Beko WKE 13580 D: Water connections

Water connections: Beko WKE 13580 D


Water connections

Models with double water inlets can be used

as a model with a single water inlet by using

a plug. Plug should be installed to the hot

water valve. A rubber gasket should be used

in order to prevent water leakage from the

connection point.

a) Water inlet hose

Do not connect the product with single

The specific hoses that come with the

water inlet to the hot water tap. The product

machine are connected to the water inlet

may switch to the protection mode if the

valves on the machine. Red labeled hose is

temperature of the water connected to a

for hot water inlet and blue labeled hose is

product with double water inlet through a Y

for cold water inlet.

part and single water inlet is above 40°C.

In order to prevent the water leakages that

a) Water drainage hose

may occur on the connection points, rubber

Water drainage hose can be attached to the

seals are placed on the hose or in the

side wall of a sink or bathtub. Hose should

package (4 pieces for the models with

not be bend. When the drainage hose is

double water inlets and 2 pieces for other

hanged on a sink or bathtub, it can be

models). These gaskets should be used

secured with a hose bracket so that it will

for connections in both sides of the hose.

not fall.

Gaskets on the machine side should fit in

the hose filter channel.

Since the connection points are under water

pressure, turn on the taps to the maximum

after the connection. Check if there is any

water leakage at the connection points. In

order to prevent the water leakages and the

damages they may cause, keep the taps

closed when you are not using the machine.

Minimum 1 bar and maximum 10 bars of

water flow from the tap is enough for your

machine to operate efficiently. (In practice,

1 bar means that more than 8 liters of water

per minute flows from a full open tap.)

The end of drainage hose can be

connected directly to the waste water

Install the elbowed end of the hose to your

drainage hole or to the specific end that is

machine. Hand-tighten the nuts of the hose,

installed to the outlet elbow of the sink.

do not use a spanner

The hose should be installed to a height of

40 cm minimum and 100 cm maximum.