Microlife BP A80: инструкция
Характеристики, спецификации
Инструкция к Тонометру Microlife BP A80

Europe / Middle-East / Africa
Microlife AG
Espenstrasse 139
9443 Widnau / Switzerland
Tel. +41 / 71 727 70 30
Fax +41 / 71 727 70 39
Email admin@microlife.ch
Microlife Corporation.
9F, 431, RuiGang Road, NeiHu
Taipei, 114, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel. 886 2 8797-1288
Fax.886 2 8797-1283
Email service@microlife.com.tw
North / Central / South America
Microlife USA, Inc.
1617 Gulf to Bay Blvd., 2nd Floor Ste A
Microlife BP A80
Clearwater, FL 33755 / USA
Tel. +1 727 442 5353
EN Ä 1
BG Ä 58
Fax +1 727 442 5377
Email msa@microlifeusa.com
FR Ä 8
RO Ä 64
ES Ä 14
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PT Ä 20
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DE Ä 26
TR Ä 82
NL Ä 32
GR Ä 88
RU Ä 38
AR Ä 94
PL Ä 46
FA Ä 100
HU Ä 52
IB BP A80 V17 4211

Microlife BP A80
267 3
8 AK
18 9 4
Guarantee Card BP A80
Name of Purchaser / Nom de l'acheteur / Nombre del comprador / Nome
do comprador / Name des Käufers / Naam koper / Ф.И.О. покупателя /
Imię i nazwisko nabywcy / Vásárló neve
/ Име на купувача /
Jméno kupujícího
Meno zákazníka
/ Alıcının Adı /
Ονοματεπώνυμο αγοραστή / /
ØĮęĸŤşº Ţijº
Serial Number / Numéro de série / Número de serie / Número de série /
Serien-Nr. / Serienummer / Серийный номер /
Numer seryjny
Сериен номер /
Număr de serie
Výrobní číslo
Výrobné číslo
/ Seri Numarası / Αριθμός σειράς / /
Date of Purchase / Date d'achat / Fecha de compra / Data da compra /
Kaufdatum/ Datum van aankoop / Дата покупки /
Data zakupu
Vásárlás dátuma
/ Дата на закупуване /
Data cumpărării
Dátum kúpy
/ Satın Alma Tarihi / Ημερομηνία αγοράς /
Specialist Dealer / Revendeur / Vendedor especializado / Revendedor
autorizado / Fachhändler / Specialist Dealer / Специализированный
дилер /
/ Специалист дистрибутор /
Distribuitor de specialitate
Specializovaný dealer
/ Uzman Satıcı / Εξειδικευμένος αντιπρόσωπος /
ﺪﺮﺧ ﺎﻧ
ﺎﺮﺳ ﺎﻤﺷ
´ºĮĸşº ĦųÄďĘ
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ĺęĨŤşº Įğďęşº
ﺺﺼﺨﺘﻣ ﺪﻨﺷﺮﻓ

Microlife BP A80
ON/OFF Button
Dear Customer,
Your new Microlife blood pressure monitor is a reliable medical
Slot-in Card
instrument for taking measurements on the upper arm. It is simple
Cuff Socket
to use, accurate and comes highly recommended for blood pres-
Pump Ball Socket
sure monitoring in your home. This instrument was developed in
collaboration with physicians and clinical tests proving its
Cuff Compartment
measurement accuracy to be very high.*
Battery Compartment
Please read through these instructions carefully so that you under-
stand all functions and safety information. We want you to be
Cuff Connector
happy with your Microlife product. If you have any questions, prob-
Pump Ball
lems or want to order spare parts, please contact Microlife-
Pump Ball Connector
Customer Service. Your dealer or pharmacy will be able to give you
Quick-acting Discharge Valve
the address of the Microlife dealer in your country. Alternatively,
visit the Internet at www.microlife.com where you will find a
wealth of invaluable information on our products.
Heart Arrhythmia Indicator
Pulse Rate
Stay healthy – Microlife AG!
Battery Display
* This instrument uses the same measuring technology as the
Stored Value
«BP 3BTO-H» model tested according to the protocol of the Euro-
Systolic Value
pean Society for Hypertension (ESH).
Diastolic Value
Air Pump-up
Air Discharge
Type BF applied part
Read the instructions carefully before using this device.
1BP A80

Table of Contents
The instrument also indicates the pulse rate (the number of
1. Important Facts about Blood Pressure and Self-
times the heart beats in a minute).
Permanently high blood pressure values can damage
• How do I evaluate my blood pressure?
your health and must be treated by your doctor!
2. Using the Instrument for the First Time
Always discuss your values with your doctor and tell him/her if
• Activating the fitted batteries
you have noticed anything unusual or feel unsure. Never rely
• Selecting the correct cuff
on single blood pressure readings.
• Connecting the pump ball
Enter your readings in the enclosed blood pressure diary. This
3. Taking a Blood Pressure Measurement using this
will give your doctor a quick overview.
There are many causes of excessively
high blood pressure va-
4. Appearance of the Heart Arrhythmia Indicator for early
. Your doctor will explain them in more detail and offer treat-
ment where appropriate. Besides medication, relaxation techni-
5. Data Memory
ques, weight loss and exercise can also lower your blood pressure.
6. Replacing the Slot-in Card
Under no circumstances should you alter the dosages of
7. Battery Indicator and Battery change
any drugs prescribed by your doctor!
• Low battery
Depending on physical exertion and condition, blood pressure is
• Flat battery – replacement
subject to wide fluctuations as the day progresses.
You should
therefore take your measurements in the same quiet condi-
• Which batteries and which procedure?
tions and when you feel relaxed!
Take at least two measure-
• Using rechargeable batteries
ments per day, one in the morning and one in the evening.
8. Error Messages
It is quite normal for two measurements taken in quick succes-
9. Safety, Care, Accuracy Test and Disposal
sion to produce significantly different results.
• Safety and protection
Deviations between measurements taken by your doctor or in
• Instrument care
the pharmacy and those taken at home are quite normal, as
• Cleaning the cuff
these situations are completely different.
• Accuracy test
Several measurements provide a much clearer picture than
• Disposal
just one single measurement.
10. Guarantee
Leave a small break of at least 15 seconds between two
11. Technical Specifications
Guarantee Card
If you are pregnant, you should monitor your blood pressure
very closely as it can change drastically during this time!
If you suffer from an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia, see
«Section 4.»), measurements taken with this instrument should
only be evaluated after consultation with your doctor.
1. Important Facts about Blood Pressure and Self-
The pulse display is not suitable for checking the
frequency of heart pacemakers!
Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood flowing in the
arteries generated by the pumping of the heart. Two values, the
systolic (upper) value and the diastolic (lower) value, are
always measured.

How do I evaluate my blood pressure?
Connecting the pump ball
Table for classifying blood pressure values in adults in accordance
Connect the pump ball AT to the instrument by firmly inserting the
with the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2003. Data in mmHg.
connector AK into the pump ball socket 5.
Range Systolic Diastolic Recommendation
3. Taking a Blood Pressure Measurement using this
blood pressure too low z 100 z 60 Consult your doctor
1. blood pressure optimum 100 - 120 60 - 80 Self-check
Checklist for taking a reliable measurement
2. blood pressure normal 120 - 130 80 - 85 Self-check
1. Avoid activity, eating or smoking immediately before the
3. blood pressure slightly
130 - 140 85 - 90 Consult your doctor
2. Sit down for at least 5 minutes before the measurement and
4. blood pressure too high 140 - 160 90 - 100 Seek medical advice
5. blood pressure far too
160 - 180 100 - 110 Seek medical advice
3. Always measure on the same arm (normally left).
6. blood pressure danger-
180 y 110 y Urgently seek
4. Remove close-fitting garments from the upper arm. To avoid
ously high
medical advice!
constriction, shirt sleeves should not be rolled up - they do
The higher value is the one that determines the evaluation.
not interfere with the cuff if they are laid flat.
Example: a readout value between 150/85 or 120/98 mmHg indi-
5. Always ensure that the cuff is positioned correctly, as shown
cates «blood pressure too high».
in the pictures illustrated on the short instruction card.
The slot-in card 3 on the front of the instrument shows ranges
• Fit the cuff closely, but not too tight.
1-6 in the Table.
• Make sure that the cuff is 2 cm (0.75 inch) above your
elbow with the tube on the inside of your arm.
2. Using the Instrument for the First Time
• Support your arm so it is relaxed.
Activating the fitted batteries
• Ensure that the cuff is at the same height as your heart.
Pull out the protective strip projecting from the battery compart-
6. Switch on the instrument and wait until «0» appears in the
ment 7.
display and the arrow «S» BT starts to flash.
Selecting the correct cuff
7. Take the pump ball in your free hand (the arm you are not
Microlife offers 3 different cuff sizes: S, M and L. Select the cuff
measuring from) and pump up the cuff. Watch the pressure
size to match the circumference of your upper arms (measured by
indication in the display and pump approx. 40 mmHg higher
close fitting in the centre of the upper arm). M is the correct size
than the expected systolic value (the upper value). If you
for most people.
have not pumped enough, a flashing arrow «S» BT will
Cuff size for circumference of upper arm
appear telling you to pump higher.
S 17 - 22 cm (6.75 - 8.75 inches)
After pumping, the measurement is taken automatically. Relax,
do not move and do not tense your arm muscles until the mea-
M 22 - 32 cm (8.75 - 12.5 inches)
surement result is displayed. Breathe normally and do not talk.
L 32 - 42 cm (12.5 - 16.5 inches)
During the measurement, the heart symbol
flashes in the
Only use Microlife cuffs.
display and a beep sounds every time a heartbeat is detected.
Contact Microlife Service if the enclosed cuff 8 does not fit.
10. The result, comprising the systolic AQ and the diastolic AR
Connect the cuff to the instrument by inserting the cuff
blood pressure and the pulse AS is displayed and longer beep
connector 9 into the cuff socket 4 as far as it will go.
is heard. Note also the explanations on further displays in
this booklet.
3BP A80

11. When the measurement has finished, press the quick-acting
6. Replacing the Slot-in Card
discharge valve AL in order to release any remaining air in
You can replace the slot-in card 3 by pulling it out to the side, as
the cuff. Remove the cuff and pack it into the instrument as
shown in Fig. IV and replacing the paper insert.
shown in Fig. II.
It may be helpful to have your doctor note down the medication
12. Enter the result in the enclosed blood pressure pass and
dosage or an emergency telephone number on the card. Extra
switch off the instrument. (The monitor does switch off auto-
cards are supplied with the instrument for this purpose.
matically after approx. 1 min.).
7. Battery Indicator and Battery change
You can interrupt the measurement at any time by pressing
the quick-acting discharge valve AL (e.g. if you feel uneasy
Low battery
or notice an unpleasant pressure sensation).
When the batteries are approximately ¾ empty the battery symbol
AO will flash as soon as the instrument is switched on (partly filled
4. Appearance of the Heart Arrhythmia Indicator for
battery displayed). Although the instrument will continue to
early Detection
measure reliably, you should obtain replacement batteries.
This symbol AM indicates that certain pulse irregularities were
Flat battery – replacement
detected during the measurement. In this case, the result may
When the batteries are flat, the battery symbol
will flash as soon
deviate from your normal blood pressure – repeat the measure-
as the instrument is switched on (flat battery displayed). You cannot
ment. In most cases, this is no cause for concern. However, if the
take any further measurements and must replace the batteries.
symbol appears on a regular basis (e.g. several times a week with
1. Open the battery compartment 7 at the back of the instrument
measurements taken daily) we advise you to tell your doctor.
by pushing inwards at the two arrows and pulling out the
Please show your doctor the following explanation:
battery compartment cover.
2. Replace the batteries – ensure correct polarity as shown by the
Information for the doctor on frequent appearance of the
symbols in the compartment.
Arrhythmia indicator
This instrument is an oscillometric blood pressure monitor that
Which batteries and which procedure?
also analyses pulse frequency during measurement. The instru-
Use 4 new, long-life 1.5V, size AA batteries.
ment is clinically tested.
Do not use batteries beyond their date of expiry.
The arrhythmia symbol is displayed after the measurement, if
Remove batteries if the instrument is not going to be used
pulse irregularities occur during measurement. If the symbol
for a prolonged period.
appears more frequently (e.g. several times per week on
Using rechargeable batteries
measurements performed daily) we recommend the patient to
You can also operate this instrument using rechargeable batteries.
seek medical advice.
Only use «NiMH» type reusable batteries.
The instrument does not replace a cardiac examination, but
serves to detect pulse irregularities at an early stage.
Batteries must be removed and recharged when the flat
battery symbol appears. They should not remain inside the
5. Data Memory
instrument as they may become damaged (total discharge as
a result of low use of the instrument, even when switched off).
This instrument always stores the last result at the end of the
measurement. To call up the value, press and hold down the
Always remove the rechargeable batteries if you do not
intend to use the instrument for a week or more.
ON/OFF button 1 (the instrument must be switched off first). All
display elements are now shown. Release the button when you
Batteries cannot be charged in the blood pressure monitor.
Recharge batteries in an external charger and observe the
see the stored reading value and the letter «M».
information regarding charging, care and durability.