Bionaire BCM 3600: U.K. and IRELAND
U.K. and IRELAND: Bionaire BCM 3600
and not the cord.
Fill each tank with cool, fresh tap water.
• NEVER drop or insert any object into any
Please note that this is an electrical
Replace the cap on each tank FIRMLY.
openings. DO NOT place hands, face, or body
appliance, and requires attention when
2. When full, carry each tank to the humidifier and
directly over or near Moisture Outlet while unit
in use.
place onto the base (use both hands when
is in operation. DO NOT cover Moisture Outlet or
carrying each tank). Each tank holds 6 litres
By choosing a Bionaire™ humidifier, you have chosen
place anything over it while the unit is operating.
of water, and the base holds 0.9 litre of water.
one of the finest humidifiers on the market today.
• DO NOT operate any appliance with a damaged
3. Plug the power cord into the electrical outlet.
cord or plug, after the appliance malfunctions,
Your Bionaire™ Cool Mist humidifier draws dry
or if it has been dropped or damaged in any
air through the rear air intake grill area. This air
NOTE: Before reading these instructions,
manner. Return appliance to manufacturer for
is then passed through a moisture–laden wick
With housing placed properly onto the base, the
please refer to the corresponding illustrations
examination, electrical or mechanical
filter, which retains the minerals and deposits in
filter installed correctly, the tanks filled and the
adjustment, or repair.
the water. The resulting moist air is directed back
plug correctly inserted in the outlet, you are now
• Use appliance only for intended household
into the room from the top air grill.
ready to operate the humidifier.
A.Water Tanks
use as described in this manual. Any other
NOTE: This humidification system provides a
NOTE: The BCM3600 produces clean, cool,
use not recommended by the manufacturer
cool, invisible moisture output. It is normal not to
INVISIBLE moisture.It is normal not to see the
C.Refill Light
may cause fire, electric shock, or injury to
see the mist.
persons. The use of attachments not
D.Moisture Exhaust Grills
NOTE: A humidity level below 20% can be
1. Turn the Control Knob to the HI position and
recommended or sold by The Holmes Group,
unhealthy and uncomfortable.
turn the Humidistat to HI.
E.Power Light
may cause hazards.
The recommended humidity level is between
2. Allow up to 30 minutes for the filter to fully
F. Filter Monitor™ Indicator
• DO NOT use outdoors.
absorb water and the unit to produce the
G.Air Intake Grills
• Always place humidifier on a firm, flat, level
maximum moisture output.
H.Humidifier Base
surface. A waterproof mat or pad is
3. Adjust the 3-speed Humidity Control Knob and
I. Humidifier Housing
recommended for under the humidifier.
1. Be sure the Control Knob is in the OFF position
the Humidistat as desired.
J. Control Knob
NEVER place it on a surface that may
and the unit is disconnected from the electrical
4. The Automatic Humidistat Control is designed
become damaged by exposure to water and
to operate between 25% and 60% Relative
moisture (i.e. finished floor).
2. Remove housing, filter and tanks.
Humidity range. The recommended setting is
A.Stationary Wheels
• DO NOT allow the Moisture Outlet to directly
between 40% and 50%. When the humidity
B.Swivel Wheels
face the wall. Moisture could cause damage,
level in the room is below the level you have
C.Under-Side of Humidifier Base
particularly to wallpaper.
HUMIDIFIER, install the wheels. Remove the
set, the humidifier will operate to produce
• Humidifier should be unplugged when not in use.
four wheels located in a small pouch in the box.
moisture. When the set humidity level in the
FIG. 3
• NEVER tilt, move, or attempt to empty unit
Turn the base upside down, and locate the holes
room is reached, the humidifier will stop.
A.Circular Extended Life Filter
while it is operating. Shut off and unplug before
at each of the four corners on the underside.
When the humidity again drops below the set
B.Circular Filter Support
removing the water tank and moving the unit.
NOTE: You will notice that there are two
level, the unit will automatically start and produce
C.Float Switch
DO NOT attempt to remove the water tank
different shaped wheels. Two of the 4 wheels
moisture again.
within 15 minutes after the humidifier is turned
are stationary wheels and two are swivel type
D.Humidifier Base
NOTE: We recommend the use of the
off and unplugged. Serious injury may result.
hygrometer which reads the actual humidity
• This humidifier requires regular maintenance
The stationary wheels are identified by a flat
level in your room. A humidity level below
When using electrical appliances, basic safety
to operate appropriately. Refer to cleaning
top surface, while the swivel type are curved
20% can be unhealthy and uncomfortable. The
and maintenance procedures.
and include a small plastic piece on the shaft.
precautions should always be followed to reduce
recommended humidity level is between 40%
See figure 2 for installation location for each
the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to persons,
• NEVER use detergents, petrol, glass cleaner,
and 50%.
type of wheel. DO NOT use any tools to install
including the following:
furniture polish, paint thinner, or other household
5. When the water level is low, the refill light will
the wheel because tools may damage the base
• Read all instructions before using the appliance.
solvents to clean any part of the humidifier.
illuminate to indicate the unit needs refilling.
of the unit. Return the base to the upright position.
•To avoid fire or shock hazard, plug the appliance
• Excessive humidity in a room can cause water
Shut off and unplug the unit.
4. Replace filter, housing and tanks.
directly into an electrical outlet and fully insert
condensation on windows and some furniture.
If this happens, turn the humidifier OFF.
5. Choose a location out of reach of children.
the plug.
DO NOT place the humidifier on a finished
• Keep the cord out of heavy traffic areas.
• Do not use humidifier in an area where
floor or near furniture which can be damaged
To avoid fire hazard, NEVER put the cord
humidity level is in excess of 55%.
6. Before refilling, follow Daily Maintenance
by moisture or water.
under rugs, or near radiator, stoves, or heaters.
• DO NOT attempt to repair or adjust any
Instructions and check to see if the filter needs
• DO NOT place humidifier near heat sources
electrical or mechanical functions on this unit.
Filling the Water Tank
replacing by comparing it to the Color-Coded
such as stoves, radiators, and heaters.
The inside of the unit contains no user
NOTE: This humidifier holds about 13 litres of
Filter Monitor (located on the side of the
Do locate your humidifier on an inside wall near
serviceable parts. All servicing should be
water in the tank and humidifier base. The humidifier
humidifier housing) with the filter wear.
an electrical outlet. The humidifier should be
performed by qualified personnel only.
will produce up to 34 litres of moisture over a
7. Refill water tanks.
at least 10cm/4" away from the wall for best
• If the supply cord is damaged, it must be
24-hour period.
8. Plug into the electrical outlet. Turn the Humidity
replaced by the manufacturer or its service
1. Remove the two tanks from the base of the
Control Knob to the HI ( III ), MED ( II ), or
• WARNING: Do not attempt to refill humidifier
agent or a similarly qualified person.
humidifier and bring each tank to the faucet.
LOW ( I ) setting.
without first unplugging the unit from it's
Turn the tanks upside down and twist off the
NOTE: If moisture forms on the walls or
electrical outlet. Be sure to pull by the plug
tank caps by turning counter-clockwise.
windows, turn off the humidifier.
BCM3600I/IUK04M1 Visual.qxd 6/18/04 16:10 Page 7
3. Discard the old filter and follow weekly cleaning
Remove base scale by wiping the base with a
1. Dispose of the filter. DO NOT leave in unit.
The Humidistat feature allows you to set and
cloth dampened with undiluted white vinegar.
2. Clean, rinse and thoroughly dry the humidifier
maintain the humidity level you wish for your room
4. Insert a new filter into the filter support in the
3. Rinse with clean warm water to remove the
as directed in weekly maintenance. DO NOT
to maintain. The Humidistat setting is designed to
cleaning solution before disinfecting the tank.
leave any water in the unit when storing.
operate between 25% and 65% relative humidity
5. Replace the main housing and then the tank.
Leaving water in the unit may render the unit
To Disinfect Humidifier Base Tanks
range. The recommended setting is 40-50%.
6. Repeat Operating Instruction steps.
in-operable for the following season.
1. Fill Humidifier Base with 2 gallons of water and
Turn the Humidistat clockwise as far as it will turn
It will take about 30 minutes for the humidifier to
3. Place the humidifier in the original carton and
1/2 teaspoon of chlorine bleach.
to achieve the highest setting. In this setting, the
reach maximum output.
store in a cool, dry place.
humidifier will run constantly, and produce the
2. Fill each tank 1/2 full with water and 1 teaspoon
You can obtain a new filter by calling 0870 759 9000
4. Order your Bionaire™ replacement filter
greatest amount of moisture.
of chlorine bleach.
(in UK). This humidifier takes model BWF75-I
(BWF-75-I) for next year’s use.
To lower your desired humidity level, simply turn
3. Let the solution stand for 20 minutes, swishing
replacement filter.
the Humidistat counterclockwise to choose your
every few minutes. Wet all surfaces.
4. Carefully empty the Base and Tanks after 20
1. Do NOT attempt to repair or adjust any electrical
When the humidity in the room is less than the
minutes, and rinse with water until you cannot
or mechanical functions on this unit. Doing so
level you have set, the humidifier will continue to
detect any bleach smell. Dry with a clean cloth
Humidifiers provide comfort by adding moisture
will void the warranty. The insides of the unit
produce moisture. Once the set humidity level
or paper towel.
to dry, heated indoor air.
contain no user serviceable parts. Only qualified
has been achieved, the fan will turn off. When
To benefit most from the humidifier and avoid
5. Check the Filter Monitor Indicator to see if it is
personnel should perform all servicing.
the room humidity drops below your set level,
product mis-use, follow all instructions carefully.
time to replace the filter. Depending on the
2. Should the unit stop working, first check the fuse
the unit will automatically begin producing
Please note that this is an electrical appliance
water hardness in your area, it may be necessary
in the plug (UK only) or fuse/circuit breaker at
moisture again.
and requires attention when in use.
to change the filter every 1-2 months. Re-insert
the wick filter into the filter support.
the distribution board is operating, before
Depending on the size of your room and your
In addition, if you do not follow the recommended
contacting the manufacturer or service agent.
personal comfort, you will set your humidistat at
care and maintenance guidelines, micro-organisms
6. Refill the water tanks as directed with cool tap
different levels. If condensation forms on your
water, replace the humidifier housing, and turn
3. If you need to exchange the unit, please return
may be able to grow in the water within the Water
windows or walls, or your measured room humidity
Tank. You must routinely follow the cleaning
the Control Knob to ON.
it in its original carton, with a sales receipt,
reads above 50% by use of a hygrometer, turn
procedures that follow in order to ensure proper,
to the store where you purchased it.
If not available follow these instructions
off your humidifier, or lower your Humidistat level.
efficient operation of your humidifier. Proper
4. Should your humidifier require service, please
1. Repeat steps 1-3 in the Maintenance section.
maintenance and cleaning is essential to the
contact your local dealer.
continued performance of your unit and the
2. Clean the tray by partially filling the tray with
Through normal use, waterborne minerals and
avoidance of algae or bacteria build-up.
200ml of undiluted white vinegar. If the element
sediment become trapped in the wick filter. The
is heavily scaled, plug the humidifier into an
• BWF75-I Wick filter.
harder your water, the greater the amount of
electrical socket and turn it ON for no longer
• Bionaire™ Cleaning Solution
minerals in the water, and the more often you
1. Before cleaning, turn the Control Knob off and
than 15 seconds. After this time turn the humidifier
will need to change your filter.
unplug the unit from the electrical outlet.
OFF and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
For U.K. and Ireland only:
You will be able to monitor the life of the filter in
2. Remove the housing and the tanks from the
Let solution stand 20 minutes, cleaning all interior
If the plug is not suitable for the socket outlets in
your humidifier by checking the Filter Monitor
humidifier and place them in sink or tub.
surfaces with a soft brush. Dampen a cloth with
your home, it can be removed and replaced by
Indicator. When the unit is off, the Filter Monitor
a plug of the correct type. Please refer to
3. Carry the base of the unit to the sink, remove
undiluted white vinegar and wipe out entire tray
Indicator will read in the O position. After 60 minutes
"Installation of a plug" below.
the wick filter, place in sink, drain any remaining
to remove scale.
of use, Filter Monitor Indicator (refer to fig. 4 for
water and rinse thoroughly to remove any
3. Rinse with clean warm water to remove scale
Installation of a plug
close-up of indicator) will move from the O position
sediment or dirt. Wipe clean, and dry with a
and the white vinegar solution before beginning
and indicate your filter condition.
Applicable to U.K. and Ireland
clean cloth or paper towel.
A brand new filter will register in the blue section
to disinfect the tank.
The wires in the mains lead are coloured as such:
4. Drain the water from the tanks into the sink
reading OK filter. After frequent use of your
4. Wipe the heating element clean with a soft cloth
and rinse each tank thoroughly. Wipe clean,
humidifier, the Filter Monitor Indicator will let
after it has had a chance to cool.
and dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.
you know when the filter needs to be changed.
5. Put filter back in the filter supports, replace
Disinfect tank
Please note that the colour of these mains wires
When the needle is in the red ( ) section, this
the housing, then refill the tanks with cool tap
1. Fill tank with 1 teaspoon of bleach and 3.5 litres
may not correspond with the colour markings that
means the proper amount of moisture is not
water as instructed earlier in the Filling
of water.
identify the terminals in your plug. Please proceed
getting into your air due to the excessive minerals
Instructions. Do not overfill.
as follows:
and sediment that have become trapped on your
2. Let the solution stand for 20 minutes, swishing
6. Follow Operating Instructions.
every few minutes. Wet all surfaces.
The BROWN coloured wire must be connected
filter. At this point, you should replace your filter.
to the terminal, which is marked with the letter
It is important to change your filter as indicated
3. Empty the tank after 20 minutes, and rinse well
"L" or is coloured RED.
to obtain stated performance level.
with water until the bleach smell is gone.
To Remove Scale:
The BLUE coloured wire must be connected to
To replace the filter, follow the steps
Dry with some paper towel.
1. Repeat steps 1-4 above.
the terminal, which is marked with the letter "N"
4. Refill the water tank with cool water; replace
or is coloured BLACK.
2. Partially fill the base with Bionaire™ Cleaning
1. Be sure the Control Knob is in the OFF position
the water tank. Repeat Operating Instructions.
Solution as instructed on bottle, or with two 8
DO NOT CONNECT either of these wires to the
and the unit is disconnected from the electrical
oz. cups of undiluted white vinegar. Leave this
earth terminal in the plug. The earth terminal plug
solution in the base for 20 minutes, while
is marked with the letter "E", or with the earth
2. Remove the tank and main housing to access
When not using your humidifier for an extended
cleaning all interior surfaces with a soft brush.
symbol or coloured GREEN, or GREEN and
the base tray.
period of time:
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