Parrot MINIKIT Slim: инструкция
Раздел: Автомобильная техника
Тип: Мультимедиа
Инструкция к Мультимедиа Parrot MINIKIT Slim

Quick start guide
Snap installationsguide
Hurtig installationsguide
Průvodce rychlou instalací
Skrócona instrukcja instalacji
Руководство по быстрой установке
Hızlı kurulum kılavuzu

Parrot MINIKIT Slim
Svenska ..........................................
General Information.......................

Kit content / Obsah balení / Zawartość opakowania / Содержимое упаковки /
Ambalajın içeriği
- USB- / mini USB-kabel
- USB- / mini USB-kabel
- 1 USB/mini USB cable
- USB kabel / mini USB
- Kabel USB / mini USB
- Кабель USB / мини USB
- USB / mini USB kablosu
Parrot MINIKIT Slim
- Oplader til cigarettænder.
- Laddare för cigarettändaruttag
- 1 12 V accessory socket charger - mini USB
- Dobíječku do zásuvky zapalovače
- Ładowarkę do gniazda zapalniczki
- Зарядное устройство от прикуривателя
- Araç çakmağı için şark aleti

Funksjonene som er beskrevet i denne håndboken er kun tilgjengelige dersom din adresseliste inneholder
latinske tegn. Dessuten må uttalen og tonefallet til språket til Parrot MINIKIT Slim (engelsk som standard)
De funktioner, som er beskrevet i denne manual, er kun tilgængelige, hvis din telefonliste består af latinske
bogstaver. Man skal desuden overholde udtale og tonefald i for sproget i Parrot MINIKIT Slim (engelsk som
Funkce popsané v tomto manuálu jsou k dispozici pouze tehdy, je-li Váš telefonní seznam napsaný latinkou.
Dále je nutno dodržovat výslovnost a intonaci jazyka Parrot MINIKIT Slim (automaticky angličtina, není-li
nastaven jiný jazyk).
Funkcje opisane w poniższej instrukcji obsługi są dostępne jeżeli lista kontaktów składa się ze znaków
alfabetu łacińskiego. Dodatkowo, należy przestrzegać wymowy i intonacji języka Parrot MINIKIT Slim
(językiem domyślnym jest angielski).
Bu kılavuzda yazılı olan fonksiyonellikler, sadece rehberiniz Latin harerinden meydana geliyorsa mevcuttur.
Ayrıca, Parrot MINIKIT Slim (varsayılan İngilizcedir) dilinin telaffuzuna ve tonlamasına uymak gerekmektedir.
Внимание: Функции, описанные в настоящем руководстве, доступны только, если список контактов
составлен латинскими символами. Кроме того, необходимо соблюдать произношение и интонацию
языка Parrot MINIKIT Slim (по умолчанию – английский).
Dikkat: Bu kılavuzda yazılı olan fonksiyonellikler, sadece rehberiniz Latin harerinden meydana geliyorsa
mevcuttur. Ayrıca, Parrot MINIKIT Slim (varsayılan İngilizcedir) dilinin telaffuzuna ve tonlamasına uymak

PIN code : 1234
: 1
Mini USB

This simplified guide of the Parrot MINIKIT Slim gives you
When the battery level is low, the Parrot MINIKIT Slim emits •
the main instructions to easily use this product. For more
a series of beeps.
information, refer to our website
The cigar lighter charger of the Parrot MINIKIT Slim
The availability of some functionality only depends on your
can only be used in cars.
mobile phone. Refer to our website, in the
Compatibility section, for more information.
Installing the Parrot MINIKIT Slim
- If your Parrot MINIKIT Slim gets out of reach
Use the clip located on the back of the Parrot MINIKIT Slim
while driving, stop the vehicle in a safe location
to fix it to the sun visor of your vehicle. Refer to the dia-
before picking or hanging up a call.
grams p.6. You can also use your Parrot MINIKIT Slim at
- The Parrot MINIKIT Slim is a high technology
home by simply placing it on a stable surface.
product. Please handle the speaker with care.
Accessing the Parrot MINIKIT Slim menu
Using the PARROT MINIKIT Slim for the 1st time
Press the red • button for 2 seconds to turn on / off the
Charging the Parrot MINIKIT Slim
Parrot MINIKIT Slim .
Press the jog wheel to access the main menu.
The Parrot MINIKIT Slim must be charged before being •
> The Parrot MINIKIT Slim says the name of the
used for the first time. To do so, plug the chargerinto your
current menu.
vehicle’s cigar lighter or connect the Parrot MINIKIT Slim to
Browse through the menus by turning the jog wheel and •
your computer using the USB/mini- USB cable (provided).
confirm with the green button or by pressing the jog
Refer to the diagrams p.6.
The LED located next to the mini-USB port turns red to •
To exit the menu, press the red • button or wait for a
indicate that the battery is being charged. The LED turns
few seconds.
off once the battery is fully charged.

Pairing and connecting a phone /
Refer to your phones’ user guide for more information 2.
PDA by Bluetooth®
about sending contacts (via Object Push).
Before using the Parrot MINIKIT Slim with your phone, you
Recording voice tags
first have to pair both devices. The pairing process is only
required once.
All your contacts, after automatic synchronization or Object •
Depending on the model of your phone, the connection will
Push process, are directly provided with a voice tag in the
then be automatic as soon as you enter your vehicle.
Parrot MINIKIT Slim . Consequently, you don’t have to re-
From your 1. Bluetooth phone, search for Bluetooth
cord your own voice tag on each contact to make a call via
peripherals (refer to your phone user guide for more
the voice recognition process.
However, if the Parrot MINIKIT Slim doesn’t understand the •
> The list of the available Bluetooth peripherals is
name of one of your contacts or if a voice tag is too long,
you can record a new one. To do so, press the jog wheel
Select “Parrot MINIKIT Slim ”.2.
and select Add voice tags.
Enter the “1234” PIN code and validate. 3.
> The Parrot MINIKIT Slim says «Pairing successful»
when both devices are paired.
Synchronising the phonebook
With some Bluetooth phones, the phonebook is auto-
matically synchronized in the kit’s memory. If your phone
doesn’t support automatic synchronization, you can also
send contacts manually from your mobile to the car kit via
Bluetooth. To do so:
From the main menu, select 1. Phone > Receive contacts.
> The kit says «Waiting for contact».

Making a call via voice recognition
Using the telephone function
This functionality is only available if your contacts have
Receiving a call
already been transferred into the phonebook of the Parrot
An incoming call is indicated by a ringtone. The name of the
Minikit Slim .
caller is announced if his number is recorded in the phone-
Press the green button to launch the voice recognition 1.
book of the phone connected to the Parrot MINIKIT Slim.
If you want to answer the call, press the green button. •
> The Parrot MINIKIT Slim asks you the name of the
Then press the red button to end the call.
contact you want to call.
If you want to refuse this call, press the red button.•
Say the name of the contact and the type of number 2.
(«Work», «Cellphone»...) if there are several num¬bers
Making a call
associated to your contact.
> The call is automatically launched if the voice tag is
If the contact you want to call is in the phonebook of the •
correctly understood.
phone connected to the Parrot MINIKIT Slim :
> If it is not the case, a confirmation message is asked
Press the jog wheel to enter the main menu and select 1.
by the kit. Confirm by saying “Yes” or “Call”.
> You access the phonebook of the connected phone.
Select a letter and push the jog wheel; 2.
> Once the contact chosen:
Press the green key to call this contact; -
Use the jog wheel to choose between different -
numbers of the same contact.
If the contact you want to call is not in the phonebook •
of the phone connected to the Parrot MINIKIT Slim, stop
your vehicle in a safe location and use your phone to make
the call.

In case of problem
You can pair up to five devices. If you attempt to pair a •
sixth phone, the kit says «memory full». You must clear the
- answer an incoming call
memory by holding down both the red and green buttons
for three seconds. Doing so also clears all the contacts.
- use the voice recognition function
- long press : call the last dialed number
In case of malfunction, you can reboot the Parrot MINIKIT •
- short press during a call :
Gr e e n
Slim. To do so:
transfer a call on the mobile phone
Press simultaneously the jog wheel and the Reset 1.
button located at the back of the Parrot MINIKIT
- reject an incoming call
- hang up
Release the Reset button. 2.
re d
> You can now release the jog wheel.
- adjust the communication volume
- short press during a call : use the DTMF
function (to manage interactive vocal servers)