Levenhuk SkyMatic 127 GT MAK: инструкция

Раздел: Видео Аудио Фото Оборудование

Тип: Телескоп

Характеристики, спецификации

Оптическая конструкция:
Уровень подготовки:
Для опытных
Предмет наблюдения:
Объекты дальнего космоса,
Оптическая схема:
Максутов - Кассегрен
Оптические характеристики:
Световой диаметр (Апертура), мм:
Фокусное расстояние, мм:
Проницающая способность (звездная величина, приблизительно):
Характеристики монтировки:
Тренога (Высота min/max), мм:
630 1150
Размер упаковки (ВхШхД), см:
43.5 x 87.5 x 26 см, вес 12 кг
Ссылка на сайт производителя:
Максимальное полезное увеличение, крат -250
Информация о производителе:
Страна производства:

Инструкция к Телескопу Levenhuk SkyMatic 127 GT MAK

Levenhuk GoTo telescopes


135 GTA


105 GT MAK


127 GT MAK

User Manual

Návod k použití

Инструкция по эксплуатации

Посібник користувача

Radost zaostřit

Приближает с удовольствием

Наближує з радістю

SkyMatic 135 GTA SkyMatic 105 GT MAK

SkyMatic 127 GT MAK


Multi-function mount / Multifunkční montáž

AutoTracking mount / Samonaváděcí montáž / Монтировка

Многофункциональная монтировка

с автоматическим трекингом / Багатофункціональне кріплення

Багатофункціональне кріплення

RJ-45 RJ-12 1 2V DC jack

Konektor 12V DC

Power cable / Napájecí kabel


Switch/ Vypínač

Переключатель /


Кабель живлення

Переключатель / Перемикач

Кабель живлення


/ Экран / Дисплей

Function keys / Funkční klávesy

/Функциональные клавиши

/ Функціональні клавіші

Direction keys / Směrové klávesy

/ Клавиши режима / Клавіші напрямків

Numeric keys / Numerické klávesy

/ Клавиши двойного назначений

/ Цифрові клавіші

Scroll keys / Navigační klávesy

/ Клавиши прокрутки

/ Цифрові клавіші

3 4


SynScan Firmware Loader

SynScan Firmware Loader


Firmware File:





HC. Version

SynScan Firmware Loader

SynScan Firmware Loader


Firmware File:




HC. Version


7 8

RJ-11 connector

Diagram připojení:

Коннектор RJ-11

Схема з'єднань:

Rear view of the DB9 connector

Zadní pohled na konektor Db9

Вид сзади — DB9 6 штекеров


Вигляд ззаду з'єднувача DB9



Levenhuk GoTo telescopes



Congratulations on your purchase of a high-quality Levenhuk SkyMatic GoTo telescope! This series

includes modern state of the art optical instruments that allow you to easily navigate across the

celestial sphere and find exactly what you need in no time at all! Easy-to-use controls provide

you with a simple way to locate desired objects and begin your observations at the touch of a

button. The expansive database includes coordinates of over 42,900 objects. Even an

inexperienced stargazer can learn all the functions after a few observations.

If this is your first GoTo telescope, congratulations on making this first step into the world of

amateur stargazing.

Take some time to familiarize yourself with the night sky and learn to recognize the major stars

and constellations. With a little practice, a little patience, and a reasonably dark sky away from

city lights, you’ll find your telescope to be a never-ending source of wonder, joy and exploration.

These instructions will help you set up, properly use, and care for your telescope. Please read

them thoroughly before getting started.

CAUTION! Never look directly at the Sun – even for an instant – through your telescope or

finderscope without a professionally made solar filter that completely covers the front of

the instrument, or permanent eye damage may result. To avoid damage to the internal

parts of your telescope, make sure the front end of the finderscope is covered with

aluminum foil or another non-transparent material. Children should use the telescope

under adult supervision only.

All parts of the telescope will arrive in one box. Be careful when unpacking it. We recommend

keeping the original shipping containers. In the event that the telescope needs to be shipped to

another location, having the proper shipping containers will help ensure that your telescope

survives the journey intact. Make sure all the parts are present in the packaging. Be sure to

check the box carefully, as some parts are small. No tools are needed other than those provided.

All screws should be tightened securely to eliminate flexing and wobbling, but be careful not to

overtighten them, as that may strip the threads.

During assembly (and anytime, for that matter), do not touch the surfaces of the optical

elements with your fingers. The optical surfaces have delicate coatings on them that can easily

be damaged if touched. Never remove mirrors from their housing, or the product warranty will

be null and void.


Assembling the telescope

Spread the tripod legs apart to stand the tripod upright and attach the accessory tray.

Adjust the height of the tripod as needed. Place the mount atop the tripod head and secure it in

place with a clamping screw.

Loosen the focuser thumbscrew and remove the plastic cap. Insert the 25mm eyepiece into the

focuser. Remove the dust cap from the front of the telescope.

Assemble the finderscope: slide the base of your finderscope into a dovetail mount on the

telescope tube and lock it in place with a thumbscrew.

Connect the hand controller by plugging it into the corresponding port at the lower part of the


Put eight AA batteries into the battery box, matching the polarity indicated. Plug the battery box

into the appropriate port at the lower part of the mount.



When not connected to a power source, only altitude coordinates may be adjusted. Do not

attempt to adjust azimuth coordinates, or the telescope warranty will be null and void.

Any adjustments to azimuth coordinates should only be performed with a hand controller,

or the navigation mechanism may be broken.

Power requirements

To use a SkyMatic telescope, it has to be connected to a 1A, 11V–15V DC power source. Make sure

the power cable is properly plugged into the 12V DC jack on the mount.


SynScan™ AZ hand controller

The hand controller cable has an 8-pin RJ-45 connector on one end and a 6-pin RJ-12 on the

other. Plug the RJ-45 connector into the hand controller and the other end into the mount. There

are three ports at the base of SynScan™ AZ. The middle one is used to connect your telescope to

a computer or any other device with an RS-232 connector. The 12V DC jack on the hand

controller allows you to browse the database or update the software without having to connect

the device to a telescope.

SynScan™ AZ gives you direct control over the telescope navigation and access to an expansive

database of celestial objects. The hand controller has a 16-character backlit display with a

scrolling function.

The keypad may be divided into four groups.



Function keys

Function keys are located at the top of the hand controller, directly below the display.

ESC key may be used to cancel a command or to go up the menu tree. SETUP key may be used to

quickly access the Setup menu. ENTER key may be used to confirm selections and commands.

Direction keys

Direction keys give you complete control over your telescope. When automatically navigating to

the object, these keys are temporarily blocked. They may be used for telescope alignment,

centering on a celestial object and manual navigation. The left and right keys are also used to

control the display cursor when entering data.

Scroll keys

Scroll keys may be used to navigate the menu tree on the display.

Numeric keys

These keys have two functions: numeric entry of coordinates and quick navigation.

TOUR key activates an automatic tour across the observed region of the celestial sphere.

RATE key changes the rotation rate of the servo motors when navigating with direction keys.

There are 10 rates in total, from 0 (lowest) to 9 (fastest).

UTILITY key opens the utility functions, e.g. Show Position, Display Time, etc.

USER key opens the user-created database (up to 25 user-defined objects).

ID key identifies the currently observed object.

NGC, IC, M, PLANET and OBJECT keys open the corresponding catalogue in the database.

First setup

Make sure the mount is leveled. Point your telescope at a bright star or a star cluster. Connect

the hand controller to the mount.

For Auto-Tracking telescopes: power up your telescope by plugging it into a 12V DC power source.

For multi-function telescopes: simply power it up with the ON/OFF switch.

When the hand controller is connected, its display will show the current version number (Version

Screen). Press ENTER. A health warning regarding solar observations will be displayed. If you have

already read this warning, you can press ESC to continue.

If you are not using the hand controller for 30 seconds, it will enter the sleeping mode, the red

LED will be dimmed and the keypad backlight will be switched off. Upon pressing any key, the

sleeping mode will be cancelled.

Enter the longitude and latitude of your current location (in that order) with numeric keys.

Use scroll keys to scroll through cardinal directions: W for west, E for east, N for north and S for


By using the left and right direction keys, you can scroll between the latitude and longitude.

Pressing ENTER will confirm your entry. Data should be entered in the following format: 123° 04’

W 49° 09’ N. Select your time zone by entering the hours and minutes using scroll and numeric

keys (+ for east, - for west). The PST time zone (e.g.) should look like this: -08:00.


Press ENTER to confirm your entry. Enter the current date in mm/dd/yyyy format with numeric

keys. Press ENTER to confirm your entry. Enter the current local time in 24-hour format (2PM =

1400 hrs.). Press ENTER to confirm and move on to setting the daylight savings time. If you want

to correct your entry, press ESC to go back to the previous setting and ENTER to make


Upon entering the daylight savings time, a “DAYLIGHT SAVING?” message will be displayed. Use

scroll keys to choose the correct answer and press ENTER to confirm.

When you are finished with these settings, a “Begin alignment?” message will appear on display.

Press 1 or ENTER to begin alignment. Press 2 or ESC to cancel the procedure.

Star alignment

Before your telescope can navigate the expanse of the universe, you have to align it by two or

three known stars. As you know, Earth rotates about its axis during the day. That is why the stars

appear to be moving across the night sky following a curve. When your telescope is being

aligned, it memorizes a map of the celestial sphere and the movement of stars. This alignment

can be performed at any time during your observations (just select Alignment in Setup menu).

There are two methods of star alignment: brightest star alignment and two-star alignment. If this

is your first observation, it is recommended to begin with the brightest star alignment. Before

proceeding, make sure that the finderscope is properly aligned with the telescope tube.

Brightest star alignment

When choosing an alignment setting on the screen of your SynScan™ AZ, scroll to the Brightest

Star Align option. Press ENTER to confirm the selection. The next message – “Select Region” – will

appear, with eight options of azimuth cardinal directions, i.e. N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW. Each

direction covers a span of 90° along the azimuth, with North at 0° (or 360°), East at 90°, South

at 180° and West at 270°.

NE direction, for instance, covers an area from 0° to 90°.


Degree span along the azimuth















After you have selected the cardinal direction, the hand controller will create a list of stars of

at least 1.5 stellar magnitude, which may be observed in that direction. Stars that are located

outside the 10°–75° range along the R.A. axis and stars of less than 1.4 stellar magnitude will

not be listed.

The information on the alignment star will be displayed on the screen. The first line will tell you

its name and magnitude.

The second line will tell you its approximate location. Let’s assume Arcturus was chosen as the

alignment star. Its magnitude is 0.0, its location is 88.1° E and 24.1° along the R.A. axis.


The telescope will not turn to point at the first alignment star automatically, so you will have to

do this manually, using the direction keys. You can increase the rotation rate of the servo motor

by pressing the RATE key and scrolling through available options (0 is the slowest, 9 is the


Make sure that the star is centered in the field of view (you can use direction keys to center it)

and press ENTER to confirm. Next, you will be prompted to choose a secondary alignment star

from a list. Use scroll keys to choose the second star, and your telescope will automatically turn

to point at the chosen star. Your hand controller will beep once the telescope has finished

rotating. Do not try to adjust anything until you hear the beep. The only command that will be

recognized by SynScan™ AZ at this time is ESC. Center the second star in the field of view with

direction keys. If the alignment has been done properly, the screen will display the “Alignment

Successful” message.

If something has gone wrong, the “Alignment Failed” message will be displayed, and the process

has to be repeated. You can cancel the alignment process at any time by pressing the ESC key.

Two-star alignment

This process is similar to the brightest star alignment, with one exception: it is done without

choosing the azimuth direction.

Choose the 2-Star Align option in the Star Alignment menu with scroll keys. Press ENTER to

confirm the selection.

A list of stars that are visible in your region will appear. Use scroll keys to select one as the

primary alignment star. The telescope will not turn to point at the first alignment star


You have to do it manually, using the direction keys, so it is easier to choose a star that you are

familiar with. Center the first star it in the field of view with direction keys.

Press ENTER to confirm the selection. Another list will appear for you to choose a secondary

alignment star. Use scroll keys to choose a star and press ENTER to confirm. The telescope will

automatically turn to point at the second star. Center it in the field of view with direction keys.

Press ENTER to confirm. If the alignment has been done properly, the “Alignment Successful”

message will be displayed. If something has gone wrong, the “Alignment Failed” message will

appear, and the process has to be repeated.

For best results, choose stars that are at least 60° apart, since the greater the distance between

the stars, the more precise the alignment. Choosing the stars with the same R.A. coordinates will

yield even better results.

Pointing Accuracy Enhancement

Any of the above methods should give sufficient accuracy for your observations. However, if you

require additional precision, you may find the Pointing Accuracy Enhancement (PAE) option of

your SynScan™ AZ extremely useful. You can use this function in 85 different regions of the

celestial sphere, which should be enough to cover all of it. Make sure that the region is already

mapped by SynScan™ AZ before proceeding with PAE.


Center the currently observed object in the field of view (you can skip this step, if this is already


Press and hold the ESC key for two seconds. The “Re-center” message and the name of the

reference object will appear on the display. The object name will blink three times. If you are

using planetarium software for navigation, the “Last goto object” message will appear instead.

Make sure that the reference object is still centered in your field of view and press ENTER.

If you do not wish to save the result, you can press ESC to cancel the operation. Once you press

ENTER, the information on current precision will be recorded and the region map will be updated


From now on, you should notice an increase in pointing precision within this region.

The results of alignment and PAE will be stored in your hand controller and will not be erased on


You may have to repeat the star alignment in the following cases:

1. The telescope hasn’t been returned to its initial position before shutdown.

2. Some of the settings of the telescope and the mount were changed.

Exercise caution when changing accessories, otherwise you might have to realign your

instrument. When turning the hand controller on during your next stargazing session, make sure

you enter the time from the same source, i.e. if you were using your watch to read the time, you

should use the same watch for reference again.

Object database

This GoTo telescope comes with an expansive database of over 42,900 objects, including their

coordinates.It includes the information from the following catalogues:

Solar system, which includes the seven planets and the Moon.

Named stars, which includes 212 well-known stars.

NGC, which includes 7840 brightest deep-sky objects.

IC, which includes 5386 stars and deep-sky objects.

Messier, which includes 110 objects, catalogued by C. Messier.

Caldwell, which includes 109 objects, catalogued by P. Caldwell-Moore.

Binary stars, which includes 55 well-known binary stars.

Variable stars, which includes 20 variable stars.

SAO, which includes 29,523 stars.

Selecting the object

Now that your telescope is aligned, you can begin your observations. There are five ways for you

to choose the object to observe:


TOUR key

Pressing the TOUR key will take you on a tour of the night sky, choosing the brightest and the

most beautiful deep-sky objects. You can scroll through the list of chosen stars with scroll keys.

Press ENTER to confirm your selection. The coordinates of this object will be displayed. Press

ENTER again, and your telescope will automatically locate the object.


M, NGC, IC keys

By pressing M, NGC, IC keys you will open the corresponding catalogue of celestial objects. Input

the number of the object you wish to observe with numeric keys.

Press ENTER and you will see the coordinates of the object on the display. Use scroll keys to see

the information on the object, including its size, magnitude and the corresponding constellation.

Press ENTER again, and your telescope will automatically locate the object.


The PLANET key opens up the Solar system database. Use scroll keys to choose the desired planet

and press enter to confirm your selection. After looking at the coordinates on the screen, press

ENTER again, and your telescope will point at the object.

USER key

The USER key opens up the user-created database. You can input the new object coordinates or

choose an object that you have already saved (for more info, see User database section).


The OBJECT key grants you access to the full database of over 42,900 celestial objects.

Utility menu

Utility functions are a simple way to control your SynScan™ AZ directly.

SHOW POSITION will give you the coordinates of the currently observed object.

SHOW INFORMATION will show you the current settings of local and sidereal time, and the

information on software versions of the database and SynScan™ AZ. If the hand controller is

connected to the mount, it will also show you the current version of the motor firmware.

PARK SCOPE will bring the telescope tube to the initial (Home) position or memorize the current

position as Home.

PAE gives you access to the Pointing Accuracy Enhancement function.

CLEAR PAE DATA will delete all the PAE data.

GPS allows you to obtain information from the SynScan™ AZ GPS receiver.

Setup menu

This menu allows you to change the current settings of telescope location, date, time and

alignment. To access the setup menu, you can either press the SETUP key, or scroll through the

menu to the SETUP section.

Here is a list of all the functions available in Setup menu:

DATE allows you to change the current date.

TIME allows you to change the current time.

OBSERVING SITE allows you to change the current location.

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS allows you to change the current daylight savings settings.

ALIGNMENT allows you to perform the star alignment procedure once more.

AUTO SELECT will tell your hand controller to automatically choose the stars for star alignment.

SORT BY will tell your hand controller to compile a list of currently visible stars for manual

selection by the user. The stars will be listed either alphabetically or by their stellar magnitude.

BACKLASH allows you to input a value for backlash compensation on each rotation axis. For

precise navigation of your telescope it is important that this value is equal to or greater than the

actual backlash on the axes. The default value is 0 degrees, 0 arcminutes, 0 arcseconds (0d 00’

00’’). Use numeric keys to input the values and move to the next digit with the right direction

key. Calibrate the R.A. axis first. Press ENTER to confirm and calibrate the Dec. axis.

SID. RATE activates the Sidereal tracking rate.


LUNAR RATE activates the Lunar tracking rate.

SOLAR RATE activates the Solar tracking rate.

STOP TRACKING immediately stops the current tracking.

SET SLEW LIMITS allows you to set up the rotation limits on your mount about its vertical axis.

Setting these limits will prevent any impacts and collisions of your telescope tube and the

mount. The rotation range depends on the actual telescope-mount combination used.

HANDSET SETTING allows you to adjust the display brightness, keypad backlight and alarm

volume of your hand controller. Use the right and left direction keys to adjust.

FACTORY SETTING allows you to roll any changes you have made back to the factory settings.

User database

You can store up to 25 objects in the user database.


Saving an object in the database

Use scroll keys to choose the “Object Catalog” in the main menu. Press ENTER to confirm the

selection. Choose the "Select User Defined" option and press ENTER. You can also open this

database by pressing the USER key.

The first option in the submenu is “Recall Object”. This will give you access to the previously

saved objects. Use scroll keys to choose “Edit Objects” and press ENTER.

The telescope is capable of storing the coordinates in two formats: R.A./Dec. and Alt/Az.

Press 1 to choose the R.A./Dec. format, or 2 for Alt/Az format.

SynScan™ AZ will display either the R.A./Dec. or the Alt/Az coordinates of the currently observed

objects by default. This is a sample of what the R.A./Dec. format should read: "22h46.1m +90

00’”. This stands for 22 hours and 46.1 minutes right ascension and 90 degrees declination.

You can change the coordinates with numeric and scroll keys.

With the left and right direction key you can choose between the values to edit. Press ENTER to

save the entered coordinates. If there is no star at the given coordinates, the hand controller

will not save the data. Correct your entry and press ENTER to confirm.

To save the coordinates in Alt/Az coordinates, just point your telescope at a desired object and

press ENTER to confirm. Upon saving the coordinates, the user object ID will be displayed.

Use scroll keys to select the number you want and press ENTER to confirm.

“View object” message will be displayed, along with the saved user object ID. Press ENTER to

locate the object, press ESC to save another object.

When saving the object, you cannot use the previously used ID. Make sure that you know which

user object IDs are taken, before saving a new object.

Choosing an object from the user database

Open the user database (see the instructions above). Choose the “Recall Object” option and

press ENTER. Use scroll keys to choose the object you want to observe.

Press ENTER to see the coordinates of that object. Press ENTER again to have your telescope

navigate to it.

If no object has been saved under a given number, the hand controller will not react. In this

case, use scroll keys again to choose a different object. If you are trying to observe an object

that is currently below horizon, the “Below Horizon!!” warning will be displayed on the screen

and you will be prompted to choose a different object.


Identifying the unknown object

Your telescope can identify an object, at which it is currently pointing.


To do this, either press the ID key on the keypad or use scroll keys to choose the IDENTIFY

command in the main menu and press ENTER. SynScan™ AZ will display a list of the nearby

objects, as well as the distance from the object to the reticule center.

Scroll through the objects using scroll keys. Press ESC at any time to cancel the command.

Connecting to a computer

Your telescope can even be operated through a Stellarium software. To do this, you just have to

plug it into a computer. Make sure that the telescope is properly aligned before proceeding. You

should only plug it into a computer after checking the alignment. Use the cable supplied in the


Make sure that you use the cable provided, as any error in a substitute may damage your hand

controller or computer.

Once plugged in, you can operate your telescope from a computer.

Make sure to follow the instructions and remember to shut down the computer software before

you unplug the cable.

System requirements

Hand controller firmware 3.0 or later.

Windows 95 or higher.

An RS-232C port on the computer.

The SynScan™ AZ connector cable (supplied in the kit).

7.5~15V/100mA power source. The adapter cord should be tip positive to match the polarity of

the device.

By default, the transfer rate between the hand controller and the PC is set to 115 Kbps. The RS-

232C port on your PC may not support such high transfer rate. If you are unable to update the

SynScan™ AZ firmware, you can easily change the transfer rate by pressing the SETUP key, while

your hand controller is plugged into a power source. This will lower the transfer rate to 9.6 Kbps.

Upon doing this, a “Lo” icon should appear in the bottom right corner on the display. Now, try

updating the firmware again. Keep in mind that lowering the transfer rate will increase the

update time (up to 4 minutes).

Updating your SynScan™ AZ:


Connect your hand controller to a PC. The RJ-11 connector should go into the middle port on the

SynScan™ AZ, while the DB9 connector should go into the RS-232 port on the computer.

Press and hold the 0 and 8 keys simultaneously, then plug your hand controller into a power



Your hand controller will beep to confirm that the connection has been established.

Run the SynScanFirmwareLoader application on your PC. The “HC. Version” button in the

application window will show you the current version of hardware, firmware and database of

your hand controller.

These numbers are just for your information, and will not be required for the update.

Press “Browse” and locate the “SynScanVXXXXAZ.ssf” file on your hard drive. Press "Update” to

begin updating the firmware.

You can see the update progress below “Update” and “HC. Version” buttons.

Upon finishing the update, the “Update complete” message will appear on the screen. This

process should take about 30 seconds, although if you are using a USB-RS232 adapter, this may

take longer. Congratulations on the successful update of the SynScan™ firmware!


If you receive the "Can not connect to a SynScan hand control" message during the update, make

sure that your hand controller is properly connected to the PC.

Close any applications that may be using the RS-232 port and try again.

If you receive the "Firmware update failed…" message, restart the hand controller by unplugging

it from the power supply and plugging it back in. Try running the update again. By default, the

transfer rate between the hand controller and the PC is set to 115 Kbps. The RS-232C port on

your PC may not support such high transfer rate. If you are unable to update the SynScan

firmware, you can easily change the transfer rate by pressing the SETUP key, while your hand

controller is plugged into a power source.

This will lower the transfer rate to 9.6 Kbps. Upon doing this, a “Lo” icon should appear in the

bottom right corner on the display. Now, try updating the firmware again. Keep in mind that this

procedure will also increase the update time (up to 4 minutes).







Show Position


Solar System

Show Information

Observ. Site


Time Version

Daylight Saving Alignment






Star Align.





Park Scope




Alignment Stars


Clear PAE Data

Auto Select



Sort by Backlash


PC Direct Mode


Named Star

Sidereal Rate

Messier Catalogue

Lunar Rate

IC Catalog

Solar Rate

NGC Catalog

Stop Tracking

Caldwell Catalog

Set Slew Limits

SAO Catalogue

Handset Setting

Double Star

Factory Setting

Variable Star

User defined

Edit Object

Recall Object



Power supply

1A, 11 ~ 15V DC (tip positive) DC

Motor type

servo motors 1.8°


0.144 arcseconds or 9,024,000 steps/rev (AZ-80)

Slew rate

0 = 1.0x, 1 = 2.0x, 2 = 16x, 3 = 32x, 4 = 64x, 5 = 128x

6 = 400x, 7 = 500x, 8 = 600x, 9 = 800x

Tracking rate

sidereal, lunar, solar

Tracking mode

dual-axis tracking

Alignment method

brightest star alignment, two-star alignment

Pointing accuracy

up to 10 arcminutes


25 user-defined objects M, NGC, IC and SAO catalogues,

totaling in 42,900 objects

Connection diagram:

SkyMatic 135 GTA

SkyMatic 105 GT MAK

SkyMatic 127 GT MAK

Optical design




Objective lens diameter

130 mm

102 mm

127 мм

Focal length; aperture

650 mm; f/5

1300 mm; f/12.8

1500 мм; f/11,8

Highest practical power




Resolution threshold

0.92 arcseconds

1.18 arcseconds

1.1 arcseconds


1.25'' SUPER10 &


1.25'' SUPER10 &


1.25" SUPER10 &






Mount type

AZ 114 GT; AZ SynScan

AZ 114 GT; AZ SynScan

AZ 114 GT; AZ SynScan


stainless steel; 24-44.3

in. (630-1125 mm)

stainless steel; 24-44.3

in. (630-1125 mm)

stainless steel; 24.8–45.3

in (630–1150 mm)


To operate the SkyMatic GoTo telescope from a computer, you have to connect it to a PC through

an RS-232 port. After this, you can use any planetarium software available today to send

commands to your telescope.

The transfer rate of SynScan™ AZ to PC connection is 9600 bps, without parity or stop bits. All the

commands from your PC are transferred using the binary scaling technique.




SynScan controller





Checks the connection to PC

Goto Az-Alt

B12AB, 4000


Sends ten characters. B = Command, 12AB = Az

coordinates, comma, 4000 = Alt coordinates. If the

command conflicts with preset limits, it will not be


Goto RА-Dec

R34B, 12CE


The finderscope has to be aligned. If the command

conflicts with preset limits, it will not be executed

Get Az-Alt


12AB, 4000#

Returns ten characters. 12AB = Azimuth

coordinates, comma, 4000


Get RA-Dec


34AB, 12CE#

The finderscope has to be aligned

Cancel Goto



Is Goto in



0# or 1#

0 = No, 1 = Yes. “0” is the ASCII zero character

Is Alignment



0# or 1#

0 = No, 1 = Yes

HC version



Two bytes represent Version 2.2



Tx x = 0

(tracking off)

x = 1 (Alt-Az

on) x = 2

(EQ-N) x = 3



Alt-Az tracking requires alignment

32-bit goto RA-





32-bit get RA-





The last two characters should always be zero

32-bit goto Azm-





32-bit get Azm-





The last two characters should always be zero

Additional commands

Setting the tracking rate via Rs232:

1. Multiply the required tracking rate (arcseconds/seconds) by 4. For instance, if you want to

track an object at 120 arcseconds/second (approx. 8 times more than sidereal rate), then

TRACKRATE should be 480.

2. Divide TRACKRATE into two bytes, so that TRACKRATE = TrackRateHighByte*256 +

TrackRateLowByte. E.g. if TRACKRATE = 480, then TrackRateHighByte = 1, TrackRateLowByte =


3. To set the tracking rate, send the following 8-byte command:

a. Positive Az tracking: 80, 3, 16, 6, TrackRateHighByte, TrackRateLowByte, 0, 0

b. Negative Az tracking: 80, 3, 16, 7, TrackRateHighByte, TrackRateLowByte, 0, 0

c. Positive Alt tracking: 80, 3, 17, 6, TrackRateHighByte, TrackRateLowByte, 0, 0

d. Negative Alt tracking: 80, 3, 17, 7, TrackRateHighByte, TrackRateLowByte, 0, 0

4. Hand controller returns “35”.

Sending a slow-Goto command via Rs232:

1. Convert the angular position into a 24-bit number. E.g. if the desired angular position is 220°,

then POSITION_24BIT = (220/360)*224 = 10,252,743.

2. Divide POSITION_24BIT into three bytes, so that POSITION_24BIT = PosHighByte * 65536 +

PosMedByte *256 + PosLowByte. E.g. if POSITION_24BIT = 10,252,743, then PosHighByte = 156,

PosMedByte = 113, PosLowByte = 199.

3. Send the following 8-byte command:

a. Az slow Goto: 80, 4, 16, 23, PosHighByte, PosMedByte, PosLowByte, 0

b. Alt slow Goto: 80, 4, 17, 23, PosHighByte, PosMedByte, PosLowByte, 0

4. Hand controller returns “35”.

Resetting the Alt and Az positions


1. Convert the angular position into a 24-bit number (see “Slow-Goto command”).

2. Send the following 8-byte command:

a. Set Az position: 80, 4, 16, 4, PosHighByte, PosMedByte, PosLowByte, 0 b. Set Alt position: 80,

4, 17, 4, PosHighByte, PosMedByte, PosLowByte, 0

3. Hand controller returns “35”.


Batteries safety instructions

Always purchase the correct size and grade of battery most suitable for the intended use.

Always replace the whole set of batteries at one time; taking care not to mix old and new ones,

or batteries of different types.

Clean the battery contacts and also those of the device prior to battery installation.

Make sure the batteries are installed correctly with regard to polarity (+ and -).

Remove batteries from equipment that is not to be used for an extended period of time.

Remove used batteries promptly.

Never attempt to recharge primary batteries as this may cause leakage, fire, or explosion.

Never short-circuit batteries as this may lead to high temperatures, leakage, or explosion.

Never heat batteries in order to revive them.

Remember to switch off devices after use.

Keep batteries out of the reach of children, to avoid risk of ingestion, suffocation, or poisoning.

Care and maintenance

Never, under any circumstances, look directly at the Sun through this device without a special

filter, or look at another bright source of light or at a laser, as this may cause PERMANENT


Take necessary precautions when using the device with children or people who have not read or

who do not fully understand these instructions.

Do not try to disassemble the device on your own for any reason, including to clean the mirror.

For repairs and cleaning of any kind, please contact your local specialized service center.

Protect the device from sudden impact and excessive mechanical force.

Do not touch the optical surfaces with your fingers. To clean the telescope exterior, use only

special cleaning wipes and special optics cleaning tools from Levenhuk.

Store the device in a dry, cool place away from hazardous acids and other chemicals, away from

heaters, open fire and other sources of high temperatures.

Replace the dust cap over the front end of the telescope whenever it is not in use. This prevents

dust from settling on the mirror or lens surfaces.

Seek medical advice immediately if a small part or a battery is swallowed.

Levenhuk Limited Warranty

All Levenhuk telescopes, microscopes, binoculars and other optical products, except for accessories, carry

a lifetime warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. All Levenhuk accessories are warranted

to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for six months from date of retail purchase. Levenhuk will

repair or replace such product or part thereof which, upon inspection by Levenhuk, is found to be defective in

materials or workmanship. As a condition to the obligation of Levenhuk to repair or replace such product, the

product must be returned to Levenhuk together with proof of purchase satisfactory to Levenhuk.

This warranty does not cover consumable parts, such as batteries.

A Return Authorization (RA) Number must be obtained in advance of return. Contact the local Levenhuk branch

to receive the RA number to be displayed on the outside of your shipping container. All returns must be

accompanied by a written statement setting forth the name, address and telephone number of the owner,


including a description of any claimed defects. Parts or products for which replacement is made will become

the property of Levenhuk.

The customer will be responsible for all costs of transportation and insurance to and from Levenhuk or its

authorized dealers and will be required to prepay such costs.

Levenhuk will use reasonable efforts to repair or replace any product covered by this warranty within thirty

days of receipt. If a repair or replacement will require more than thirty days, Levenhuk will notify the

customer accordingly. Levenhuk reserves the right to replace any product that has been discontinued from its

product line with a new product of comparable value and function.

This warranty does not apply to any defects or damages resulting from alteration, modification, neglect,

misuse, usage of improper power sources, damage in transportation, abuse, or any cause other than normal

use, or to malfunction or deterioration due to normal wear.

Levenhuk disclaims all warranties, express or implied, whether of merchantability or fitness for a particular

use, except as expressly set forth herein. The sole obligation of Levenhuk under this limited warranty will be

to repair or replace the covered product, in accordance with the terms set forth herein. Levenhuk disclaims

liability for any loss of profits, loss of information, or for any general, special, direct, indirect or

consequential damages which may result from breach of any warranty, or arising out of the use or inability to

use any Levenhuk product. Any warranties which are implied and which cannot be disclaimed will be limited in

duration to a term of six months for accessories from the date of retail purchase.

Some states/provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the

above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you

may have other rights which vary from state to state or province to province.

Levenhuk reserves the right to modify or discontinue any product without prior notice.

NOTE: This warranty is valid to USA and Canadian customers who have purchased this product from an

authorized Levenhuk dealer in the USA or Canada. Warranty outside the USA or Canada is valid only to

customers who purchased from an authorized Levenhuk dealer in the specific country or international

distributor. Please contact them for any warranty service.

If warranty problems arise, or if you need assistance in using your product, contact the local Levenhuk branch:

Levenhuk Worldwide:

USA: www.levenhuk.com

Canada: www.levenhuk.ca

Czech Republic: www.levenhuk.cz

Netherlands: www.levenhuk.nl

Poland: www.levenhukoptics.pl

Russia: www.levenhuk.ru

Ukraine: www.levenhuk.ua

EU: www.levenhuk.eu

Purchase date ___________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Stamp



Аннотации для Телескопа Levenhuk SkyMatic 127 GT MAK в формате PDF