Zelmer SC1002 – страница 3
Инструкция к Пароварке Zelmer SC1002

Використовуйте посудину для рису (2). Одночасно з рисом влийте потрібну кількість води.
Продукт Вид Кількість/кільк. води Час готування [хв.] Рекомендації
Рис Білий 200 г/300 мл 35-40 Дві порції
Чищення і догляд (Мал. C)
Установіть час варіння на 25 хвилин.
Завжди перед чищенням перевірте, чи ручка тай-
Якщо оцет почне кипіти та вихлюпува-
мера знаходиться у положенні «OFF», а штепсельна
тися на підставку, вимкніть регулятор
вилка приєднувального кабелю витягнута з розетки
часу приготування страви (таймер) та
відключіть пристрій від електромережі.
Потрібно дещо зменшити кількість оцту.
Пристрій можна чистити лише після його
повного охолодження.
Коли пристрій подасть звуковий сигнал, відклю-
чіть пароварку від електроживлення та залиште до
Вийміть парові миски, піднос для стікання води, випо-
повного охолодження, а потім вилийте оцет.
рожніть його, а також вилийте воду із ємкості для води
Промийте ємкість. Для цього декілька разів налийте
та протріть ємкість вологою ганчіркою.
в ємкість холодну воду та вилийте її. Висушіть
Помийте всі частини пристрою (крім ємкості для
води з нагрівальним елементом (грілкою) теплою водою
з додаванням рідини для миття посуду.
Ємкість для води із нагрівальним елемен-
том (грілкою) не можна мити під проточ-
Вищевказані елементи пароварки також можна мити на
ною водою, ані занурювати ємкість у воду.
верхньому рівні посудомийки, використовуючи корот-
кий цикл миття. Однак, їх постійне миття у посудомийці
може призвести до незначної втрати блиску зовнішньої
Екологія – давайте дбати про навколишнє
поверхні та її помутніння.
Витріть на сухо кожен елемент.
Кожна людина може зробити свій внесок
Ємкість для води із нагрівальним елемен-
у справу охорони природи. Це зовсім не
том (грілкою) не можна мити під проточ-
складно і не потребує витрат. Для цього
ною водою ані занурювати ємкість у воду.
слід: здати картонну упаковку у пункт при-
йому макулатури, а поліетиленові пакети
Для миття корпусу нагрівального елементу (грілки) не
викинути у контейнер для пластмаси.
використовуйте агресивні миючи засоби (детергенти)
Зношений пристрій слід віддати у відповідний пункт при-
у вигляді емульсій, молочка, паст тощо. Вони можуть,
йому, адже його конструктивні елементи можуть бути
серед іншого, усунути нанесені інформаційні графічні
небезпечними для навколишнього середовища.
символи, такі як: поділки, позначення, попереджувальні
значки та ін.
Не викидайте пристрій разом з побутовими
Усування каменю із ємкості для води
Через 2-3 місяці безперервної експлуатації у ємкості для
води з нагрівальним елементом (грілкою) (13) може від-
кластися камінь. Це нормальне явище. Кількість каменю
залежить від твердості води. Необхідно регулярно усу-
вати камінь, щоб забезпечити стабільну кількість утворе-
ної пари та продовжити період придатності пароварки до
Наповніть ємкість для води
(13) білим (не темним)
оцтом до рівня Max.
Не використовуйте для усування каменю
ні хімічні речовини, ані засоби для усування
каменю, доступні у торгівельній мережі.
Підключіть пристрій до розетки електромережі. Під
час цього процесу піднос для стікання води (8), парові
миски (3), (5), (7) і кришка (1) повинні знаходитися на
своїх місцях.

Транспортування і зберігання
Транспорутвання виробу може здійснюватись усіма
видами транспорту відповідно до вимог та правил які
діють на конкретному виді транспорту.
Під час перевезення повинна бути усунена можливість
переміщенння виробів всередині тарнспорного засобу.
Під час транспротування залізницею перевезення
повинно здійснюватися у критих вагонах або контей-
нерах дрібними чи повагонними відправками.
Під час транспортування виробів на пласких піддо-
нах вимоги до транспортування повинні відповідати
ГОСТ 26663, або ГОСТ 19848 – в разі завстосування
ящикових піддонів.
Способи і засоби кріплення, схеми рзміщення упко-
ваних виробів (кількість ярусів, рядів) у транспортних
засобах зазначені на упаковці.
Вироби повинні зберігатися у опалювальних складских
приміщеннях при температурі +5°С – +40°С. Умови
зберігання повинні видповідати – 1(Л) ГОСТ 15150.
Умови складування виробів зазначені у технічних
Імпортер/виробник не відповідає за можливі збитки, що виникли
внаслідок використання обладнання не за його призначенням
або його неналежного обслуговування.
Імпортер/виробник застерігає собі право модифікувати виріб
у будь-який момент, без попереднього повідомлення, для при-
стосування до правових положень, стандартів, директив або
у зв’язку з конструкційним, тоговельним, естетичним та
іншими причинами.
44 SC1002-002_v01

Dear Customers!
Congratulations on your choice of our appliance, and
Not observance can result in damage to
welcome among the users of Zelmer products.
In order to achieve best possible results we recommend
using exclusively original Zelmer accessories. They have
Plug the food steamer only to a grounded 230 V
been specially designed for this product.
electrical outlet of a voltage in accordance with the
Please read these instructions carefully. Pay special attention
voltage provided on the rating label.
to important safety instructions in order to prevent accidents
Always place the appliance on a at and even surface.
and/or avoid damage. Keep this User’s Guide for future
Do not unplug by pulling on cord.
Make sure the cord does not hang over the table or
counter and does not touch any hot surface.
Important safety instructions
Allow the appliance to cool before dissembling.
Operating the food steamer with an insufcient amount
WARNING: Observe the following rules in order to
of water (below the Min level) may result in overheating
avoid danger of burns, electrocution or re.
of the appliance’s heating elements and lead to its
Do not wash the appliance under running water. Do
Danger! / Warning!
not immerse the heating assembly in water.
Health hazard
Do not use abrasive detergents such as emulsions,
cream cleaners, polishes, etc. to clean the heating
Unplug the food steamer when not in use and before
assembly housing. They may remove the graphic
information symbols such as: as scales, marks,
Never operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or if
warning signs etc.
the housing of the heating assembly is visibly damaged.
Do not place the appliance on hot gas or electric rings,
If the non-detachable part of the cord is damaged,
in microwave ovens, in hot ovens or directly under
it should be replaced by the producer or at a proper
service point or by a qualied person in order to avoid
The appliance is not intended to be operated by
any hazards.
means of an external timer or separate remote-control
The appliance can only be repaired by qualied service
personnel. Improper servicing may cause a serious
Make sure you have understood the above
hazard to the user. In case of defects please contact
a qualied service center.
Extreme caution must be used when moving an
appliance containing hot food, water or other hot liquids.
Avoid reaching over the steamer while operating.
Information on the product and suggestions
Carefully lift and remove lid in order to avoid burns.
for its use
Allow water to drip into steamer.
Do not touch hot surfaces. Always use pot holders
Please read these instructions for use completely
when handling hot materials.
before using the food steamer.
Do not place hands, face or other parts of the body
The food steamer is intended for household use only.
over the appliance, as it generates steam. Slowly lift
The warranty conditions change if the appliance is
the lid. Use utensils with long handgrips to check the
used for commercial purposes.
Make sure the water level is always between Min and
Do not operate the food steamer in the presence of
Max. This will ensure a proper cooking process.
ammable and/or explosive fumes.
The use of accessory attachments not recommended
Technical parameters
by the appliance manufacturer may cause injuries.
This appliance can be used by children aged from
The technical parameters are indicated on the rating label.
8 years and above and persons with reduced physical,
The food steamer is a class I appliance equipped with a cord
sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience
having a grounding wire and a grounding plug.
and knowledge if they have been given supervision or
The food steamer fullls the requirements of the existing norms.
instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe
The appliance is in conformity with the requirements of the
way and understand the hazards involved. Children
shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user
Low voltage appliance (LVD) – 2006/95/EC. –
maintenance shall not be made by children unless they
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – 2004/108/EC. –
are aged from 8 years and above and supervised.
The appliance was marked by the CE sign on the rating label.

46 SC1002-002_v01
Description of the Device (Fig. A)
Volume of containers:
Top steam bowl – 3.4 l
Middle steam bowl – 2.6 l
Bowl for preparing soups, boiling rice, and groats
Bottom steam bowl – 2.5 l
Top steam bowl (marked by the number “3” on the
carrying handles)
The products for steam cooking should be
cleaned, and placed freely in the sieves of steam
Detachable bottom of the top steam bowl
bowls, in such a way that they do not clog up
Middle steam bowl (marked by the number “2” on the
the airow in the sieves of steam bowls.
carrying handles)
Detachable bottom of the middle steam bowl
Do not add any salt, pepper, spices, herbs, wine
Bottom steam bowl (marked by the number “1” on the
or broth into the water container apart from tap
carrying handles)
Dripping tray
Place the bowl(s) on the water container (13).
Space for herbs and spices
The steam cooker may use 1, 2 or 3 steam bowls depending
Steam diffuser
on the number of products used for steam cooking.
Water inlet with Min-Max indicator
The steam bowls (3), (5), (7) may be attached as shown on
Timer dial (60 minutes) with power indicator
the gure in the Device Construction chapter (while using
Water container
two bowls remove the top steam bowl (3); while using one
bowl remove the top steam bowl (3) and the middle steam
bowl (5)).
Preparing the food steamer for operation
The steam cooker may be used for cooking rice. Put the rice
Take the appliance and all accessories out of the
into the rice bowl, and pour the water into it according to the
ratios given in the Cooking Time Table, then place the rice
Remove all self-adhesive labels.
bowl into the steam bowl.
Wash all parts (apart from the water tank with heating
The steam cooker may also be used for boiling eggs. Place
unit) in warm water with wash-up liquid.
the eggs in the appropriate spaces available in the bottom
Rinse the a/m parts of steam cooker thoroughly and dry
steam bowl.
Cover the cooker with the lid.
Wipe the inner of the water tank with damp cloth.
Plug the power cord into the socket.
Set the desired time by means of the timer dial, and
Do not immerse the water tank in water.
according to the Cooking Time Table. Maximum time setting
is 60 minutes. As soon as the device is turned on, the blue
ring around the dial is lit. The steam starts escaping from the
Operating the Steam Cooker (Fig. B)
device ca. 50 seconds after turning the cooker on (when the
Place the device on a stable, even ground, away from
container is lled with water to the MAX level).
any items which could be damaged by hot steam, e.g. walls
or hanging cupboards.
If the needed cooking time is less than
3 minutes, rst turn the timer dial to above
Pour water directly into the water container (13) to a level
5 minutes, and only then back up to the needed
indicated by the MIN-MAX indicator (without exceeding the
time value.
maximum level of 1.1 l). In order to replenish the amount of
water during cooking, pour it through the water inlet.
Do not touch the steam bowls, nor the lid or
Place the dripping tray (8) on the water container (13),
the products inside the bowls while using the
and make sure it is secured (lays at).
steam cooker, or burns may result.
The dripping tray (8) has a space for herbs and spices (9),
where you may put fresh or dried spices to make your food
While it is working the cooker indicates its water level on
healthier and tastier. Thyme, coriander, basil, dill, curry, and
the indicator. You may add some water, if necessary.
tarragon, as well as garlic, caraway or horseradish are only
a few examples of spices enhancing the aroma of a dish so
If the water falls below the MIN level, add water
much, the addition of salt is unnecessary.
by means of the water inlet.
The dripping tray (8) may also be used without placing any
When the set time ends, you will hear a singular sound
spices on it.
going off, and after that, the cooker turns off. The power
Place products into the bowls. We recommend you to put
indicator goes off to indicate this.
the largest pieces requiring the longest time to prepare on
In order to end the cooking earlier, set the timer dial to
the bottom steam bowl (7).
the OFF position.

Do not put your hands into the cooker during the
The products placed in steam bowls
(3), (5), (7) should
cooking process. To check the progress or stir the
not be squeezed. Keep space between the products to
products use a kitchen utensil with a long handle.
maximize steam ow.
When cooking large quantities of products half way
After nishing work unplug the power cord into the socket.
through the process take the lid (1) off, and stir the food
By using the handles remove the lid, and then remove all
or turn it over with a kitchen utensil with a long handle,
the bowls from the water container.
protecting your hands against steam by means of oven
When removing the steam bowls, always use
Salt and spices should be added to the dish only after the
oven gloves.
cooking process is over, after taking the food out of the
cooker. This will protect the immersion heater situated in
After nishing work do not lean over the
the water container (13) from damaging.
cooker, when the lid is off, or burns may result.
The liquid gathered in the dripping tray
(8) can be saved
and used to make soups or sauces.
While removing the dripping tray (8) remain
extra careful, as the water in the water container
Do not prepare frozen meat, poultry, and seafood in the
steam cooker. You should thoroughly defreeze them rst.
(13), and the liquid gathered in the dripping tray
may be still hot in spite of other parts of the
The bowl for preparing soups, boiling rice, and grates
cooker being already cool.
(2) is also an excellent container for fruits, vegetables,
desserts, snacks, etc.
Adding water during cooking
The steam bowls
(3) and (5) are equipped with
While preparing food that needs longer time to cook:
detachable bottoms, letting you put larger portions of
food, which would not t into a single bowl.
Check water level.
If the water falls below the Min level, add water by means
Cooking time table
of the water inlet.
The cooking times indicated in the tables and
Useful advice
recipes are approximate. The cooking time may
Food prepared in the top steam bowl
(3) may need more
vary depending on the size of the portion, its
time to be cooked due to a lower temperature of steam in
arrangement in the steaming bowl, the food’s
comparison to the top bowl.
freshness and individual preferences. You can
We recommend you to have your products of similar size.
change the cooking times after familiarizing
If the portions of food are different in size, it is necessary
yourself with the appliance.
to place them in layers with smaller pieces on top.
Cook green leaf vegetables for as short as possible, as they quickly lose color.
Do not defrost frozen vegetables before cooking.
Vegetable Type
of pieces
Suggested spices Cooking time [min.] Tips
Artichokes Fresh 3 medium Garlic, Tarragon, Dill 45-50
Asparagus Fresh/Frozen (green) 400 g
Lemon balm, Bay
Crisscross the stalks
leaves, Thyme
to make it easier for
the steam to inltrate.
Broccoli Fresh/Frozen 400 g
Garlic, Crushed
pepper, Tarragon
Sliced carrots Fresh 400 g Anise, Mint, Dill 20-22
Stir in the middle of
the cooking time.
Cauliower Fresh/Frozen 400 g
Rosemary, Basil,
Stir in the middle of
the cooking time.
Spinach Fresh/Frozen 250 g
Chervil, Thyme,
Stir in the middle of
the cooking time.
Beans Fresh 400 g
Caraway, Dill seeds,
Stir in the middle of
the cooking time.
400 g Basil, Marjoram, Mint 10-12/15-18
Stir in the middle of
the cooking time.
Potatoes (halves) Fresh 400 g Chervil, Chives, Dill 20-22

48 SC1002-002_v01
Meat and poultry
Steam cooking has the advantage that all of the fat drips out of the meat. The cooking temperature is not too high,
therefore choose soft, lean meat and trim fat from meat.
Add fresh herbs during cooking to give the dish a stronger aroma.
Product Type
Weight/number of
Suggested spices Cooking time [min.] Tips
Boneless let
250 g (4 pieces)
Curry, Rosemary,
roast meat
450 g
Carefully trim fat.
Sirloin, loin, steaks or
400 g
Curry, Lemon balm,
pork chops
4 (pieces)
5-10 Carefully trim fat.
Rump steaks, sirloin
steaks or steaks
250 g
Curry, Paprika,
8-10 Carefully trim fat.
Fish and seafood
Frozen sh can be cooked without the need of defrosting if they are divided before cooking and the cooking time is
Add lemon pieces during cooking to strengthen the aroma of the dish.
Product Type
Weight/number of
Suggested spices Cooking time [min.]
Crustacean Fresh 400 g Marjoram, Lemon balm 8-10
Shrimps Fresh 400 g Lemon balm, Garlic 6
Clams Fresh 400 g Lemon balm, Garlic 8-10
Lobster (tail) Frozen 2 pieces 400 g each Horseradish, Garlic 20-22
Fish lets Fresh/Frozen 250 g Mustard seed, Allspice 6-8/10-12
Use the rice bowl (2). Pour a sufcient amount of water with the rice.
Product Type
Amount/Amount of
Cooking time [min.] Tips
Rice White 200 g/300 ml 35-40 Two servings
Cleaning and maintenance (Fig. C)
Do not use running water to clean the water
container housing the heating unit. Also, do
Before starting cleaning make sure the timer dial is in the
not immerse it in water.
OFF position, and the cooker is unplugged from the power
Do not use harsh detergents in lotions, creams, polishes,
etc. to clean the casing of the heating unit. They may remove
The cooker may only be cleaned if it has cooled
the information markings, such as scales, symbols, warning
signs, etc., from its surface.
Remove the steam bowls, the dripping tray, and empty
Removing limescale from the water container
them; pour the water out of the water container, and wipe it
clean with a wet cloth.
After 2-3 months of constant using, limescale may gather
inside of the water container with the heating unit (13).
Wash all the parts of the cooker (apart from the water
It is nothing out of the ordinary. The amount of limescale
container housing the heating unit) with warm water with an
depends on the water hardness. It is necessary to remove
addition of washing liquid.
the limescale regularly in order to provide a constant amount
All the above elements of the steam cooker may also be
of produced steam, and prolong the life of the cooker.
washed on the top shelf of a washing machine in a short
Fill the water container
(13) with white (not dark) vinegar
washing program. However, by constantly using the washing
up to the MAX level.
machine to clean the parts may lead to reducing their polish,
and dulling their surface.
Do not use chemical agents to remove
limestone or any other products for descaling
Wipe each element dry.
available on the market.