note 97 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

1 MCACC data and parameters are transferred from this receiver to a USB device and by connecting the USB device

to a computer, the data is imported via the MCACC software in the computer. See Connecting a USB device for

Advanced MCACC output on page 36 for more on this.

2 Only one set of reverb characteristics is stored on the receiver. If you wish to compare several different measurement

results, transmit the data to the USB memory each time reverb measurements are taken.

The Advanced MCACC menu10

3 When you’re finished, press



MCACC Memory Clear – Clear any

You will return to the MCACC Data Check

MCACC presets that you don’t want (see

menu. Continue with other operations in the

Clearing MCACC presets on page 99).

MCACC Data Check menu if necessary. Press

RETURN again to exit the MCACC Data Check

Renaming MCACC presets


If you have several different MCACC presets

that you’re using, you may want to rename

them for easier identification.

Data Management


Memory Rename

’ from the


This system allows you to store up to six


setup menu.

MCACC presets, allowing you to calibrate your

system for different listening positions (or

2 Select the MCACC preset you want to

frequency adjustments for the same listening

rename, then select an appropriate preset



This is useful for alternate settings


to match the kind of source you’re listening to

Use / to select the preset, then / to

and where you’re sitting (for example,

select a preset name.

watching movies from a sofa, or playing a video

game close to the TV).

3 Repeat for as many MCACC presets as

necessary, then press


when you’re

From this menu you can copy from one preset to


another, name presets for easier identification

You will return to the Data Management

and clear any ones you don’t need.

setup menu.

1 Press , then press




Copying MCACC preset data

A Graphical User Interface (GUI) screen

If you want to manually adjust the Acoustic

appears on your TV. Use /// and

Calibration EQ (see Manual MCACC setup on

ENTER to navigate through the screens and

page 90), we recommend copying your current


select menu items. Press RETURN to confirm


to an unused MCACC preset. Instead

and exit the current menu.

of just a flat EQ curve, this will give you a

reference point from which to start.

2 Select ‘

Data Management

’ from the

Home Menu



MCACC Memory Copy

’ from the

Data Management

setup menu.

3 Select the setting you want to adjust.

Memory Rename – Name your MCACC

2 Select the setting you want to copy.

presets for easy identification (see

All Data – Copies all the settings of the

Renaming MCACC presets below).

selected MCACC preset memory.

MCACC Memory Copy – Copy settings

Level & Distance

– Copies only the channel

from one MCACC preset to another (see

level and speaker distance settings of the

Copying MCACC preset data below).

selected MCACC preset memory.




1 This can be done in Automatically conducting optimum sound tuning (Auto MCACC) on page 39 or Automatic MCACC

(Expert) on page 87, either of which you should have already completed.

RECEIVER 98 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

2 The settings made in Automatically conducting optimum sound tuning (Auto MCACC) on page 39 or Automatic

MCACC (Expert) on page 87. 99 ペー 01年312 金日 前910

The Advanced MCACC menu 10

3 Select the MCACC preset you’ll be


copying the settings ‘


’, then specify

where you want to copy them (‘



Make sure you don’t overwrite an MCACC

preset you’re currently using (this can’t be



4 Select ‘


’ to confirm and copy the


When MCACC Memory Copy? is displayed,

select YES. If NO is selected, the memory is not



Completed! shows in the GUI screen to

confirm the MCACC preset has been copied,

then you automatically return to the Data

Management setup menu.

Clearing MCACC presets


If you are no longer using one of the MCACC

presets stored in memory, you can choose to

clear the calibration settings of that preset.

1 Select ‘

MCACC Memory Clear

’ from the


Data Management

setup menu.

2 Select the MCACC preset you want to


Make sure you don’t clear an MCACC preset

you’re currently using (this can’t be undone).


3 Select ‘


’ to confirm and clear the


When MCACC Memory Clear? is displayed,

select YES. If NO is selected, the memory is not


Completed! shows in the GUI screen to

confirm the MCACC preset has been cleared,

then you automatically return to the Data

Management setup menu.

