Vitek VT-1558: instruction

Class: Household, kitchen appliances, electronics and equipment

Type: Food Steamer

Manual for Vitek VT-1558

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Before starting the steamer, fill the water

tank, otherwise the appliance might get



1. Lid

Before starting the steamer ensure that

2. Rice bowl

all removable parts are fixed up properly.

3. Upper steam basket

Be careful when operating the appliance:

4. Steam basket

any liquid or condensate are very hot.

5. Drip tray to collect condensate

Avoid skin burns by coming-out steam, in

6. Heating element circle

particular when removing the lid.

7. Heating element

• To remove the lid or steam baskets use

8. Water refill hole


9. Water level scale

• During operation of the steamer do not

10. Timer

touch the lid or steam baskets – they are

11. Operation indicator

very hot.

12. Water tank

To let steam off raise the lid slowly, hold it

13. Base unit

over the steam basket to let the conden-

sate flow down.


If you want to check whether products

Before starting using the appliance read

are ready, use kitchenware with a long

carefully these instructions.


Remember that water inside the water

Save these operation instructions and

tank can be hot, when all other parts of

use them as reference material.

the steamer have cooled down.

Use this appliance only for intended pur-

Do not use the steamer if the dripping

pose, as described in instructions.

pan, steam baskets and the lid are not

Do not leave the operating device unat-

fixed up.


• Do not move the appliance, when there

Use only those removable parts that are

are hot products in it.

included into delivery package.

It is not allowed to use steamer contain-

Before plugging the appliance into an

ers in microwave ovens, as well as in

outlet ensure that voltage, indicated on

electric or gas stoves.

the appliance, corresponds to the circuit

Do not leave a plugged in appliance un-



Electric cord is provided with «euro-

Plug the appliance off the outlet, when it

plug»; plug it into an outlet with a reliable

is not in use, when removing or fixing up

grounding contact.

steam baskets, and while cleaning.

To avoid fire risk do not use adapters when

Let the appliance cool down before

plugging the appliance into an outlet.

cleaning, removing/fixing up removable

Do not use the device outdoors.


Place the device on a flat stable surface.

To turn off the steamer set up the timer to

Do not use the appliance near walls or

the position «OFF», and then plug off the

wall hanging cupboards, as coming-out

plug from an outlet.

steam can damage them.

Do not let the electric cord hang over the

Before first use of the appliance wash

table, or contact with hot or sharp sur-

thoroughly all parts, that will be contact-


ing with food products.

Keep the appliance and electric cord



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away from hot surfaces, heat sources or

• If during food preparation you discover

sharp objects.

that water level dropped below minimum

Do not allow children to use the device as

level, then you can add it through water

a toy.

refill hole (8), without removing steam

• Keep the appliance out of reach of chil-

baskets (Pic. 1).

dren and disabled people.

• Use filtered water; it has low hardness,

Do not let them use the appliance unat-

that can allow to decrease the scale fac-


tor in the heating element. Do not pour

• This device should not be used by chil-

water above maximum level MAX.

dren or by disabled people, unless they

are provided with relevant and legible


safety instructions and are aware of haz-

- Do not add salt, pepper, seasoning,

ards arising from misuse of the device by

herbs, wine, sauces or other liquids

a responsible person.

to the water. It can cause damage.

• To avoid electric shock do not immerse

- Change water before each use.

the appliance, electric cord or plug into

water or other liquids.

• Fix up the drip tray (5) on the water tank

Do not use the appliance when the elec-

(12) and ensure that it is fixed up prop-

tric cord or plug is damaged, or when


there are other damages. Do not disas-

• Fix one or a few steam bowls (3-4) onto

semble or repair the appliance on your

drip tray (5).

own. In case of disorder refer to an au-

• Cover the steam basket with the lid (1).

thorized service center.

• Plug the appliance into an outlet.

The appliance is for household use only.

Turn the handle of mechanical timer (10)

clockwise and set up the necessary op-


eration time of the steamer, the indicator

Extract the steamer and remove all pack-

will light up (11).

ing materials.

• At the expiration of set-up time the

• Wash steam baskets (3, 4), rice or soup

steamer will turn off automatically, the

bowl (2), lid (1) and drip tray (5), using

audio alarm will sound and the indicator

soft detergent.

(11) will go out.

Swill thoroughly and wipe up.

Plug the steamer off an outlet and let the

• Wipe the inside of a water tank (12) with

appliance cool down.

moisted piece of fabric.



• During steamer operation do not touch

Place the device on a flat stable surface.

the lid and steam baskets – they are very

• Fix up the heating element circle (6) onto


the heating element (7) so that circle slot

To avoid skin burns, use potholders to

(6) is downwards.

remove the lid and steam baskets. Raise

• Fill the water tank (12) with cold water up

slowly the lid, to let off the steam, hold

to maximum level МАХ.

the lid above the steam basket to let con-

• The water tank can be filled in two ways:

densate fall down.

- through water pouring hole (9) or pour

• If you want to check whether products

the water directly into the water tank

are ready, use kitchenware with a long





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Annotations for Vitek VT-1558 in format PDF