Midland XTC 400: Midland XTC400

Midland XTC400: Midland XTC 400



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Midland XTC400 - 15


H 1920x1080p (30/25*fps)

Midland XTC400

Removing the Battery

L 1280x720p (60/50*fps)


* 848x480 (120/100fps)

Photo* 12 Mp/5Mp/3Mp

Thank you for purchasing the XTC400 action video camera. We are proud to oer you an exciting tool to record your lifes

Aspect Ratio 16:9

adventures. With an easy slide-on switch, wi- capability, and long battery life, you’ll never miss a moment. Easily connect to

Format H.264 File Type - MP4

your computer and upload to share with your friends.

Lens 7 elements (6 tempered glass, 1 IRF)

See what other people are doing with their XTC cameras at facebook.com/midlandcom, and post your own video too. Enjoy!

Rotating lens Yes

Angle lens 170° Variable*

What’s in the Box

Features and Controls

SD Card Up to 32 GB

Battery Li-Ion 1700 mAH

Rotating Lense

Battery last Up to 5 Hours

Track for mounting

170° Lens


Instant Recording Yes


Stealth mode* Optional

Record LED

External Microphone Jack

on the underside

Waterproof 85 m

Record Switch

Photo Yes

Back OFF / Stop

Tripod mount Yes

HDMI jack Yes

Micro SD Card LED

Battery LED

WiFi Yes

External mike jack Yes

XTC400VP Package Includes:

Record Switch

Weight 140 g

1. Midland XTC400 Camera

Forward On / Record

Dimension (HxLxD) 52 x 95 x 35 mm

2. Submersible Case 85m

1. Press and hold the lock release to the left. Slide the door


Compatible System Win XP, SP2, Vista 7&8,

3. Micro USB Cable

Wi-Fi Switch


Mac OSX 10.4+

4. Lithium-Ion Battery Pack

Micro SD Jack

Low Light Switch

2. Pull the door to open.


5. Basic Adhesive Mount

Format Button

*Available only with the APP “Action Connect”

3. After rotating the latch counter-clockwise, the battery

Micro USB Jack

Resolution Switch

6. Mini Spider Mount (10° and 45°)

can easily be removed.



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Midland XTC400 - 17

Reformatting the Micro SD card


Mounting and Aiming Your Camera

3. Once attached, adjust the camera to be sure you are l-

ming in the intended direction

Connect your micro HDMI cable (not included) to both de-

Note: Before the first usage Format the microSD card fol-

Mount on Dual Track System

4. If needed, rotate the lens to maintain an upright viewing

vices –camera and tv/monitor. Once connected, switch the

lowing this procedure

The XTC400 was designed with an innovative 3 point


camera to the ON (forward) position. This will enable live

The micro SD card can be reformatted while in the came-

mount system on both sides and the bottom of the camera.

5. To see where your camera is aimed, enable Wi-Fi and use

streaming, but will not record.

ra. This allows you to completely delete all the les at one

This allows you to mount it on any side with ease.

your smartphone with the app as a viewnder.

When the switch is moved back to the OFF position, video

time. Follow these steps:

To mount the camera on the basic mount, slide the camera

playback will start from the micro SD card. To skip to the

1. Press and hold the format button

onto the track system with the notches on the mount fa-

Mounting and Aiming Your Camera

next le, toggle the switch ON. For the next le, toggle the

2. Move the RECORD switch to the forward/ON position.

cing toward the back of the camera.

switch OFF. Continue in this manner to ip through your

3. The camera will beep 4 times and the icon will alternate

To detach the camera from the mount, squeeze the mount

Mount using the Thread Mount

les. You can always skip forward to the following le, but

blinking red and blue

release tabs and slide the camera forward.

On the bottom of the XTC400 is a standard thread mount

cannot move backward to previous les. If you would like to

When complete, the camera will beep twice, then turn o.

that allows the camera to be mounted to a tripod or other

return to a previous le, you must either unplug the device

xture with a 1/4-20 (1/4” diameter, 20 threads per inch)

from the HDMI cable and plug it in again, or loop through

5/16 deep thread. To attach the camera, insert the screw on

Rotating Lens

all of your les.

the mount into the camera thread and rotate the camera

To maintain upright orientation for your video when the

clockwise to tighten down onto the screw.

camera is mounted at an angle, the XTC400’s lens can ro-


Note: Over tightening may cause damage to the mount and/

tate 180° in one direction and -90° in the other. There are

The included lithium-ion battery comes partially charged.

or camera

indentations every 90° to enable you to twist the lens into

To charge, connect the included micro USB cable to camera

Aiming the Camera when mounted with the dual track

place at commonly used angles.

and connect the other end of the cable to a power source


such as a computer, wall charger or vehicle charger. No da-

When mounting the camera on a helmet, you must do the

External Microphone

mage will occur to the camera or battery if used prior to a


To connect your camera to an external microphone, rst open

full charge. See page 20 for battery status indications.

1. Consider what you would like to shoot and mount the

the rubber cover and then insert the 3.5mm microphone jack

camera accordingly- left side, right side or top.

into the plug. If you are using a headset, the left speaker will

2. Find an appropriate surface and ensure the area is clean

be used as the microphone. In addition, you may also connect

of dirt and debris.Remove the cover of the adhesive pad

an mp3 player to directly record music to your video.

and adhere to the helmet.

Tripod Mount



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Aiming the Camera when mounted with

1. Connect the camera to the computer using included

2. Slide the record switch forward.

Timelapse (Burst mode)

micro USB cable.

3. Allow a few seconds for the camera to power on and

Time Delayed Pictures

the thread mount:

2. Ensure the record switch is in the OFF position

initiate the Wi-Fi

• Wi-Fi Settings

When mounting the camera on a thread mount, follow these steps:

3. Double click “My Computer” and locate “Removable Disk.

a. The camera will double beep twice and the front indi-

Time and data setting

1. Consider what you would like to shoot and mount accor-

4. PC:

cator will be blue.

• Any many more


b. When the Wi-Fi is ready, the camera will beep once

a. If “Removable Disk” is not showing, close “My Com-

2. Ensure, once attached, that the camera is aimed straight

and the front indicator will be solid green

puter” folder and reopen it. The “Removable Disk” icon

and not toward the ground or at the sky.


should appear.

Attention: Wi-Fi TIME OUT: If the camera is turned on in

3. If needed, rotate the lens to maintain an upright viewing

b. Open the “Removable Disk” icon.

Wi-Fi mode and no devices are connected for 60 sec. the

Watch directly from your mobile device the video and pic-


camera will automatically start recording.

5. MAC

tures saved on the XTC400.

4. To see where your camera is aimed, enable Wi-Fi and use

a. MAC should automatically recognize the camera

• Manage your les

your smartphone with the app as a viewnder.

Many features and options are avialiable with the

external hard drive.

smartphone app:

b. Click on the icon on the desktop.


Low Light Function

6. Open the “DCIM” folder icon.

Smartphone Application

• Downlaod video on your mobile

The low light function allow the user to take video also in

7. Open the “100MEDIA icon.

• Share them with your world through Social Networks,

low light conditions.

In order to control the camera you have to download Ac-

8. Your videos will be in this folder.

e-mail and messages.

To activate the function move the related switch to the L

tion Connect” app.

Note: the camera will generate two clips for each video, one

position. To deactivate the function move the switch to the

Available from the Apple store” and Google Play”. With

in the selected resolution and the other in low res. (.tmb)

N position.

this application is possible to:

Compatible Systems


The XTC400 can be used on both a PC or MAC. Below are the

Downloading Videos


compatible operating systems:

Note: The Wi-Fi doesnt turn ON if the MicroSD isn’t inserted.

There is no need to install any software with the XTC400.

• Live Preview

Windows XP SP2, Vista, 7, 8

It is a plug and play device. To download video, follow the

The XTC400’s built in Wi-Fi allows you to connect and con-

• Start and stop recording

Macintosh OSX 10.4 and higher

instructions below depending upon whether you have a PC

trol the camera using a smartphone or tablet.

• Customize Video Settings

For video playback, we recommend Windows Media Player,

or a MAC. Downloading Videos on a PC with a WINDOWS

1. Toggle the Wi-Fi switch inside the back cover to the ON

• Zoom (Change angle of view)

Operating System


• Pictures

Quick Time or VLC Media Player.



Midland XTC400 - 20

Midland XTC400 - 21

Minimum System Requirements


Memory card LED Status

Switch Position

Memory Card LED Meaning

Position Meaning

Processor 3.2GHz or faster

Battery status

Solid Blue 66% - 100% available

Wi-Fi Up (ON) Wi-Fi Enabled

Ram 1GB or greater

Battery LED Meaning

Blinking Blue 33% - 66% Available

Wi.Fi Down Wi-Fi Disabled

Video Card 256MB or greater

Solid Blue Full battery level (fully

Solid Red 0% - 33% Available

Light Settin Up (N) Normal Light Mode


Video playback requires H.264 codec.

Blinking Red 0% Available

Light Setting Down (L) Low Light Mode

Blinking Blue Medium battery level

To obtain more information go to xtcactioncam.com

(battery charging)

No light No card / Card error

Resolution UP (H) Record at 1080p 30

Upgrade & Firmware

Solid Red Low Battery level

Blinking Red/Blue Formatting - Upgrading

Resolution Downn (L) Record at 720p 60


Note: Be sure the camera has the latest rmware

Blinking Red* Battery level too low

No light Battery is depleted

To check the rmware version connect the camera to your

Recording Time

mobile device, open action connect App. go to settings -

Front LED Status

*Note: When the red battery LED begins blinking, be pre-


720 Record Time 1080 Record Time

about - version.

pared to charge the battery because the camera will stop

Front LED Meaning


To upgrade your device visit actioncamxtc.com and follow

recording at this point.

Blinking Green Recording 1080p

512MB 6.5 Minutes 5.5 Minutes

the procedure.

Blinking Blue Recording 720p

1 GB 13 Minutes 11 Minutes

Blinking Red Recording WVGA

2 GB 26 Minutes 22 Minutes

Solid Blue Wi.Fi Enabling

4 GB 52 Minutes 44 Minutes

Solid Green Wi-Fi On

8 GB 104 Minutes 88 Minutes

Solid Red USB Connected

16 GB 208 Minutes 176 Minutes



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Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

32 GB 416 Minutes 352 Minutes

Video Playback

Problem Solution

Problem Solution

64 GB 832 Minutes 704 Minutes

Verify the camera is plug-

ged into a USB2.0 or 3.0


Video Downloading

Note: the camera automatically splits the video into 29


minute segments

Camera not turning ON Be sure battery is fully

Verify the camera is plug-


ged into a USB 2.0 or 3.0

Remove other unused

device. If registering as


USB devices


Slow or choppy video

1.1, unplug and than re-

Slow data transfer

Make sure the switch

plug the device

Sounds Meaning

Verify computer meets

is pushed all the way

minimum requirements

1 Beep Power On (Wi-Fi O)

forward. If the Record

Remove other unused

Camera not recording

LED does not come ON,

USB device

2 x 2 Beeps Power On (Wi-Fi On)

Verify proper codec is

turn OFF the device and


Ensure record switch is

3 Beeps Start Recording

reinstall the battery

in the OFF position while

5 x 3 Beeps Memory Card Full

Micro SD Card

connected to computer.

2 Beeps Power O

Ensure the Micro SD Card

Computer does not reco-

Ensure the Micro SD card

is inserted properly.

1 Beep (Wi-Fi On) App Conrmation

gnize camera

is inserted properly.

4 Beeps Formatting Memory Card

Plug camera into the

MicroSD Card not reading

computer to verify it has

Micro SD card may be

Note: the beeps can be turned off via smartphone app.

available storage.

corrupted. Attempt for-

matting process

Attempt formatting pro-


In the run command type:

File won’t transfer o me-

chkdsk volume:/f

mory card

then press enter