Weber Drehspie? Spirit: инструкция

Раздел: Профоборудование

Тип: Печь-коптильня

Инструкция к Печи-коптильне Weber Drehspie? Spirit



Fits Spirit


Series Gas Grills


Passar Spirit






Se Adapta A Las Barbacoas De Gas Spirit


Geschikt Voor Spirit






Barbecue A Gas Fits Spirit


Adaptable Aux Barbecues À Gaz Spirit




Compatível Com Os Grelhadores A Gás Spirit


Für Gasgrills Der Baureihen Spirit



Sopii Spirit



Pasuje Do Grillów Gazowych Spirit





Passer Til Spirit




Подходит для газовых грилей серии Spirit




Passer Til Spirit





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Read all instructions before using your rotisserie.

This rotisserie is for outdoor use only.

Remove motor and store in a dry place when not in use

Do not touch hot surfaces. Use barbecue mitts.

This rotisserie is not for use by children.

To protect against electrical hazards do not immerse cord, plugs, or motor in

water or other liquids.

Unplug the motor from outlet when not in use, or before cleaning.

Do not use rotisserie for other than intended use.

Make sure motor is off before placing it on the motor bracket.

Do not operate the rotisserie motor with a damaged cord or plug.

Do not operate the rotisserie motor if it malfunctions.

The rotisserie motor is equipped with a three prong (grounding) power cord for

your protection against shock hazard.

The power cord should be plugged directly into a properly grounded three

prong receptacle. If use of an extension cord is required, be sure that it is a

minimum 16 AWG, 3 wire well insulated cord, marked for OUTDOOR USE ONLY

and properly grounded.

When using an extension cord, make sure it is not in contact with hot or sharp


Outdoor extension cords should be marked with the letters “W-A and a tag

stating “Suitable for use with outdoor appliances”.

Do not cut or remove the grounding prong from the rotisserie motor power


Do not let cord hang over any sharp edge or hot surface.

Use only outdoors; do not expose to rain.

To reduce the risk of electric shock, keep extension cord connection dry and off

the ground.

A short power cord is supplied to reduce the risk of tripping over the cord.

Extension cords may be used, but caution must be taken to prevent tripping

over the cord.


Weber-Stephen Products Co., (Weber


) hereby warrants to the ORIGINAL PURCHASER, that it will be free from defects in material and workmanship from

the date of purchase as follows: 2 year(s) when assembled, and operated in accordance with the printed instructions accompanying it.

Weber may require reasonable proof of your date of purchase. THEREFORE, YOU SHOULD RETAIN YOUR SALES RECEIPT OR INVOICE AND RETURN


This Limited Warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of parts that prove defective under normal use and service and which on examination

shall indicate, to Webers satisfaction, that they are defective. If Weber confirms the defect and approves the claim, Weber will elect to repair or replace such

parts without charge. If you are required to return defective parts, transportation charges must be prepaid. Weber will return parts to the purchaser, freight or

postage prepaid.

This Limited Warranty does not cover any failures or operating difficulties due to accident, abuse, misuse, alteration, misapplication, vandalism, improper

installation or improper maintenance or service, or failure to perform normal and routine maintenance. Deterioration or damage due to severe weather

conditions such as hail, hurricanes, earthquakes or tornadoes, discolouration due to exposure to chemicals either directly or in the atmosphere, is not

covered by this Limited Warranty. Weber shall not be liable under this or any implied warranty for incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives

you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.

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1. Install the motor bracket

Attach the motor bracket to the right-hand

side of the cooking box, using the 1/4-20

fasteners (1) and the 1/4-20 Keps nuts (2).

2. Attach the motor

Slide the motor onto the motor bracket.

3. Put the spit forks on the rotisserie


Slide the forks onto the shaft so that the

tines are facing each other. Screw in the

thumb screws to hold the forks in place.

4. Insert the rotisserie shaft in the


Insert the pointed end of the rotisserie

shaft into the motor.

5. Set the rotisserie shaft on rotisserie

support block

Place the handle (1) end of rotisserie on

the support notch.



210 310&320

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1. Remove rotisserie shaft from barbecue. Remove one spit fork.

2. Push the rotisserie shaft through the approximate center of the food.

3. Slide the spit fork onto the shaft. Insert the tines of both spit forks into the food. The

food should be centered on the shaft. Tighten the thumb screws.

4. Place the rotisserie shaft on the cooking box. The grooves of the shaft should rest

in the cut-outs in the cooking box.

5. The rotisserie shaft should rotate so that the heavy side of the meat or poultry rotates

down to the bottom. Large cuts may require the removal of the cooking grates and

warming rack to allow full rotation of the shaft. Re-mount the food if necessary for

better balance.

6. Remove rotisserie shaft with food before preheating. Preheat barbecue for 10 minutes


with lid down. Follow cooking instructions in your Weber

gas barbecue cook book

and adjust the burners as indicated.

7. Place the motor into the bracket, slide to lock.

8. Insert the pointed end of the rotisserie shaft into the motor. Place the rotisserie shaft

with food on the cooking box.

9. Turn the motor on.


• Meat(exceptpoultryandmincedmeat)shouldbebroughttoroomtemperaturebefore

cooking. (20 to 30 minutes should be adequate for most foods. If frozen, defrost

completely before cooking.)

• Trussmeatorpoultrywithstring,ifnecessary,tomaketheshapeasuniformas

possible before putting it on the spit.

• Removecookinggratesandwarmingracktoallowfoodtoturnfreely.

• Ifyouwishtosavedrippingsforgravy,placeadrip-pandirectlyunderthefoodontop


of the Flavorizer


• Foodpreparationstepsarethesameforrotisseriecookingasforordinarycooking.

Indicated timing in the cook book will be the same.

• Allcookingshouldbeperformedwiththelidclosed.

• Iffoodsaretooheavyorareirregularinshape,theymaynotrotatewellandshould

be cooked by the Indirect Method, without using the rotisserie.

This symbol indicates that the product cannot be disposed of in the

trash. For instructions regarding proper disposal of this product in


Europe, please visit

, and contact the importer listed

for your country. If you do not have internet access, contact your

dealer for the importer’s name, address and telephone number.

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Lea todas las instrucciones antes de utilizar el asador giratorio.

Este asador giratorio sólo puede usarse al aire libre.

Quite el motor y guárdelo en un lugar seco cuando no lo utilice.

No toque las superficies calientes. Utilice guantes protectores

específicos para barbacoas.

El asador giratorio no debe ser utilizado por niños.

Para evitar descargas eléctricas, no sumerja el cable, los enchufes o el

motor del dispositivo en agua u otros líquidos.

Desconecte el motor de la toma de corriente cuando no lo utilice o

antes de limpiar el asador.

No utilice el asador giratorio para fines distintos al que le corresponde.

Asegúrese de que el motor esté apagado antes de colocarlo en su


No utilice el motor del asador giratorio si el cable o el enchufe

presentan daños.

No utilice el motor del asador giratorio si funciona mal.

Cuando utilice un cable de extensión, asegúrese de que no entre en

contacto con una superficie caliente o afilada.

No deje que el cable cuelgue de ninguna superficie afilada o caliente.

Utilícelo solamente al aire libre y no lo exponga a la lluvia.

Para reducir el riesgo de descargas eléctricas, mantenga la conexión

del cable de extensión seca y lejos del suelo.

Se suministra un cable de alimentación corto para reducir el riesgo de

tropezar con el mismo. Se pueden utilizar cables de extensión, pero

hay que tener cuidado de no tropezarse.

Utilice solamente cables de extensión etiquetados PARA USO AL AIRE

LIBRE y para usar con dispositivos que puedan utilizarse al aire libre.


Weber-Stephen Products Co., (Weber


) por la presente garantiza al COMPRADOR ORIGINAL, que el producto estará libre de defectos de material y

mano de obra a partir de la fecha de compra y durante los 2 años siguientes, siempre que se haya montado y manejado de acuerdo con las instrucciones

impresas que lo acompañan.

Weber puede solicitar una prueba razonable de la fecha de compra. POR LO TANTO, DEBE CONSERVAR EL RECIBO O FACTURA DE COMPRA Y


Esta garantía limitada se limita a la reparación o sustitución de las piezas que resulten defectuosas en unas condiciones de uso y mantenimiento normales,

y que al examinarlas indiquen, a la satisfacción de Weber, que son defectuosas. Si Weber confirma el defecto y aprueba la reclamación, Weber decidirá

reparar o sustituir las piezas sin cargo alguno. Si se le solicita que devuelva las piezas defectuosas, los gastos de transporte se deberán pagar previamente.

Weber devolverá las piezas al comprador, con los gastos de transporte o de envío por correo previamente pagados.

Esta garantía limitada no cubre fallos ni problemas de funcionamiento debidos a accidente, abuso, uso incorrecto, alteración, aplicación indebida,

vandalismo, instalación inadecuada, mantenimiento o servicio inadecuados, o si no se realiza un mantenimiento normal y habitual. El deterioro o los daños

debidos a condiciones meteorológicas inclementes como granizo, huracanes, terremotos o tornados, la decoloración debida a la exposición a productos

químicos, ya sea directamente o de la atmósfera, no están cubiertos por esta garantía limitada. Weber no se hace responsable bajo esta u otra garantía

implícita de ningún daño indirecto o consecuente. Esta garantía le otorga derechos legales específicos, y puede que otros derechos, que varían en función

del estado.

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Аннотация для Печи-коптильни Weber Drehspie? Spirit в формате PDF