Naim Audio NAC-N 272: инструкция

Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Ресивер/Усилитель

Инструкция к Ресиверу/Усилителю Naim Audio NAC-N 272





NAC-N 272

NAC-N 272




Modules FCC ID:




dig. 2

dig. 3


dig. 4

dig. 5 dig. 6



NAC-N 272

IEC mains supply

Wired network

S/PDIF digital audio signal

Optional power supply upgrade

Gerätestecker Netzstrom


Digitalsignal S/PDIF

Upgrade-Netzteil (optional)

Alimentation secteur CEI

Réseau laire

Signal audio numérique S/PDIF

Mise à niveau de l’alimentation électrique en option

IEC netvoeding

Bedraad netwerk

S/PDIF digitaal audiosignaal

Optionele opgewaardeerde voedingseenheid

Suministro de red IEC

Red cableada

Señal de audio digital S/PDIF

Actualización opcional de la fuente de alimentación

Alimentazione IEC

Rete cablata

Segnale audio digitale S/PDIF

Upgrade opzionale alimentatore

Zasilanie sieciowe IEC

Sieć przewodowa

S/PDIF cyfrowy sygnał audio

Opcjonalny zasilacz mocy

Питающая сеть в соответствии с IEC

Проводная сеть

Цифровой аудиосигнал S/PDIF

Опция по обновлению источника питания

IEC 电源


S/PDIF 数字音频信号


IEC 전원

유선 네트워크

S/PDIF 디지털 오디오 신호

옵션 전원공급장치 업그레이드

Signal Ground Switch

RC5 remote control signal

USB digital audio data

Optional nalogue radio signal (FM)


Fernbedienungssignal RC5


Tunersignal analog (optional) (UKW)

Interrupteur masse signal

Signal de commande à distance RC5

Données audio numérique USB

Signal radio analogique en option (FM)


Signaal van RC5-afstandsbediening

USB digitale audiodata

Optioneel analoog radiosignaal (FM)

Interruptor puesta a tierra de señal

Señal de control remoto RC5

Datos de audio digitales USB

Señal de radio analógica opcional (FM)

Interruttore di terra del segnale

Segnale telecomando RC5

Audio digitale USB dati

Segnale radio analogico opzionale (FM)

Przełącznik sygnału uziemienia

Sygnał zdalnego sterowania RC5

USB cyfrowe dane audio

Sygnał opcjonalnego radia analogowego (FM)

Сигнальный переключатель заземления

Сигнал дистанционного управления RC5

USB цифровые аудиоданные

Дополнительный аналоговый радиосигнал (FM)


RC5 远程控制信号

USB 数字音频数据


신호 접지 스위치

RC5 리모콘 신호

USB 디지털 오디오 데이터

아날로그 라디오 신호(옵션)

Wi-Fi aerial


Firmware Upgrade socket


Optional igital radio signal (DAB)




Tunersignal digital (optional) (DAB)


Antenne Wi-Fi

Socket de mise à jour logicielle


Signal radio numérique en option (DAB)


Aansluiting voor rmware-upgrade


Optioneel digitaal radiosignaal (DAB)

Antena Wi-Fi

Toma de actualización del rmware


Señal de radio digital opcional (DAB)

Antenna wi-

Presa per l’upgrade del rmware


Segnale radio digitale opzionale (DAB)

Antena Wi-Fi

Gniazdo aktualizacji oprogramowania


Sygnał opcjonalnego radia cyfrowego (DAB)

Антенна для W-Fi

Модификация интерфейсаобеспечения


Дополнительный цифровой аудиосигнал (DAB)

Wi-Fi 天线



数字广播信号 (可选) (DAB)

Wi-Fi 안테나

펌웨어 업그레이드 단자


디지털 라디오 신호 (옵션) (DAB)




Analogue signal



Antenne Bluetooth

Signal analogique


Analoog signaal

Antena Bluetooth

Señal analógica

Antenna Bluetooth

Segnale analogico

Antena Bluetooth

Sygnał analogowy

Антенна для Bluetooth

Аналоговый сигнал

Bluetooth 天线


Bluetooth 안테나

아날로그 신호

NAC-N 272 • English

1. Installing and Connecting

Note: Full NAC-N 272 installation and operational information can be

found in the Reference Manual available at:

1.1 Stand your NAC-N 272 on an appropriate, stable surface. Make sure it is well ventilated.

1.2 Check that the mains voltage specified on the NAC-N 272 rear panel is appropriate for your country. Insert the supplied power

Note 1.2: If your NAC-N 272 is to be powered by an external power supply,

supply upgrade link plug in the rear panel Burndy socket and connect the NAC-N 272 to the mains supply using the supplied

remove the power supply upgrade link plug and connect the external

mains cable. Do not switch on the NAC-N 272 until all other connections have been made.

power supply using the appropriate Burndy cable. Do not connect the

NAC-N 272 mains cable.

1.3 Identify the rear panel Signal Ground Switch and select the chassis option unless your NAC-N 272 is connected in a hi-fi

system incorporating another earthed source component (all Naim CD players, for example), or mains hum is audible through

Important: XPS power supplies with serial numbers below 188015 are not

the speakers when it is switched on.

compatible with the NAC-N 272 and should not be used. Contact your

local retailer or distributor for more information.

1.4 If the optional DAB/FM Radio Module is fitted, a suitable aerial should be connected to the DAB/FM aerial socket.

Note 1.5: The NAC-N 272 RCA phono preamp output sockets are disabled

1.5 Connect a power amplifier, active crossover or multiple power amplifiers to one or both of the NAC-N 272 preamp output

by default. They can be enabled in the Analogue Outputs setup menu.

sockets. NAC-N 272 preamp output sockets are also suitable for the connection of a subwoofer. Your Naim retailer will be able

Setup 1/10

Enter Setup Mode by pressing the handset

to supply appropriate cables if required.

setup ( ) key. Navigate setup menus by


using the navigation (563) keys. Select

1.6 To play audio from internet radio stations, UPnP™ servers, Spotify


Connect, or other Naim streamer units the NAC-N 272


4 Analogue O utputs

options by pressing the ok/list key. Leave

must be connected to the internet via a network router. Either connect the NAC-N 272 network socket to your network router


Setup Mode by pressing the setup or exit

using an Ethernet cable, or connect the supplied Wi-Fi antenna to the rear panel Wi-Fi aerial socket.


1.7 For NAC-N 272 to play audio from Bluetooth


streaming devices, the supplied Bluetooth antenna must be attached to the rear

Note 1.7 & 1.8: NAC-N 272 is supplied with both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

panel Bluetooth aerial socket.

aerials. Each aerial must be fitted to the correct rear panel aerial socket.

The Bluetooth aerial is the shorter one of the two.

1.8 If your NAC-N 272 is to play audio files stored on a USB storage device, such as an iOS device or a memory stick, connect it,

using an appropriate cable if necessary, to the front panel USB socket.

Note 1.9: Most UMS (Universal Mass Storage) USB devices are compatible

1.9 If any external audio sources are to be used with your NAC-N 272, connect them using the appropriate cables to one or more

with the NAC-N 272 USB audio input. Such devices might include portable

of the rear panel analogue or digital inputs.

digital music players, smart-phones, tablet computers, USB memory sticks

and memory card readers.

2. Switching On and Getting Started

Note 2.1: If your NAC-N 272 is left unused it will switch to displaying the

2.1 Once all connections have been made, switch on your NAC-N 272 using either its rear panel on/off switch or the external

time after two minutes. This delay time can be adjusted via the setup

power supply on/off. The NAC-N 272 will display a welcome screen and select its Analogue 1 input or, if it has been previously

menus. If the clock is not set it will display “No Time.

used, the last input selected.

2.2 For initial setup purposes your NAC-N 272 is best controlled from its remote handset. Use the navigation (56) keys to select

inputs or menu items and the ok/list key to confirm selections. To return to a previous menu use the left (3) key.

2.3 The NAC-N 272 interface language can be changed. Enter Setup Mode and select Language.

NAC-N 272 • English

2.4 NAC-N 272 is configured when shipped to connect to wired TCP/IP home networks automatically. However, if your NAC-N 272

Network Settings 1/5

has been previously used and its network configuration altered, or your router requires nonstandard settings, it may not be

4Name: 272-XXXX

able to do so. Refer to the Reference Manual if this appears to be the case.

Wireless: Not Used

Status: Not Connected

If a wireless network connection is to be used, your NAC-N 272 will require configuration to join the network. Enter Setup


Mode and select the Network Settings option to configure the NAC-N 272 wireless settings.

2.5 To adjust the NAC-N 272 volume use either the front panel volume knob or the handset volume keys.

3. Selecting Inputs

Note 3: The Naim app, available from the iTunes App Store and Google

Play Store, enables wireless touch screen control from iOS and Android

3.1 NAC-N 272 inputs can be selected by pressing the front panel input button, the handset navigation (56) keys or one of the


handset input selection keys.

3.2 Pressing one of the handset input selection keys either selects a single input or scrolls through a group of inputs. To modify

the key assignments enter Setup Mode and select Handset Buttons.

3.3 When NAC-N 272 is connected to a network with high speed internet access it will automatically download a list of available

Internet Radio 3/8

internet radio stations. When the iRadio input is subsequently selected, a menu will be displayed that lists all the available

Added stations

stations. Use the handset navigation (563) and ok/list keys to browse the list and select stations.

Naim’s Choice


3.4 NAC-N 272 can play Spotify


streams via the Spotify


Connect facility incorporated in some Spotify


player apps. When


Note 3.4: The default NAC-N 272 network

in receipt of a Spotify


stream, the NAC-N 272 will automatically select its Spotify


input. Once Spotify


playback is

name (272-XXXX) incorporates the last four

established, it can be controlled using the Spotify


app, the Naim app or the NAC-N 272 handset or front panel controls.

characters of the unit’s MAC address. The

full MAC address is listed in the Network

3.5 NAC-N 272 can play audio streams over a Bluetooth wireless connection from appropriately equipped playback devices.

Settings menu.

Bluetooth 1/5

NAC-N 272 is configured by default to require “pairing” with a Bluetooth streaming device before it can play a Bluetooth audio

4Enabled: Yes

stream. To pair a NAC-N 272 with a Bluetooth device select the Bluetooth input and press the handset play/pause key ( ). The

Note 3.5: The default NAC-N 272 Bluetooth

Name: Bluetooth

NAC-N 272 will become available for pairing in the Bluetooth device setup menu. Once successfully paired with the Bluetooth

Input Trim: 0

name (NAC272 BT XXXX) incorporates

device, the NAC-N 272 will be available to the audio apps on the device. NAC-N 272 will switch automatically to its Bluetooth

Discovery: NAC272 BT X.

the last four characters of the units MAC

input when in receipt of a Bluetooth stream. The NAC-N 272 Bluetooth input setup menu offers further Bluetooth configuration


options including “open” pairing.

3.6 When an iOS or other USB memory device is connected to the front panel USB socket and the USB input is selected, your

USB/iPod 4/18

NAC-N 272 will display a menu structure that reflects the device. Use the handset navigation (563) and ok/list keys to

Sing Loud.wav

browse and select content. Press the handset play/pause key ( ) to play a file or the entire contents of a folder, album or

Grace and Danger.wav


Song 44.wav

4I Was A Cloud.wav

NAC-N 272 • English

3.7 When the NAC-N 272 UPnP™ input is selected, a list of available UPnP™ servers on the network will be displayed. Use the

UPnP 3/3

Note 3.7: UPnP™ servers incorporate

handset navigation (563) and ok/list keys to browse and select server content. Press the handset play/pause key

software that enables the NAC-N 272 to


( ) to play the selected item.


access and play their stored audio over


the network. A UPnP™ server might be

3.8 The DAB tuner must search for stations before it can be used. Select the DAB input and press the handset ok/list key to begin

a Naim UnitiServe hard disk player or a

the search. When the search is complete the first station will be played. Further stations can be selected by pressing the

home computer. Some Network Attached

handset previous ( ) or next ( ) keys.



Storage (NAS) drives also incorporate a

UPnP™ application. A variety of third party

3.9 To use the FM tuner, select the FM input and press the handset previous ( ) or next ( ) keys. The tuner will search for

No Stations

UPnP™ server applications are available

stations and stop each time one is found (providing the opportunity to save the station as a preset). To recommence the search

Press list to rescan

that are compatible with both Windows

press the previous ( ) or next ( ) key again. Station information and scrolling text will be displayed if it is broadcast by the

and OS X operating systems, however


Windows Media™ Player version 11 or



above incorporates a built in UPnP™ server

3.10 Up to 40 FM, DAB and iRadio stations can be stored as presets. To save the current station as a preset, press the handset store


key. Pressing the handset preset key will display a list of stored presets covering the three tuner modes. Use the handset

94.20 MHz

navigation (56) and ok/list keys to browse and select presets.

3.11 When the DAB, FM, iRadio, UPnP™ and iPod/USB inputs are selected the handset info ( ) key can be used to display

Presets 1/3

supplementary information about the input or currently playing media.

4Store ‘94.20 MHz

Rename A Preset

4. Using List Mode and Controlling Playback

Delete A Preset

4.1 Pressing the front panel ok/list button or handset ok/list key will switch the NAC-N 272 into List Mode and display a list of the

available items for the currently selected input.

4.2 In list mode the NAC-N 272 front panel buttons and handset keys provide list navigation. To scroll up and down lists and select

Note 4.2: Exceptions to the normal list

items use the navigation (563) and ok/list buttons or keys. To return to normal display press the front panel exit button or

mode behaviour are the FM radio, Spotify



the handset exit key. In many long item lists the handset numeric keys can be used to jump through the list alphabetically.

Bluetooth, Multiroom and external inputs.

When the FM input is selected, pressing

4.3 An item can be selected for playback from list mode by navigating to the item and selecting it by pressing ok/list or play.

the list button or ok/list key will display a

During playback from the iPod, USB, Spotify


, UPnP™ and Bluetooth inputs, the front panel buttons or handset transport keys

mono selection option. When the Spotify



( ) can be used to control play/pause, previous, next or stop functions.

Bluetooth, Multiroom or any external inputs

are selected the front panel list button and

handset ok/list key have no function.

Аннотация для Ресивера/Усилителя Naim Audio NAC-N 272 в формате PDF