Weber HOLZKOHLEGRILLS: инструкция
Раздел: Профоборудование
Тип: Печь-коптильня
Инструкция к Печи-коптильне Weber HOLZKOHLEGRILLS

Outdoor use only. For assembly instructions see Assembly Guide. Do not discard.
This contains important product dangers, warnings, and cautions.
Utilisation extérieure uniquement. Pour obtenir des instructions de montage, reportez-vous au guide de montage. Ne jetez pas le
présent document. Il comprend des informations importantes sur les dangers, les avertissements et les précautions relatives au produit.
Nur im Freien zu verwenden. Anleitungen für den Zusammenbau nden Sie in der Montageanleitung.
Werfen Sie die Anleitung nicht weg. In ihr nden Sie Gefahrenhinweise, Warnungen und Vorsichtmaßnahmen.

Always put charcoal in Char-Baskets™ or on top of the lower
(charcoal) grate. Do not put charcoal directly in the bottom of the
Do not wear clothing with loose flowing sleeves while lighting or
using the barbecue.
Do not use barbecue in high winds.
Keep the barbecue on a stable, level surface at all times.
Remove the lid from the barbecue while lighting and getting the
SAFETY SYMBOLS () will alert you to important
charcoal started.
SAFETY information.
Never touch the cooking or charcoal grates, ashes, charcoal or the
Signal words DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION will
barbecue to see if they are hot.
Do not use water to control flare-ups or to extinguish charcoal, as
be used with the SAFETY SYMBOL.
it may damage the porcelain finish. Slightly close bottom air vents
DANGER will identify the most serious hazard.
(dampers) and place lid on bowl.
Please read all safety information contained in this
Extinguish coals when finished cooking. Close all vents (dampers)
after putting lid on bowl.
Owner’s Guide.
Barbecue mitts should always be worn while cooking, adjusting
air vents (dampers), adding charcoal and handling the thermometer
or lid.
Use proper barbecue tools, with long, heat-resistant handles.
Failure to follow the Dangers, Warnings and Cautions contained in
Some models may include the Tuck-Away™ lid holder feature.
this Owner’s Manual may result in serious bodily injury or death, or
The Tuck-Away™ lid holder is used to store the lid while checking
in a fire or an explosion causing damage to property.
on or turning your food. Do not use the Tuck-Away™ lid holder
Do not use indoors! This barbecue is designed for outdoor use
as a handle to lift or move the grill. For those models without the
only. If used indoors, toxic fumes will accumulate and cause serious
Tuck-Away™ feature, use the hook on the inside of the lid to hang
bodily injury or death.
the lid on the side of the barbecue bowl. Do not place a hot lid on
Only use this barbecue outdoors in a well-ventilated area. Do not
carpeting or grass. Do not hang the lid on the bowl handle.
use in a garage, building, breezeway or any other enclosed area.
Never dump hot coals where they might be stepped on or be
Do not use this barbecue under any overhead combustible
a fire hazard. Never dump ashes or coals before they are fully
extinguished. Do not store barbecue until ashes and coals are fully
CAUTION! Do not use spirit or petrol for lighting or re-lighting!
Use only firelighters complying to EN 1860-3.
Keep the cooking area clear of flammable vapor and liquids, such
Improper assembly may be dangerous. Please follow the assembly
as gasoline, alcohol, etc., and combustible material.
instructions in this manual. Do not use barbecue unless all parts
Handle and store hot electric starters carefully.
are in place. Make sure either the ash catcher is properly attached
Keep electrical wires and cords away from the hot surfaces of the
to the legs underneath the bowl of the barbecue, or the high
barbecue and away from high traffic areas.
capacity ash catcher is in place, before lighting the grill.
The use of alcohol, prescription or non-prescription drugs may
Do not add charcoal starter fluid or charcoal impregnated with
impair the consumer’s ability to properly assemble or safely operate
charcoal lighter fluid to hot or warm charcoal. Cap starter fluid after
the barbecue.
use, and place a safe distance away from the barbecue.
This Weber
barbecue is not intended to be installed in or on
Do not use gasoline, alcohol or other highly volatile fluids to ignite
recreational vehicles and/or boats.
charcoal. If using charcoal starter fluid, remove any fluid that may
This barbecue is not intended for and should never be used as a
have drained through the bottom vents before lighting the charcoal.
You should exercise reasonable care when operating your barbecue.
It will be hot during cooking and should never be left unattended
during use.
WARNING! Keep children and pets away. Do not leave infants,
Lining the bowl with aluminum foil will obstruct the air flow. Instead,
children or pets unattended near a hot barbecue.
use a drip pan to catch drippings from meat when cooking by the
ATTENTION! This barbecue will become very hot, do not move it
Indirect Method.
during operation. Allow the grill to cool before moving.
Using sharp objects to clean the cooking grate or remove ashes
Do not use this barbecue within five feet of any combustible
will damage the finish.
material. Combustible materials include, but are not limited to wood
Using abrasive cleaners on the cooking grates or the barbecue
or treated wood decks, patios and porches.
itself will damage the finish.
Do not remove ashes until all charcoal is completely burned out and
The barbecue should be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis.
are fully extinguished and grill is cool.

ENGLISH ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Outdoor use only. For assembly instructions see Assembly Guide. Do not discard.
This contains important product dangers, warnings, and cautions.
SUOMI ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Vain ulkokäyttöön. Katso kokoamisohjeet oppaasta. Älä heitä pois.
Tämä asiakirja sisältää tärkeitä tietoja tuotteeseen liittyvistä vaaroista, varoituksista ja varotoimista. a
FRANÇAIS .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Utilisation extérieure uniquement. Pour obtenir des instructions de montage, reportez-vous au guide de montage. Ne jetez pas le présent document.
Il comprend des informations importantes sur les dangers, les avertissements et les précautions relatives au produit.
ITALIANO ................................................................................................................................................... 22
Da usare esclusivamente all’aperto. Per le istruzioni di montaggio fare riferimento al Manuale di Istruzioni. Conservare il presente documento.
Contiene messaggi importanti di pericolo, avvertenza e attenzione relativi al prodotto.
NORSK ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
Bare utendørs bruk. Se “Monteringsanvisninger” for monteringsinstruksjoner. Må ikke kastes.
Denne inneholder viktig opplysning om farer, advarsler og forsiktighet angående produktet.
DANSK ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Kun til udendørs brug. Læs samlingsvejledningen for at se, hvordan den samles. Må ikke smides ud.
Dette dokument indeholder vigtige farer og advarsler om produktet.
ESPAÑOL ................................................................................................................................................... 40
Sólo para uso exterior. Si necesita instrucciones para montar la barbacoa, consulte la Guía de montaje. No tire esta guía.
En ella hay importantes avisos de peligros, advertencias y precauciones que deberá tomar en consideración al utilizar la barbacoa.
SVENSKA ................................................................................................................................................... 46
Endast avsedd för utomhusbruk. Se monteringshandboken för monteringsinstruktioner. Kasta inte bort.
Den innehåller viktiga produktfaror, varningar och försiktighetsåtgärder.
DEUTSCH ................................................................................................................................................... 52
Nur im Freien zu verwenden. Anleitungen für den Zusammenbau nden Sie in der Montageanleitung. Werfen Sie die Anleitung nicht weg.
In ihr nden Sie Gefahrenhinweise, Warnungen und Vorsichtmaßnahmen.
NEDERLANDS ............................................................................................................................................ 58
Uitsluitend voor gebruik buitenshuis. Raadpleeg de installatiehandleiding voor instructies voor de installatie. Niet weggooien.
Dit document bevat belangrijke informatie over de gevaren, waarschuwingen en voorzorgsmaatregelen voor dit product.
PORTUGUÊS .............................................................................................................................................. 64
Apenas para utilização no exterior. Para instruções de montagem consulte o Manual de montagem. Não eliminar.
Este documento contém perigos, avisos e chamas de atenção de produto importantes.
....................................................................................................................................................... 70
Tylko do użytku na zewnątrz. W celu uzyskania informacji na temat zaleceń montażu, patrz Instrukcja montażu. Nie należy wyrzucać.
Ten dokument zawiera ważne ostrzeżenia, przestrogi i informacje przestrzegające przed niebezpieczeństwem.
.................................................................................................................................................. 76
Для использования только на открытом воздухе. Инструкции по сборке приведены в Руководстве по сборке. Не игнорировать.
Этот документ содержит важную информацию об опасностях, связанных с продуктом, а также предупреждения и предостережения.