Fein MSh 636-1: en
en: Fein MSh 636-1

3 41 00 324 06 9 - GB Seite 18 Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2008 1:50 13
Maintain a firm grip on the power tool and position your
Use a stationary extraction system, blow out ventilation
body and arm to allow you to resist kickback forces. Always
slots frequently and connect a residual current device
use auxiliary handle, if provided, for maximum control over
(RCD) on the line side.
When working metal under
kickback or torque reaction during start-up.
The operator
extreme operating conditions, it is possible for conduc-
can control torque reactions or kickback forces, if proper
tive dust to settle in the interior of the power tool. The
precautions are taken.
total insulation of the power tool can be impaired.
Never place your hand near the rotating accessory.
Do not rivet or screw any name-plates or signs onto the
sory may kickback over your hand.
power tool.
If the insulation is damaged, protection against
Do not position your body in the area where power tool will
an electric shock will be ineffective. Adhesive labels are
move if kickback occurs.
Kickback will propel the tool in
direction opposite to the wheel’s movement at the point
Always work using the auxiliary handle.
The aux-
of snagging.
iliary handle ensures reliable guidance of the power tool.
Use special care when working corners, sharp edges, etc.
Before putting into operation, check the mains connection
Avoid bouncing and snagging the accessory.
and the mains plug for damage.
sharp edges or bouncing have a tendency to snag the
Hand/arm vibrations
rotating accessory and cause loss of control or kickback.
The vibration emission level given in this information
Do not attach a saw chain woodcarving blade or toothed
sheet has been measured in accordance with a standard-
saw blade.
Such blades create frequent kickback and loss
ised test given in EN 60745 and may be used to compare
of control over the power tool.
one tool with another. It may be used for a preliminary
Special safety warnings for grinding
assessment of exposure.
Use only wheel types that are recommended for your power
The declared vibration emission level represents the
tool and the specific guard designed for the selected wheel.
main applications of the tool. However if the tool is used
Wheels for which the power tool was not designed can-
for different applications, with different accessories or
not be adequately guarded and are unsafe.
poorly maintained, the vibration emission may differ.
Wheels must be used only for recommended applications.
This may significantly increase the exposure level over
For example: do not grind with the side of cut-off wheel.
the total working period.
Abrasive cut-off wheels are intended for peripheral
An estimation of the level of exposure to vibration
grinding, side forces applied to these wheels may cause
should also take into account the times when the tool is
them to shatter.
switched off or when it is running but not actually doing
the job. This may significantly reduce the exposure level
Always use undamaged wheel flanges that are of correct
over the total working period.
size and shape for your selected wheel.
Proper wheel
Identify additional safety measures to protect the opera-
flanges support the wheel thus reducing the possibility of
tor from the effects of vibration such as: maintain the tool
wheel breakage. Flanges for cut-off wheels may be differ-
and the accessories, keep the hands warm, organisation
ent from grinding wheel flanges.
of work patterns.
Do not use worn down wheels from larger power tools.
The vibrational emission values are given for dry grinding
Wheels intended for larger power tools are not suitable
of metal with grinding points. Other applications, such as
for the higher speed of a smaller tool and may burst.
shaping with hard metal cutters, can lead to other vibra-
Additional safety warnings
tional emission values.
Use elastic spacers/liners when these are provided with the
grinding/sanding accessory.
Operating instructions.
Make sure that the application tools are mounted in accord-
Use the respective collet chuck to fit the grinding wheel.
ance with the manufacturers instructions. The mounted
Insert the shaft of the grinding wheel into the collet chuck
application tools must be able to rotate freely.
as far as the stop.
mounted application tools can become loose during
Observe the maximum permitted projecting shaft
operation and be thrown from the machine.
length (a) of the grinding accessory according to the man-
Handle accessories carefully and store them according to
ufacturer’s instructions. (see page 10)
the manufacturer’s instructions.
Damaged accessories can
Using the same pressure, move the power tool back-
form cracks and break off during operation.
wards and forwards across the surface of the work piece
When using application tools with a threaded insert, take
to prevent it from becoming too hot.
care that the thread in the application tool is long enough
to hold the spindle length of the power tool. The thread in
Repair and customer service.
the application tool must match the thread on the spindle.
Blow out the interior of the power tool at
Incorrectly mounted application tools can loosen during
regular intervals from outside through the air
operation and cause injuries.
vents with dry, compressed air.
Do not machine any material containing asbestos.
If the supply cord of this power tool is damaged it must
is cancerogenic.
be replaced by a specially prepared cord available
Beware of any concealed electric cables, gas or water con-
through the FEIN customer service centre.
check the working area with a metal detector, for
If required, you can change the following parts yourself:
example, before commencing work.
Application tools, Auxiliary handle (MSh635), Collet.
- de
- de Zu Ihrer Sicherheit.
- de
- en
- en For your safety.
- en
- en Warranty and liability.
- fr
- fr Pour votre sécurité.
- fr
- it
- it Per la Vostra sicurezza.
- it
- nl
- nl Voor uw veiligheid.
- nl
- es
- es Para su seguridad.
- es
- pt
- pt Para a sua segurança.
- pt
- el
- da
- da For sin sikkerheds skyld.
- da
- da Vedligeholdelse og kundeservice.
- no
- no For din egen sikkerhet.
- no
- no Reklamasjonsrett og garanti.
- sv
- sv För din säkerhet.
- sv
- sv Garanti och tilläggsgaranti.
- fi
- fi Työturvallisuus.
- fi
- fi Kunnossapito, huolto.
- hu
- hu Az Ön biztonsága érdekében.
- hu
- cs
- cs Pro Va‰i bezpeãnost.
- cs
- cs ÚdrÏba a servis.
- sk
- sk Pre Va‰u bezpeãnosÈ.
- sk
- pl
- pl Dla Paƒstwa bezpieczeƒstwa.
- pl
- ru
- ru
- ru
- zh