Sony Ericsson HCA-200: инструкция
Раздел: Наушники
Инструкция к Sony Ericsson HCA-200

Car Handsfree HCA
User guide
This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.

This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.

FCC Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
Español ...........................................9
interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Deutsch .........................................24
Suomi ............................................77
Magyar ..........................................92
Türkçe .........................................107
繁體中文...................................... 114
Contents 1
This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.

Sony Ericsson HCA-200
First edition (December 2003)
This manual is published by Sony Ericsson Mobile
Communications AB, without any warranty. Improvements and
Introduction 3
changes to this manual necessitated by typographical errors,
inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to
programs and/or equipment, may be made by Sony Ericsson
Using the car handsfree 4
Mobile Communications AB at any time and without notice.
Such changes will, however, be incorporated into new editions
of this manual.
Troubleshooting 5
All rights reserved.
©Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, 2003
Additional information 6
Publication number: LZT 108 6884 R1A
Some of the services in this manual are not supported by all
Declaration of conformity 120
networks. This also applies to the GSM International
Emergency Number 112.
Contact your network operator or service provider if you are in
doubt whether you can use a particular service or not.
2 English
This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.
- Contents
- English
- Introduction
- Using the car handsfree
- Troubleshooting
- Additional information
- Español
- Introducción
- Uso del equipo manos libres
- Solución de problemas
- Información adicional
- Português
- Introdução
- Utilizando o handsfree
- Solucionando problemas
- Informações adicionais
- Deutsch
- Einführung
- Verwenden des
- Fehlerbehebung
- Ergänzende Informationen
- Français
- Introduction
- Utilisation du kit mains libres
- Dépannage
- Informations
- 简体中文
- 简介
- 使用车载免提式装置
- 故障排除
- 其它信息
- Italiano
- Introduzione
- Utilizzo del vivavoce auto
- Risoluzione dei problemi
- Informazioni aggiuntive
- Nederlands
- Inleiding
- De handsfree-carkit
- Problemen oplossen
- Aanvullende informatie
- Ελληνικά
- Εισαγωγή
- Χρήση του handsfree
- Αντιµετώπιση προβληµάτων
- Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες
- Svenska
- Inledning
- Använda bilhandsfreen
- Felsökning
- Extra information
- Suomi
- Johdanto
- Auton handsfree-laitteiston
- Vianmääritys
- Lisätietoja
- Русский
- Введение
- Работа с автомобильным
- Устранение неполадок
- Дополнительная
- Magyar
- Bevezetés
- Az autós kihangosító
- Hibajavítás
- További tudnivalók
- Polski
- Wprowadzenie
- Korzystanie
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Dodatkowe informacje
- Türkçe
- Giriş
- Araç kitini kullanma
- Pratik Çözümler
- İlave bilgiler
- 繁體中文
- 簡介
- 車用免持的使用方式
- 疑難排解
- 其他資訊
- Declaration of conformity