Maxwell MW-3013 OG: ENGLISH
ENGLISH: Maxwell MW-3013 OG

Note: While steam ironing set the tem-
perature “•••” or MAX.
If during the operation steam is not con-
stantly supplied, check whether the tem-
perature regulator (11) is set properly and
• You can dampen the fabric by pressing
whether there is water in the reservoir.
the spray button (4) several times.
• Make sure that there is enough water in
the water tank (10).
Additional steam release function is useful
when ironing folds and can only be used at
high ironing temperatures (when the iron
• Place the iron on the base (8).
temperature regulator (11) is set to “•••”
• Insert the power plug into the outlet.
or MAX).
• Set the temperature regulator (11) to the
• When the additional steam release but-
required ironing temperature: “•”, “••”,
ton (5) is pressed, steam will be vigor-
“•••”or “MAX” (depending on the type
ously released from the openings in the
of fabric), the (9) indicator will light up.
iron sole.
• When the sole temperature (13) reaches
the desired temperature value, the (9) in-
dicator will go out, you can start ironing.
In order to avoid leakage of water from
• After you finish ironing set the (11) regu-
steam openings, press the additional
lator to the “MIN” position.
steam supply button (5) with 45 sec.
• Pull the plug out of the socket and let the
iron cool down completely.
For vertical steaming can be used only
For steam ironing set the temperature
when the high temperature mode is used
regulator to steam using zone or “•••” or
(set the temperature regulator (11) to
«•••» or MAX).
• Place the iron on the base (8).
• Hold the iron vertically at the distance
• Insert the power plug into the outlet.
15-30 cm from the clothes press the ad-
• Make sure that there is enough water in
ditional steam release button (5) with 4-5
the water tank (10).
seconds interval, steam will be released
• Set the temperature regulator (11) to the
from the openings in the iron sole (13).
required ironing temperature: to steam
using zone or “•••” or MAX (depending
Important information
on the type of fabric), the (9) indicator
• Vertical steaming is not recommended
will light up.
for synthetic fabrics.
• When the sole temperature (13) reaches
• To avoid melting the fabric, do not touch
the desired temperature value, the (9) in-
the iron sole to the item while steaming.
dicator will go out, you can start ironing.
• Never steam iron clothing that is being
• Switch on constant steam supply, by
worn as the steam temperature is very
turning the handle (3) clockwise until
high and it can cause burns. Use a coat-
bumping, then steam will start outgoing
hanger or a stand.
from the openings of the sole (13).
• After you finish ironing set the (11) regula-
tor to the “MIN” position and the steam
To prolong lifetime of the iron we recom-
supply regulator (3) to the off position.
mend cleaning the steam chamber, espe-
• Pull the plug out of the socket and let the
cially in the regions with “hard” water.
iron cool down completely.
• Set the constant steam supply handle
(3) to the middle position “steam supply
MW-3013.indd 10MW-3013.indd 10 17.03.2010 17:33:3617.03.2010 17:33:36
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