Villaware BLVLLAZ05H: recipes 

recipes : Villaware BLVLLAZ05H

recipes 

Blueberry Coulis

Pineapple-Mango Salsa

225 g blueberries

½ medium red pepper, cut in 4 pieces

28-43 g icing sugar

½ medium red onion, cut in 4 pieces


Place blueberries in blender and

cut in 4 pieces


230 g pineapple chunks

230 g fresh mango chunks


14 g lime juice


230 g rinsed, drained black beans

Tortilla chips

Tangy Ginger Marinade

In the jar, place all ingredients, except beans

235 ml soy sauce


155 ml honey


155 ml oil

21 g white wine vinegar


3 crushed garlic cloves


14 g fresh chopped ginger

2 limes, peeled



Spinach and Pecan Pesto



60 g basil leaves

120 g baby spinach leaves


120 ml extra virgin olive oil

230 g pecans

Chilli Marinade

75 g freshly shredded Parmesan cheese

140 g hot chillies

2 garlic cloves, chopped

28 g rosemary


28 g basil

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

28 g thyme

28 g parsley


28 g mustard seed


1 small lime, peeled

1 small orange, peeled


9 g salt

28 g white vinegar

Avocado Dip


2 large ripe avocados


450 g sour cream

2 tomatoes


4 spring onions, with green


20 g lemon juice

Add all other ingredients to blender and

Hot pepper sauce to taste





for up to 24 hours depending on strength



Place all ingredients in blender jar and pulse


Place in separate dish, cover and chill for



recipes 

Andalusia Gazpacho

100 g day old bread

800 g ripe red tomatoes, peeled

1 cucumber

2 green peppers, seedless

1 peeled garlic clove

100 ml virgin olive oil

14 g vinegar

750 ml water

Salt to taste






Add the soaked bread, salt, vinegar and


little by little until the desired consistency is


Place in a separate container and chill in the




690 g red pepper

460 g red onion

115 g celery

260 g cucumber

5 g minced garlic

60 ml red wine vinegar

475 ml vegetable juice


5 g cumin





Add garlic and vinegar to the blender and


Add vegetable juice, cayenne and cumin to


Pour puree over remaining half of


