LG KG245: Organiser

Organiser: LG KG245


Calendar Menu 4.1

Add new (Menu 4.1.1)


When you enter this menu a Calendar will show up.

Allows you to add new schedule and memo for the

On top of the screen there are sections for date.

chosen day. You can store up to 20 notes.

Whenever you change the date, the calendar will be

Input the subject and then press left soft key

updated according to the date. And square cursor will

[OK]. You enter the appropriate information in the

be used to locate the certain day. If you see under bar

follow section; Time, Repeat and Alarm.

on the calendar, it means that there is a schedule or

memo that day. This function helps to remind you of


your schedule and memo. The phone will sound an


Agenda events and wake up alarms won't work if

alarm tone if you set this for the note.

the phone is OFF.

To change the day, month, and year.

View (Menu 4.1.2)

Key Description

View all schedules and memo for the chosen day. Use


, to browse through the note lists. If you set


alarm for the note, the alarm icon is displayed.


If you want to view the note in detail, press left soft


key [OK]. Press left soft key [Options] to delete,

edit the note you selected.

In the scheduler mode, press left soft key

[Options] as follows;




View all (Menu 4.1.3)


Shows the notes that are set for all days. Use ,


to browse through the note lists. If you want to view


If you want to change the text input mode, press

the note in detail, press left soft key [OK].

the in order.

Delete past (Menu 4.1.4)

You can delete the past schedule that has been already

notified you.

Delete all (Menu 4.1.5)

You can delete for the all notes.

Memo Menu 4.2

Memo function allow to freely write memos (max 39

characters). Differently from the Agenda events, there

are no alarms for Memo.

1. Select the Memo by pressing the left soft key


2. If being empty, Add new by pressing the left soft key


3. Input the memo and then press left soft key