Parrot ASTEROID Classic: инструкция

Раздел: Автомобильная техника

Тип: Мультимедиа

Инструкция к Мультимедиа Parrot ASTEROID Classic


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Before you begin

Quick start

About this guide

In order to limit our paper consumption, and as part of

our environmentally friendly and responsible approach,


Parrot prefers to put user documents online rather than

print them out. This simplied guide to the Parrot

ASTEROID is therefore limited to providing you with

the main instructions that will make it easy for you to

use the device. More information can be found on the

Support & Downloads section of our website, www. the full manual, FAQs, tutorials, and more.

Note: iPod and iPhone (in iPod mode) will be referred

to as an «iPod» in this manual.


All functions requiring an increased attention should only be • 


used while the vehicle is stationary . Your safety and the one

of the other road users prevails over phone calls, music and

navigation instructions. Be responsible: drive carefully and

Before you begin.................................................


pay full attention to your surrounding. Parrot denies any li-



ability should you choose not to respect this warning.

Getting started.......................................................


Use the Parrot ASTEROID with a reasonable volume level so • 


that you can hear all external noises while driving.




The Parrot ASTEROID includes NdFeB magnets which can • 

damage objects sensitive to magnetic elds (pacemakers,



credit cards, mechanical clocks…).



General information..............................................









Check the wiring (as explained in the Final check 4. 

To guarantee an optimal reception quality we recommend • 


you do not connect your internet USB key 3G on the

Safety instructions

Install the audio cables (as explained in the Installing the 5. 

Parrot ASTEROID directly : use the USB cable to install your

cables section).

device on the dashboard (or any other open area).

Note: We advise our customers to have the Parrot

Install the double microphone (as explained in the 6. 

Use the provided cable ties to make sure the cables are well • 

ASTEROID tted by a professional.

Installing the microphone section)

xed to the car stereo. Insert one of the cable ties into the

Slide the car stereo into the Parrot ASTEROID cage and 7. 

slot in the top left of the back of the car stereo (ref er to the

Turn the ignition off before installing the Parrot ASTEROID.• 

install the faceplate.


Install the Parrot ASTEROID only on vehicles with a 12 V • 

battery .

Final check

Installing the microphone

Place all cables away from hot places (heater outlet) and • 

Once all the connections are made, turn the ignition on then • 

Make sure the microphone is installed as close to the mouth • 

moving parts (gear shift, seat rails...).

off to perform the installation test. The “Goodbyemessage

of the user as possible. The ideal distance is 60 cm. The

must be displayed.

best possible location for the microphone is near the rear-

Before you begin

If it is not the case, it is necessary to swap the positions of • 

view mirror.

Remove your car stereo from your vehicle. You may need • 

the red and yellow wires. Indeed, the red wire of the power

The microphone needs to be pointed towards the user.• 

release keys to do so.

cable must be connected to the 12V ignition, the yellow wire

to the permanent 12V and the black wire to the ground. This

Try to connect the audio and power connectors of the Parrot • 

can be done simply by reversing both fuse holders located

ASTEROID to the connectors of your vehicle. If this connec-

on the Parrot wiring.

tion is impossible, you have to obtain an ISO adapter before

installing the Parrot ASTEROID.

Installing the cables

Compare the Parrot ASTEROID antenna connector to • 

Connect the iPod / iPhone®, USB, Jack cables and the GPS • 

the antenna connector of your vehicle. If an adapter is

dongle to the Parrot ASTEROID. We recommend you con-

necessary, contact your local car audio specialist. Make

nect all audio cables to the Parrot ASTEROID even if you do

sure you also supply power to your antenna if it is ampli-

not plan on using them. Route the audio cables to a suitable

ed. Power to the antenna can be supplied using the Parrot

location in your vehicle such as the glove box or arm rest


compartment. It may be necessary to drill a hole in your

dashboard to do so. Avoid using USB extension cables.

Installing the car stereo

Make sure y ou connect the iPod / iPhone cable to its • 

Insert the cage and x it into the dashboard using the 1. 

specic USB port. “iPod” is written above it. Use the dou-

bracket mounting tab.

ble-sided tape to stick the GPS dongle to your dashboard.

Access the vehicles car stereo wiring harness from behind 2. 

Once you have stuck the dongle to the dashboard, wait for

the dashboard.

approximately 2 hours to make sure the adhesive tape ad-

Connect the audio and power connectors of the Parrot 3. 

heres well.

ASTEROID to the ones of your vehicle.



Basic operations

established each time the Parrot ASTEROID is turned on

near your phone.

To remove the faceplate, press the eject button on its left. • 

Place the faceplate into the provided carrying case in order

You can pair up to 10 devices with the Parrot ASTEROID. If • 

to protect it from scratches and dust.

you attempt to pair an 11th phone, you will get the « Memory

Navigating through the menus

full » message. You must then delete a phone from the paired

Press the button to access the main menu. • 

devices list. To do so:

Browse through the menus by turning the wheel and conrm • 

Select 1.  Settings > Phone > Paired devices.

by pressing the wheel.

Select the phone then select 2.  Delete.

Press the • 

button to get back to previous menu.

Synchronising the phonebook

Press the • 

button to access the pop-up menu

With most of the Bluetooth phones, the phonebook is • 

corresponding to the current application. The popup menu

automatically synchronized in the system’s memory .

allows you to change several settings or browse more

easily through the content of your audio source or

Warning: Only the contacts stored in the phone memory

To attach the faceplate, put it on the right side of the car • 


are synchronized. If your contacts are stored in your SIM

stereo. Once the faceplate and the car stereo magnets con-

Press the• 

button to get to the track list if a song is current-

card memory, transfer them onto your phone memory.

nect, press the left side.

ly being played. While navigating through the menus, press

To remove the car stereo from the dashboard, insert the pro-• 

the SOURCE button to get to the Now Play ing screen.

If your phone does not support automatic synchronization, • 

vided extraction key until they click into place.

you can also use the Object Push function of your phone to

Connecting a phone to the Parrot ASTEROID

send contacts from your mobile to the Parrot ASTEROID via

Bef ore pairing your phone with the Parrot ASTEROID, make • 

Bluetooth. To do so, select Settings > Telephony > Special

sure that it is visible by all Bluetooth devices. To do so, se-

pairing > Object Push.

lect Settings >Telephony > Visibility then make sure the op-

tion is checked. If it is not the case, check it by pressing the


Prior to using the Parrot ASTEROID with your phone for the • 

very rst time, you must initially pair both dev ices. To do


From y our phone, search f or Bluetooth1. 



and select “Parrot ASTEROID “.

Enter «0 0 0 0» on your phone when prompted to 2. 

do so.

> “Pairing successful” is displayed.

Once y our phone is paired to the Parrot ASTEROID, the • 

connection between both devices will be automatically




Getting started




Using the Parrot ASTEROID while on a call


Use the jog wheel during a call to adjust the communication • 

volume. The volume setting is saved for subsequent calls.

Using the voice recognition function

Receiving a call

During a call, if you want to continue the conversation on • 

The voice recognition function allows you to select the artist • 

An incoming call is indicated by a ringtone. The name of the • 

your phone (private conversation), press the


/ album you want to hear via voice recognition. This f unction

caller is announced if his number is recorded in the phone-

is only av ailable If you are using the Parrot ASTEROID with

book of the phone connected to the Parrot ASTEROID.

The Parrot ASTEROID allows you to send DTMF while on • 

a USB / SD / iPod peripheral.

If y ou want to answer the call, press the -


call. To do so, press the jogwheel.

Then press the

button to end the call.

Note : Several minutes of loading may be necessar when

If y ou want to ref use this call, press the-


connecting your audio peripheral (USB / SD / iPod) to the

Parrot ASTEROID for the rst time, particularly if you are

using audio peripheral with a large capacity or containing

Making a call

many audio les. This loading time will allow your audio

To make a call vIa voice recognition:• 

les to be accessible via voice recognition.

Press the 1. 

button to launch the voice recognition


Press the • 

button then say the name of the artist /

> The Parrot ASTEROID asks y ou the name of the


contact y ou want to call.

Say the name of the contact and the type of number 2. 

Check the albums and artists names in the metadatas of • 

Work», «Cellphone»...) if there are several numbers

your music les. These names may be different from the

associated to your contact.

ones displayed on your music les titles.

> The call is automatically launched if the voice tag is

correctly understood.


> If it is not the case, a conf irmation message is asked.

To select a f requency:• 

Conrm by saying «Yes» or «Call».

Press the SOURCE button until the 1.  Radio source is


Note: At any time, press the button to exit voice

Press briey the 2. 

. buttons to change

recognition mode

manually the radio station. Hold down the

buttons to tune to the next av ailable radio station.

Hold down the • 

button to redial the last dialled number.



To get the list of all av ailable stations:• 

Start playing a song on your audio player.3. 


Press the SOURCE button until the 1.  Radio source is


Audio player connected via Bluetooth

Press the 2. 

button and select Fullscan.

Connecting the Parrot ASTEROID to the internet

You can use the Parrot ASTEROID to listen to songs stored • 

To memorize a station:• 

on your mobile phone or Bluetooth audio device. To do so,

Use a USB cable to connect an internet USB key to the • 

your phone / audio device must support the Bluetooth A2DP

Parrot ASTEROID. Then follow the displayed instructions.

Press the SOURCE button until the1.  Radio source is

prole (Advanced Audio Distribution Prole).


Select the frequency manually or in 2.  Fullscan mode.

If you are using a Bluetooth audio player for the rst time, • 

Warning: Using the Parrot Asteroid applications require

you have to pair both devices.

a USB internet key and an appropriate subscription offer.

Press the 3. 

, button then select Add to presets.

Connecting the Parrot ASTEROID to Internet using an

> To select a stored station, select the Presets mode.

If both devices are already paired:• 

internet USB key may result in large additional roaming

Press the SOURCE button until the 1.  Bluetooth Audio

fees. Check the terms of use with your provider for more


source is selected

information. Make sure you check regularly your allowan-

Connect your iPod using the iPod connector then press

Start playing a song on your audio player.2. 

ce and usage. Parrot is not responsible for any overcharge

the SOURCE button until the iPod source is selected.

resulting in the use of the Parrot ASTEROID.

USB storage device

If your phone supports the DUN Bluetooth prole (Dial-Up • 

Connect your USB storage device to the Parrot 1. 

Networking), connecting your phone to the Parrot ASTER-

ASTEROID using the USB cable or the USB connectors

OID via Bluetooth will also allow you to use the Internet ap-

on the back of the car stereo


Press the SOURCE button until the USB source is 2. 


Using the Parrot ASTEROID applications

Several types of applications are available with the Parrot • 

SD card

ASTEROID : music, geolocation, driver assistance... The

Remov e the Parrot ASTEROID faceplate.1. 

available applications are listed in the Parrot Asteroid menu

Insert the SD card into the appropriate slot with the contact 2. 

and displayed on the product packaging.

surface facing down.

All applications may not be available in all countries. The use • 

Reattach the faceplate.3. 

of some applications may need prior subscription.

Press the SOURCE button until the SD source is 4. 

Please refer to our website • for more



Analogue audio player

Connect the audio player using the Jack connector.1. 

Press the SOURCE button until the Line in source is 2. 





Problems while using the music function

Several minutes of loading may be necessary when con-• 

necting y our audio peripheral (USB / SD / iPod) to the


Before you begin

Parrot ASTEROID for the rst time, particularly if you are

Without prejudice of legal warranty , Parrot products are war-

Make sure the •  Goodbye message is displayed on the

using audio peripheral with a large capacity or containing

ranted during 1 year from the date of purchase for defects in

Parrot ASTEROID screen when you turn the ignition off . Re-

many audio les. This loading time will allow your audio les

materials and workmanship, provided that no deterioration to

fer to the Checking the wiring section for more information.

to be accessible via voice recognition.

the product has been made, and upon presentation of proof

of purchase (inv oice) to the retailer. Warranty does not cover:

Reset the Parrot ASTEROID. To do so, remove the • 

Reboot your iPod / iPhone bef ore connecting it to the Parrot • 

upgrading of the software items of the Parrot products with

faceplate then use a paper clip to press the Reset button.

ASTEROID. To reboot your iPod / iPhone (this procedure

Bluetooth cell phones for compatibility purpose, data recovery

Hold down the Reset button for 3 seconds.

will not erase any of your data) :

,deterioration of the external aspect due to normal wear of the

iPod: press Menu and the centre button simultaneously -

product, any damage caused by accident, misuse, misappli-

until the iPod reboots.

cation, or non-Parrot products. Parrot is not responsible for

iPhone: Press the On/Of f button and the Home button -

storage, loss or damaged to data during transit or repair. Any

simultaneously until the iPhone reboots. Do not touch

product wrongfully declared to be def ective will be returned

the screen when the message “Slide to shutdown”

to sender and inspection, process and carriage costs will be


invoiced to him.

Some problems may occur if the iPod / SD card / USB de-• 

Make sure you have the latest software update on your • 

vice is already connected to the Parrot ASTEROID before

Correct disposal of This Product (Waste Elec-

Parrot ASTEROID. To do so, select Settings > About >

you turn on the ignition. Connect the iPod / SD card / USB

trical & Electronic Equipment)

Version. Compare this number with the one on our website,

dev ice once the ignition is turned on.

This marking shown on the product or its literature, indicates

Downloads section.

that it should not be disposed with other household wastes at

the end of its working life. To prevent possible harm to the en-

Problems while using the phone function

vironment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal,

Make sure your phone is compatible with the Parrot • 

please separate this from other ty pes of wastes and recycle

ASTEROID. To do so, refer to the compatibiity list

it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material

of the Parrot ASTEROID available on our website

resources. Household users should contact either the retailer, in the Support & Downloads section.

where they purchased this product, or their local government

If y our phone is compatible with the Parrot ASTEROID and • 

of ce, for details of where and how they can take this item

if you already have the latest software update:

f or env ironmentally safe recycling. Business users should

contract their supplier and the terms and conditions of the pur-

Erase the memory of the Parrot ASTEROID. To do so, select • 

chase contract. This product should not be mixed with other

Settings > Advanced settings > Factory settings.

commercial wastes for disposal.

On your telephone, erase the Parrot system from the list 1. 

of Bluetooth peripherals (or reboot your iPhone®).

Repeat the pairing procedure for the 2 devices.2. 


General information


Declaration of Conformity

The explanations and specications in this guide are given for

We, Parrot S.A. 174 quai de Jemmapes,75010

inf ormation purposes only and may be modied without prior

Paris, France, declare under our sole responsibi-

notice. They are deemed to be correct at time of going to press.

lity that our product, the Parrot ASTEROID to which

The utmost care has been taken when writing this guide,as

this declaration relates is in conformity with appropriate stan-

part of the aim to provide you with accurate information. Howe-

dards EN 60065 :2002/A1 :2006/A11 :2008, EN 50371 (2002),

ver, Parrot shall not be held responsible for any consequences

EN 300328 v 1.7.1 and EN 301 489-17 v 1.3.2 following the

arising from any errors or omissions in the guide, nor for any

provision of Radio Equipment and Telecommunication

damage or accidental loss of data resulting directly or indirectly

Equipment directive 1999/5/EC R&TTE and 2004/104/CE

from the use of the information herein. Parrot reserves the right

Automotive directive amended by the 2009/19/CE directive.

to amend or improve the product design or user guide without

any restrictions and without any obligation to notify users. As

asteroid/asteroid_ce_conformity _declaration.pdf

part of our ongoing concern to upgrade and improve our pro-

ducts, the product that you have purchased may differ slightly

f rom the model described in this guide. If so, a later v ersion

of this guide might be available in electronic format at Parrot’s

website at

FCC Compliance Statement

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Opera-

tion is subject to the following two conditions: (1). this device

may not cause harmful interference, and (2). this device must

accept any interference received, including interference that

may cause undesired operation. Note: The manufacturer is not

responsible for any radio or tv interference caused by unautho-

rized modications to this equipment. Such modications could

void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Canada

Class B statement: This Class B digital apparatus complies

with Canadian ICES-003


Copy right © 2011 Parrot. All Rights Reserved



Аннотация для Мультимедиа Parrot ASTEROID Classic в формате PDF