Maxwell MW-3011 G: ENGLISH

ENGLISH: Maxwell MW-3011 G


in during the first use; it is normal for a

Signs Fabric type (temperature)

small amount of smoke to be released.

Synthetics, nylon, acryl, polyester (low




Silk/wool (medium temperature)

To fill the water tank use regular tap wa-


ter. If the water is hard then it is recom-

Cotton/flax (high temperature)

mended to mix it with distilled water at a

ratio of 1:1, if the water is very hard, mix it

This table is only for smooth materials.

with distilled water at a ratio of 1:2 or use

Fabrics of other types (crimped, raised

only distilled water.

etc.) are best ironed at low temperature.

First sort items by ironing temperature:


wool with wool, cotton with cotton etc.

Do not fill the water tank (10) with

The iron heats up faster than is cools

scented liquids, vinegar, starch solu-

down. For this reason it is recommended

tions, descaling reagents, chemical

to begin ironing at low temperature (for

substances etc.

instance synthetic fabrics). After that,

move to higher temperature ironing.


Cotton and linens should be ironed last.

Make sure that the iron is disconnected

If an item is made from a mix of fabrics,

from electrical power before filling it with

then the iron should be set for the fab-


ric with the lowest ironing (for instance if

Set the steam release regulator (3) to the

an item is made from 60% polyester and

Off position.

40% cotton, it should be ironed at the

Open the water tank lid (2).

temperature used for ironing polyester

Fill it with water. Close the lid (2).


If you cannot define the fabric the item is


made from, find a place on it that is hid-

Do not fill it with water above MAX. in-

den while wearing and, on practice select


the ironing temperature (always start at

If you need to refill the water tank

the lowest and gradually raise it until you

during ironing, turn off the iron and

get the desired result.)

unplug the power cord from the out-

Corduroy and other fabrics that start


glossy quickly should be ironed strictly in

After you finish ironing, open the wa-

one direction (along the lines) with slight

ter tank lid (2) and drain the remain-


ing water.

To avoid appearance of glossy spots on

the synthetic and silk fabrics, iron them



Before operating test the heated iron on

the old cloth to be sure that the iron sole

(13) and the water tank (10) are clean.


Always check the recommended iron

Place the iron on the base (8).

temperature indicated on the tag before

Insert the power plug into the outlet.


Set the temperature regulator (13) to the

If the tag does not list the recommended

required ironing temperature: “”, “••”,

ironing temperature, but you know the

•••” or “MAX” (depending on the type

type of fabric, then use the following

of fabric), the (9) indicator will light up.

table to determine the proper tempera-

When the sole temperature (13) reaches


the desired temperature value, the (9) in-

dicator will go out, you can start ironing.


MW-3011.indd 9MW-3011.indd 9 11.02.2010 16:27:1311.02.2010 16:27:13